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Alec Shea

Alec Shea James Alexander Shea (1903-1969) was born into a family known for its rich traditional musical heritage. Shea is best remembered for his observant, intelligent and fun-loving personality. At one time, he felt he had a calling to the priesthood, but this did not, however, materialize. Instead, he spent his life farming and fishing, delivering mail and also acting as a tailor's representative. Around 1930, Shea began composing his own lyrics based on traditional melodies. He wrote his own compositions rather than singing the old songs, from days-gone-by, that he learned from his father, another notable singer. The younger Shea started to draw attention when he wrote The Train Wreck song in February of 1932. 

Over the years, Shea was best known for his song writing, particularly his satirical song writing, that made fun of both local and national politicians, as well as individuals who lived in the community. Often, his song writing was done in good humor; indeed, it was often an honor to be immortalized in song by Alec Shea. Shea's musical legacy still stands proud as a monument to his own ability, as well as to the heritage of those he satirized. 


The worst P.E.I. did ever see
When freight Number two eleven
Was struck by Express fifty-three
'Twas Saturday night in mid-winter
A night that was stormy and drear
A freight en-route to Tignish
Rumbled on tho' danger was near
At last she got stalled in the cutting
Well into a thirteen foot bank
A mile and a half from the terminal
Some few hundred yards from the tank
Shovellers were called to relieve her
And bravely they strove in their fight
To release the stranded freight train;
At twelve-thirty they stopped for the night
Inside the small coach they crowded
Outside the storm did not abate,
They spoke of the regular express train
already several hours late.
The express with the two engines and snow plough
Came thundering on through the storm.
They stopped at the tank for water;
They proceeded but none thought of harm - 
And then with a crash that was deafening
She split the freight cars right in twain.
Amid all the debris and wreckage
Men's bodies were found beneath the train
The sorrowful scene that followed
Those at the wreck still do say
That they will never forget it
'Twill remain till their dying day.
A relief train was rushed to the rescue
With doctors and nurses and all
That could be done for the injured
Was done with all haste at the call. 
There were Richards and Gavin and Murphy,
three men were as brave as can be;
How quickly their journey was ended
O'er life's long dark stormy sea.
Frank Murray, conductor, was injured,
Harold Harper, brakeman, was too;
But brave Jimmy Hessian, the driver,
He died, the sole one of the crew.
Some friends were there with him
and these words he did utter in pain
"I'm going to a new home
where I'll never touch throttle again."
Many homes are now filled with sorrow
That once were happy and bright;
The train wreck brought death and disaster
On that stormy Saturday night.
This story is told of a train wreck,
A sight that was gruesome to see
Four dead, and a dozen injured-
But it seemed it just had to be.