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Jack O' Lantern
Collected by Janie Jones.

This story involves a group of playing children who were in a field at the time of this event. The location is not specified but it is in the area between Roseville and Miminegash. This story was told when Jack O' Lanterns were considered evil.

The kids were happily playing a game of evening tag, running after one another and getting nearer to the woods nearby. Suddenly, to their surprise, a great ball of fire came at them from the woods. They all screamed and started to run for their house. The ball chased them, gaining speed and size right to the door of their houses. Once inside, the children locked the door and would not open it. Screaming and clawing, the ball of fire stayed by the door for a long time. In the morning when the children awoke to the sun they bravely opened the door. They found a handprint and claw marks burned into the wood.