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Guardians of the NorthSuperhero ProfilesCreator Biographies
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Geoffrey Stirling (Captain Canada 2)

Geoffrey Stirling was born in St. John's, Newfoundland, in 1922 and was educated in England, Newfoundland and the United States. A long-time broadcasting and advertising executive, he has founded and operated a number of major media ventures, including the NTV television network, the OZ-FM radio network, and St. John's Sunday Herald, a weekly newspaper. He has also been active as a freelance writer and filmmaker.
In 1979, Geoffrey Stirling and his son, Scott Stirling (also a media executive), launched the "Captain Newfoundland" comic strip in the Sunday Herald. Among the many heroes showcased in the strip (drawn by the artist Dan Bulanadi and scripted by the Stirlings), was the national superhero Captain Canada. Captain Canada also appeared at a later date in a graphic album and in several animated TV programmes. Geoffrey Stirling has also had a Captain Canada costume designed and has hired actors to appear in person as the character in Newfoundland, Ontario and Arizona.


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