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Wawanesa: The Community: Churches: Methodism/Presbyterianism
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Methodism was founded by John Wesley in 1738. Wesley was an Anglican minister who set up study groups within the Anglican church. The movement stressed methodical study of the bible, group conferences, and a personal relationship with God. The movement was very evangelical and came to North America through travelling ministers. In Canada, by the time of Confederation, American and English influenced Methodists had unified and were a strong nationalist force. In 1925, under the influence of modernist theology, the Methodists united with the Presbyterian and Congregational churches to form the United Church of Canada.
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Presbyterianism is a form of church government in which the elders (presbyters) are elected by the congregation. Spiritual aspects of Presbyterian churches are based on Calvinism. The most prominent Presbyterian church is the Church of Scotland, brought there in the 16th Century by John Knox, a follower of Calvin. Presbyterianism became very important in North America and in Canada became a force for nationalism. In 1925 most Presbyterian churches merged with the Methodists and Congregational churches to form the United Church of Canada. Roughly one third of the Presbyterian churches retained more fundamentalist values and did not chose this union. Presbyterianism remains one of Canada's largest Christian denominations.
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