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List of Articles in English

Paterson, Beth. "Gabrielle Roy's Novel of St. Henri Realizes Fragile Five-year Hope", The Gazette, August 29, 1945.
    Article on Bonheur d'Occasion, also traces Roy's life leading up to her first novel.

Dickason, Tony. "Gabrielle Roy's Own Story Recalled by Sister Here", Winnipeg Tribune, March 1, 1947.
    Article on the publication of The Tin Flute and on Roy's early writing career.

Richmond, John. "Tapestry of Serenity", The Montreal Star, September 10, 1976.
    Review of Enchanted Summer.

Adachi, Ken. "Gabrielle Roy Pens Exquisite Prairie Portrait", The Toronto Star, March 3, 1979.
    Review of Children of My Heart.

"Tin Flute Being Filmed at Last", The Ottawa Citizen, March 20, 1982.
    Article on the filming of The Tin Flute.

Haynes, Dave. "Bid for Roy Home Launched", The Winnipeg Free Press, April 20, 1982.
    Article on the sale of Gabrielle Roy's childhood home.

"Roy Papers", The Montreal Gazette, April 9, 1983.
    Notice of the donation of the Gabrielle Roy Papers to the National Library.

Whiteway, Doug. "Roy Valued Prairie Roots", The Winnipeg Free Press, July 15, 1983.
    Article on the death of Gabrielle Roy, her life, and the sale of her childhood home.

Grosskurth, Phyllis. "A Writer with the Love of a Mother", The Globe and Mail, July 15, 1983.
    Article on the death of Gabrielle Roy and overview of her life.

Adachi, Ken. "An Incalculable Loss to Canadian Letters", The Sunday Star, July 17, 1983.
    Article on the death of Gabrielle Roy and overview of her life.

Fraser, Graham. "Two Kinds of Realism the Key to Roy, Desrochers", The Montreal Gazette, July 19, 1983.
    Article on the death of Gabrielle Roy but mainly about Bonheur d'Occasion.

Lefaivre, Paula. "Tribute to Gabrielle Roy", Red Deer Advocate, August 6, 1983.
    Article on the death of Gabrielle Roy and a description of some of her works.

"Gabrielle Roy Career", The Sudbury Star, January 18, 1985.
    Review of La Detresse et l'enchantement.

Kirk, Heather. "The Secret Heart of Gabrielle Roy", The Barrie Banner, December 11, 1985.
    Article about Gabrielle Roy with a mention of La Detresse et l'enchantment.

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