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Osborne, Ken, University of Manitoba


Abella, Irving
Adelman, Jeremy, University of Essex
Akenson, D. H.
Akers, David, Queensland University of Technology
Akers, Peter
Anastakis, Dimitry, University of Toronto
Andrew, D. T., University of Guelph
Archer, Keith, University of Calgary
Ashwin, Sarah, London School of Economics
Axelrod, Paul, York University
Azoulay, Dan, McMaster University


Babcock, Robert H., University of Maine, Orono
Babcock, Robert H., University of Maine
Baillargeon, Denyse, Carleton University
Bakan, Abigail B., Queen's University
Baker, William M., University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alta
Baker, William M., University of Lethbridge
Baker, William M., University of Lethbrigde
Baldwin, Doug, University of Guelph
Barman, Jean, University of British Columbia
Barrett, Jim
Baskerville, Peter, University of Victoria
Bassler, Gerhard P., Memorial University, St John's, Newfoundland
Battye, John, St. Mary's University

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