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Légende et Réalité


Sir Sandford Fleming


Liens à d'autres pages sur sir Sandford Fleming

Livres au sujet de sir Sandford Fleming

Livres pour enfants au sujet de Sandford Fleming

Livres au sujet de sir Sandford Fleming

Bowley, R. E.
Sir Sandford Fleming and the Unfolding of Canada (1845-1915): A Philatelic Study. [Peterborough, Ontario]: Peterborough Historical Society, 1983.

Burpee, Lawrence J.
Sanford Fleming: Empire Builder. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1980.

Cole, Jean Murray.
Sandford Fleming: No Better Inheritance. Peterborough, Ontario: Peterborough Historical Society, 1990.

Grant, George M.
Ocean to Ocean: Sandford Fleming's Expedition through Canada in 1872: Being a Diary Kept During a Journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the Expedition of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial Railways. [Toronto: Coles Pub. Co, c1970]. First published in 1873.

Green, Lorne Edmond.
Chief Engineer: Life of a Nation Builder — Sandford Fleming. Toronto: Dundurn Press, c1993.

Maclean, Hugh.
Man of Steel; the Story of Sir Sandford Fleming. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1969.

Masse, Denis.
Le castor de Fleming et ses descendants. Montréal : D. Masse, [1993?].

Reeves, Geoffrey H.
Sir Sandford Fleming and Imperialism. Ottawa: Carleton University, 1971.

Shortreed, Marcia, ed.
Sandford Fleming, Pioneer Engineer: Inaugural Lectures, Sandford Fleming Foundation, Delivered at University of Waterloo, March 1977. Waterloo, Ontario: Sandford Educational Press, 1978.

Unitt, Doris, Andrew Osler, and Edward McCoy.
Sir Sandford Fleming. Peterborough, Ontario Review Print Co., c1968.

Livres pour enfants au sujet de sir Sandford Fleming

Green, Lorne Edmond.
Sandford Fleming. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, c1980; [braille]: Toronto: CNIB, 1987. (Target audience: For grades 5-8).

Webb, Michael.
Sandford Fleming: Railway Builder. Missisauga, Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman, c1993.

Webb, Michael et Jean-Yves Lalonde.
Sandford Fleming : le bâtisseur de chemins de fer. Traduction, Lise Malo. Montréal : Éditions de la Chenelière, 1993.

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Liens à d'autres pages sur sir Sandford Fleming

Liens à des sites anglophones

Sandford Fleming 1827-1915 (Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame)
Sir Sandford Fleming

Liens à des sites francophones

La collection du Musée canadien de la poste
Sandford Fleming 1827-1915

(Le Panthéon de la science et de l'ingénierie canadiennes)

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