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CPPA Standard D.1. Approved Method 1940. Revised 1980. Machine Direction of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: The machine direction of paper or paperboard is defined as the direction of paper parallel to its forward movement on the paper machine. The term "grain" as applied to paper means the machine direction of paper...
Note: Related Method TAPPI T409 os-75.

CPPA Standard D.2. Recommended 1945. Revised 1980. Wire and Felt Sides of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method covers procedures for identifying the wire side of paper and paperboard made on a single wire Fourdrinier paper machine. The wire side is the side of the paper in contact with the wire of the paper machine, the other side is termed the felt or top side.

CPPA Standard D.3. Approved 1942. Revised 1984. Grammage of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method is for the determination of the grammage (mass per unit area) of paper and paperboard, and of converted products...

CPPA Standard D.4. Approved Method 1942. Revised 1992. Thickness and Apparent Density of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes the procedure for measuring the single sheet thickness of paper and paperboard. It is not applicable to papers that are embossed or creped.
Note: Related Methods TAPPI T 411 om-84...ISO 534: 1980 and ASTM D645-67.

CPPA Standard D.5H. Approved Method 1942. Historical Method 1981. Bulking Thickness of Paper and Paperboard.
...The method for determining the bulking thickness shall be used for finding the average thickness of paper when placed in a pile, as for use in books.
Note: This method is similar to..ASTM D 527-39T...identical with TAPPI Standard T 426 m-46.

CPPA Standard D.6H. Approved Method 1942. Historical Method 1984. Tensile Breaking Strength of Paper and Paperboard (Using Constant Rate of Loading Apparatus.
Scope: This method describes a procedure, using constant rate-of-loading equipment, for determining the tensile breaking strength of paper and paperboard. The tensile breaking strength is the maximum weight or load that the specimen will support before breaking apart.

CPPA Standard D.8. Recommended 1953. Revised 1964. The Bursting Strength of Paper.
Scope: This method is designed to measure the bursting strength of paper and paper products having a bursting strength of not over 200 pounds per square inch...not intended for use in testing corrugated boxboard.

CPPA Standard D.9. Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1977. Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper, Paperboard and Pulp Handsheets Determined with the Appita-Elmendorf Instrument.
Scope: This method for the determination of the tearing resistance of paper, paperboard and pulp handsheets consists of measuring the work done when a sample is torn through a specified distance...

CPPA Standard D.10. Recommended Method 1960. Revised 1992. Wetted Tensile Breaking Strength of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method is for the determination of the tensile strength of paper and paperboard after saturation with distilled water. The results are important in testing papers...which are subject to stress when moist.
Note: Related Methods TAPPI T456 om-87...ASTM D 829, ISO 3781: 1983...

CPPA Standard D.12. Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1991. Physical Testing of Pulp Handsheets.
Scope: This procedure deals with the testing of pulp handsheets prepared in accordance with Tech. Sect. C.P.P.A. Standards C.4 and C.5...
Note: Related Methods 1) TAPPI T220 om-88...4) ISO 5270-1979.

CPPA Standard D.14. Recommended 1952. Re-issued 1977. Air Resistance of Paper (Gurley Method).
Scope: This test measures the air resistance of papers and paper products by determining the time necessary for a given amount of air at nearly constant pressure to pass through a given area of sample...
Note: Related Methods 1) TAPPI Standard T-460, 2) ISO 3687.

CPPA Standard D.15P. Proposed Method 1962. Revised 1980. Water Vapour Transmission Rate of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method is for the gravimetric determination of water vapour transmission rate of paper and paperboard when one face of the sheet is exposed to essentially moisture free air and the other face is exposed to either (a) CPPA standard atmosphere or (b) tropical atmosphere...
Note: Related Methods 1. ASTM E96, 2. TAPPI T448 su-71, 3. TAPPI T464 os-73.

CPPA Standard D.17P. Proposed Method 1962. Revised 1974. Folding Endurance of Paper (M.I.T. Method).
Intro: Folding endurance is the number of double folds which a strip of paper undergoes before failing in the M.I.T. tester. This property is of importance in all papers subjected to repeated folding, especially for folds that occur in the same place each time...Folding endurance is greatly dependant upon the nature of the instrument used.
Scope: The following method refers only to the M.I.T. testing instrument.

CPPA Standard D.19P. Proposed Method 1965. Revised 1990. The Bursting Strength of Board.
Scope: This method describes a procedure to measure the bursting strength of paperboards, linerboards, solid fibreboards, single-wall and double wall corrugated boards...
Note: Related Methods TAPPI T807 om-87, ISO 2759-1983.

CPPA Standard D.26P. Proposed Method 1964. Revised 1981. Edge Tearing Strength of Paper (Finch Method).
Scope: This method describes a procedure for determining the edge tearing strength of paper...This test is useful for evaluating paper subjected to high stresses such as may be encountered on handling equipment...
Note: Related Methods ASTM D-827, TAPPI T-470 os-78.

CPPA Standard D.34. Proposed Method 1977. Recommended Method 1988. Tensile Breaking Properties of Paper and Paperboard (Using Constant Rate of Elongation Apparatus).
Scope: This method describes a procedure, using constant rate-of-elongation equipment, for determining three tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard, namely: (1) tensile strength, (2) stretch, and (3) tensile energy absorption...applicable to all types of paper and board within the limitations of the instruments used. It does not apply to high stretch creped papers or combined corrugated board.
Note: Related Methods ASTM D 2174, TAPPI T494 os-70...

TAPPI T 231 cm-85. 1985. Zero-Span Breaking Length of Pulp.
Scope: This method is used to determine an index of the average ultimate strength of the longitudinal structure of individual fibers in a pulp test handsheet...

TAPPI T 260 om-85. 1985. Test to Evaluate the Aging Properties of Bleached Chemical Pulps.
Scope: The purpose of this method is to provide an accelerated procedure for determining the brightness reversion characteristics of pulp under the moist conditions (8 to 10% moisture content) normally found in a bale of air-dry bleached pulp...

TAPPI T 403 om-85. 1985. Bursting Strength of Paper.
Scope: This method is designed to measure the bursting strength of paper and paper products having a bursting of 30 kPa up to 1400 kPa (4psi up to 200 psi) and in the form of flat sheets of up to 0.6 mm (0.025 in.) thick...

TAPPI T 404 om-87. 1987. Tensile Breaking Strength and Elongation of Paper and Paperboard (Using Pendulum-type Tester).
Scope: This method describes a procedure, using pendulum-type equipment, for determining two tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard, namely the force per unit width required to break a specimen (tensile strength) and the percentage elongation at break (elongation).

TAPPI T 409-88. 1988. Machine Direction of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes several procedures for determining the machine direction of most grades of paper and paperboard. Most of the procedures embody the principle that fibers tend to be aligned in the machine direction of the sheet, and this alignment produces observable effects.

TAPPI T 410 om-88. 1988. Grammage of Paper and Paperboard (Weight Per Unit Area).
Scope: In the United States the customary or commercial term for expressing the "weight" per unit area (more properly "mass per unit area") of paper has been ""basis weight", "ream weight", or "substance"...The French term for mass per unit area, "grammage", is recommended by ISO Committee TC66 on Paper for use in English as well as French because of its convenience and clear relationship to g/m²...

TAPPI T 411 om-89. 1989. Thickness (Caliper) of Paper, Paperboard and Combined Board.
Scope: This method describes the procedure for measuring single-sheet thickness and variations in single-sheet thickness of paper, paperboard, and combined board except for creped papers...

TAPPI T 412 om-88. 1988. Moisture in Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: The following procedure applies to paper, paperboard, and paper products, except those containing significant quantities of materials other than water that are volatile at 105±2°C or less...

TAPPI T 414 om-88. 1988. Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper.
Scope: This method measures the force perpendicular to thew plane of the paper required to tear multiple sheets of paper through a specified distance after the tear has been started using an Elmendorf-type tearing tester. The measured results can be used to calculate the approximate tearing resistance of a single sheet...

TAPPI T 423 om-89. 1989. Folding Endurance of Paper (Schopper Type Tester).
Scope: This method describes the use of the Schopper type of folding apparatus. It is suitable for papers having a thickness of 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) or less.
The procedure for the MIT type apparatus, which can be used for papers of any thickness, is described in TAPPI T 511...

TAPPI T 433 cm-84. 1984. Water Resistance of Sized Paper and Paperboard (Dry Indicator Method).
Scope: This method is based on the dry indicator method..
For testing hard-sized papers, see TAPPI T 441...

TAPPI T 441 om-90. 1990. Water Absorptiveness of Sized (Non-Bibulous) Paper and Paperboard (Cobb Test).
Scope: This method describes a procedure for determining the quantity of water absorbed by nonbibulous paper and paperboard...
...this method is generally applicable to sized paper and paperboard, but is not recommended as a sizing test for writing paper.
...for slack sized paper and paperboard, see T 433 "Water Resistance of Sized Paper and Paperboard (Dry Indicator Method).

TAPPI T 453 pm-85. 1985. Effect of Dry Heat on Properties of Paper.
Scope: This method specifies the procedure for dry heat treatment of paper or board and the general procedure for testing the heat-treated materials. The purpose is to obtain, by an accelerated test, inferences regarding the aging qualities of the paper.
The effect of moist heat on the strength of paper may be determined by TAPPI T 544 "Effect of Moist Heat on Properties of Paper and Board". It has been determined that the degradation of cellulose is very sensitive to moisture. Comparison of accelerated aging with natural aging indicate that some moisture should be present in an accelerated aging atmosphere. Dry heat aging of cellulose is much less sensitive and probably does not rank papers in order of suitability as accurately as moist heat aging. It is much simpler to use and may be adequate for many purposes, but moist heat aging should be considered where the greatest correlation with natural aging is needed.
The procedure is considered suitable for estimating the relative stability of chemical wood papers and rag papers. It has not been established that this method is suitable for papers containing groundwood.
No evidence is available that it is reliable for coated papers or for those containing wet-strength resins.
Note: ASTM D 776 (procedure technically identical).

TAPPI T 456 om-87. 1987. Wet Tensile Breaking Strength of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes the procedure for the determination of the tensile strength of paper and paperboard after saturation with water.
This procedure is applicable to all types of paper and paperboard (excluding corrugated board) within the limitations of the instruments used.

TAPPI T 466 cm-82. 1982. Damage of Curl and Sizing of Paper.
Scope: This method applies the principle of wetting one side of the paper and determining (a) the maximum curvature developed or (b) the time required to reach maximum curvature. The maximum curvature is an indication of the relative tendency of certain papers, especially printing papers, to curl under normal conditions of usage. The time required to reach maximum curvature is a measure of relative degree of sizing such as secured with rosin.

TAPPI T 494 om-88. 1988. Tensile Breaking Properties of Paper and Paperboard (Using Constant Rate of Elongation Apparatus).
Scope: This test method describes the procedure, using constant-rate-of-elongation equipment, for determining the tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard, namely: the force per unit width required to break a specimen (tensile strength), the percentage elongation at break (stretch), and the energy absorbed per unit area of the specimen before breaking (tensile energy absorption)...

TAPPI T 502 om-89. 1989. Equilibrium Relative Humidity of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes procedures for determining the equilibrium relative humidity of paper and paperboard...

TAPPI T 511 om-88. 1988. Folding Endurance of Paper (MIT Tester).
Scope: This method describes the use of the MIT-type apparatus for the determination of the folding endurance of paper...
The MIT tester is suitable for papers of any thickness; however...

TAPPI 536 om-88. 1988. Resistance of Paper to Passage of Air (High Pressure Method).
Scope: This method measures the resistance of a wide range of papers to the passage of air, including comparatively impervious types...This method is unsuitable for rough-surfaced papers such as crepe and corrugated...

TAPPI T 544 pm-85. 1985. Effect of Moist Heat on Properties of Paper and Board.
Scope: This method specifies the procedure for humidified heat treatment of paper or board and the general procedure for testing the heat-treated materials. The purpose is to obtain, by an accelerated test, inferences, regarding the aging qualities of paper.
The method is based on work done on printing and writing papers but may be used with discretion for other types of papers and boards. The procedure is not applicable to certain electrical insulating papers, for which different conditions apply.

TAPPI 547 pm-88. 1988. Air Permeability of Paper and Paperboard (Sheffield-Type).
Scope: This method describes a means for rapidly measuring the air permeability, or porosity, of a sheet of paper or paperboard...unsuitable for very compressible papers and rough surface paper and paperboards...

TAPPI T 671 cm-85. 1985. Free Moisture in Fillers and Pigments.
Scope: This method is used for determining the free water (hygroscopic moisture) in coating pigments and fillers, using an oven-dry procedure...Based on experimental data, this method is considered more accurate than other methods for moisture, such as TAPPI T208...

TAPPI T 807 om-87. 1987. Bursting Strength of Paperboard and Linerboard.
Scope: This method describes a procedure for measuring the bursting strength of paperboard, including linerboard...

TAPPI T 810 om-85. 1985. Bursting Strength of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard.
Scope: This method describes the procedure for measuring the bursting strength of single wall and double wall corrugated and solid fiberboard. It was not designed to be used for the bursting strength of Paper (TAPPI T 403...), paperboard and linerboard (TAPPI T 807..) or triple wall corrugated board.

ASTM. 1994. Proceedings ASTM Institute for Standards Research: Workshop on the Effects of Aging on Printing and Writing Papers, July 6-8, 1994, Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia: ASTM.
Includes Canadian Cooperative Permanent Paper Research Program: Development Process: Chemical Testing Aspects by H. Burgess et al. and Physical Testing Aspects by N. Gurnagul.

Bansa, Helmut and Hans H. Hofer. 1989. Artificial Aging as a Predictor of Paper's Future Useful Life. Abbey Newsletter. Monograph Supplement 1. Provo, Utah: The Abbey Newsletter of Bookbinding and Conservation.
Discussion of artificial aging at low temperatures on naturally aged paper.

Table of contents

Optical Testing


CAN/CGSB - 9.0 No.5-93. 1993. Methods of Testing Pulp and Paper: Brightness of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.

CAN/CGSB - 9.0 No. 6-93. 1993. Methods of Testing Pulp and Paper: Opacity of Paper.
Scope: 1.1 This method is intended to measure "Opacity--paper backing," formerly known as "Printing Opacity," and "Opacity--white backing," formerly known as "Contrast Ratio." It may be used for coloured paper provided that the reflectance (paper backing) is greater than 20% and simultaneously the opacity (paper backing) is greater than 45%. It is not intended for highly transparent papers such as glassine.

ISO 535: 1976. Paper and board - Determination of Water Absorption -Cobb Method.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method of determining the water absorption capacity of paper or board under standard conditions.

ISO 2469: 1994. Paper, Board and Pulps - Measurement of Diffuse Reflectance Factor.
Scope: This International Standard specifies the equipment for measuring the diffuse reflectance factor of pulp, paper and board and the procedures for calibrating that equipment...Measurements are used for the evaluation of optical properties...

ISO 2470: 1977. Paper and Board - Measurement of Diffuse Blue Reflectance Factor (ISO Brightness).
Scope...: This International Standard specifies a method for measuring the diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness) of paper and board...confined in its scope to white and near-white papers and boards...


ASTM D 589 - 90. 1990. Standard Test Method for Opacity of Paper.
Scope: This test method covers the opacity of paper...

ASTM D 985 -92. 1992. Standard Test Method for Brightness of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard (Directional Reflectance at 457nm).
Scope: This test method determines the brightness of white, near-white, and naturally coloured pulp, paper and paperboard...

CPPA Standard E.1. Proposed Method 1969. Revised 1990. Brightness of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: Absolute Brightness is defined as the reflectance of blue light with a specified spectral distribution peaking at 457 nm compared to that of a perfectly reflecting, perfectly diffusing surface...Bleaching agents strongly influence the reflectance of pulp in this portion of the spectrum. Absolute Brightness is thus used to monitor bleaching action...

Note: Related Methods...2. TAPPI T217 os-48. Brightness of Pulp. 3. TAPPI T452 os-77. Brightness of Paper and Paperboard. 4. ISO 2469 (1977) Paper, Board and Pulps - Measurement of Diffuse Reflectance Factor. ISO 2470 (1977) Paper and Board - Measurement of Diffuse Blue Reflectance Factor (Blue Brightness), ISO 3688 (1977) Pulps - Measurement of Diffuse Blue Reflectance Factor (ISO Brightness).

CPPA Standard E.2. Proposed Method. Recommended Method Revised 1990. Opacity of Paper.
Scope: This method is intended to measure 'Opacity - paper backing', formerly known as 'Printing Opacity', and "Opacity - white backing', formerly known as 'Contrast Ratio'....
Note: Related Methods 1. TAPPI T425 m-60, 2. TAPPI T519 su-70, 3. ASTM D589-65 (1970)...7. International Standard ISO-2471.

CPPA Standard E.6P. Proposed Method 1986. Blue Reflectance (Rz) of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: Absolute Blue Reflectance is defined as the reflectance of light with the spectral distribution of the CIE Tri-stimulus Z function compared to the reflectance of a perfectly reflecting, perfectly diffusing surface...Bleaching agents strongly influence the reflectance of pulp in this portion of the spectrum. Absolute blue reflectance is thus used to monitor bleaching action...
Note: Related Methods 1. ISO 2469 (1977) Paper, Board and Pulps - Measurement of Diffuse Reflectance Factor....3. TAPPI T217 os-48. Brightness of Pulp. 4. TAPPI T452 os-77. Brightness of Paper and Paperboard.

CPPA Standard F.1H. Recommended Method 1945. Historical Method 1992. Water Resistance of Paper and Paperboard (Dry Indicator Method for Degree of Sizing).
Scope: This method is based on the dry-indicator method of Carson...

CPPA Standard F.2. Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1990.. Determination of Water Absorptiveness (Cobb Method).
Scope: This method is based upon the method of Cobb and Lowe...

CPPA Standard F.4. Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1992. Absorption of Water and Ink by Bibulous and Blotting Paper.
Scope: This method is used for determining the rate at which unsized and absorbent papers, such as blotting...absorb a definite quantity of water or ink. It cannot be used on sized papers of any kind...
Note: Related Methods TAPPI T431 om-88(Ink) and T432 om-87(Water), ASTM D2177(Ink) and D824(Water).

TAPPI T 425 om-86. 1986. Opacity of Paper (15°/Diffuse Illuminant A, 89% Reflectance Backing and Paper Backing).
Scope and significance:
Opacity is a fundamental property of paper as a whole, yet the measurement of opacity is empirical. The opacity of the sheet is influenced by the amount and kind of filler, degree of bleaching of the fibers, coating, and the like. The utility of bond, writing and book papers is enhanced by a high opacity...

TAPPI T 442 om-81. 1981. Spectral Reflectance Factor, Transmittance and Color of Paper and Pulp (Polychromic Illumination).
Scope: This method is designed to enhance the accuracy of spectrophotometric data needed in (a) the measurement and control of the colour of paper. It is intended to cover instrumental procedures for both spectral reflectance factor and transmittance of paper, paperboard, and pulp...

TAPPI T 452 os-87. 1987. Brightness of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard (Directional Reflectance at 457 nm).
Scope: This method is for the determination of the brightness of white, near-white, and naturally colored pulp, paper and paperboard...

Table of contents

Chemical Testing


CAN/CGSB - 9.0 No.1-92. 1992. Methods of Testing Pulp and Paper: Kappa Number of Pulp.
Scope: The Kappa number is used for evaluation of pulps with regard to the degree of delignification and bleachability...

ISO 302: 1981. Pulps - Determination of Kappa Number.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the Kappa number of pulp. The Kappa number is an indication of the lignin content (hardness) or bleachability of pulp.

ISO 692: 1982. Pulps - Determination of Alkali Solubility.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the solubility of pulp in cold sodium hydroxide solutions of various and fixed concentrations...

ISO 699: 1982. Pulps - Determination of Alkali Resistance.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the alkali-insoluble fraction of pulps using sodium hydroxide solution of fixed concentration...applicable to all kinds of pulp.

ISO 1762: 1974. Pulps - Determination of Ash.
Scope...: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of ash in pulp. The ash content of pulp gives an estimation of its content of mineral salts and other inorganic matter, but is not quantitatively equal to it...applies to all kinds of pulp.

ISO 2144: 1987. Paper and Board - Determination of Ash.
Scope...: This International Standard specifies a procedure for the determination of ash of paper and board...

ISO 3260: 1992. Pulps - Determination of Chlorine Consumption (Degree of Delignification).
Scope: The method specified in this International Standard for determining the degree of delignification of pulp by measuring its chlorine consumption under specified conditions is related to that for determining the degree of delignification of pulp by measuring its potassium permanganate consumption under specified conditions, given in ISO 302 - Determination of Kappa Number...

ISO 6588: 1981. Paper, Board and Pulps - Determination of Ph of Aqueous Extracts.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the pH of an aqueous extract of paper, board or pulps. The pH value is not a quantitative measure of the total content of acid or base in the material extracted.

ISO 10716: 1994. Paper and Board - Determination of Alkali Reserve.
Scope: This International Standard specifies a methods for the determination of the alkali reserve of papers and boards. It is intended for products that contain alkaline pigments or other alkaline material, added in order to improve their resistance to acid attack (degradation).

This International Standard is not applicable to laminated, printed or otherwise processed grades that will not disintegrate completely by the procedure described.

The result obtained will include alkaline pigments contained in the coating of a coated paper.

NOTE 1 Such alkaline coating will protect the core of the paper from acid substances in ambient air, but its effect on acid substances generated in the paper base itself is uncertain.


ASTM D 548 - 91. 1991. Standard Test Method for Water-Soluble Acidity or Alkalinity of Paper.
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the water-soluble acidity or alkalinity of paper.

It may be applied to writing, printing, and sized industrial paper but is not intended for testing electrical insulating papers nor those containing alkaline fillers or coatings such as casein or calcium carbonate...

ASTM D 586 - 92a. 1992. Standard Test Method for Ash in Paper.
Scope: This test method describes the determination of the ash content of pulp, paper, and paper products by ignition at two different temperatures...

ASTM D 778 - 50. Reapproved 1971. Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of Buffered Paper Extracts.

This method was discontinued in 1981. See TAPPI T 435.

ASTM D 919 - 92a. 1992. Standard Test Method for Copper Number of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This test method ... covers the determination of the copper number of bleached and purified paper and paperboard, except those containing calcium sulfite, zinc sulfide, melamine resin, urea-formaldehyde resin, starch, rosin size, or other copper-reducing nonfibrous materials. Paper containing such additives can be tested only if the amount and reducing power of the added material is known...

Note: Technical equivalent of TAPPI T430om-88.

ASTM D 1293 -84. Reapproved 1990. Standard Test Methods for pH of Water.
Scope: These test methods cover the determination of pH by electrometric measurement using the glass electrode as the sensor. Two test methods are given...

ASTM D 4988 - 92a. 1992. Standard Test Method for Determination of Calcium Carbonate Content of Paper.
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the alkalinity or alkaline reserve of paper, or both...

ASTM D 4988 - 92a. 1992. Standard Test Method for Determination of Alkalinity of Paper as Calcium Carbonate (Alkaline Reserve of Paper).
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the alkalinity or alkaline reserve of paper, or both.

CPPA Standard G.3 Recommended Method 1942. Revised, Reissued 1973. Moisture in Paper.
Scope: This method does not apply to papers which contain appreciable quantities of volatile constituents, other than water, which would be lost, oxidized or decomposed by oven drying at 105±2°C.

CPPA Standard G.8 Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1984. Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Wood.
Scope: This method is for the determination of acid-insoluble lignin in wood...

Note: This standard is essentially the same as TAPPI T222, ASTM D1106...

CPPA Standard G.9 Recommended Method 1945. Revised 1984. Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Wood Pulp.
Scope: This method is for the determination of acid-insoluble lignin in unbleached pulp...

Note: This standard is essentially the same as TAPPI T222...

CPPA Standard G.10. Recommended Method 1945. Revised, Re-issued 1973. Ash in Pulp and Wood.
No scope statement.

CPPA Standard G.11. Recommended Method 1940. Revised 1986. Ash of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method deals with the determination of ash, which is defined as the residue after combustion of paper under specified conditions...Except in the case where small quantities of pigment such as titanium dioxide are used, if the ash content does not exceed about 1%, no filling, coating or pigmenting material has been used...

Note: Related Method TAPPI T413 om-80.

CPPA Standard G.14H. Recommended Method 1945. Re-issued Historical Method 1968. Pitch and Rosin in Paper.

...This method combines qualitative and quantitative determinations of total rosins.

CPPA Standard G.16H. Recommended Method 1945. Historical Method 1988. Chlorine Number of Pulp.

The chlorine number determination measures the bleach requirement of unbleached pulps...
Scope: This method may be applied to all unbleached pulps.

CPPA Standard G.18. Recommended Method 1960, Revised 1984. Kappa Number of Pulp.
Scope: The Kappa Number test is used for evaluation of pulps with regard to the degree of deliginification and bleachability...

Note: Related Methods TAPPI T204 os-76, ASTM D1107-56 and ASTM D1108-56.

CPPA Standard G.19H. 1988. Amount of Mineral Coating on Paper and Paperboard.

CPPA Standard G.22. Recommended Method 1956. Revised 1992. Copper Number of Bleached Pulp.
Intro: When pulp is treated with an alkaline copper sulphate a deposit of cuprous oxide. The amount of this reduced copper is a measure of the degree of degradation of the pulp.
Scope: The copper number of a pulp is defined as the weight of copper in grams which is reduced to the cuprous state by 100 g of the materials under standardized conditions.

This method is only applicable to fully bleached chemical pulps. Pulp with a low copper number (<1) is very pure, i.e., a high percentage of alpha-cellulose and a low concentration of reducing substances. High alpha-cellulose and low copper number are indications of fibre stability.

Note: Related Methods TAPPI T-430 om-88...

CPPA Standard G.23P. Proposed Method 1962. Revised 1992. Starch in Paper.
Scope: This standard describes procedures for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of starch in paper. It is also applicable for testing most types of starch-treated paperboard.

Note: Related Method TAPPI T 419 om-85.

CPPA Standard G.25P. Proposed Method 1964. Revised 1988. pH of Paper and Paperboard (Extract and Surface).
Scope: In this method the Ph value of paper or paperboard refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the aqueous extract of paper.

Both hot and cold extraction procedures are included, as well as a procedure for determining the surface pH of paper. The pH of paper is customarily used in the paper industry for predicting the stability of papers. Values determined by the hot extraction method will reflect changes resulting from heat-induced hydrolysis...The cold extraction method is more representative of the actual Ph of the paper or paperboard at the time of determination.

Note: Related Methods TAPPI 7435 (hot Extraction, T509 (Cold Extraction).

CPPA Standard G.26. Recommended Method 1962. Revised 1984. Alkali Solubility of Pulp.
Scope: This method for determination of the alkali solubility is applicable to bleached or delignified pulps...

CPPA Standard G.27H. Proposed Method 1965. Historical Method 1988. Alkali-Resistant Cellulose in Pulp.
Scope: This method gives a rapid and reproducible determination of the alkali-resistant cellulose in pulp...

CPPA Standard G.28. 1990. Total Sulphur in Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.

CPPA Standard G.29P. Proposed Method 1972. Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-Cellulose in Bleached Pulp.
Intro: Division of the cellulose in pulp into alpha-, beta- and gamma-cellulose fractions is...used widely to evaluate pulps for various purposes.

CPPA Standard G.32P. Proposed Method 1981. Hypo Number of Pulp.
Scope: This method applies to the determination of the relative hardness, bleachability or degree of lignification of pulp. It may be used on all types and grades of unbleached and semi-bleached pulps, including groundwood...The Hypo numbers are related to lignin content in pulps and could be used as an indirect method for the estimation of lignin content...

CPPA Standard G.33P. Proposed Method 1984. Acid-Insoluble Ash in Pulp.
Scope: This method describes a procedure for the determination of the acid-insoluble ash content of pulp...

Note: Related Methods...2. TAPPI T244 os-77.

CPPA Standard G.34P. Proposed Method 1992. Determination of Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Copper and Cadmium in Wood, Pulp, or Paper by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.
Scope: This method is applicable to all types of wood, pulps, and papers, including filled or coated papers...

Note: Related Methods 1. TAPPI T266 om-88...3. ISO 777:1982 (calcium), ISO 1830:1982 (manganese), ISO 779:1982 (iron), ISO 778:1982 (copper), ISO 9668:1990 (magnesium).

TAPPI T 203 om-88. 1988. Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Cellulose in Pulp.
Scope: This method for determination of alpha--, beta- and gamma-cellulose can be applied to bleached or delignified pulps only. Unbleached and semi-bleached pulps must be delignified before testing.

TAPPI T 208 om-89. 1989. Moisture in Wood, Pulp, Paper and Paperboard by Toluene Distillation.

TAPPI T 222 om-88. 1988. Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Wood and Pulp.
Scope: This method describes a procedure which can be applied to the determination of acid-insoluble lignin in wood and in all grades of unbleached pulps...

TAPPI T 236 cm-85. 1985. Kappa Number of Pulp.
Scope: This method applies to the determination of the relative hardness, bleachability, or degree of lignification of pulp. It may be used for all types and grades of chemical and semichemical, unbleached and semibleached pulps obtained in yields under 60%. This method may also be used for pulps obtained in yields up to 70%, provided the pulp has been well screened...

TAPPI T 237 om-88. 1988. Carboxyl Content of Pulp.
Scope: This method describes a procedure for the determination of the content of carboxyl groups in bleached and delignified pulps...

TAPPI T 252 om-90. 1990. pH and Electrical Conductivity of Hot Water Extracts of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This procedure provides for the extraction of pulp. paper, and paperboard samples using boiling distilled water followed by determination of the pH and conductivity of the extract.

TAPPI T 253 om-86. 1986. Hypo Number of Pulp.
Scope: This method applies to the determination of the relative "hardness", bleachability, or degree of delignification of pulp. It may be used on all types and grades of unbleached and semibleached pulps...

TAPPI T 266 om-88. 1988. Determination of Sodium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Pulp and Paper by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.
Scope: This method describes the determination of sodium, calcium, c copper, iron, and manganese in pulp and paper by atomic absorption spectroscopy...

TAPPI T 406 om-88. 1988. Reducible Sulphur in Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes procedures for the determination of reducible sulfur in paper and paperboard within the context of the given definitions...

TAPPI T 413 om-85. 1985. Ash in Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method for determination of ash can be applies to all types of paper and paperboard.

TAPPI T 421 om-83. 1983. Qualitative (Including Optical Microscopic) Analysis of Mineral Filler and Mineral Coating of Paper.
Scope: This method describes procedures which may be used for the qualitative determination and identification of the mineral constituents of filled and coated papers...

TAPPI T 428 pm-85. 1985. Hot Water Extractable Acidity or Alkalinity of Paper.
Scope: This method...measures the titratable acidity or alkalinity (end point at pH 7.0) of an aqueous extract of paper...It specifies one extraction and so does not measure the total acidity or alkalinity of paper, for which exhaustive extraction is required...

TAPPI T 429 cm-84. 1984. Alpha-Cellulose in Paper.
Scope: This method describes a procedure for determining the alpha-cellulose in paper...This method is applicable to and is intended primarily for papers made from rags and chemical wood fibers. It is not suitable for papers containing large amounts of lignin such as newsprint...

TAPPI T 430 om-88. 1988. Copper Number of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method describes a procedure for determining the copper number of bleached and purified pulp, paper and paperboard, except those containing calcium sulfite, zinc sulfide, melamine resin,, or other copper-reducing nonfibrous materials...

It has been well established that hydrolyzed or oxidized cellulose is capable of reducing certain metallic ions to lower valence states, and reactions of this type have served to detect damage to cellulose...

The copper number may be regarded as an index of those impurities in paper, such as oxycellulose, hydrocellulose, lignin and sugars, which possess reducing properties. It is useful for determining changes as accompanying deterioration and may therefore be considered as a factor having an indirect bearing on the permanence of paper. It should not be applied to papers containing mechanical pulp or unbleached chemical pulp.

TAPPI 434 cm-83. 1983. Acid-Soluble Iron in Paper.
Scope: ...This procedure for acid-insoluble iron is preferable to that of extracting the ash from the paper with acid, because it requires less time and avoids change in the nature of the iron compound which may result from ashing. The method is applicable to paper or paperboard containing approximately 10-200 ppm acid-insoluble iron.

TAPPI T 435 om-88. 1988. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of Paper Extracts (Hot Extraction Method).
Scope: This method measures the hydrogen ion concentration, expressed in terms of pH, of an aqueous extract of paper obtained by hot extraction...

It may be applied to writing, printing and sized industrial paper, but it is not intended for unbuffered types...

The cold extraction method is now described in T 509.

TAPPI T 444 cm-85. 1985. Silver Tarnishing by Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method is for identifying papers and boards that will tarnish or stain silver or other metallic items...

TAPPI T 487 pm-85. 1985. Fungus Resistance of Paper and Paperboard.
Scope: This method is recommended for determining the resistance to fungal growth of paper and paperboard, particularly those types which have been given a fungus resistant treatment.

TAPPI T 509 om-88. 1988. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of Paper Extracts (Cold Extraction Method)
Scope: This method measures the hydrogen ion concentration of a cold aqueous extract (unfiltered) of paper, expressed in terms of pH value.

It is suitable for writing, printing and sized industrial papers, but it is not intended for unbuffered types...

A hot water extraction method is now described in TAPPI T 435...

TAPPI T 529 om-88. 1988. Surface pH Measurement of Paper.
Scope: This non-destructive test may be used to measure the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) on the surface of the paper in books and documents that constitute the collections of libraries and government archives.

This method serves as an alternative to T509 "Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) of Paper Extracts - Cold Extraction Method", because it avoids the destruction of printed materials in the determination of the permanence expected for paper...

pH values obtained through the application of this method to sized materials such as writing, printing, and industrial papers reflect only the pH of the surface of these materials and should not be construed as pH values which may be determined by the cold water extraction method of the same material.

TAPPI T 550-om 90. 1990. Determination of Equilibrium Moisture in Paper and Paperboard for Chemical Analysis.
Scope: The following procedure applies to paper, paperboard, and paper products, except those containing significant quantities of materials other than water that are volatile at 105±2°C or less....

Table of contents

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1996-09-21).