Commemorative medals are struck from time to time to mark im portant anniversaries and other great occasions. In keeping with that tradition,

Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee Medal was created in 1977 to commemorate the twenty-fif th anniversary of Her Majesty's reign as Queen of Canada. The Medal was awarded to recipients in recognition of their worthy and devoted service in their various walks of life, and reflected the esteem in which they were held by their associates.

In order to have a list of recipients that was representative of all regions of Canada, agencies of the three levels of government were invited to propose the names of candidates for the Medal, as were national professional, educational and cultural organiza tions, military and protective services, veterans' groups, sports associations, and philanthropic and charitable bodies. Approximately thirty thousand medals were distributed and a nominal role of all recipients was tabled in the House of Commons on Marc h 16, 1978.

The sterling silver Medal, produced by the Royal Canadian Mint, carries an effigy of The Queen on the obverse. The reverse features a design by the distinguished Canadian medallist Dora de Pedery-Hunt -- a stylized maple leaf with CANADA across the top and, at the bottom, the years 1952 and 1977 on the left and right of the Royal Cipher and Crown. The Medal is worn suspended from a white ribbon with a blue stripe on either side of a central red stripe.

Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Ju bilee Medal is part of the Canadian Honours System established in 1967.

(January 1995)