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What Happened To The Peddler?
From Carol Livingstone's collection.

As mentioned previously peddlers were important suppliers in the days before the local general store. They would visit house to house selling their wares. A story is told about an old peddler who would sell no more wares, but peddle the fears of night.

An old peddler was visiting the community one day, which was not uncommon. But it was significant enough to notice that he had gone into a certain house, and in compliance to the legend, never came out. So the story goes, he was never seen again.

Visitors to this home could never feel very comfortable as they continually saw or heard something. Rumor went through the community that the old peddler had been murdered and buried in the cellar. Some visitors heard digging sounds from down below. Others have heard doors slam, footsteps pounding on the stairs, and a whole host of strange noises. 

Often overnight visitors would see doorknobs turn, and have the clothes ripped right off the bed. It is told that one woman, braver than most, got tired of putting the bedclothes back, and said that he could have them if he wanted them that bad'.