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James C. Pope

James C. Pope Although he was Premier when the Province joined Canada, James College Pope is not considered a "Father of Confederation".  In fact he was one of the strongest opposers of Confederation. He once said he would "raise his voice against Confederation unless we get a railway and fair consideration for future Public Works."  In an attempt to gain public favor from both pro and anti confederates, and also to show that the Island didn't need Confederation to have a railway, J.C. Pope started the construction of a railway. On the eve of the celebrations for the railway Joseph Pope (J.C. nephew) wrote in his diary: "I suppose Uncle James is the most popular man on the Island tonight."(Pg. 202, Canada's Smallest Province). It was to be ironic that almost a year later that same railway would make J.C. Pope one of the colonies most hated men. For it would be the huge debts the Island acquired from building that would eventually force them to join confederation. However, he was one of our first MPs, the first won by a bi-election and the first to run successfully in two different ridings.