Federal Identifier for the National Library of Canada Government of Canada


Information for Publishers

Networked Electronic Publications Policy and Guidelines
This document deals with identifying, locating, acquiring, storing and preserving networked electronic publications.

Collection Management Policy of the National Library of Canada: A Summary
This document is intended to provide specific, integrated strategies, priorities and policies for developing, accessing and maintaining the Library's collections. The Networked Electronic Publications Policy and Guidelines makes several references to this document.

Electronic Publishing: Guide to Best Practices for Canadian Publishers
This site presents the National Library of Canada's Best Practices Manual for online publishing.

Information on Copyright in Canada
This section of the Publishers' Window on the Government of Canada site provides information on various topics of which are included Legislation and regulations, News releases, Copyright organizations.

Consultation on Online Publications
This site contains documents from the Consultation held in January 2000, background information on legal deposit in Canada and on the status of the management of online publications in various countries.

Information for Electronic and Multimedia Publishers in Canada
This section of the Publishers' Window on the Government of Canada site provides information on various topics of which are included ISBN, ISSN, How to register an Internet address.

For federal departments and agencies

Government of Canada Internet Guide
This Guide is divided into four main parts: Getting started for developing a Web initiative, Implementation of your Web initiative, Evaluation of your Web initiative, Maintenance of your Web initiative.

Information Management Forum
The "Products" section contains various documents including An Approach to Managing Internet and Intranet for Long Term Access and Accountability, and Managing Internet and Intranet Information for Long Term Access and Accountability - Implementation Guide.

Communications Policy of the Government of Canada
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that communications across the Government of Canada are well co-ordinated, effectively managed and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. More specifically, section 27, "Publishing", deals with information materials produced by departments and the need for them to provide copies to the NLC.

Crown Copyright
The "Crown Copyright" section of the Canadian Government Publishing Website informs on copyright related to any work that has been prepared or published by or under the direction of any Canadian government department. Also available, information on copyright on the Internet, licensing agreement, duration of copyright.

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 2003-02-04).