Canada's Digital Collections A Cultural Journey Back In Time York Factory Cree Nation A Cultural Journey Back In Time
York Factory circa 1950York Factory Cree Nation
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Chief Roy Redhead


Welcome to the York Factory Cree Nation website, A Cultural Journey Back In Time.

Thank you for taking an interest in the York Factory Cree Nation, also known as York Landing. Please take a look at all the sections within the website, as they give in great detail who we are as a people.

I would like to thank all the parties involved in the creation of the website, including Industry Canada's Canadian Digital Collections team, and all the community members who put in the time and effort to acquire needed information. Thank you to all the people such as the elders who made time for the interviews, the translator who translated the interviews from Cree into English, and the guide who helped the visiting members of the CDC team obtain needed material.

Please feel free to leave your comments in our Feedback section of the website. Once again thank you, come back and visit anytime.

Respectfully Yours,
Chief Roy Redhead
York Factory Cree Nation
York Factory, Manitoba