Originally founded in 1897 as the South Brandon Agricultural Society, this group has been responsible for the harness Race Days that occur every year in Wawanesa. Built in 1902, the Wawanesa Race track is one of the oldest continually running track in Western Canada. The Race Days were essentially a fair, replete with a midway, foot races, and a ball tournament. A great deal of celebrating went on during the Race Days and a great deal of work was involved for the members of the Agricultural Society and Turf Club.
The Wawanesa Race Track. Recently the baseball diamonds at the centre of the tracks have been redeveloped into high quality modern playing fields.
The Game and Fish Association was established in 1949 to preserve Soil, Forest, and Wildlife. Major projects include the animal enclosure that existed until a few years ago in the Wawanesa park and the bird haven at Skookum Lake. The Association started up a Junior Rifle Club and hosts an annual deer head competition and banquet. The Association continues to be part of the community.
Several 4-H groups have existed in Wawanesa and area over the years. Each one originated with a sewing club and then incorporated new elements such as charity work, speech clubs, and participation in all kinds of seminars and workshops. The Wawanesa club dissolved in 1981 and merged with the Nesbitt group. The Treesbank 4-H club operatied until 1974.
Nesbitt 4-H Club
Though established in 1911, the local Rebekahs became most active after the First World War. The Rebekahs have received awards for their community service which includes cancer awareness, scholarships for students in Wawanesa School, support for the swimming pool and travel clubs, and general community service. The Rebekahs continue to be important in Wawanesa. Perhaps their most noticeable function is serving as caterers at many local events. |
The Canadian Legion was founded in 1925 and dedicated itself to the welfare of veterans and the good of the community. The legions gradually expanded to include non-veteran members and spouses of veterans. In 1960 the Queen gave consent to adding Royal to the group's name in honour of the W.W.I veterans association with British forces. |
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