[Soldiers on the back of a truck]

Canadian Veterans Recollect

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Welcome to Canadian Veterans Remember. Constructed under the auspices of Industry Canada, this site was developed by a Development Team of students, for students. You may also access this site via the Veterans Affairs Web site.

This project was developed to pay tribute to all the courageous veterans who fought for Canada in the First World War. We wanted to give people all around the world access to information on Canada's First World War veterans - information that history books cannot adequately provide. This project will be of great benefit to other students like ourselves. It allows students to read, see, and listen to the history of the First World War. Hopefully this will help students with projects and make learning more interesting. It is important to recognize that without these brave men Canada would not be the same as it is today.

With its focus on excerpts from interviews with First World War veterans you will learn about the war from those who actually fought it. These veterans endured many hardships to ensure our freedom. By listening to their recollections and personal experiences, we can gain a unique perspective on the realities of war.


[Maple Leaf]Veterans Recollect[Real Audio Interviews]
[Maple Leaf]For Valour
Maple Leaf]Glossary
[Maple Leaf]Project Overview
[Maple Leaf] Sources
[Maple Leaf] Français

[Schoolnet Leaf]This site has been produced under contract with Industry Canada.

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