Indian Claims Commission Proceedings
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ICC PROCEEDINGS Volume 1 ICCP 1 [1994] Mandate of the Commission. Reports: Cold Lake and Canoe Lake (Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range) Inquiries. Interim Ruling: Athabasca Denesuline Treaty Harvesting Rights Inquiry. Related Materials on Specific Claims: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada / Outstanding Business: A Native Claims Policy – Specific Claims. Chiefs Committee on Claims / First Nations Submission on Claims, December 14, 1990 – Response, March 21, 1991. Volume 2 ICCP 2 [1995] Special Issue on Land Claims Reform. Indian Claims Commission, A Fair and Equitable Process: A Discussion Paper on Land Claim Reform. Arthur Durocher, Land Claims Reform. Mary Ellen Turpel, A Fair, Expeditious, and Fully Accountable Land Claims Process. Neutral Draft of Recommendations / Joint Working Group of the Federal Government and the Assembly of First Nations, June 25, 1993. Indian Commission of Ontario / Discussion Paper Regarding First Nation Land Claims, September 24, 1990. Volume 3 ICCP 3 [1995] Reports: Athabasca Denesuline Inquiry Claim of the Fond du Lac, Black Lake and Hatchet Lake First Nations . Lax Kw'alaams Indian Band Inquiry, Claim of the Lax Kw'alaams Indian Band. Young Chipeewayan Inquiry, Claim Regarding Stoney Knoll Indian Reserve No. 107. Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Inquiry, Claim to Horse Island. Chippewas of the Thames Inquiry, Muncey Land Claim. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Cold Lake and Canoe Lake (Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range) Inquiry, the Young Chipeewayan Inquiry, the Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Inquiry and the Chippewas of the Thames Inquiry. Volume 4 ICCP 4 [1996] Reports: Sumas Inquiry, Indian Reserve No. 6 Railway Right of Way Claim. Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range II, Joseph Bighead Inquiry / Buffalo River Inquiry / Waterhen Lake Inquiry / Flying Dust Inquiry. Homalco Indian Band, Aupe Indian Reserves No. 6 & 6A Inquiry. Athabasca Denesuline Special Report on the Treaty Harvesting Rights of the Fond du Lac, Black Lake and Hatchet Lake First Nations. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Athabasca Denesuline Special Report and Sumas Inquiry. Volume 5 ICCP 5 [1996] Special Issue on Treaty Land Entitlement. Reports: Fort McKay First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Kawacatoose First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Related Material: Donna Gordon, Treaty Land Entitlement: A History. Responses: Canada's Response to the Fort McKay First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry.
Volume 6 ICCP 6 [1998] Reports: Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry (Mediation). Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Lucky Man Cree Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Mikisew Cree First Nation Inquiry. Fishing Lake First Nation, 1907 Surrender Inquiry.
Volume 7 ICCP 7 [1998] Reports: ‘Namgis First Nation, Cormorant Island Claim Inquiry. Nak'azdli First Nation, Aht-Len-Jees Indian Reserve No. 5 Inquiry. ‘Namgis First Nation, McKenna-McBride Applications Claim Inquiry. Mamaleleqala Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Enox Band, McKenna-McBride Applications Inquiry. Volume 8 ICCP 8 [1998] Reports: Kahkewistahaw First Nation, 1907 Reserve Land Surrender Inquiry. Moosomin First Nation, 1909 Reserve Land Surrender Inquiry. Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, 1927 Surrender Inquiry. Sumas Indian Band, 1919 Surrender of Sumas Indian Reserve No. 7 Inquiry. Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Lucky Man Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry, Kahkewistahaw 1907 Reserve Land Surrender Inquiry, Moosomin 1909 Reserve Land Surrender Inquiry, Homalco Indian Band Inquiry and the Sumas Indian Band, 1919 Surrender of Indian Reserve 7 Inquiry. Volume 9 ICCP 9 [1998] Reports: Eel River Bar First Nation Inquiry, Eel River Dam Claim. Qu'Appelle Valley Indian Development Authority, Flooding Claim Inquiry; Muscowpetung First Nation / Sakimay First Nation / Pasqua First Nation / Cowessess First Nation / Standing Buffalo First Nation / Ochapowace First Nation. Volume 10 ICCP 10 [1998] Reports: Sturgeon Lake First Nation Inquiry, Red Deer Holdings Agricultural Lease Claim. Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry / Chippewas of Beausoleil First Nation / Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation / Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Collins Treaty Claim. Friends of the Michel Society Inquiry, 1958 Enfranchisement Claim. Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry, W.A.C. Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201 Claim. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Fort McKay First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry and the Kawacatoose First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Volume 11 ICCP 11 [1999] Reports: Gamblers First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry. Nekaneet First Nation, Agricultural and Other Benefits under Treaty 4 Inquiry. Moose Deer Point First Nation, Pottawatomi Rights Inquiry. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Gamblers First Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry and to the Qu'Appelle Valley Indian Development Authority Flooding Claim Inquiry; Muscowpetung First Nation / Sakimay First Nation / Pasqua First Nation / Cowessess First Nation / Standing Buffalo First Nation / Ochapowace First Nation. Volume 12 ICCP 12 [2000] Reports: Blood Tribe / Kainaiwa Inquiry, 1889 Akers Surrender. Duncan's First Nation Inquiry, 1928 Surrender. Long Plain First Nation Inquiry, Loss of Use. Bigstone Cree Nation Inquiry, Treaty Land Entitlement. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Mamaleleqala Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Enox Band, McKenna-McBride Applications Inquiry and to the ‘Namgis First Nation, McKenna-McBride Applications Inquiry.
Volume 13 ICCP 13 [2000] Reports: The Key First Nation Inquiry, 1909 Surrender. Walpole Island First Nation Inquiry, Boblo Island. Carry the Kettle First Nation Inquiry, Cypress Hills. Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Long Plain First Nation Inquiry, Loss of Use.
Volume 14 ICCP 14 [2001] Reports: Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Inquiry, Medical Aid Claim. Peguis First Nation Inquiry, Treaty Land Entitlement Claim. Cowessess First Nation Inquiry, 1907 Surrender Claim. Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Moose Deer Point First Nation, Pottawatomi Rights Inquiry, to the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry, W.A.C. Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve No. 201 Claim, to the ‘Namgis First Nation, Cormorant Island Inquiry and to the Duncan's First Nation, 1928 Surrender Inquiry.
Volume 15
ICCP 15 [2002] Reports: Esketemc First Nation Inquiry, Indian Reserves 15, 17, and 18 Claim. Fishing Lake First Nation, 1907 Surrender Claim (Mediation). Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Inquiry, Clench Defalcation Claim. Mistawasis First Nation Inquiry, 1911, 1917, and 1919 Surrenders. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Carry the Kettle First Nation Cypress Hills Inquiry, to the Cowessess First Nation 1907 Surrender Claim Inquiry, and to the Flying Dust First Nation, Waterhen Lake First Nation, Buffalo River Dene Nation, Big Island Lake (Joseph Bighead) Cree Nation re the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range (PLAWR) II Inquiries.
Volume 16 - PDF  ICCP 16 [2003] Special Issue on Interim Rulings-Ruling on Government of Canada Objections: Athabasca Denesuline Inquiry. Lac La Ronge Indian Band Inquiries. Mikisew Cree First Nation Inquiry. Walpole Island First Nation Inquiry. Sandy Bay First Nation Inquiry. James Smith Cree Nation Inquiries. Alexis First Nation Inquiry. Kluane First Nation Inquiry. Peepeekisis First Nation Inquiry. Rulings on First Nation Objections: Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Inquiry. James Smith Cree Nation Inquiry.
Volume 17 ICCP 17 [2004] Reports: Kahkewistahaw First Nation, 1907 Surrender Claim (Mediation). Alexis First Nation Inquiry, TransAlta Utilities Rights of Way Claim. Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry /Beausoleil First Nation /Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation /Chippewas of Mnjikaning (Rama) First Nation, Coldwater-Narrows Reservation Surrender Claim. Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Inquiry, Toronto Purchase Claim. Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Inquiry, Turtle Mountain Surrender Claim. Responses: Responses of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Lax Kw'alaams Indian Band Inquiry, to the Friends of the Michel Society 1958 Enfranchisement Inquiry, and to the Roseau River Anishabe First Nation Medical Aid Inquiry. Volume 18 - PDF  ICCP 18 [2007] Reports: Standing Buffalo Dakota NationFlooding Negotiations (Mediation). Lac La Ronge Indian Band Inquiries. Peepeekisis First Nation InquiryFile Hills Colony Claim. Moosomin First Nation1909 Reserve Land Surrender (Mediation). Thunderchild First Nation1908 Surrender Claim (Mediation). Betsiamites BandHighway 138 and Rivière Betsiamites Bridge Inquiries. Responses: Re: Friends of the Michel Society 1958 Enfranchisement ClaimRobert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development,to Phil Fontaine, Indian Claims Commission,October 2, 2002
Volume 19 - PDF  ICCP 19 [2008] Special Issue on Report Summaries up to March 2006 Volume 20- PDF ICCP 20 [2008] Reports: James Smith Cree Nation IR 100A Inquiry, Cumberland House Cree Nation IR 100A Inquiry, James Smith Cree Nation Chakastaypasin IR 98 Inquiry, James Smith Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry-Report on Issue 9-Amalgamation, James Smith Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry Volume 21- PDF ICCP 21 [2009] Reports: Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa Akers Surrender (Mediation), Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Clench Defalcation (Mediation), Keeseekoowenin First Nation 1906 Land Claim (Mediation), Touchwood Agency Mismanagement (1920-24) Claim (Mediation), Qu’Appelle Valley Indian Development Authority Flooding Claim (Mediation), Taku River Tlingit First Nation Wenah Specific Claim Inquiry, Blueberry River First Nation & Doig River First Nation Highway Right of Way IR 172 Inquiry, Williams Lake First Nation Village Site Inquiry, Cowessess First Nation 1907 Surrender Phase II Inquiry, Kluane First Nation Kluane National Park and Kluane Game Sanctuary Inquiry Responses: Responses from Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Cowessess First Nation 1907 Surrender Phase II Inquiry report, and to the Williams Lake First Nation Village Site Inquiry report Volume 22- PDF ICCP 22 [2009] Reports:Sakimay First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry, Opaskwayak Cree Nation Streets and Lanes Inquiry, Paul First Nation Kapasiwin Townsite Inquiry,Blood Tribe / Kainaiwa Big Claim Inquiry,Saulteau First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement and Lands in Severalty Inquiry,Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry Report Volume 23- PDF ICCP 23 [2009] Reports: Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation 1903 Surrender Inquiry, Lower Similkameen Indian Band Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway Right of Way Inquiry,Fort Pelly Agency Pelly Haylands Claim (Mediation), Lucky Man Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Phase II Inquiry, Muskoday First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation Hosford Lot and Indian Reserve 7 (Mediation), George Gordon First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Sturgeon Lake First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Esketemc First Nation Wright’s Meadow Pre-emption Inquiry Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation1903 Surrender Inquiry Report Volume 24- PDF ICCP 24 [2009] Reports:Carry the Kettle First Nation 1905 Surrender Inquiry, Neskonlith, Adams Lake and Little Shuswap Indian Bands Neskonlith Douglas Reserve Inquiry, Nadleh Whut'en First Nation Lejac School Inquiry, Sturgeon Lake First Nation 1913 Surrender Inquiry, Red Earth and Shoal Lake Cree Nations Quality of Reserve Lands Inquiry, Muskowekwan First Nation 1910 and 1920 Surrender Inquiry, Michipicoten First Nation Pilot Project (Mediation) Responses: Response of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Paul First Nation - Kapasiwin Townsite Inquiry Report |