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Good Luck

Along with famous good luck charms like rabbits feet and horseshoes, there are personal good luck charms that many possess. There have been many stories of jocks and their lucky socks, fishermen with their lucky lures and cowboys with their lucky hats. People have lucky coins to scratch lottery tickets with, or lucky numbers to play Lotto 649 with. Charms provide people with a sense of excitement, for one never knows if they will work or not!

Partner to good luck charms, there are many good luck signs that make us feel lucky when they occur. Among the many collected here are a few to share:

When a crow is spotted on the road, honk at it. If it refuses to move from its spot, you will be granted good luck for the day. There once was a guy, called Bob, who loved birds. He was especially careful when driving, because so many crows and other birds perch on the pavement. Bob always beeped when he saw birds near the road, so they could get out of the way of his car. One day he was driving home from work when he noticed an unusually large crow standing on the pavement in front of him. Bob beeped his horn, but the crow would not move. Not wanting to run over the bird he stopped his car and beeped again. The crow seemed to look at him, give him a nod and then walk off of the street to let the Bob pass. He continued home but could not get the strange event out of his head. He was a great in superstition. He later stopped at the local drug store to buy his regular lottery ticket, and won $10,000. Some say it was a mere coincidence that Bob won that day, others attribute his luck to the crow in the street. Like the story of all superstitions we will never know for sure.

Duck your head when driving under a bridge, this action will bring you good luck.

See a penny, pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck! Everyone has heard this famous superstitious rhyme. Keep it in mind the next time you go for a walk down the street.

Crickets bring good luck. This is an ancient Chinese belief that these little noise- makers bring luck to their owner.

If you bang your elbow, rub the other one and you will get a surprise.

If your left hand itches, you will get money.

If the right hand itches, then you you will get a handshake.