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Soldiers' Quarters | Officers' Quarters

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Straw Matress (48Kb)Each room is 18 by 36 feet and housed a maximum of 19 men. Since space was so cramped, every measure was taken to maximize it, such as folding beds. This was where the men slept, ate their meals and relaxed off duty.

Each man was issued with a bed, a straw mattress, a blanket and sheets, and a barrack box. While a soldier's uniform and accouterments would be placed about his bunk, his personal possessions would have to be placed in the box. A table and wood benches, wood stove and fuel box completed the necessary issue. Inspections were made every morning.

Although cleanliness was stressed, the conditions in the barracks were poor (see living conditions).

View a QuickTime VR movie of a soldiers barracks.

Soldiers Black Box (14kb)

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