On February 8, 1995, in his Installation Address, the Governor General said: "If I am to be known for anything, I would like it to be for encouraging Canadians, for knowing a little bit about their daily, extraordinary courage, and for wanting that courage to be recognized." In November 1995, to complement the Canadian Honours System, His Excellency announced the establishment of a new award to honour Canadian caregivers and volunteers, both formal and informal - the unsung heroes of our country. The award is intended for an individual whose unpaid, voluntary contributions, behind-the-scenes, provide extraordinary help or care to families or groups in the community. Candidates should have served over a number of years and will normally not have been previously recognized by a national or provincial honour.

The Governor General's Caring Canadian Award consists of a certificate for framing and a lapel pin for everyday wear. Presentations will be made by the Governor General in communities across Canada as his travels permit or by a designate of His Excellency.

The nomination form is available from Government House, Canada Post corporate outlets, volunteer bureaux and centres and municipal governments. There is no deadline date for nominations and awards will be announced on an ongoing basis. Anyone may submit a nomination.

The symbol and name of the award were chosen from submissions from Canadians in a national contest which was held from November 1995 to January 1996. The award symbol represents Canadians who selflessly give of their time and energy to others. The maple leaf symbolizes the people of Canada and their spirit. The heart depicts the open-heartedness of volunteers and caregivers. The helping hand and heart support the maple leaf. The hand is outstretched to portray boundless generosity.

For further information contact the Chancellery at Government House in Ottawa (1-800-465 6890.)