Traditionally, countries have had their own valour decorations to recognize acts of bravery by their military personnel in time of war. By recommending the creation of Canadian military valour decorations, the Government has filled a void in the Canadian Honours System.

The decorations were approved by Queen Elizabeth II on February 2, 1993. They consist of the Victoria Cross, the Star of Military Valour and the Medal of Military Valour.

They are awarded by the Governor General on the advice of the Military Valour Advisory Committee. The Military Valour Decorations may be awarded to a member of the Canadian Forces or a member of an allied armed force that is serving with or in conjunction with the Canadian Forces, on or after January 1, 1993. They may be awarded posthumously.

The Victoria Cross (V.C.) was created by Queen Victoria in 1856 and was awarded to Canadians in all wars until 1945. The Canadian Victoria Cross retains the same design and the same awarding criteria as the British Victoria Cross. It is granted "for the most conspicuous bravery, a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty, in the presence of the enemy". The Cross is a bronze straight armed cross patté, 38 mm across with raised edges, suspended from a crimson ribbon 38 mm in width. The obverse has, in the middle of the cross, a lion guardant standing on the Royal Crown, with the Latin inscription "PRO VALORE". The date of the act for which the decoration is bestowed is engraved in a raised circle on the reverse. It is the highest in the order of precedence of Canadian honours.

The Star of Military Valour (S.M.V.) is awarded for distinguished and valiant service in the presence of the enemy. It consists of a gold star with four points with a maple leaf in each of the angles, on the obverse of which a gold maple leaf is superimposed in the centre of a sanguine field surrounded by a silver wreath of laurel and on the reverse of which the Royal Cipher and Crown and the inscription "PRO VALORE" appear. The Star is worn, suspended from a crimson ribbon with two white stripes 4 mm in width, immediately after any order and before the Star of Courage.

The Medal of Military Valour (M.M.V.) a is awarded for an act of valour or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy. It consists of a circular gold medal, on the obverse of which appear a maple leaf surrounded by a wreath of laurel, and on the reverse, the Royal Cipher and Crown and the inscription "PRO VALORE". The Medal is worn from a crimson ribbon with three white stripes 3 mm in width, immediately after the Meritorious Service Cross and before the Medal of Bravery.

(October 1993)