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James Yeo

James YeoJames Yeo immigrated to the island from Kilkhampton, England in 1819. He had come to the island to work for Thomas Bernard a ship builder in the Lot 11 Port Hill area. By 1830 he had taken over from William Ellis and turned the Shipping industry in Port Hill into a successful venture, while at the same time building for him a vast empire.

He and his second wife Damaris ran the largest store in the Western End of the Island. It was said that he was one of the colonies richest men. Most of the members of the Lot 11 community often found themselves indebted to the Yeo's. This worked well for Yeo, for he had their loyalty when he needed it. He has been accused on more than one occasion of bullying voters, threatening eviction, and demands for repayment to those who lived on his lands. This was the inspiration for one of Larry Gorman's songs' "The Bully of Lot 11".

James Yeo's House
James Yeo's House in present day Port Hill

Yeo entered the political ring in 1839; he was elected as a conservative representative for First District Prince (Lots 1-14). Later he became a Councilor, and an Executive Councilor in the Island Legislature. During the course of his political life he entered a bitter rivalry with James Warburton a reform minded Liberal from Lot 11.