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Quebec Science Fiction

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Much Québécois science fiction has been written for younger audiences. Among the best-known works are the Volpek novels by Yves Theriault and the Unipax novels by Maurice Gagnon.

More recently, Daniel Sernine (pseudonym of Alain Lortie), in his capacity as juveniles editor for Éditions Paulines, has published his own novels and those of Francine Pelletier, Joël Champetier and Denis Côté. Odyssée was a graphic magazine published in the 1970s.

For adults, Sernine, Yves, Menard, Vonarburg and numerous others have built up an active writing community--with an equally active publishing infrastructure to support it.


Chabot, Denys
L'Eldorado dans les glaces
Champetier, Joël
La Mer au fond du monde
Rochon, Esther
L'Épuisement du soleil
Rochon, Esther
L'Étranger sous la ville
Sernine, Daniel
À la recherche de Monsieur Goodtheim: novellas de science-fiction
Sernine, Daniel
Les Contes de l'ombre
Sernine, Daniel
Quand vient la nuit
Trudel, Jean-Louis
Aller simple pour Saguenal
Vonarburg, Élisabeth
Chroniques du pays des mères

Book Cover L'Eldorado dans les glaces

Chabot, Denys
Montréal: Bibliothèque Québécoise, 1989.

During a transatlantic crossing from Le Havre to Montreal, the author meets Oberlin, a strange individual whose monologues form the basis of the novel. His stories are a semi-dreamlike evocation of distant memories in which fable, dream and reality are inextricably entwined, and he adopts a series of roles in the stories, recreating, revealing and concealing himself.

Cover reproduced with the permission of Éditions Hurtubise HMH Ltée.

Book Cover La Mer au fond du monde

Champetier, Joël
Montréal: Éditions Paulines, 1990.

Although he is only fifteen years old, Lucian is one of the few humans living on the planet Creuse who does not need devices to communicate with the fridjis, intelligent but inherently alien creatures. With his uncle Basmi and his friend, Ftrac, a fridji, Lucian joins a group of Earth explorers in the Northern Gulf, in Creuse's only sea.

La Mer au fond du monde. Joël Champetier.
Cover illustration: Jean-Pierre Normand. Montréal: Éditions
Paulines (now MÉDIASPAUL), 1990.

blank L'Épuisement du soleil

Rochon, Esther
Longueuil, Québec: Éditions du Préambule, 1985.

A former servant of the priests of the god Haztlén tells a barmaid that he has made the temple and statue of God inaccessible. A young man named Taïm Sutherland is on his way to the Archipelago of Vrénalik; as we follow him, we will learn what happened to the temple and the statue.

Book Cover L'Étranger sous la ville

Rochon, Esther
Montréal: Éditions Paulines, 1986.

The Archepelago of Vrénalik is isolated, almost deserted. The remaining inhabitants, descendants of the powerful Avsen of yesteryear, wait for death or an unlikely deliverance. An adolescent girl talks about this world in suspense and begins looking for a stranger who went down to live in the caves of the Citadel several years earlier.

L'Étranger sous la ville. Esther Rochon.
Cover illustration: Paul Roux. Montréal: Éditions Paulines
(now MÉDIASPAUL), 1986.

Book Cover À la recherche de Monsieur Goodtheim: novellas de science-fiction

Sernine, Daniel
Montréal: Les Publications Ianus, 1991.

Dr. Zol's little monsters devour the costumed revellers while an astrophysicist from Erymede pierces the fabric of Space-Time. On Stardust Boulevard, the Carnival is in full swing.

Courtesy of Ianus Publications.

Book Cover Quand vient la nuit

Sernine, Daniel
Longueuil, Québec: Éditions Le Préambule, 1983.

Eight stories of madness and passion about, among other things, an Amerindian mask and a Russian icon, one evil and one good, or is it the other way round? A mystic who plays at being a vampire -- or is he really playing? An enigmatic woman who may be a succubus.

Cover illustration: Pierre Lacroix.

Book Cover Les Contes de l'ombre

Sernine, Daniel
Montréal: Presses Sélect, 1978.

A collection of 16 fantastic stories that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Cover illustration: Pierre Lacroix.

Book Cover Aller simple pour Saguenal

Trudel, Jean-Louis
Montréal: Éditions Paulines, 1994.

One evening , in Saguenal on the distant planet of Nou-Québec, a ship enters port carrying a sleeping youth, Sylvain Gareau, who expects to find his parents when he disembarks. But they are not there. What has happened to them?

Aller simple pour Saguenal. Jean-Louis Trudel. Cover illustration: Jean-Pierre Normand. Montréal: Éditions Paulines (now MÉDIASPAUL), 1994.

Book Cover Chroniques du pays des mères

Vonarburg, Élisabeth
Montréal: Éditions Québec/Amérique, 1992.

In the distant future on a devasted Earth that is slowly recovering, there are few men in the Country of the Mothers. Only the family Captes -- the Mothers -- have children fathered by males; the others must use risky artificial insemination. Lisbel and Tula do not care about this, at first. The daughters of the Capte of Béthély, they grow up together as sisters, friends, soulmates. But fate will separate them. Lisbel, who is sterile, must leave Béthély to her younger sister, who will be the Mother.

Chroniques du pays des mères. Élisabeth Vonarburg. Montréal: Éditions Québec/Amérique, 1992.

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Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-06-17)