The Claude Champagne Virtual Exhibition
This site was developed by the National Library of Canada which is the official repository of the archives of the composer Claude Champagne.
 | To go to the preceding page in the exhibition, click on the Back Icon. |
 | To return to this Introductory page at any time, click on the Home Icon. |
 | To go to the Table of Contents page, click on the Index Icon. |
 | To go to the following page in the exhibition, click on the Next Icon. |
 | Listen to an excerpt of music. |
Every Page of the Claude Champagne Virtual Exhibition is linked to the Introductory and Table of Contents pages. Use these as jump points to explore the entire site.
We wish to thank Dr. Timothy Maloney, Maureen Nevins, Jeannine Barriault, Gilles St-Laurent, Margo Wiper and Line Parent. Digital manipulation and coding by Daniel Theaker.