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Murder in the Manse
Footprints in the Sands of Time
By: The Alberton Historical Group

One autumn evening many years ago, while the weekly prayer meeting was being held in the Alberton Presbyterian Church, series of terrifying shrieks was heard. Several men near the door slipped out to see the cause as the cries again pierced the still night air. There were shouts for help, which were instantly silenced by two shots.

The commotion came from the manse, which at that time was close to the church. Since the congregation was awaiting the arrival of the new minister, there was no one living in the manse.

The man who went to investigate found the door securely looked but they were horrified as they peered through a window, with the aid of a lamp taken from the Church, to see a large pool of blood on the floor and evidence of what must have been a fierce struggle as much blood was splattered on the wall.

In a short time more men arrived with lanterns and armed with stout sticks, went to find the trouble. A trail of blood gave evidence that some object had been dragged up the stairs. On the landing the stains continued up the attic stairs. The prayer leader on arrival at the top looked back to those behind him with the admonition "Stand around men, there's a dead man here."

A wide board in the attic floor had been raised and a "body" shoved under. Evidently the murderer did not have time to hid it completely for the feet and legs were sticking out. Within a short time many people had crowded in for a first-hand look at the dastardly crime. All were waiting for the Doctor who was on a sick call. It was well after midnight when he arrived, taking over the task that everyone else had avoided, he gave a firm tug only to have the boats come off in his hands, leaving two sticks covered by the legs of a pair of pants that had been pulled over them.

The boats and pants were identified as belonging to a local farmer who was above suspicion. A few young gentlemen who grew up to highly respected citizens carried out the prank. The ringleader when asked later "where they got the blood?" Answered, "a few hens took care of that."