Bar chart for question 37: Importance of Information to Choose a Home Phone Service Provider — text version

Importance of Information to Choose a Home Phone Service Provider
Type of Information Critical Important Nice to know Not at all important
Monthly price 71% 21% 7% 1%
Any service or equipment setup costs 56% 32% 11% 1%
Availability and cost of calling features 47% 36% 15% 2%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 41% 40% 16% 3%
Promotions 43% 38% 18% 1%
Using a company with a good reputation 35% 45% 18% 2%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 36% 44% 18% 2%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 36% 42% 19% 3%
LD packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 40% 38% 18% 5%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 37% 39% 18% 6%
Customer reviews 28% 38% 30% 4%
LD packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 32% 32% 25% 11%

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