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Livres au sujet de Poundmaker

Livres pour enfants au sujet de Poundmaker

Livres au sujet de Poundmaker

Ahenakew, Edward.
Voices of the Plains Cree. Préparé par. Ruth M. Buck. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1995. Publié originallement: Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.

Barnett, Donald C.
Poundmaker. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1976.

Poundmaker. Traducteur, George Byrns; conseiller linguistique, Bernard-Pierre Paquet. Longueuil, Québec : Éditions Julienne, 1978.

Dempsey, Hugh A.
Crowfoot: Chief of the Blackfeet. Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse : Goodread Biographies, 1988, c1972. Publié originellement: Edmonton: Hurtig, c1972.

MacEwan, Grant.
Sitting Bull: The Years in Canada. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, c1973.

Maclean, John.
The Native Tribes of Canada. Toronto: Coles, c1980. Réimpression. Paru d'abord (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1896) sous le titre: Canadian Savage Folk: Native Tribes of Canada.

Morris, Alexander.
The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Information Relating Thereto. Facsim. Réimpression de l'édition de 1880. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Fifth House Publishers, c1991. Réimpression. Publié originallement: Toronto: Belfords, Clarke, 1880.

Mulvany, Charles Pelham.
The History of the North-West Rebellion of 1885: Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the War, of the Various Engagements with the Indians and Half-breeds, of the Heroic Deeds Performed by Officers and Men, and of Touching Scenes in the Field, the Camp, and the Cabin: Including a History of the Indian Tribes of North-Western Canada, Their Numbers, Modes of Living, Habits, Customs, Religious Rites, and Ceremonies, with Thrilling Narratives of Captures, Imprisonment, Massacres, et Hair Breadth Escapes of White Settlers etc. Toronto: Coles Pub. Co., c1971. Réimpression de l'édition de 1885 publiée par A.H. Hovey, Toronto.

Sluman, Norma.
Poundmaker. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1967.

Stanley, George F.G.
The Birth of Western Canada: A History of the Riel Rebellions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1992. Publié d'abord: London: Longmans, Green, 1936.

Stonechild, Blair.
Saskatchewan Indians and the Resistance of 1885: Two Case Studies. Regina: Saskatchewan Education, 1986.

Stonechild, Blair et Bill Waiser.
Loyal Till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion. Calgary: Fifth House, c1997.

Livres pour enfants au sujet de Poundmaker

Neering, Rosemary.
Settlement of the West. Éd. rév. Markham, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1985.

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Liens à d'autres pages sur Poundmaker

Liens à des sites anglophones

Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker)

Poundmaker Historical Centre and Teepee Village

Poundmaker's Lodge: A Healing Place

Liens à des sites francophones

La Maison Poundmaker - La Voie de la guérison

Projet de numérisation de la Résistance du Nord-Ouest

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