
The information contained in this report has been collected from a number of different sources. Without the assistance of the following people, it would have been impossible to gain access to the complex and sometimes confounding database of site lists, artifact catalogues and manuscript records that provided the information presented here.

Thanks to: Cathy Gray - Ontario Ministry of Culture and Communication; Phill Wright and Kathy McAinsh - Ontario Ministry of Culture and Conununication, Marine Heritage Branch; Lucie Johanis - Archaeological Survey of Canada (A.S.C.), National Site Inventory; Jean Langdon-Ford, Stacey Girling and Bob Pammett - A.S.C. Collections Management; Geneviève Eustache and Sarah Prower - A.S.C. Archives; Michael Newton - Historian, National Capital Commission.

Thanks are also due to the Ottawa Chapter members, Peggi Armstrong and Ishtar Luesby, who photographed the artifacts and Rachel Perkins who put together a master artifact and slide catalogue. The map of the Ottawa-Carleton region was kindly made available by Steve Perkins.

Thanks are also due to: the Ottawa Chapter Executive of the Ontario Archaeological Society, for sponsoring and supporting the original grant application.

Thanks are especially due to Geneviève Eustache, whose idea first "started the ball rolling".

This page was launched April 8, 1997 and last updated January 17, 1998.

All right reserved © 1997, 1998 The Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society.