Exhibits*Canadian Librarianship and Bibliography

Federal Identifier for the National Library of Canada

Women in Canadian Librarianship
and Bibliography

Marie-Claire Daveluy

Marie-Claire Daveluy


Librarian, Historian, Writer

Montreal-born Marie-Claire Daveluy began her outstanding and productive career as a librarian in 1917 when she joined the staff of the Montreal Public Library where she worked in a variety of positions, including Head of Cataloguing. It was while managing this department that she began writing her Instructions pour la redaction des catalogues de bibliothèque.

Wishing to acquire the qualifications required for her work, Miss Daveluy enrolled in librarian courses at McGill University in 1920, and obtained a diploma from that institution. That same year, she was appointed Assistant Librarian at the City of Montreal Library, remaining there until her retirement in 1944.

Her library career coincided with the beginnings of library science in French Canada. Gifted with a lively spirit of initiative and combative zeal, Marie-Claire Daveluy played a leading role in the founding of two great institutions: the École de Bibliothecaires at the Universite de Montreal (1937) and the Association canadienne des Bibliothecaires de langue française (1943).

Miss Daveluy was also known as a writer and historian. She was the first woman to become a member of the Montreal Historical Society. It could be said that history was Marie-Claire Daveluy's driving passion. It was also a source of inspiration for her writing: novels for young people, plays and historical works.

The March 1968 A.C.B.L.F. newsletter, paying tribute to Marie-Claire Daveluy, wondered what was most admirable about the woman of action who had carved out so many diverse pathways.

"Is it her leading work as a librarian, as a writer for young people, or as a truly learned historian.... Is it her brilliant mind or splendid heart...?"

Selected Works by or About Marie-Claire Daveluy

Instructions pour la rédaction des catalogues de bibliothèques. -- Montréal : Fides, 1952- . -- 1 v.

Les aventures de Perrine et de Charlot. -- Montréal : Bibliothèque de l'Action française, 1923. -- 310 p.

Morisset, Auguste-M. -- "Hommage à Marie-Claire Daveluy". Newsletter, Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française. -- Vol. X, no. 2 (June 1964). -- P. 64-68

Canada Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1997-07-28).