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Wawanesa: The Community: Churches:Treesbank
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Treesbank Evangelical Mennonite Church
Picture of the Treesbank united Church
In the summer of 1966, several Mennonite families moved into the Treesbank area from eastern Manitoba. Other families were expected to arrive and the community was quick to purchase the Treesbank school to act as its church. Since this time there have been additions and renovations including the creation of a Sunday School and the addition of a basement. Recently the church has extended its appeal beyond the Mennonite community to others in the Treesbank and Wawanesa area. To reflect its more diverse nature the church has been renamed the Treesbank Community Church.
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Treesbank Evangelical Community Church
Picture of Treesbank Anglican Church
Picture of Treesbank United CHurch
Treesbank Anglican Church
Treesbank United Church
In the early 1900's Treesbank supported a Methodist church, a Presbyterian church and an Anglican church. These churches were founded in the very early days of the town, in response to the needs of a growing population. Over time the congregations dwindled and the churches were forced to close.
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