Where The Book Can be Seen

Copies of the book are in the rare book collections of several universities including The University of Alberta, The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, Concordia University, and McGill University.One would have to make special arrangements to see the book at these locations.

Certain libaries have framed the pages of a copy of the book and placed them on walls in permanent exhibition as an inspiration to students. A framed copy of the book is on permanent exhibition at Bishop's University, Brock University, Carleton University, and Dawson College.

In 1991 Sally Todd Nelson of the English Department of Dawson College wrote the following about the permanent exhibition at Dawson :

"At Dawson, we have created an art gallery in the long hallway outside our library, with The Lines of the Poet making up the permanent exhibit on one of the walls, and the opposite wall being used for special or travelling exhibits.

The framed pages attract a great deal of interest from visitors and guests of the college. At Open House, at provincial, national and international conferences held at the college, and during concerts and theatre programs, the exhibit is always sought out and enjoyed. However, the most important audience is that of our students, many of whom are only now learning to enjoy literature and art. As I pass through the gallery hallway, I see almost always, a student standing and looking at a poet's face and then reading the poem. It is clearly an educational factor of real importance and part of our academic environment. As it is by the entrance to the library, it makes an appropriate statement as to the importance of the word and language to our students. I can see students becoming interested in poetry as they pause and read several of the poems. I knew that the framed copy of the book would be an addition to the college of great aesthetic value, but it has worked in attracting students to poetry, language and art to a greater extent than anticipated. "

Copies of the book occasionally come on the market. Anyone interested in buying or selling a copy of the book or donating a copy to a learning institution should get in touch with John Brinckman, by telephone at 416 975 0433, by e-mail at <canarywharf@look.ca>, or with David Mason at David Mason Books, 342 Queen Street West, Toronto M5V 2A2.'