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Wishes are something special everyone uses, whether one believes in Superstitions or not. We all have desires in our hearts, so this particular section may be just what you're looking for. Isn't it great to know there will always be opportunities to make another wish; if it doesn't work the first time, it just might the next!

See a rainbow, make a wish. Everyone has heard about the Leprechaun's gold at the end of a rainbow, but did you know that there is another superstition connected with these beautiful forms of nature? When you see a rainbow you receive one wish, if you can keep from looking at it again, that is. I once told this to a little girl as we walked along the beach during a rain-shower. When she spotted the rainbow she closed her eyes tight and made a big wish, then didn't glance toward the rainbow again. When we returned from our walk it had stopped raining and she exclaimed "Hey it worked" and took off running towards the playground. She later told me that she had wished for the rain to stop for a little while.

When you enter a church for the first time you receive a wish.

If you can see a shooting star you receive a wish.

By throwing a coin into a well you get a wish.

Make a wish when the numbers on your digital clock are all the same (eg. 11:11).

When the dandelions are all white with seeds, blow on it. If you blow all of the seeds off, one wish is granted for you.