Medals recognize general service and are often presented to those who participate with distinction, to commemorate special occasions and anniversaries; they may also be awarded for long-term good conduct and exemplary service. They are divided into the following categories: war medals, the special service medal, commemorative medals, long service and good conduct medals, exemplary service medals and other medals.

The War Medals

The Canadian Korea Medal is awarded to military personnel who served in the Korean theatre of operations between 2 July 1950 and 27 July 1953.

Canadian Korea Medal

The Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea was approved in 1991. It is awarded to military personnel who volunteered and served in the Korean theatre of operations between 27 June 1950 and 27 July 1954.

Volunteer Service Medal
for Korea

The Gulf and Kuwait Medal was awarded to military personnel and civilians attached to the Canadian Forces who served in the Gulf war theatre of operations between 2 August 1990 and 3 March 1991. Those who served between 16 January 1991 and 3 March 1991 (the war period) wear a bar on their ribbon.

Gulf and Kuwait Medal

The United Nations Medal

United Nations Medal

The Special Service Medal

The Special Service Medal was created in 1984 to recognize service under abnormally difficult conditions for an extended period. The medal is always given with a bar on which is engraved the nature of the special service: Pakistan (1989-90); NATO/OTAN; Alert; Peace/Paix, and Humanitas . This medal may not be awarded along with another medal recognizing the same service, such as a United Nations medal.

The Special Service Medal

The Commemorative Medals

The Canadian Centennial Medal (1967)

Canadian Centennial Medal

Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee Medal

Queen Elizabeth II's
Silver Jubilee Medal

The 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal (1992)

125th Anniversary
of the
Confederation of Canada Medal

The Long Service and Good Conduct Medals

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Long Service Medal , awarded for twenty years of service and good conduct, was created in 1934. A bar, to be worn on the ribbon of the medal, is also awarded for each additional five years of such good service.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Long Service Medal

The Canadian Forces Decoration was created in 1949. It is awarded for twelve years of service and good conduct. A bar to be worn on the ribbon of the medal is awarded for each additional ten years of such good service.

Canadian Forces Decoration

The Exemplary Service Medals

The Police Exemplary Service Medal (1983), the Corrections Exemplary Service Medal (1984), the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal (1985), the Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal (1991), and the Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal (1994) are awarded for twenty years of meritorious service and good conduct. A bar, to be worn on the ribbon of the medal, is awarded for each additional ten years of such good service.

The Exemplary Service Medals

Police Exemplary Service Medal

Corrections Exemplary Service Medal

Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal

Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal

Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal

Other Medals

The Queen's Medal for Champion Shot , which has been awarded in Canada since 1923, became a Canadian medal in 1991 under the authority of Her Majesty the Queen. Two medals are awarded annually, one to the best Regular Force sharpshooter and one to the best sharpshooter from the Reserve Force or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Queen's Medal
Champion Shot

The Governor General's Academic Medals.

The Governor General's
Academic Medals

The Governor General's Caring Canadian Award.

The Governor General's
Caring Canadian Award