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7. Health and Safety


Table of Contents

Chemical Hazards
Personal Protection



Sampling of applicable legislation follows:


Refer to the Canadian Occupational Safety and Health Regulations SOR/86-304, the Canada Labour Code and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) legislated by both Canadian federal and provincial jurisdiction.
WHMIS is a Canada-wide system designed to provide employers and workers information (container labels, material safety data sheets and education programmes) on hazardous materials used in the workplace.

United States

Refer to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards.OSHA Standards are published in the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), as are all amendments, corrections, insertions or deletions. OSHA's regulations are collected in Title 29 of the CFR, Part 1900 -1999.


Refer to The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP 02138, 1989.
Preceded by 1986 Vienna Convention, international agreement drawn up to protect the ozone layer, first signed on September 16, 1987. Protocol committed its 24 signatories to a reduction of CFC and halon emissions through controls on production and use of these chemicals. Protocol's control measures were expanded and strengthened with the London Agreement (August 1992) and the Copenhagen Agreement (Nov. 1992).


Babin, Angela, comp. 1995. Health and Safety Resources for the Arts. Art Hazard News 18(2): 9-17.
Select compilation of occupational and safety organizations, agencies, and institutions (U.S. and Canada).

Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety.

Workplace Safety Collections - sampling:

Guides to the Safe Use of Hazardous Materials - sampling:
Center for Safety in the Arts.
Conservation Hazards Data Sheets - sampling: General Data Sheets - sampling: Environment Canada. 1993. A Primer on Ozone Depletion. The Environmental Citizenship Series. Ottawa: Environment Canada.

Howie, F.M.P. 1988. Safety in Museums and Galleries. London: Butterworth Publishers.
Broad discussions of variety of hazards associated with museum work in Britain applicable to other institutions in other countries. Covers safety and occupational health, hazards and control, legal and administrative issues, etc.

McCann, Michael. 1995. OSHA Health and Safety Training Requirements. Art Hazards News 18(1): 3-6.
Data sheet covering OSHA training requirements for AIDS/HIV and Hepatitis B, Hazardous substances, Personal protective equipment, etc.

Moser, Cindy, ed. c. 1988. The WHMIS Handbook. Don Mills, Ontario: Corpus Information Services.

Petherbridge, Guy and Harrington J. Malcom, eds. 1980-81. Safety and Health in the Paper Conservation Laboratory. In The Paper Conservator. London: Institute of Paper Conservation.
Extensive coverage of all aspects of health and safety in the laboratory.

Ramsay, James. 1990. Consolidated WHMIS Laws. Don Mills, Ontario: Southam Business Information and Communications Group Inc.

Table of contents

Chemical Hazards


ANSI Z400.1 - 1993. American National Standard for Hazardous Industrial Chemicals - Material Safety Data Sheets -Preparation.
Scope: This American National Standard applies to the preparation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals and materials under occupational conditions...

ANSI/NFPA 30 - 1993. Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.
Scope and Application:
This code shall apply to all flammable and combustible liquids, including waste liquids, except those that are solid at 100°F (37.8°C) or above and those that are liquifies gases or cryogenic liquids...

ANSI/NFPA 45 - 1991. Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
Scope: This standard shall apply to laboratory buildings, laboratory units, and laboratory work areas in which hazardous chemicals are handled or stored...

ANSI/NFPA 49 - 1994. Hazardous Chemicals Data.
Scope: The information presented in this document is intended for use by personnel who have a basic knowledge of the chemistry of hazardous materials. The information contained herein offers guidance on storage and fire fighting techniques that can be used in an emergency or in disaster planning. It is not intended as a guide for workplace exposure or for relative indices of toxicity...

ANSI/NFPA 55 - 1993. Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquified Gases in Portable Cylinders.
Scope: This standard applies to the storage, use and handling of compressed and liquified gases in portable cylinders in all occupancies...

ANSI/NFPA 325 - 1991. Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solvents.
Scope: This manual applies to flammable liquids, flammable gases, and volatile flammable solids.

ASTM/NFPA 491M - 1991. Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions.
Foreword: The purpose of the manual is to bring to chemists and other users of chemicals a compilation of recorded experience with chemical reactions that have potential for danger. Thus, the abstracts presented here range from reactions that produce incandescence or flame at moderate or slightly elevated temperatures to those that produce explosions or detonations.....


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1994. 1994-95 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati, Ohio: ACGIH.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1990. Guide to Occupational Exposure Values. Cincinnati, Ohio: ACGIH.
Contains tables of exposure limits for a wide range of substances.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1991. The Documentation of Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. 6th ed. Cincinnati, Ohio: ACGIH.
Detailed guide to exposure limits for chemical substances and physical agents (heat, cold, noise, etc.) in the work environment.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1994. Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. DHHS/NIOSH Pub. No. 94-116. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIOSH.
Intro: Chemicals or substances contained...include all substances for which the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended exposure limits (RELs) and those with permissable exposure limits (PELs), as found in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) General Industry Air Contaminants Standard (29 CFR 1910.1000)...

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1994. Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. Supplement 3-OHG. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIOSH.
Fifty guidelines include data on chemical name and synonyms, chemical and physical properties, exposure limits, personal protective equipment, etc.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1995. Quick Guide. NIOSH Pocket Survey Procedures and Guide to Chemical Hazards, Including EPA SARA Title III: Consolidated Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIOSH.
For microcomputers. Provides chemical information from variety of sources. Users can access OSHA permissable exposure limits, NIOSH recommended exposure limits, chemical and physical properties, trade names and synonyms, recommendations for personal protection, etc.

McCann, Michael. 1992. Artist Beware. Second edition. New York: Lyons and Burford.
Guide to the chemical and physical hazards associated with art and craft materials.

McCann, Michael. 1994. Health Hazards Manual for Artists. Fourth edition. New York: Lyons and Burford.

Rossol, Monona. 1995. The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide. 2nd ed. New York: Allworth Press.

Rossol, Monona. 1993. Using TLVs for Common Sense Risk Assessment for Solvents. AIC News 18(1):1-5.
Consideration of TLVs (threshold limit values) in combination with other risk factors to help conservators identify hazardous solvent exposures and safer substitutions.

TRC Environmental Consultants Under Contract to American Industrial Hygiene Association. 1989. Odor Thresholds for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Standards. Fairfax, Virginia: AIHA.
Provides reference information for chemicals with threshold limit values.

Table of contents


See General Canadian WHMIS references


ANSI Z129.1 - 1988. American National Standard for Hazardous Industrial Chemicals - Precautionary Labelling.
Scope: This standard applies to the precautionary labelling of hazardous chemicals, as defined herein, used under industrial occupational conditions.

See also ANSI Z356.5-1985


ASTM D 4236-92. 1992. Standard Practice for Labelling Art Materials for Chronic Health Hazards.
Scope: This practice describes a procedure for developing precautionary labels for art materials and provides hazard and precautionary statements based upon knowledge that exists in the scientific communities. This practice concerns those health hazards known to be associated with a product of product component(s) , when the component(s) is present in a physical form, volume, or concentration that in the opinion of a toxicologist has the potential to produce a chronic adverse health effect(s).

This practice applies exclusively to art materials packaged in sizes intended for individual users of any age or those participating in a small group...

Table of contents

Personal Protection


ANSI Z87.1 - 1989. American National Standard for Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.
Scope: This standard shall apply to those occupational and educational operations or processes where eye and face hazards exist. These include, but are not limited to, machining operations, material welding and cutting, chemical handling, and assembly operations.

ANSI Z87.1a - 1991. Supplement to and Partial Revision of ANSI Z87.1-1989, Subsection 15.3.

ANSI Z88.2 - 1992. American National Standard for Practices for Respiratory Protection.
Scope: This standard sets forth accepted practices for respirator users, provides information and guidance on the proper selection, use, and care of respirators and contains recommended requirements for establishing and regulating respirator programs...

ANSI Z88.3 - 1983. American National Standard for Respiratory Protection - Protection during Fumigation.
Scope: This standard includes practices and requirements for respiratory protection during fumigation. It requires that the fumigator be trained in acceptable fumigation procedures and licensed in compliance with state and local regulations and ordinances...

ANSI Z88.6 - 1984. American National Standard for Respiratory Protection - Respirator Use - Physical Qualifications for Personnel.
Scope: This standard establishes guidelines for medical examination of personnel required to use respirators.

ANSI Z308.1 - 1978. American National Standard for Minimum Requirements for Industrial Unit-Type First Aid Kits.
Scope: This standard lists and establishes a minimum assortment of first aid treatment packages made available by various manufacturers...

ANSI/NFPA 1992 - 1990. Liquid Splash-Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies.


AIHA Respiratory Protection Committee. 1991. Respiratory Protection: A Manual and Guideline. Second edition. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.

AIHA Respiratory Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee. 1990. Chemical Protective Clothing, Volume 1. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Review of basic polymer chemistry and permeation theory, design and use of protective materials, test methods, selection guidelines and decontamination.

AIHA Respiratory Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee. 1990. Chemical Protective Clothing, Volume 2: Product and Performance Information. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Product performance evaluation data, physical property test methods, permeation data, chemicals, products and vendors, with glossary.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1994. Guidelines for the Selection of Chemical Protective Clothing. 3rd edition. Vols. 1 & 2. Cincinnati, Ohio: ACGIH.

Colton, Craig E. 1995. A Conservator's Guide to Respiratory Protection. AIC News 20(2):1-6.
Covers methods for reducing potentially harmful exposure including ventilation and respirators.

Colton, Craig E., L.R. Birkner and L.M. Brosseau, eds. 1991. Respiratory Protection: A Manual and Guideline. 2nd edition. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1993. NIOSH Certified Equipment List As of September 30, 1993. Cincinnati, Ohio: NIOSH.

Roper, Michael M. 1990. A Guide for Evaluating the Performance of Chemical Protective Clothing. Washington, D.C.: NIOSH.

Sax, N. Irving and Richard J. Lewis Sr. 1992. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 3 vols. New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold.
General reference on chemicals.

Table of contents



ANSI B65.2 - 1988. American National Standard for Binding and Finishing Systems. Currently under revision.
Scope: This standard provides safety specifications for the design of binding and finishing systems drive controls, safety signalling systems, mechanical safety devices, warning labels and symbology.

ANSI B65.4 - 1994. American National Standard for Stand-Alone Bindery Trimmers.
Scope: This standard provides safety specifications for stand-alone book, magazine, or other paper product trimmers, including main drives and auxiliary drives, safety signalling systems, guards, safety devices and warning labels.

ANSI B65.5 - 19XX. American National Standard for Platen Presses. Currently under development.

ANSI Z9.2 - 1979. Revised 1991. American National Standard for Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems.
Scope: This statement comprises the fundamentals of good practice in industrial exhaust systems installed to prevent unhealthy or unsafe environmental conditions or to minimize nuisances.

ANSI/AIHA Z9.5. 1993. Standard for Laboratory Ventilation.

ANSI Z358.1 - 1990. American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment.
Scope: This standard establishes minimum performance requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person who has been exposed to injurious materials. It covers the following types of equipment: emergency showers, eyewash equipment, eye/face wash equipment, hand-held drench hoses, and combination shower and eyewash or eye/face wash.

ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1985. Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods.
Scope: A tracer gas is released at prescribed rates and positions in the hood and monitored in the breathing zone of a mannikin at the face of the hood. Based on the release rate of the tracer gas and average exposure to the mannikin, a performance rating is achieved.

ANSI/CGA 4 - 1990. American National Standard Method of Marking Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Material Contained.
Scope: Requirements for marking portable compressed gas containers, not permanently mounted and manifolded, to identify the material contained.

ANSI/NFPA 91 - 1992. Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Materials.

ANSI/UL 252 - 1984. Standard for Compressed Gas Regulators.


AIHA Respiratory Protection Committee. 1991. Respiratory Protection: A Manual and Guideline. 2nd ed. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Provides practical information for establishment and management of respiratory protection programmes with bibliography. Includes medical evaluation, respirator selection and use, chemical cartridge respirators and masks, training and fitting.

A. M. Best Co. 1994. Best's Safety Directory. Two Vols. Oldwick, New Jersey: A. M. Best Co.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1990. Industrial Ventilation. Cincinnati, Ohio: ACGIH.

Burton, D. Jeff. 1991. IAQ and HVAC Workbook. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Describes indoor air quality investigation techniques and building air handling systems.

Burton, D. Jeff. 1994. Laboratory Ventilation Workbook. Second edition. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Describes lab exhaust and HVAC systems. Includes test methods, hood approval methods, explanation of ventilation standards, troubleshooting, etc.

Burton, D. Jeff. 1995. Industrial Ventilation Workbook. Revised second edition. Fairfax, Virginia: American Industrial Hygiene Association.

Clark, N., T. Cutter and J. McGrane. 1995. Ventilation. New York: Lyons and Burford.

Table of contents

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1996-09-13).