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Burton Men Also See Flying Saucer
Transcribed from 'The Summerside Journal & The Pioneer'.
September 24, 1956

Further confirmation of the presence of an unidentified flying object over this area early Wednesday morning has come from two men from Burton in west prince.

UFO - by Janie Jones
UFO - by Janie Jones

Mr. Ivan Collicutt and Mr. Patrick O'Halloran were about to go out on a fishing trip at about 6:30 in the morning. It was just breaking day when they spotted fast moving lights in the sky. At first they though it was a particularly bright star, the speed at which it was traveling soon persuaded them that it was something else.

It was high in the sky and traveling west to east. At approximately the same time eight members of the RCAF saw a similar object from CFB Summerside and this report was carried in Thursday's Journal Pioneer. They were refueling an air craft and one of them described it as round and shiny and traveling at a terribly fast speed. It was seen by all members of the crew.