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Adrian Dingle (Nelvana of the Northern Lights)

Adrian Dingle (1912-1974) was born in Wales and came to Canada at the age of three. During the 1930s, he worked as a commercial artist to supplement his career as a painter. In 1941 Dingle co-founded a Toronto comic book publishing firm Hillborough Studio, which, in August 1941, issued the third Canadian Golden-Age comic, Triumph-Adventure-Comics, featuring the adventures of the first Canadian national superhero, Nelvana of the Northern Lights. In 1942, Hillborough merged with another Toronto-based comics company, Bell Features.
Following the merger, Dingle became the art director at Bell, where he continued to work on Nelvana and created a number of other notable characters, including the Penguin and Nils Grant, Private Investigator. Dingle also produced a large number of covers for various Bell titles. After the collapse of the Canadian comics industry in the late 1940s, Dingle combined his fine-art career with book and magazine illustration. In his later years, he was widely recognized as a major Canadian landscape painter. In 1995, Dingle's Nelvana was yet another of Canada's national superheroes to be featured on a Canadian postage stamp.


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