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Forerunner At Ellerslie
Folklore, Prince Edward Island
By: Sterling Ramsay

"The time when these strange things happened was in the summer of 1967 I think it was. Yes that was the time. We had just moved into our new farm at Ellerslie. My mother, who had been a widow for several years, came to spend a few weeks with us as she usually did each summer. Although she was seventy-two at the time, she was spry as she had always been and prided herself on the fact that she had never had a sick day of any account in her entire life.

I was late one night on the second week she was with us that she came to my bedroom to ask if I had knocked on her door. She heard three knocks but when she went to open the door and looked into the hall, there was nobody to be seen. The next morning we discovered that no one had been near her room and she was the only one to hear the knocking. We were certain that she had imagined the whole thing, but three nights later it happened again. This time I also heard what sounded like three knocks coming from down the hall. Again we could not discover who or what was responsible. The following week mother went home and I completely forgot what had gone on during her visit.

On the first evening after mother left I decided to retire early, but sometime during the night I was awakened by what sounded like a women's voice. The more I listened, the more it sounded like a women's voice. The more I listened the more it sounded like my mothers voice calling my name. I was unable to go to sleep so I went down to the kitchen and noticed that it was just about three o'clock. I put the whole thing down as some sort of strange dream and thought nothing more of it until the next morning when I received a call from the women who shared my mothers home.

She had been called to my mother's room at about quarter to three the previous night. Mother seemed deathly ill and a few minutes later she passed on. I knew then what it had all meant." 

This account ~ the women from Ellerslie ~ shows how forerunners usually deal with sounds; sounds that a person will recognize quite easily.