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Wawanesa: The Community: Churches: Wawanesa
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Methodist Church
Organized Christianity came to Western Manitoba in the late 19th Century through the work of Methodist ministers. Methodists established churches throughout the province and are responsible for the founding of Brandon College (now Brandon University). Wawanesa’s first church was established in 1890 by a Trustee Board appointed by the regional Methodist circuit preacher. The Board erected the church quickly and churchgoers were able to hold services there by May of 1890.
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Presbyterian Church
Before 1890, the Methodists and the Presbyterians worshiped together and were led by a Methodist minister. After the erection of the Methodist church the Presbyterians and Anglicans were charged $1 per Sabbath for the use of the Methodist church. This state of affairs, as well as a growing population, prompted the Presbyterians to build a church for themselves. The church was larger than the Methodist church and served as the main sanctuary for the United Church until 1997.
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Union Church
Union Church
The Presbyterian and Methodist churches continued to worship separately until 1912. Relations seem to have been fairly friendly as the larger Presbyterian church was often loaned to the Methodists for large weddings. One such wedding was that of Nellie McLung who was married in 1895. In 1912 the two churches were merged into one congregation but many people were not happy and the Union dissolved. The Union was renewed in 1916 and made complete in 1917 when the Methodist church was moved and attached to the Presbyterian church.
The United Church
In 1925, the Canadian Union Churches became the United Church of Canada. Since that time the United church has continued to be active in the community. The original Presbyterian building housed services for over one-hundred years and only in 1997 was a new church building erected beside the Community Hall.
Picture of the New Wawanesa United Church
The new Wawanesa United Church
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