You Have Choices: Choosing a Service Provider – Online Survey
Final Report
December 2016

Prepared for the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
Contract Award Date: August 18, 2016
Contract #: 82082-170119/001/CY
POR Number: POR 034-16

Department Contact:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Table of Contents

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Quorus Consulting Group Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.


Rick Nadeau, President

Quorus Consulting Group Inc.

Executive Summary

Research Purpose and Objectives

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) commissioned Quorus Consulting Group (Quorus) to conduct a survey to better understand the triggers, resources and types of information relevant to Canadians as they switch, subscribe or consider a telecommunications, Internet or television service provider. These insights will help the CRTC redesign an existing online tool called Service Providers Near Me.

Specifically, the objectives of this project are to:

Summary of Findings

Behaviours towards communication service providers were explored on a per service basis, given that respondents may not subscribe to all services and attitudes could also differ depending on the service. Therefore, results are herein organized by each of the communication services used.

Over-the-Air Television (OTA TV)

Half of Canadians are aware of whether or not OTA TV is an option in their area, with most claiming that it is available. The remaining half of Canadians don’t know if it is available in their area.

Over half of those aware of OTA TV have seriously looked into accessing free TV channels for their home, mainly using Google or other search engines. A few would use the CRTC website or web sites from television service providers. The information sought includes the number of channels available, the equipment needed, specific channels available or if OTA TV is accessible in their area.

Defining User Segments

For each of the four main services explored in this study, survey respondents were classified depending on their sign-up or switching intentions or based on their switching behaviour during the last year. The user segments are defined as follows:

Paid Television Services

The largest user segment when it comes to paid television services is the Status Quo segment (roughly one-third), followed by Considerers and Non-Subscribers (roughly one out of five respondents in each segment). Fewer than 10% fall into each of the Intender, Switcher and New Subscriber segments.

Among Considerers, two thirds considered switching once or twice, and the other third considered switching at least three times. Among Status Quo subscribers, 7 in 10 are open to switching service providers, while the remaining feel they will probably never switch service providers.

Specific events that trigger the idea of switching service providers among Considerers are mainly when the service bill received is higher than usual, or when the service does not work as expected. Other triggers, not only for Considerers but also for New Subscribers, Switchers and Intenders include the perception of high prices, better offers from competitors, or specific channels or content wanted. The main barrier to switching among Considerers is the perceived hassle of going through the process.

Overall, respondents estimate there are on average three (3) paid television service providers in their area to choose from. In order to find one, respondents mainly turn to their family and friends for advice, visit specific service provider websites, use Google or other search engines in general, or call sales representatives from service providers. New Subscribers are more likely to use online sources (websites, social media, blogs or chat rooms) compared to other segments.

When looking for information to choose a paid TV service provider, the most important information for respondents are (in order of importance): the monthly price, the cost of the service or any equipment needed, and the channel packages.

Over 4 in 5 respondents say it was easy to find the information they were looking for. Among those who didn’t feel the information was easy to find, nearly one third had trouble finding information on the monthly price, the television channel packages available, and the cost of equipment needed (set-up boxes, satellite dish, etc.).

Internet Services

The largest user segment when it comes to internet services is the Status Quo segment (roughly one-half), followed by Considerers (roughly one fifth), New Subscribers and Switchers (roughly one out of ten respondents in each segment). Fewer than 10% fall into each of the Intender and Non-Subscriber segments.

Over 7 in 10 Considerers thought of switching internet service providers once or twice during the last year, while the remaining considered switching at least three times. Two thirds of Status Quo subscribers are open to switching service providers. Nearly a third of Considerers indicated there was a different reason every time they considered switching over the past year. Other common triggers included a higher bill than usual or whenever the service didn’t work as expected (as noted by a quarter of Considerers). Another main reason to switch is the high cost of the service, particularly for Considerers and Switchers. The former, however, have not switched mainly because they find it is too much trouble, or the setup costs with a new provider would be too expensive.

On average, internet subscribers believe there are four (4) service providers in their area. When looking for information on them, at least two out of five visit specific service provider websites, speak to friends, family or coworkers, or do a general search on Google or other search engines.

In terms of the type of information that is of greatest interest, respondents tend to focus on the monthly price, the set up costs of any equipment, the internet speed in their area, and the monthly data cap.

Overall, four in five say it was easy to find the information for which they were looking. Among those who say it was difficult to find certain information, nearly one third had trouble finding information on the monthly price of the service, as well as the internet speed in their area.

Home Phone Services

The largest user segment when it comes to home phone services is the Status Quo and Non-Subscriber segments (roughly two out of five respondents in each segment), followed by the Considerer segment (roughly one tenth). Fewer than 10% fall into each of the Switcher, New Subscriber and Intender segments.

Among Considerers, nearly two thirds contemplated switching home phone service providers within the last year once or twice, and another third considered switching at least three times. Three in five Status Quo subscriber are open to switching providers. Considerers’ most common event triggering the idea to switch home phone service providers is the moment they receive their bill. However, this segment ends up not changing providers as they perceive this would be too much trouble for them. Other common reasons that tend to motivate individuals to switch or select a specific provider include being offered a better priced service or a promotion, or finding their current service too expensive and an increasing bill.

Respondents believe there are on average three (3) service providers in their area. To decide how to choose one, subscribers and Intenders mainly visit service provider websites, speak with family, friends and coworkers, or use Google or other search engines. The most important information sought for these respondents is the monthly price, followed closely by the costs related to setting up the service or the equipment required, as well as the availability and cost of calling features.

Over 4 in 5 respondents feel it was easy to find the information they were looking for in regards to home phone service providers. Those who felt it was difficult to obtain the information they needed say the information most difficult to find was the monthly price of the service, equipment or service set up costs, as well as contract or commitment terms.

Cellular Services

The largest user segment when it comes to cellular services is the Status Quo (roughly three out of five respondents), followed by Considerers (roughly over one in ten respondents). Fewer than 10% fall into each of the Switcher, New Subscriber, Intender, and Non-Subscriber segments.

Over 7 in 10 Considerers have thought about switching service providers in the last year at least twice. Over a quarter have considered switching at least three time in the same period of time. Nearly two thirds of Status Quo subscribers are open to the idea of switching service providers.

The most common events triggering Considerers to think of switching cellular service providers are when they get their bill, every time their service does not work as expected, and every time they get a bill that is higher than usual. However, they are most likely to refrain from switching because of stipulations in their current contract, the trouble associated with switching providers, or the expensive contract termination fees. Other reasons that typically compel individuals to switch or think of switching include the cost of the service and an increasing bill, or finding better prices or promotions from competitors.

Respondents believe there are on average six (6) cellular service providers in their area. To find information about these providers, respondents mainly resort to service provider websites, speak to friends, family or coworkers, or do a general search on Google or other search engines.

The most important information sought regarding cellular services include the monthly price of the service, data plans, cellular coverage areas, types and price of cell phones available, as well as the availability and cost of calling features. Information on cellular services are considered easy to find by over four out of five respondents. Information that is relatively more difficult to find is the monthly price, cellular coverage area, roaming rates, data plans, and contract or commitment terms.

Technology User Behaviour

This research also explored the devices used to do research on communication service providers. At least four in five respondents used their devices at home, particularly laptops or chromebooks. Not surprisingly, smartphones are used the most when conducting research on the go, or at work/school.

For all services, including OTA TV, respondents have a stronger preference to have an online tool that helps them search information based on their city or postal code.

Respondents’ attitude towards bundling their communication services leans towards bundling two services, mainly paid TV and Internet. Those considering bundling three services would include Paid TV, Internet, and home phone services.

Final Observations

Considering OTA TV has existed for much longer than paid television service, awareness of the service seems low. Behaviours towards other communication services are similar in terms of motivations to select a provider or switch to another one. Regardless of the service, most respondents are aware and willing to switch providers if they feel the service or price is not meeting their needs or expectations. It is clear communication services users are vigilant of their expenditures towards these services and the value for their money is the most important subscription driver, and therefore the most important type of information that needs to be readily available to them. Service monthly price, costs of equipment, contract terms, and service and plan details such as channel packages, internet speed and data caps, calling features, coverage areas, types and costs of devices, roaming fees, or other information with an impact on the service cost are considered crucial for consumers when it comes to selecting their service provider and the service plan that best meets their needs. This information also needs to be accessible on all types of devices as there seems to be equal use of devices when conducting research.


The research approach consisted of an online survey with Canadians, between the ages of 18 and 55, who have an Internet connection and any of the following: a smartphone, a desktop, a tablet or a laptop. Respondents also needed to have access to or otherwise express an intention to subscribe to any of the following: over-the-air (OTA) TV, paid TV, mobile or landline phone, or Internet services. For the services to which they subscribe or intend to subscribe, the respondent needed to be one of the household’s main decision-makers or influencers.

Respondents were invited from a panel of Canadians. In total, 1,200 surveys were completed with Canadians between October 3 and October 17, 2016. Quotas were established to ensure sufficient representation in specific regions to make sure regional analysis was possible. Because of the non-probability sampling nature of online panels, a valid margin of error cannot be calculated. The margin of error for a comparable probability-based random sample of the same size is +/- 2.8%, 19 times out of 20. The data in this report is weighed to replicate actual population distributions by province, age, and gender, within Canada according to 2011 Census data.

Supplier Name: Quorus Consulting Group Inc.
PWGSC Contract Number: 82082-170119/001/CY
Contract Award Date: August 18, 2016
Contract Amount (including HST): $38,457.86
For more information, please contact the CRTC at:

Detailed Results


The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) commissioned Quorus Consulting Group (Quorus) to conduct a survey to identify Canadians switching communication service providers and their behavior around the topic, to ultimately redesign an existing online tool called Service Providers Near Me.

As part of the CRTC mandate, the CRTC helps Canadians connect to a choice of accessible, innovative and quality communication services. In the CRTC Three Year Plan 2016-2019, one of the key objectives and outcomes identified for Canadians is to ensure that Canadians are aware of their choice of service providers. In February 2016, the CRTC released an online tool called Service Providers Near Me, to allow Canadians to search for service providers near them. Currently, the CRTC requires data on Canadians switching service providers, to create profiles that will be used to redesign the tool and better serve Canadians.

The objective of the research is to obtain information that will help redesign the existing online tool and test it. Specifically, the objectives of this project are to:

The information gathered will seek to understand Canadians’ behavior around the following areas:


The research approach consisted of an online survey with Canadians, between the ages of 18 and 55, who have an Internet connection and any of the following: a smartphone, a desktop, a tablet or a laptop. Respondents also needed have access to or otherwise express an intention to subscribe to any of the following: over-the-air (OTA) TV, paid TV, mobile or landline phone, or Internet services. For the services to which they subscribe or intend to subscribe, the respondent needed to be one of the household’s main decision-makers or influencers.

All research work was conducted in accordance with the professional standards established by the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA), and the Government of Canada POR Standards, as follows:

Over-the-Air Television (OTA TV)

Survey participants were provided a description of over-the-air television (OTA TV) and asked if they are aware as to whether or not this service is an option in their area of residence. Half say they are aware of the service, of which 44% say it is an option in their area, and 6% say it is not. The remaining half did not know whether or not OTA TV is available as an option in their area.

Awareness about Free TV

Text version

Question 1: Depending on where they live, Canadians can watch a number of television channels for free by accessing over-the-air signals. This does not include programming downloaded from the Internet. Do you know if this is an option for you in your area? Base: All Respondents, n=1,200.

Respondents aware of the service in their area are more likely to be residents of Ontario (53%), between 18 to 34 years old (49%), men (54%), living in urban (49%) or suburban areas (45%), and new subscribers of a paid television service (61%). Respondents unaware of this service are more likely to be at least 50 years old compared to those 18 to 34 years of age (58% vs. 45%), and women (59% vs. 40% of men).

Among those aware of OTA TV, nearly 6 in 10 (59%) say they seriously looked into accessing free TV channels for their home. These households are most likely to have looked into the number of channels available for free (60%), followed by whether or not any extra equipment was needed and its cost (50%), if a specific channel was available (45%) and if OTA is available in their area (41%). Fewer specifically researched if certain channels or how many channels are available in high definition (33%).

Type of Information Being Searched About Free TV

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Question 3: What kinds of information were you trying to obtain or understand? Base: Respondents looking into accessing free TV channels, n=350.

Google or other search engines are the most popular resource when looking for information about free TV, as noted by 55% of those who have already looked into accessing OTA TV. Those unaware of free TV and those who have not done any research on the topic would also choose Google and other search engines as their most likely resource (69%). The second most popular resource would be word-of-mouth, followed by specific websites. Those who have already looked into accessing free TV were much more likely to have used blogs and chat rooms compared to those who haven’t looked into free TV yet (21% vs. 9%).

Resources to Find Information about Free TV

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Question 4: What kinds of resources did you use when you were looking for information about free TV? Base: Respondents looking into accessing free TV channels, n=350 / Question 5: What kinds of resources would you be most likely to use if you were to look for information about free TV in your area? Base: Respondents unaware of OTA TV or aware but who didn't look into accessing it, n=850.

Those who mentioned “visited/ visit a specific website” were asked to specify which website they have or would use. A wide range of specific websites were noted by respondents, among which the most popular was Google (36%). Less than one tenth of respondents used or would use the CRTC website (8%1), or the websites from Bell (6%), Shaw (5%), and Rogers (4%) among others.



Specific Websites Used to Look for
OTA TV Information
Specific Websites that Would Be Used
to Look for OTA TV Information
Google 36% 17% 38%
CRTC 8% 3% 8%
Bell 6% 3% 4%
Shaw 5% 4% 5%
Rogers 4% 1% 4%
Free TV 3% 4% 3%
Videotron 3% 2% 4%
CBC 2% 3% 2%
Cogeco 2% 2% 2%
YouTube <1% 5% <1%
Redflag Deals <1% 2% <1%
Other 25% 38% 25%
DK / NA 16% 19% 17%

Question 4: What kinds of resources did you use when you were looking for information about free TV? Base: Respondents specifying other websites than those listed in the question, n=135 / Question 5: What kinds of resources would you be most likely to use if you were to look for information about free TV in your area? Base: Respondents specifying other websites than those listed in the question, n=313.

When presented with different geographic options to help them search for the availability of free TV, participants would prefer to search based on their city (39%), followed by their postal code (31%). Very few would see a need to search based on their address (5%).

Search Preferences for Free TV Availability Service

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Question 6: If you could use an online tool to search for free TV channels and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for free TV availability in your area? Base: All respondents, n=1,200.

Paid Television Services

When it comes to paid television services, many households (55%) have been with their current service provider for at least one year. This segment predominantly consists of “Status Quo” subscribers (33%), meaning they have been with the same service provider for over a year and have not considered switching. The remaining 22% have considered switching at least once over the past year (“Considerers”). Nearly one in ten (9%) subscribed within the last year at their current location (“New Subscribers”) and 8% have switched service providers within the past year (“Switchers”). Roughly 27% do not currently subscribe to a paid television service, of which 6% intend to subscribe within the next 6 months (“Intenders”) whereas 21% have no intention of subscribing to paid television within this same timeframe.

Paid Television Subscribers Composition

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Question 7: Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one paid television service provider to another? / Question 8: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one paid television service provider to another but never ended up switching? Base: All respondents with a paid television service or decision makers in regards to this service, n=1,179.

Status Quo subscribers are more likely to be 50 to 55 years old, not working full-time or part-time, and earning at least $100,000 in terms of household income.

Considerers are more likely to be 35 to 49 years old than younger, employed, have a household size of at least 3 people, have a household income of at least $60,000, and live in a rural area rather than an urban area.

New Subscribers are more likely to be 18 to 34 years old, speak English at home, have a household income of less than $60,000, and live in an urban area rather than rural.

Switchers are more likely to be 18 to 34 years of age than older.

Intenders are more likely to speak French at home rather than English, live in a household of two people, live only with adults, have a household income of less than $60,000, live in an urban area, and have lived in Canada for no more than 10 years.

18-34 35-49 50-55 Employed Not employed Other English French Other
Considerers 23% 33%* 29% 30%* 19% 38% 28% 28% 18%
Status Quo 37% 42% 55%* 41% 52%* 31% 42% 42% 58%
New Subscribers 18%* 10% 5% 12% 12% 10% 13%* 10% 4%
Switchers 13%* 8% 8% 10% 11% 8% 10% 9% 7%
Intenders 9%* 8% 4% 8% 6% 14% 6% 11%* 13%

1 2 3+ With kids under 13 With teenagers Adults only <$60K $60K-$100K $100K+
Considerers 23% 25% 31%* 31% 30% 26% 20% 35% 31%*
Status Quo 41% 45% 42% 40% 43% 44% 40% 36% 49%*
New Subscribers 14% 13% 11% 11% 10% 13% 15%* 12% 9%
Switchers 12% 7% 10% 12% 12% 9% 12% 10% 8%
Intenders 9% 11%* 6% 7% 4% 9%* 12%* 6% 4%

Considerers 28% 27% 29% 30% 24% 28% 27% 29%
Status Quo 39% 44% 39% 45% 47% 47% 41% 44%
New Subscribers 17%* 9% 12%* 5% 19%* 11% 14% 10%
Switchers 12% 8% 11% 11% 8% 8% 10% 10%
Intenders 3% 11%* 8%* 9% 3% 6% 8% 7%

Urban Suburban Rural 10 or less More than 10
Considerers 24% 29% 37%* 20% 28%
Status Quo 41% 44% 45% 31% 43%
New Subscribers 15%* 10% 7% 19% 11%
Switchers 10% 10% 6% 7% 10%
Intenders 10%* 5% 4% 23%* 7%

Switching Behaviours, Triggers, and Barriers

Respondents who have been with the same provider for over a year were asked how often they considered switching from one paid television service provider to another. Over two fifths (42%) of these Considerers say they thought about switching once during the past year, 26% say they thought about it twice, and nearly one third (32%) say they thought about this at least three times. Among the subscribers who have been with their service provider for at least one year but never considered switching during that year (Status Quo subscribers), results show that 7 out of 10 are open to switching in the future.

Considering Switching Providers

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Question 8: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one paid television service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider? Base: Considerers n=260; Status Quo n=394.

Considerers who thought of switching service providers at least twice in the past year indicate these inclinations tended to recur when receiving a bill that is higher than usual (45%), or every time the service did not work as expected (44%). A few less felt this way every time they got a bill (38%). Nearly one fifth (17%) say they had a different reason to switch every time they considered switching.

Events Causing the Consideration to Switch Service Providers

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Question 9: Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their paid television service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Base: Considerers contemplating switching paid television service providers more than once over the past year, n=151.

Respondents were specifically asked to explain what triggered their actions. Considerers are above all focused on price (46% feel their supplier’s price is too high and 19% feel they can get a better price elsewhere).  Only Switchers proved as focused on price as ConsiderersSwitchers were also influenced by a promotion or better or cheaper pricing (35%).  Both Considerers and Switchers are also questioning their quality of service and reception (19% and 21% respectively).

Intenders and New Subscribers were relatively more influenced by specific content or channels when came the decision to subscribe to a paid television service (39% and 26% respectively).

Reasons to Switch or
Select a Provider
TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 32% 46%* 9% 36%* 11%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 19% 19% 18% 35%* 4%
Wanted specific content / channels 17% 10% 26%* 11% 39%*
Poor quality of service / reception 14% 19%* 4% 21%* 5%
Not interested in content (general) 3% 5% 3% - 4%
Moving / required service 3% 1% 11% 2% -
Other 15% 11% 27% 6% 22%
Don’t know/ Not applicable 6% 5% 4% 2% 16%

Question 10: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a paid television service/switch paid television service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Paid television new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=531.

(By key demographics)
Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider REGION AGE GENDER
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 31% 32% 31% 39% 26% 38% 28% 34% 36% 35% 29%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 26% 13% 17% 25% 31%* 23% 20% 21% 14% 22% 17%
Wanted specific content / channels 14% 16% 19% 16% 16% 18% 19% 18% 12% 15% 20%
Poor quality of service / reception 12% 20%* 15%* 9% 12% 7% 13% 13% 24%* 11% 18%*
Not interested in content (general) 2% 2% 3% 8% 1% 7% 4% 4% 2% 4% 3%
Moving / required service 3% 2% 3% 2% 3% 5% 3% 5% - 3% 3%
Other 8% 18% 16% 10% 15% 8% 17% 11% 18% 14% 16%

Question 10: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a paid television service/switch paid television service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Paid television new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=531.

Considerers were asked for the reasons they had not switched service providers. Over two fifths (44%) say it meant too much trouble, 25% found the competitor plans were too expensive, 23% felt the set up costs were too expensive, 20% considered the competitor plans did not meet their needs and 19% felt their service provider matched the offer or offered something better.

Barriers to Switch Providers

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Question 14: Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Base: Considerers, n=260.

Choosing a New Service Provider

Perceived Number of Service Providers

Respondents believe there are on average three service providers in their area to choose from. Over a tenth (15%) were not able to provide an answer, a result that was much more common among Intenders (31%) than other segments (13%). New subscribers are more likely to say there is only one service provider in their area (9% compared to 4% overall).

Sources of Information

In order to find a paid TV service provider, respondents used several sources of information, mainly speaking with friends, family or coworkers (41%), visiting specific service provider websites (40%), doing a general search on Google or other search engine (39%), and calling sales representatives from specific service providers (31%).

SOURCE TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Speak with friends, family or coworkers 41% 34% 47%* 45% 32% 35%
Visit specific service provider websites 40% 41%* 47%* 29% 34% 28%
General search on Google or other search engine 39% 38%* 46%* 22% 27% 37%
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 31% 27% 34% 31% 34% 29%
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 13% 8% 17%* 19%* 9% 9%
Visit specific service provider retail stores 11% 7% 10% 16%* 15% 14%
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 9% 5% 9% 14%* 12% 13%
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 8% 8% 4% 16%* 9% 10%
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7% 5% 7% 15%* 8% 4%
Visit government websites 6% 2% 5% 13%* 10% 8%
Other 3% 4% 1% 4% 10% -

Question 11: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 12: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your paid television service provider tomorrow; Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one, n=925.

Considerers are more likely to have visited service provider websites (41%) and done searches on Google or other search engines (38%).

Status Quo subscribers would be more likely to, in addition to the sources used by Considerers, speak with family and friends (47%) or use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator (17%) if they had to change their paid television service provider.

New subscribers are more likely to have used several sources of information to help them choose a paid TV service provider, including a specialized website, online simulator or calculator (19%); service provider retail stores (16%), trusted online communities (14%), blogs or chatrooms (16%), Facebook (15%), and government websites (13%).

(By key demographics)
Speak with friends, family or coworkers 44% 33% 41% 52%* 43% 44%* 41% 37% 48%* 36% 46%*
Visit specific service provider websites 34% 41% 39% 38% 49% 39% 37% 43% 41% 39% 42%
General search on Google or other search engine 36% 32% 43%* 39% 42% 36% 40% 39% 35% 38% 39%
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 37% 36% 28% 35% 29% 31% 25% 32%* 43%* 28% 35%*
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 8% 11% 14% 15% 15% 16% 11% 14% 17% 13% 13%
Visit specific service provider retail stores 15% 8% 11% 13% 9% 15% 12%* 12%* 6% 14%* 8%
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 7% 4% 13%* 11% 7% 12% 9% 9% 9% 10% 8%
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers - 5% 12%* 5% 4% 8% 11%* 7% 4% 9% 7%
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7% 8% 8% 9% 4% 8% 10%* 7% 1% 6% 9%
Visit government websites 5% 6% 7% 4% 5% 6% 8%* 4% 5% 8%* 4%
Other 5% 3% 3% 5% 2% 2% 3% 2% 5% 3% 3%

Question 11: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 12: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your paid television service provider tomorrow; Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one, n=925.

As noted in the table above, in terms of regional use, Ontario residents tend to do general searches on search engines to find this information, and visit online communities, blogs and/or chats, more so than Quebec residents especially. Those in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia are more likely to rely on word of mouth than those in Quebec.

Respondents under 50 years old are more likely to visit service provider retail stores. The younger segment (18 to 34) is more likely than older ones to uses blog and chat rooms, as well as Facebook and government sites. Those at least 35 years old are more likely to call specific service providers to speak to their sales representatives, while those at least 50 years old are relatively more likely to rely on the advice from family, friends and coworkers.

Men are more inclined to visit specific provider retail stores and government websites compared to women, while the latter are more likely than men to talk to their circle of friends, family members and coworkers, as well as call sales representatives from specific service providers.

Information Sought

Respondents were presented with a list of different types of information that a household could consider when deciding which service provider to use and which type or level of service their household could select with that service provider. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of each type of information in their decision making process. Overall, at least two thirds found each factor presented “critical” or “important”, especially the monthly price which was considered critical to 73% of respondents and important for another 20% (total of 93%). This is closely followed by the cost of service or equipment (63% critical, 28% important) and the channel packages (47% critical, 40% important). Information on promotions is critical to 43% of respondents and important to 37% of them. The ability to bundle services, the type of technology used to deliver the service, and customer reviews were the least important factors.

Importance of Information to Choose a Paid Service Provider

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Question 13: How important were the following types of information about paid television service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one, n=925.

Compared to other segments, Considerers and Status Quo subscribers are more likely to value information related to the television channel packages (89%). The latter are also more likely to value information on the cost of service or equipment (93%). In addition to these two elements, Switchers are relatively more interested in information on the monthly price (97%), and information on the ability to bundle services (85%). New Subscribers are relatively more interested in promotions (86%), the ability to bundle (80%), and the type of technology used to deliver the service (82%) compared to other segments.

(Top-two box importance scores: % critical + % important)
Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Monthly price 93% 94% 94% 88% 97%* 87%
The cost service or of any equipment you might need 91% 90% 93%* 87% 95%* 84%
Television channel packages 87% 89%* 89%* 78% 92%* 81%
Using a company with a good reputation 83% 81% 84% 84% 82% 80%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 83% 85% 84% 85% 80% 76%
Promotions 80% 82% 77% 86%* 82% 74%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 76% 76% 74% 80%* 85%* 66%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 75% 71% 76% 82%* 77% 66%
Customer reviews 68% 67% 67% 73% 66% 69%

Question 13: How important were the following types of information about paid television service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one, n=925.

Younger respondents (18 to 34 years old) are relatively more interested in customer reviews, while those 35 to 49 years old are more likely to assign importance to information on the cost of service or equipment, as well as the television channel packages.

Women are more likely than men to assign importance to information on the monthly price, the cost of service and/or equipment, and promotions.

(Top-two scores by key demographics)
Type of Information Evaluated REGION AGE GENDER
Monthly price 95% 91% 92% 91% 97%* 97%* 91% 94% 94% 91% 95%*
The cost service or of any equipment you might need 97%* 88% 91% 91% 93% 91% 89% 94%* 90% 88% 94%*
Television channel packages 88% 85% 88% 85% 91% 86% 84% 90%* 88% 85% 89%
Using a company with a good reputation 83% 81% 82% 81% 86% 88% 81% 84% 82% 79% 87%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 91% 76% 84% 82% 88% 87% 82% 85% 81% 83% 84%
Promotions 72% 84%* 79% 72% 76% 84% 79% 81% 76% 76% 83%*
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 81% 75% 75% 71% 80% 75% 74% 76% 78% 74% 78%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 83% 74% 74% 64% 82% 72% 75% 75% 73% 74% 76%
Customer reviews 70% 63% 70% 60% 74% 67% 72%* 67% 61% 65% 70%

Question 13: How important were the following types of information about paid television service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one, n=925.

Ease to Find Information

Respondents were asked to rate the extent to which it was easy or difficult to find information to help them in their decision making process to select a service provider. Overall, four in five subscribers (81%) found the process very easy (22%) or fairly easy (59%). New Subscribers and Switchers are more likely to find the process very easy (34% and 29% respectively) compared to Considerers (14%).

Ease/Difficulty to Find Information about Service Providers

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Question 17: How easy of difficult was it/has it been for you to find the information you needed/need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get? Base: Total, n=531; Considerers, n=260; New Subscribers, n=107; Switchers, n=92; Intenders, n=72.

Information Difficult to Find

Subscribers who considered the search experience less than perfect were asked what type of information they had trouble finding. Nearly one third of subscribers mentioned the monthly price (36%), the available television channel packages (32%), the cost of any equipment needed (30%), the service or equipment setup costs (29%), and the contract or commitment terms (29%). Nearly one fifth found difficult to find customer reviews (19%), or information on a specific promotion (19%).

Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Monthly price 36% 40%* 38% 30% 26%
Television channel packages available 32% 34%* 29% 35% 20%
The cost of any equipment needed, such as set-top boxes, satellite dish, etc. 30% 34% 25% 23% 27%
Any service or equipment setup costs 29% 31%* 30% 16% 33%*
Contract or commitment terms 29% 28% 29% 30% 29%
Customer reviews 19% 16% 21% 26% 23%
Information on a specific promotion 18% 16% 20% 17% 27%
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 13% 13% 17% 12% 12%
Other 2% 2% 3% 2% -

Question 18: What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Base: New subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers with some trouble finding information about the service; n=416.

Online Tool Search Preference

The preferred geographic search parameter for an online tool that could be used to search for paid television service providers is the city of residence (38%) followed by the postal code (32%). Very few prefer to search based on their address (6%).

Preferred Area Search for Service Provider in Online Tool

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Question 16: If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for paid television service providers in your area? Base: All respondents with a paid television service or intending to subscribe to one; n=925.

Respondents who live in an urban or suburban area are more likely to prefer to search based on their city (43% and 37% respectively), compared to those living in a rural area (24%). The latter are over three times more likely to prefer searching based on their address (14% vs. 4%).

Internet Services

Internet service subscribers were grouped in a similar form as the paid television service subscribers. In this case, over half (52%) of Internet subscribers have been with the same service provider for over a year and have not considered switching (Status Quo subscribers). Over one fifth (21%) have considered switching their service provider (Considerer subscribers). Just over one tenth (11%) subscribed within the last year at their current location (New subscribers). One tenth (10%) switched from one provider to another within the past year (Switcher subscribers), and very few respondents (3%) do not have this service but intend to subscribe within the next 6 months (Intender subscribers). An additional 3% are not subscribed to this service.

Internet Subscriber Composition

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Question 19: Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one internet service provider to another? / Question 20: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one internet service provider to another but never ended up switching? Base: All respondents with an internet service or decision makers to subscribe or unsubscribe to this service, n=1,178.

Status Quo subscribers are more likely to be at least 35 years old, not single, speak at home a language other than English or French, or have an income of at least $100,000.

Considerers are more likely to have a household income of $60,000 to $100,000, or have lived in Canada for over 10 years.

New Subscribers are more likely to be 18 to 34 years old, single, speak English at home, have a household income of less than $60,000, or live in an urban area rather than rural.

Switchers are more likely to be 18 to 34 years of age than older. Intenders are more likely to be 18 to 49 years old.

18-34 35-49 50-55 Single Married Other English French Other
Considerers 20% 24% 21% 20% 23% 15% 22%* 21% 11%
Status Quo 47% 54%* 67%* 49% 54% 66%* 52% 54% 71%*
New Subscribers 16%* 9%* 4% 17%* 8% 6% 12% 11% 8%
Switchers 12%* 10%* 7% 10% 11% 12% 10% 12% 9%
Intenders 4%* 3%* 1% 4% 3% 1% 3% 3% -

Urban Suburban Rural 10 or less More than 10 <$60K $60K-$100K $100K+
Considerers 20% 23% 26% 10% 22%* 18% 25%* 21%
Status Quo 54% 53% 55% 46% 54% 50% 50% 59%*
New Subscribers 14%* 10% 7% 26%* 10% 17%* 11% 7%
Switchers 10% 12% 8% 13% 10% 12% 11% 9%
Intenders 3% 3% 4% 6% 3% 4% 2% 3%

Considerers 23% 21%* 24%* 13% 15% 25%* 20% 24%
Status Quo 49% 55% 48% 66%* 63%* 54% 55% 52%
New Subscribers 12% 9% 14% 3% 10% 13% 12% 11%
Switchers 13% 12%* 11%* 16%* 10% 5% 10% 11%
Intenders 4% 3% 4% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Switching Behaviours, Triggers, and Barriers

Respondents who have been with the same provider for over a year were asked how often they considered switching from one Internet service provider to another. Similar to the paid TV service, over two fifths (46%) of these Considerers say they thought about switching once during the past year, 25% say they thought about it twice, and nearly one third (29%) say they thought about this at least three times. Among the subscribers who have been with their service provider for at least one year but never considered switching during that year (Status Quo subscribers), results show that nearly 7 out of 10 are open to switching in the future.

Considering Switching Providers

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Question 20: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one internet service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider? Base: Internet service subscribers for over a year, Considerers n=249; Status Quo n=609.

Internet subscribers (Considerers) who are more likely to say they considered switching service providers at least three times include residents of Ontario (35%), married, and have a household income between $60,000 and $100,000 (42%).

For nearly one-third of Considerers who thought of switching service providers at least twice in the past year, a different reason seemed to be at the source of every time they considered switching (31%). For 24%, it was each time they received a bill that was higher than usual and for another 24% it was every time the service did not work as expected. Just a few felt this way every time they got a bill (8%), or because it was the end of their contract (6%). Another 8% provided other comments mostly related to high prices, wanting fibre optic technology, faster internet, or the moment when they learned of a new service provider.

Events Causing the Consideration to Switch Service Providers

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Question 21: Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their internet service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Base: Considerers contemplating switching internet service providers more than once over the past year, n=134.

Internet service Considerers are mainly focused on price (42% feel their supplier’s price is too high and 21% feel they can get a better price elsewhere).  Switchers are also as focused on price.  Considerers and Switchers are also questioning their quality of service and speed (22% and 21% respectively).

New Subscribers are with a specific Internet service provider primarily because they have just moved to a new place. This is common for Intenders as well.

Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 30% 42%* 9% 36%* 6%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 19% 21%* 15%* 25%* 3%
Poor quality of service / speed 18% 22%* 11% 21%* 8%
Moving / required service 16% 2% 45%* 7% 35%*
Other 10% 7% 15%* 6% 24%*
Don’t know / Not applicable 7% 6% 5% 5% 24%*

Question 22: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to an Internet service/switch Internet service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Internet new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=535.

Results across demographic segments show that younger respondents are more likely than older ones to be called to action because they moved or simply required an Internet service.

(By key demographics)
Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider REGION AGE GENDER
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 42% 33% 28% 37% 26% 28% 29% 32% 29% 33% 28%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 12% 18% 18% 33%* 16% 27% 17% 21% 21% 19% 20%
Poor quality of service / speed 15% 14% 22% 11% 18% 16% 14% 20% 25% 17% 19%
Moving / required service 12% 18% 14% 10% 22% 19% 22%* 12%* 5% 14% 18%
Not interested in content (general) 17% 9% 11% - 9% 8% 8% 11% 11% 10% 10%
Other - 8% 7% 10% 9% 3% 9%* 3% 9% 8% 6%

Question 22: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to an Internet service/switch Internet service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Internet new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=535.

Nearly one third of Considerers did not switch service providers because they felt that switching providers is too much of a hassle (31%) and 27% felt the setup costs with the new provider are too expensive (27%). Other common reasons to continue with their service provider after considering switching included the following: their current provider matched the competitor’s offer (21%), competitor plans not meeting their needs (17%) or realizing they are too expensive (16%), and not agreeing with the contract terms or conditions (16%).

Barriers to Switch Providers

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Question 26: Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Base: Considerers, n=249.

Choosing a New Internet Service Provider

Perceived Number of Service Providers

Respondents believe there are on average four (4) service providers in their area. One in five (20%) were not able to provide an answer. Respondents in Quebec are the most likely to say they are unaware of the number of service providers in their area (27% compared to those in Atlantic Canada (13%), Manitoba and Saskatchewan (11%), Alberta (14%), or British Columbia (17%).

Sources of Information

Sources of information most commonly used to search for an Internet service provider include specific provider websites (42%), family and friends (41%), and search engines such as Google (40%). Just over one quarter (27%) called sales representatives from specific service providers.

SOURCE TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Visited specific service provider websites 42% 37% 47%* 34% 35% 27%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 41% 33% 46%* 37% 36% 48%
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 40% 35% 45%* 37% 28% 36%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 27% 25% 26% 29% 41%* 27%
Visited specific service provider retail stores 13% 9% 13%* 16% 13% 21%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 12% 9% 14%* 8% 12% 11%
Visited trusted online communities where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 9% 6% 9% 19%* 7% 22%*
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 8% 7% 7% 11% 6% 19%*
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6% 7% 4% 8% 8% 10%
Visited government websites 5% 3% 3% 7% 6% 26%*
Other 2% 3% <1% 3% 5% -

Question 23: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 24: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your Internet service provider tomorrow; Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers and intenders; n=1,144.

Status Quo subscribers are the most likely to consider using specific online sources such as service provider websites (47%), search engines for a general search (45%), and specialized websites, online simulator or calculator (19%). They are also the most likely to say they would speak with friends, family or coworkers (46%) during their research phase to switch or select an Internet service provider and the type of service.

Switchers are the most likely to have called a specific service provider to speak directly with a sales representative (41%).

New Subscribers and Intenders like using trusted online communities to get the answers to their questions from experts (19% and 22% respectively). Intenders are also the most likely to use Facebook (19%) and visit government websites to get this type of information (26%).

From a demographic segment perspective, the older the respondents are, the more likely they are to speak with friends, family and coworkers and to call service providers directly to speak with a sales representative. Younger respondents (18 to 34 years old) are more likely to consider Facebook and visit government websites than older respondents.

(By key demographics)
Visited specific service provider websites 43% 45% 39% 41% 43% 44% 39% 45% 40% 41% 42%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 41% 32% 45%* 53%* 40% 42%* 39% 41% 48%* 36% 47%*
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 33% 32% 42%* 42% 53%* 38% 41% 40% 35% 41% 38%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 29% 32% 26% 31% 27% 23% 22% 28%* 40%* 24% 31%*
Visited specific service provider retail stores 16% 12% 12% 17% 10% 12% 10% 16%* 11% 14% 12%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 10% 13% 12% 9% 10% 14% 12% 11% 13% 13% 10%*
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 4% 7% 12%* 8% 6% 13%* 10% 9% 9% 11% 8%
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 1% 10%* 8%* 11% 4% 10%* 12%* 5% 5% 5% 10%
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 2% 6% 7%* 5% 3% 7% 7% 6% 4% 7% 4%
Visited government websites 8% 5% 4% 5% 4% 4% 6%* 3% 4% 6% 3%
Other 1% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 1% 2%

Question 23: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 24: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your Internet service provider tomorrow; Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers and intenders; n=1,144.

Information Sought

Respondents were presented with a list of different types of information that a household could consider when deciding which service provider to use and which type or level of service their household could select with that service provider. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of each type of information in their decision making process. Similar to paid television services, many Internet subscribers consider the monthly price “critical” information when choosing an Internet service provider (76%) and an additional 19% consider it important. Similarly, nearly 9 in 10 Internet subscribers and intenders value information on equipment and set up costs (58% critical, 34% important), as well as information on the Internet speed in their area (58% and 34%), and how much data can be downloaded a month (56% and 32%).

Although still considered at least “important” by the majority of respondents, information on the ability to package their Internet service with other services and customer reviews were considered the least important types of information among those listed in the survey.

Important Information to Choose an Internet Service Provider

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Question 25: How important were the following types of information about Internet service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,144.

Considerers are relatively more likely than other segments to value information on the monthly price, any service or equipment setup costs and Internet speed in their area. Similarly, these are the three most important aspects of information for Status Quo subscribers, New Subscribers and Switchers. Priorities for Intenders are knowing the Internet speed in their area, the service and equipment set up costs, and how much data they would be able to download in a month.

Across demographic segments, respondents at least 35 years of age are more likely to value information on the service or equipment set up costs whereas younger segments are more likely to value customer reviews.

(Top-two box importance scores: % critical + % important)
Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Monthly price 95% 96%* 95%* 93%* 96%* 70%
Any service or equipment setup costs 92% 91% 92%* 93%* 91% 78%
Internet speed in my area 91% 91% 93% 92% 88% 80%
How much I can download in a month 87% 89% 88% 89% 82% 76%
Promotions 82% 83% 82% 83% 87%* 71%
Using a company with a good reputation 82% 76% 85%* 83% 84% 73%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 82% 80% 83% 83% 82% 72%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 82% 83%* 82%* 83%* 81% 65%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 74% 75% 76%* 74% 68% 59%
Customer reviews 69% 65% 70% 76%* 66% 69%

Question 25: How important were the following types of information about Internet service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,144.

(Top-two scores by key demographics)
Type of Information Evaluated REGION AGE GENDER
Monthly price 99%* 93% 94% 93% 96% 96% 94% 95% 96% 93% 96%
Any service or equipment setup costs 95% 90% 92% 88% 92% 94% 89% 93%* 94%* 90% 93%
Internet speed in my area 96%* 90% 91% 86% 94% 93% 92% 92% 90% 92% 91%
How much I can download in a month 90%* 90%* 90%* 75% 87%* 81% 90% 87% 82% 88% 87%
Promotions 83% 85% 82% 77% 82% 82% 82% 84% 81% 81% 84%
Using a company with a good reputation 87% 83% 81% 79% 85% 82% 81% 83% 82% 81% 84%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 91%* 79% 82% 81% 88%* 80% 81% 84% 80% 81% 83%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 92% 82% 82% 77% 77% 81% 79% 83% 84% 82% 82%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 78% 77%* 69% 82%* 77% 79%* 71% 75% 78% 73% 75%
Customer reviews 71% 68% 71% 62% 68% 66% 73%* 70%* 58% 68% 70%

Question 25: How important were the following types of information about Internet service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,144.

Ease of Finding Information

Respondents were asked to rate the extent to which it was easy or difficult to find information to help them in their decision making process to select a service provider. Overall, four in five subscribers (81%) say it was very easy (23%) or fairly easy (58%) to find the information. New Subscribers and Switchers are more likely to find the process very easy (35% and 28% respectively) compared to Considerers (16%).

Ease/Difficulty to Find Information About Service Providers

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Question 29: How easy of difficult was it/has it been for you to find the information you needed/need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get? Base: Considerers, n=249; New Subscribers, n=127; Switchers, n=122; and Intenders, n=37; Total, n=535.

Information Difficult to Find

Nearly one third of the Internet subscribers and intenders who expressed at least some difficulty in finding the information they were searching felt finding the monthly price (33%) was one of the challenges, as was the Internet speed in their area (30%) and the service or equipment setup costs (28%). As seen previously, these are also the types of information respondents are most likely to value.

Other information that was not “very easy” to find include the contract or commitment terms (27%), the information on a specific promotion (19%), customer reviews (18%), how much data they could download in a month (17%), and whether they could bundle services (15%).

Considerers were more likely to have trouble finding the service or equipment setup costs.

Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Monthly price 33% 32% 33% 30% 49%
Internet speed in my area 30% 34% 24% 23% 42%
Any service or equipment setup costs 28% 33%* 24% 20% 29%
Contract or commitment terms 27% 27% 26% 27% 33%
Information on a specific promotion 19% 21% 17% 17% 19%
Customer reviews 18% 15% 24% 17% 27%
How much I can download in a month 17% 16% 20% 13% 27%
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 15% 19%* 16% 8% 10%
Other 6% 5% 8% 8% -

Question 30: What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Base: New subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers with some trouble finding information about the service; n=411.

Online Tool Search Preference

Overall, the geographic search preference for Internet service providers is the city of residence (38%), followed by the postal code (34%). Nearly one tenth of respondents feel inclined for a search based on their region (11%), their province (10%) or their address (7%).

In addition, respondents who live in an urban area are more likely to prefer searching based on their city (43%), and residents of rural areas are more likely to prefer searching based on their address (17%), although that option still remains comparatively less appealing than a search by city or postal code for respondents in rural areas (25% and 37% respectively).

Preferred Area Search for Service Provider in Online Tool

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Question 28: If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for internet service providers in your area? Base: All respondents with an internet service or intending to subscribe to one, n=1,144.

Home Phone Services

Similar to the other communication services, home phone subscribers were grouped in different categories depending on their intention or recent actions to switch service providers. Nearly two in five subscribers were categorized as Status Quo (38%); this means they have been with the same home phone service provider for over a year and have not considered switching, while 9% have considered switching their service provider over the past year (Considerers). Less than one in ten (6%) switched from one provider to another within the past year (Switchers), and 5% subscribed within the last year at their current location (New Subscribers). Of the 42% who do not subscribe to this service, 5% intend to subscribe within the next 6 months (Intenders).

Home Phone Subscriber Composition

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Question 31: Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one home phone service provider to another? / Question 32: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one home phone service provider to another but never ended up switching? Base: Home phone service subscribers or decision makers to subscribe or unsubscribe to this service, n=1,172.

Status Quo subscribers are more likely to be at least 35 years old, live in Quebec, Alberta or British Columbia, not be employed, have a household income of at least $100,000, and have lived in Canada for over 10 years.

Considerers are more likely to be at least 50 years old, and be married or in a domestic partnership.

Switchers are more likely to live with teenagers.

New Subscribers are more likely to be 18 to 34 years old, and have a household income of less than $60,000.

Intenders tend to be younger, live in an urban centre, and have lived in Canada for no more than 10 years.

18-34 35-49 50-55 Employed Not employed Other English French Other
Considerers 11% 15% 20%* 16% 10% 21% 16%* 12% 5%
Status Quo 54% 63%* 67%* 58% 69%* 60% 59% 61% 69%
New Subscribers 12%* 7%* 3% 9% 6% - 9% 8% 4%
Switchers 11% 8% 9% 10% 9% 6% 9% 10% 5%
Intenders 11%* 7%* 2% 8% 6% 14% 8% 8% 17%

1 2 3+ With kids under 13 With teenagers Adults only <$60K $60K-$100K $100K+
Considerers 15% 17% 14% 13% 16% 15% 12% 15% 14%
Status Quo 53% 59% 63% 58% 59% 62% 54% 61% 65%*
New Subscribers 12% 7% 7% 9% 6% 8% 12%* 8% 5%
Switchers 12% 7% 10% 11% 14%* 8% 11% 10% 9%
Intenders 8% 10% 6% 8% 4% 8% 11% 6% 7%

Considerers 17% 13% 17% 11% 14% 13% 13% 16%
Status Quo 58% 63%* 54% 64% 69%* 67%* 62% 59%
New Subscribers 14% 7% 9% - 6% 10% 9% 6%
Switchers 8% 10% 10% 14% 4% 7% 8% 11%
Intenders 2% 7% 10%* 10% 8% 3% 8% 7%

Urban Suburban Rural 10 or less More than 10
Considerers 13% 15% 19% 7% 15%
Status Quo 60% 61% 62% 38% 62%*
New Subscribers 9% 7% 6% 16% 7%
Switchers 8% 11% 9% 13% 9%
Intenders 9%* 6% 3% 27%* 6%

Switching Behaviours, Triggers, and Barriers

Respondents who have been with the same provider for over a year were asked how often they considered switching from one home phone service provider to another. Nearly half (48%) of the Considerers have thought of switching service providers once during the last year, 18% have thought about it twice, and a full third (34%) have thought about switching at least three times (34%). Those who considered switching at least three times in the past year tend to be at least 50 years old (12%).

Of the Status Quo subscribers, 61% are open to switching in the future, while the remaining 39% feel they may never switch service providers.

Considering Switching Providers

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Question 32: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one home phone service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider? Base: Considerers n=108; Status Quo n=447.

Considerers who have thought of switching service providers at least twice in the past year were asked if they tended to consider switching at specific instances. For 44% of these respondents, thoughts of switching surfaced every time they got their bill and for 27% it occurred every time the bill received was higher than usual. For 18%, thoughts of switching happened every time their service does not work as expected. Over one tenth (13%) feel this way based on a variety of situations, or when their contract expired (6%).

Events Causing the Consideration to Switch Service Provider

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Question 33: Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their home phone service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Base: Considerers contemplating switching home phone service providers more than once over the past year, n=55.

When specifically prompted to explain what triggered their interest to switch or subscribe, the main motivator for Considerers is price - 42% say their current provider is expensive, and 26% were compelled to consider switching because of better pricing or a promotion from the competition. Switchers are very similar to Considerers when it comes to triggers.

A recent move or simply needing the service are more likely triggers among Intenders and New Subscribers.

Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 28% 26% 25% 38% 23%
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 28% 42%* 14% 33%* 9%
Moving / required service 15% 5% 39%* 6% 20%*
Poor quality of service / reception 10% 12%* 4% 15%* 8%
Other 13% 12% 14% 13% 11%
Don’t know / Not applicable 13% 9% 5% 8% 36%*

Question 34: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a home phone service/switch home phone service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Home phone new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=290.

(By key demographics)
Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider REGION AGE GENDER
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 32% 30% 26% 29% 20% 35% 25% 29% 33% 27% 30%
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 25% 30% 28% 30% 39%* 15% 19% 36%* 29% 28% 27%
Moving / required service 27% 12% 15% 11% 7% 22% 19% 13% 9% 15% 14%
Poor quality of service / speed 8% 10% 13% 4% - 13% 10% 9% 15% 8% 13%
Other 10% 13% 13% - 22% 12% 13% 11% 15% 13% 13%
Don’t know/ Not applicable 5% 10% 15% 29%* 12% 13% 17% 11% 9% 15% 11%

Question 34: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a home phone service/switch home phone service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Home phone new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=290.

Considerers were asked for the reasons they had not switched home phone service providers. Nearly a third (31%) felt it was too much of a hassle and for 21% their service provider matched or improved their offer. For 19% the set up costs were too expensive and for 16% competitor plans were too expensive or they were on a contract. Another 14% did not feel they had any or enough alternatives.

Barriers to Switch Providers

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Question 38: Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Base: Considerers, n=108.

Choosing a New Home Phone Service Provider

Perceived Number of Service Providers

Home phone subscribers and Intenders believe there are on average three (3) service providers in their area. One quarter of respondents (25%) were not able to provide an answer. Respondents in Quebec are the most likely to say they are unaware of the number of service providers in their area (34%), compared to those in Atlantic Canada (18%), Manitoba and Saskatchewan (16%), Alberta (20%), or British Columbia (19%).

Sources of Information

Roughly one third of home phone subscribers and Intenders use specific service provider websites (35%), speak with friends, family or coworkers (35%), search on Google or other search engines (34%), or call specific providers to speak with a sales representative (29%) in order to choose a service provider and decide what kind of service they would get.

SOURCE TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
n= 69
Visited specific service provider websites 35% 25% 41%* 32% 26% 23%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 35% 27% 38%* 34% 33% 34%
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 34% 26% 38%* 30% 30% 31%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 29% 30% 28% 28% 38%* 20%
Visited specific service provider retail stores 17% 23%* 17% 13% 15% 11%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 12% 10% 13% 10% 13% 12%
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 9% 9% 7% 12% 16%* 12%
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 9% 8% 7% 15% 10% 14%
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7% 5% 6% 12% 7% 14%
Visited government websites 6% 6% 3% 8% 12%* 21%*
Other 1% 3% <1% - 8%* -

Question 35: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 36: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your home phone service provider tomorrow; Base: All respondents with a home phone service or intending to subscribe to one, n=737.

Status Quo are the most likely to use specific service provider websites (41%), speak with family and friends (38%) or do a general search using Google or a similar search engine (38%). These are also the primary sources of information for New Subscribers.

Switchers are the most likely to call specific service providers to be able to speak with a sales representative (38%), although they do consult friends and family and Google as much as other segments do. Considerers are more likely to visit specific service provider retail stores compared to Intenders (23% vs. 11%).

Young respondents between 18 and 34 years old are more likely to visit blogs or chat rooms than older respondents (12% vs. 6%), who are in turn more likely to call sales representatives directly (35% vs. 17%). The oldest group, 50 to 55, is more likely to use their family and friends’ advice than the youngest respondents (43% vs. 28%).

Men are more likely than women to visit specific service provider retail stores (20% vs. 14%), or a trusted online community (11% vs. 6%). Conversely, women are more likely than men to speak with friends, family and coworkers (41% vs. 30%), or call sales representatives (33% vs. 25%).

(By key demographics)
Visited specific service provider websites 24% 33% 36% 39% 40%* 36% 31% 37% 38% 35% 36%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 32% 27% 39%* 43%* 36% 38% 28% 36% 43%* 30% 41%*
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 37% 26% 38%* 33% 43%* 32% 35% 34% 33% 36% 31%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 43%* 34% 26% 23% 24% 25% 17% 31%* 43%* 25% 33%*
Visited specific service provider retail stores 16% 16% 15% 24% 20% 18% 19% 18% 13% 20%* 14%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 11% 13% 12% 11% 11% 11% 13% 12% 10% 11% 13%
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions - 8% 9% 9% 12% 11% 12% 7% 6% 11%* 6%
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 2% 8%* 11%* 5% 6% 11%* 12%* 8% 4% 10% 7%
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network - 9%* 9%* 10%* 1% 8%* 12%* 6% 2% 7% 8%
Visited government websites 4% 4% 7%* 2% 6% 8% 7% 5% 7% 7% 4%
Other 2% 2% 1% 3% - 1% 0% 1% 3% 1% 2%

Question 35: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 36: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your home phone service provider tomorrow; Base: All respondents with a home phone service or intending to subscribe to one, n=737.

Information Sought

Survey participants were provided with a list of the different types of information and were asked to rate the importance of each in their research process to select a home phone service provider. The monthly price is a critical piece of information for 71% of respondents, and an additional 21% consider it important. Another important piece of information is the service or equipment setup costs, which is considered “critical” for 56% of respondents, and considered “important” for another 32%. Nearly half of respondents also consider information on the availability and cost of calling features as “critical” (47%), and another 36% consider this important information.

The next most important level of information (top-two ratings) would include information on the ability to package other services with the same service provider and information on promotions (81% respectively). Respondents were least likely to value customer reviews (66%) and information on long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US (64%).

Importance of Information to Choose a Home Phone Service Provider

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Question 37: How important were the following types of information about home phone service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Home phone considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=737.

Considerers are most interested in knowing the monthly price of the service (96%). This is a similar sentiment among Status Quo subscribers (95%) and Switchers (91%). New Subscribers especially value promotions (90%), while Intenders seem especially focused on the availability and cost of calling features (82%) and promotions (80%).

(Top-two box importance scores: % critical + % important)
Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Monthly price 92% 96%* 95%* 82% 91%* 74%
Any service or equipment setup costs 88% 86%* 91%* 84% 88%* 69%
Availability and cost of calling features 84% 83% 84% 86% 81% 82%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 81% 84%* 82%* 81%* 86%* 61%
Promotions 81% 86% 79% 90%* 77% 80%
Using a company with a good reputation 81% 81%* 82%* 82%* 80% 64%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 80% 77% 81% 89%* 75% 77%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 78% 79% 80% 72% 80% 68%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 78% 75% 79% 75% 74% 74%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 76% 73% 78% 74% 75% 69%
Customer reviews 66% 65% 67% 70% 67% 56%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 64% 57% 66% 75%* 58% 64%

Question 37: How important were the following types of information about home phone service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Home phone considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=737.

From a demographic segment perspective, respondents at least 50 years old are more likely to say the monthly price is important to know (95%). Those at least 35 are also more likely to value information on the ability to package other services with the same service provider (84%), or the type of technology used to deliver the service (81%). Younger respondents (18 to 34) are more likely to value information on time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling (81%), customer reviews (69%) and information on long distance rates for countries other than Canada and the US (68%).

Women are more likely than men to value information on the monthly price (96% vs. 89%), set up costs (93% vs. 84%), calling features (87% vs. 81%), and promotions (85% vs. 78%).

(Top-two scores by key demographics)
Type of Information Evaluated REGION AGE GENDER
Monthly price 94% 92% 92% 86% 96%* 93% 89% 93% 95%* 89% 96%*
Any service or equipment setup costs 88% 86% 88% 81% 91% 92% 85% 89% 90% 84% 93%*
Availability and cost of calling features 87% 80% 83% 81% 89% 87% 85% 83% 81% 81% 87%*
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 84% 81% 78% 83% 85% 82% 76% 84%* 84%* 81% 82%
Promotions 76% 84%* 83%* 69% 81% 77% 79% 84% 77% 78% 85%*
Using a company with a good reputation 77% 81% 82% 73% 81% 81% 79% 81% 83% 78% 83%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 86% 78% 80% 73% 84% 83% 80% 82% 78% 78% 83%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 78% 78% 79% 73% 80% 79% 73% 80%* 83%* 76% 81%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 76% 72% 82%* 74% 84%* 73% 78% 80% 73% 77% 79%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 74% 75% 77% 79% 78% 76% 81%* 75% 70% 74% 79%
Customer reviews 59% 65% 67% 66% 66% 68% 69%* 67% 59% 65% 67%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 62% 63% 64% 58% 70% 66% 68%* 64% 58% 64% 65%

Question 37: How important were the following types of information about home phone service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Home phone considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=737.

Ease of Finding Information

How easy it was to find the information sought was also asked to home phone subscribers and Intenders. Overall, more than 4 in 5 respondents (84%) found the process very easy (27%) or fairly easy (57%). New Subscribers and Switchers are more likely to find the process very easy (42% and 39% respectively).

Ease/Difficulty to Find Information about Service Providers

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Question 41: How easy of difficult was it/has it been for you to find the information you needed/need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get? Base: Considerers, n=108; New Subscribers, n=57; Switchers, n=69; and Intenders, n=56; Total n=290.

Information Difficult to Find

Home phone subscribers and Intenders who had some difficulty finding information regarding the service provider or the specific service, were asked to indicate the information that they had trouble finding. Nearly one third had some trouble finding the monthly price (32%), the service or equipment setup costs (28%), and the contract or commitment terms (27%).

Other information considered relatively difficult to find was the availability and cost of calling features (19%), the information on a specific promotion (17%), customer reviews (15%), long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US (14%), time of day or day of week conditions to make long distance calls (13%), the option for bundling services (13%) and long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US (12%).

Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Monthly price 32% 38% 24% 28% 31%
Any service or equipment setup costs 28% 32% 27% 19% 28%
Contract or commitment terms 27% 29% 23% 27% 24%
Availability and cost of calling features (e.g. voicemail, call display, call forwarding, etc.) 19% 23% 21% 21% 10%
Information on a specific promotion 17% 19% 8% 20% 19%
Customer reviews 15% 12% 20% 17% 17%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 14% 16% 11% 13% 15%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 13% 13% 15% 13% 10%
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 13% 13% 17% 15% 7%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 12% 11% 12% 14% 12%
Other 4% 2% 3% 6% 4%

Question 42: What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Base: New subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers with some trouble finding information about the service; n=211.

Online Tool Search Preference

Over one third of subscribers and Intenders prefer using an online tool to search home phone service providers that allows them to search based on their city (38%), or postal code (33%).

Consistent with the other services, respondents in urban or suburban centres are more likely to prefer searching based on their city (40%), while those living in rural areas are more likely to prefer searching based on their address (17%).

Preferred Area Search Provider in Online Tool

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Question 40: If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for home phone service providers in your area Base: Home phone considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=737.

Cellular Services

Cellular service subscribers were grouped depending on their intention or recent actions to switch service providers. Nearly two thirds (61%) of cellular subscribers have been with the same service provider over a year and have not considered switching (Status Quo subscribers) while 15% have considered switching (Considerers). Nearly one in ten (8%) switched from one provider to another within the past year (Switchers), or subscribed at their new and current location (New Subscribers - 6%). Nearly one tenth (9%) do not have a cellular service, but 3% of these intend to subscribe within the next 6 months (Intenders).

Cellular Services Subscriber Composition

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Question 43: Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one cellular service provider to another? / Question 44: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one cellular service provider to another but never ended up switching? Base: Cellular service subscribers or decision makers to subscribe or unsubscribe to this service, n=1,196.

Status Quo subscribers are more likely to be 50 to 55 years old, and have lived in Canada for more than 10 years.

New Subscribers are more likely to be under 50 years old, have a household income of less than $60,000, and have lived in Canada for 10 or less years.

Switchers are more likely to live in Alberta, in a suburban area, and with teenagers.

Intenders are more likely to be men, and have a household income of less than $60,000.

No specific demographic segments stand out when it comes to describing the Considerers group.

18-34 35-49 50-55 Employed Not employed Other English French Other
Considerers 16% 16% 16% 17%* 14% 8% 17% 13% 8%
Status Quo 62% 65% 71%* 64% 67% 76% 64% 67% 78%
New Subscribers 7%* 7%* 3% 6% 8% 6% 7% 6% 3%
Switchers 10% 9% 6% 10% 6% 4% 9% 9% 12%
Intenders 4% 3% 4% 3% 5% 7% 3% 6% -

1 2 3+ With kids under 13 With teenagers Adults only <$60K $60K-$100K $100K+
Considerers 17% 14% 16% 18% 14% 15% 17% 16% 15%
Status Quo 61% 69% 64% 62% 64% 67% 62% 66% 68%
New Subscribers 9% 4% 7% 8% 7% 6% 9%* 5% 5%
Switchers 7% 8% 10% 10% 13%* 7% 6% 11%* 11%
Intenders 6% 4% 3% 3% 3% 4% 6%* 2% 2%

Considerers 21% 13% 18% 17% 12% 15% 16% 16%
Status Quo 62% 67% 62% 69% 66% 69% 63% 67%
New Subscribers 9% 5% 6% 5% 7% 7% 7% 6%
Switchers 5% 9% 9% 5% 13%* 8% 10% 8%
Intenders 2% 6% 4% 3% 2% 1% 5%* 3%

Urban Suburban Rural 10 or less More than 10
Considerers 15% 17% 18% 10% 16%
Status Quo 64% 65% 69% 50% 66%*
New Subscribers 8% 5% 5% 22%* 5%
Switchers 9% 11%* 5% 14% 9%
Intenders 4% 3% 3% 4% 4%

Switching Behaviours, Triggers, and Barriers

Subscribers who have been with the same provider for over a year were asked how often they considered switching from one cellular service provider to another. Nearly half (45%) of these Considerers say they thought about switching once during the past year, 28% thought about it twice, and 28% thought about it at least three times.

Among those who did not consider switching over the past year (Status Quo), 63% are open to switching in the future, while the remaining 37% feel they may never switch.

Considering Switching Providers

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Question 44: Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one cellular service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider? Base: Considerers n=181; Status Quo n=733.

For 29% of Considerers who thought of switching service providers at least twice in the past year, interest tended to surface every time they got a bill, and for 28% it happened every time the service did not work as expected or every time they got a bill that was higher than usual (28% respectively). For another 22%, consideration of another supplier occurred at the end of their contract, while for 19% it happened for different reasons every time they considered switching.

Events Causing the Consideration to Switch Service Providers

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Question 45: Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their cellular service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Base: Considerers contemplating switching cellular service providers more than once over the past year, n=100.

When specifically asked to specify what triggered their actions, results show that Considerers were especially compelled by price (50% feel their current price is too high and 27% feel they can get a better price elsewhere). Switchers are also focused on price. Considerers and Switchers also question their current provider’s quality of service, speed and reception (18% and 15% respectively).

New Subscribers signed up primarily because they have recently moved to a new place (30%). This is common for Intenders as well (22%).

Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 36% 50%* 16% 35%* 9%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 28% 27%* 21% 39%* 14%
Poor quality of service /slow speed / weak reception 15% 18%* 9% 15% 9%
Moving / required service 11% 1% 30%* 10%* 22%*
Other 8% 5% 16%* 4% 13%
Don’t know / Not applicable 11% 6% 14% 6% 36%*

Question 46: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a cellular service/switch cellular service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Cellular new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=394.

Reasons to switch by other demographic variables are listed in the table below.

(By key demographics)
Reasons to Switch or Select a Provider REGION AGE GENDER
Cost / high price / too expensive / increasing bill 48%* 45%* 37% 22% 23% 29% 30% 41%* 39% 36% 36%
Better pricing / cheaper / competition / promotion 22% 19% 30% 37% 42%* 20% 30% 28% 22% 27% 28%
Poor quality of service /slow speed / weak reception 13% 8% 16% 17% 15% 22% 15% 14% 16% 14% 15%
Moving / required service 10% 13% 8% 3% 16% 15% 11% 10% 12% 9% 12%
Other 7% 7% 7% 20% 8% 4% 7% 8% 9% 7% 8%
Don’t know / Not applicable 3% 14%* 10% 11% 10% 15% 13% 9% 6% 15%* 6%

Question 46: What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a cellular service/switch cellular service providers the last time you switched/to look into what else was available in your area? Base: Cellular new subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers; n=394.

Subscribers who considered switching service providers were asked why they decided not to switch. The main barriers were a current contract (28%), the contract termination fees (26%), and a sense that the process is too much of a hassle (27%). Other limitations to switching given by nearly one fifth of Considerers include realizing that the competitor plans were too expensive (19%), that they did not meet their need (18%), or their current provider matched the offer or offered something better (17%).

Barriers to Switching Providers

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Question 50: Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Base: Considerers n=181.

Choosing a New Cellular Service Provider

Perceived Number of Service Providers

Cellular service subscribers and Intenders believe there are on average six (6) service providers in their area. Nearly one-quarter of respondents (23%) were not able to provide an answer. Quebec residents or Intenders are the most likely to say they are unaware of the number of service providers in their area (33% and 46% respectively).

Sources of Information

The most common sources of information on cellular service providers and the services they offer are the service providers’ websites (41%), family, friends or colleagues (40%), and Google or other search engines (35%). These are followed by the service provider retail stores (26%), calling service provider sales representatives (22%), specialized websites, simulators or calculators (11%), online communities (9%), Facebook (8%), online blogs or chat rooms (5%), and government websites (4%).

SOURCE TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Visited specific service provider websites 41% 41% 42% 35% 40% 37%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 40% 38% 42% 34% 39% 35%
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 35% 35%* 36%* 36%* 30% 16%
Visited specific service provider retail stores 26% 24% 27%* 29% 30%* 14%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 22% 20% 22%* 18% 29%* 12%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 11% 9% 12% 14% 7% 13%
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 9% 7% 8% 19%* 8% 5%
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 8% 4% 8%* 15%* 8% 12%
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 5% 5% 5% 10% 6% 9%
Visited government websites 4% 3% 3% 12%* 3% 10%
Other 1% 1% 1% - 3% 4%

Question 47: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 48: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your cellular service provider tomorrow; Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers and intenders; n=1,127.

New Subscribers are more likely to use trusted online communities as a source of information for their cellular service (19%), as well as government websites (12%).

Men are more likely than women to use online communities (11% vs. 6%) and blogs or chat rooms (7% vs. 4%) for this purpose, while women are more likely to speak with friends, family members or colleagues (44% vs. 36%).

(By key demographics)
Visited specific service provider websites 55%* 39% 40% 37% 47% 37% 40% 42% 41% 40% 42%
Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 49% 28% 44% 49% 37% 41% 40% 38% 46% 36% 44%*
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 30% 26% 39% 41% 36% 32% 33% 37% 32% 36% 32%
Visited specific service provider retail stores 32% 26% 25% 34% 27% 25% 24% 29% 27% 25% 27%
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 23% 23% 20% 24% 24% 20% 18% 24%* 28%* 21% 23%
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator 10% 14% 11% 10% 7% 13% 11% 11% 11% 10% 12%
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews/ comments/ answer questions 4% 5% 11%* 3% 9% 12%* 10%* 9% 4% 11%* 6%
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 5% 11% 7% 6% 7% 7% 10%* 7% 5% 7% 8%
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 3% 5% 7%* 2% 7% 4% 6%* 6%* 2% 7%* 4%
Visited government websites 2% 4% 3% 8% 1% 5% 4% 3% 4% 4% 3%
Other 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% - 2% 1% 1% 1%

Question 47: Which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? / Question 48: Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your cellular service provider tomorrow; Base: Internet considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers and intenders; n=1,127.

Information Sought

Respondents were presented with a list of different types of information that a household could consider when deciding which cellular service provider to use and which type or level of service their household could select with that service provider. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of each type of information in their decision-making process. Similar to the other services, the monthly price of the cellular service was considered “critical” information by 75% of respondents and considered “important” by an additional 19%. Other types of information with high “crucial” ratings included the data plans (64% crucial, 26% important), the cellular coverage area (60% crucial, 29% important), the types and price of cell phones available (55% crucial, 32% important), the availability and cost of calling features (52% critical, 34% important), and promotions (47% crucial, 36% important).

Other information that continues to be important, yet not as crucial, is the reputation of the company (top two box score of 82%), understanding which service provider is available in their area (80%), and roaming rates (76%). Types of information that were relatively less valuable include information on the type of technology used to deliver the service (72%), the ability to bundle services (68%), customer reviews (67%), and lastly long distance packages and rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US (59%).

Importance of Information to Choose a Cellular Service Provider

Text version

Question 49: How important were the following types of information about cellular service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Cellular considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,127.

Considerers assign the greatest value on information related to monthly price (96%), the data plans (93%), and the cellular coverage area (89%). Switchers align with Considerers in many respects. Status Quo respondents also believe the monthly price information is important (94%), as does information on the types and price of cell phones available (90%), and the data plans (89%). For New Subscribers, value is most likely seen in information on the monthly price (92%) along with the data plans (89%), the types and price of cell phones available (87%), and the reputation of the company (87%). Intenders value information on monthly price (74%), the availability and cost of calling features (73%), and the cellular coverage area the most (72%).

(Top-two box importance scores: % critical + % important)
Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
Status Quo
New Subscribers
Monthly price 93% 96% 94% 92% 95% 74%*
Data plans 89% 93%* 89%* 89%* 94%* 67%
Cellular coverage area 89% 89% 90% 82% 92% 72%
Availability and cost of calling features 87% 86% 87%* 84% 88% 73%
The types and price of cell phones available 87% 83% 90%* 87%* 82% 70%
Promotions 83% 83% 83% 78% 89%* 71%
Using a company with a good reputation 82% 80%* 83%* 87%* 80%* 59%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 80% 82% 79% 80% 86% 68%
Roaming rates 76% 75%* 78%* 68% 78%* 55%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 74% 71% 75% 81% 74% 66%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 73% 74% 72% 79%* 81%* 61%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 72% 70% 72% 77% 75% 61%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 68% 63% 70%* 70% 67% 54%
Customer reviews 67% 62% 68%* 80%* 71%* 50%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 58% 60% 57% 68% 62% 53%

Question 49: How important were the following types of information about cellular service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Cellular considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,127.

In terms of age, the importance of roaming rates increases with age while the importance of customer reviews decreases with age.

Men are more likely to value information on the ability to bundle services (72% vs. 65%) while women are generally more likely to value all other types of information compared to men.

(Top-two scores by key demographics)
Type of Information Evaluated REGION AGE GENDER
Monthly price 91% 93% 93% 93% 94% 95% 93% 93% 94% 92% 95%*
Data plans 89% 89% 88% 85% 91% 94%* 90% 90% 87% 87% 92%*
Cellular coverage area 83% 90% 88% 89% 90% 93%* 89% 89% 89% 87% 91%
The types and price of cell phones available 89% 90%* 83% 82% 91% 92%* 87% 89%* 81% 84% 90%*
Availability and cost of calling features 88% 89% 85% 77% 90% 90% 88% 86% 83% 84% 90%*
Promotions 82% 86% 82% 75% 82% 85% 83% 84% 79% 80% 85%*
Using a company with a good reputation 84% 79% 81% 79% 83% 86% 83% 81% 80% 81% 82%
Understanding which service providers are available in my area 81% 75% 78% 84% 86%* 82% 79% 81% 76% 78% 82%
Roaming rates 78% 80% 74% 74% 78% 75% 73% 77% 82%* 74% 78%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 75% 74% 75% 62% 77% 74% 75% 75% 70% 72% 76%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 75% 73% 73% 76% 73% 74% 74% 72% 75% 72% 75%
The type of technology used to deliver the service 70% 75%* 71% 62% 73% 73% 71% 74% 70% 74% 70%
Ability to package other services with the same service provider 71% 73% 64% 69% 68% 70% 65% 72%* 69% 72%* 65%
Customer reviews 64% 69% 66% 61% 67% 74% 69%* 68% 60% 67% 67%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 62% 62% 55% 52% 62% 59% 57% 60% 58% 61% 57%

Question 49: How important were the following types of information about cellular service providers and the types of service available to you? Base: Cellular considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,127.

Ease of Finding Information

Cellular subscribers also rated how easy it was to find the information they were looking for. Overall, four in five respondents (83%) say it was very easy (29%) or fairly easy (54%) to find the information. New Subscribers and Switchers were again the most likely segments to consider finding the information they needed “very easy” (41% and 34% respectively) while Intenders seemed to have the greatest degree of difficulty, with 39% indicating their quest for information was “fairly difficult” and only 7% feeling it was “very easy.”

Ease/Difficulty to Find Information About Service Providers

Text version

Question 53: How easy of difficult was it/has it been for you to find the information you needed/need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get? Base: Considerers, n=181; New Subscribers, n=73; Switchers, n=99; and Intenders, n=41; Total n=394.

Information Difficult to Find

Among respondents who did not consider it was easy to find the information related to their service, the most common information noted was the monthly price of the service (30%), followed by the cellular coverage area (25%), the roaming rates (25%), data plans (25%) and the contract or commitment terms (24%). Nearly one in five expressed some difficulty in finding the information on a specific promotion (21%), the price of the cell phones (18%), or the availability and cost of calling features (17%).

Considerers were relatively more likely to have difficulty finding information on the monthly price (36%), cellular coverage area (30%), contract or commitment terms (29%), and availability and cost of calling features (19%).

Type of Information Evaluated TOTAL Considerers
New Subscribers
Monthly price 30% 36%* 18% 28% 23%
Cellular coverage area 26% 30%* 22% 15% 35%*
Roaming rates 25% 28% 21% 24% 21%
Data plans 25% 29% 20% 19% 26%
Contract or commitment terms 24% 29%* 13% 21% 20%
Information on a specific promotion 21% 20% 24% 23% 18%
The price of cell phones 18% 21% 13% 19% 14%
Availability and cost of calling features 17% 19%* 19% 9% 18%
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada/US 14% 12% 10% 15% 18%
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 13% 13% 15% 14% 9%
Customer reviews 12% 12% 7% 16% 11%
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 12% 11% 15% 12% 13%
The types and quality of cell phones available 11% 11% 9% 10% 18%
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 10% 9% 9% 13% 12%
Other 2% 2% - - 7%

Question 54: What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Base: New subscribers, intenders, switchers, and considerers with some trouble finding information about the service; n=211.

Online Tool Search Preference

Respondents would prefer searching for cellular service providers according to their city of residence (40%) or the postal code (28%). Respondents in urban centres are more likely to prefer the search by city, while those in rural areas prefer the search by address (13%).

Preferred Area Search for Service Provider in Online Tool

Text version

Question 52: If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for cellular service providers in your area? Base: Base: Cellular considerers, status quo, new subscribers, switchers, and intenders; n=1,127.

Technology User Behaviour

Devices Used for Research

Survey participants were asked to indicate how they used their various devices to conduct their research on communications service providers and the services they offer. At least 80% of respondents used each technology at home, with the highest incidence showing for a laptop/chromebook at 87%. Smartphones are the device used the most (33%) when conducting research on the go. Many also use their smartphone at work (29%)

Devices Used To Do Research for Telecom Services

Text version

Question 55: Please indicate whether you typically did any research at home, on the go, at work or school or not at all with these devices when it came to researching Internet, television, cellular or home phone services. Base: Respondents who are not status quo for any of the four core services and have a smartphone n=714, respondents who are not status quo for any of the four core services and have a tablet n=475; respondents who are not status quo for any of the four core services and have a desktop computer n=444, respondents who are not status quo for any of the four core services and have a laptop or chromebook n=554.

Technology Sophistication

Survey participants use their devices most frequently to stream videos or movies from the Internet - 49% do so at least three times a week using a Smart TV, laptop or PC. Similarly, 47% manage their personal banking online on a regular basis using their computer or laptop. Not far behind, 42% manage their personal banking online using an app on their cell phone or tablet.

Less frequently, respondents stream video or movies using their cell phone or tablet at home (33% at least 3 times a week). Over a quarter of respondents (28%) listen to music through a subscription music service at least 3 to 4 times a week.

Using Gadgets and Internet

Text version

Question 56: How often do you do the following? Base: All respondents, n=1,200.

Respondents who use a Smart TV, laptop or PC to stream video on a daily basis tend to be residents of Ontario (35%) compared to those in Quebec (20%), Manitoba and Saskatchewan (25%), or British Columbia (25%); 18 to 34 years old (39% vs. 22% of older respondents), and men compared to women (32% vs. 25%). Similarly, those streaming video at home using their cell phone or a tablet are more likely to be from Ontario (22%), than from Atlantic Canada (13%), Quebec (12%), or British Columbia (13%); under 50 years old (20% vs. 9% of older respondents); and men (21% vs. 14% of women).

Those managing their personal banking from their computer or laptop are more likely to be men than women (25% vs. 18%), and those using an app on their cell phone or tablet tend to be under 35 years old rather than older respondents (24% vs. 16%).

Respondents who listen to music through a subscription music service on a daily basis are less likely to be from Atlantic Canada (8%), compared to those in Ontario (16%), Quebec (18%) or Alberta (20%). They also tend to be under 50 years of age (18% vs. 5% of older respondents). Men as well tend to listen to music through a subscription music service on a daily basis more than women (19% vs. 13%).

Bundling Services

Respondents who indicated switching, considering to switch or intending to subscribe to at least 2 services were asked which one would be switched or subscribed as part of a bundle. Overall, one third of participants (35%) would bundle two services, mainly paid TV service and internet (20%). Another 22% would bundle three services, mainly paid TV, internet, and home phone (15%). Another 22% would not be sure what they would bundle, 3% would bundle all four services, and 18% would not be looking to bundle any service.

Number of services to bundle % Services to Bundle %
No Bundle 18% -
Not sure what they will/ would bundle 22% -
TWO SERVICES 35% Paid TV and Internet 20%
Internet and Cellular 5%
Internet and Home Phone 5%
Paid TV and Home Phone 3%
Paid TV and Cellular 2%
Cellular and Home Phone 1%
THREE SERVICES 22% Paid TV, Internet and Home Phone 15%
Paid TV, Internet and Cellular 4%
Internet, Cellular and Home Phone 2%
Paid TV, Cellular and Home Phone 1%
FOUR SERVICES 3% Paid TV, Internet, Cellular and Home Phone -

Question 57: It appears you switched a few of your services over the past year. Which ones, if any, did you switch at the same time as part of a bundle? Base: Switchers for more than one service n=95 / Question 58: It appears you considered switching a few of your services over the past year. Which ones, if any, would you have switched at the same time as part of a bundle? Base: Considerers for more than one service n=207 / Question 59: It appears you are looking to subscribe to a few services in the near future. Which ones, if any, do you plan on bundling together with the same service provider? Base: Intenders for more than one service n=50; Base of switchers, considerers, and intenders, n=346.


Survey Instruments

CRTC – You Have Choices – Choosing a Service Provider - Online Survey


Would you like to complete this survey in English or in French?

English 1
French 2

Thank you for participating in this survey. Quorus Consulting Group, a Canadian market research firm, is conducting this survey on behalf of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The survey will ask you questions in regards to the various telecommunications, Internet and television services to which your household has access in your area. The survey should take you about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

The survey is registered with the Research Registration System maintained by the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. Your participation is voluntary and completely confidential. All your answers will remain anonymous.

S1. Have you participated in a survey for the Government of Canada within the past 30 days?

No 2

S2A. In what year were you born? ___________ [YYYY]

Prefer not to answer



S2B. Would you be willing to indicate in which of the following age categories you belong?

17 or younger 1 [TERMINATE]
18 to 34 2
35 to 49 3
50 to 55 4
56 or older 5 [TERMINATE]
Prefer not to answer 99 [TERMINATE]

S3. What is your gender?

Female 1
Male 2
Other 3
Prefer not to say 99

S4. In what province or territory do you live?

Alberta 1
British Columbia 2
Manitoba 3
New Brunswick 4
Newfoundland and Labrador 5
North West Territories 6
Nova Scotia 7
Nunavut 8
Ontario 9
Prince Edward Island 10
Quebec 11
Saskatchewan 12
Yukon 13

S5. Which of the following devices do you personally own or to which you have regular access at home? Select all that apply

Smartphone 1
Regular feature cellphone (you have a cellular phone but it is not a smartphone) 2
Desktop computer 3
Tablet 4
Laptop or chromebook 5
None of the above 6 [TERMINATE]


S6. To which of the following types of services do you subscribe at home or for which you personally pay (i.e. it is not paid or provided by your employer for instance)? If you do not subscribe to a service, please indicate if you plan on subscribing within the next 6 months.

You subscribe to this service You do not have this service today but intend to subscribe within the next 6 months
You do not subscribe today and you do not intend to subscribe within the next 6 months
a) Paid television service: Your household pays a monthly fee to a company to receive access to numerous television channels (we are not referring to subscriptions to streaming TV such as Netflix or TV shows online)
b) Home Internet service
c) Cellular service
d) A home phone service – this is different from using your cell phone as your home phone. This is a service where you pay a monthly fee to have a dedicated line and phone number for your home.


S7. What role do you play when it comes to deciding what service provider your household uses for these services, the type of services considered or how much is spent on this type of service?

ONLY SHOW SERVICES TO WHICH RESPONDENT CURRENTLY SUBSCRIBES OR WILL SUBSCRIBE IN S6 You are the only decision-maker You share the decision-making with someone else in the household You don’t make any final decisions but your advice is asked Someone else in the household looks after this and you don’t get involved
a) Your paid television service
b) Your home Internet service
c) Your cellular service
d) Your home phone service


O-T-A Questions

1. Depending on where they live, Canadians can watch a number of television channels for free by accessing over-the-air signals. This does not include programming downloaded from the Internet. Do you know if this is an option for you in your area?

Yes, I am aware that it is an option in my area 1
Yes, I am aware of free TV but it is not an option in my area 2
No, I don’t know if this is an option for me in my area 3 SKIP TO Q5

2. [ASK IF AWARE IN Q1] Thinking back over the past few years, did you ever seriously look into accessing free TV channels for your home?

Yes 1

3. [ASK IF “YES” IN Q2] What kinds of information were you trying to obtain or understand? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

How many/which channels are available for free in my area 1
If a specific channel I wanted/needed was available for free in my area 2
Whether or not the channels are in high-definition / how many channels are in high-definition 3
Whether I needed any extra equipment and/or the cost 4
Whether or not free TV is available in your area 5
What else were you trying to learn about free TV? Please specify: 77

4. [ASK IF “YES” IN Q2] What kinds of resources did you use when you were looking for information about free TV? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 1
Did a general search on Google or other search engines 2
Visited a specific website – Please specify 3
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms 4
Called a TV service provider 5
Other resource - please specify: 77

5. [ASK IF “NO” IN Q2 OR UNAWARE IN Q1] What kinds of resources would you be most likely to use if you were to look for information about free TV in your area? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Friends, family or coworkers 1
A general search on Google or other search engines 2
Visit a specific website – Please specify 3
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms 4
Call a TV service provider 5
Other resource - please specify: 77

6. If you could use an online tool to search for free TV channels and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for free TV availability in your area?

Search based on your province 1
Search based on your region 2
Search based on your city 3
Search based on your postal code, or 4
Search based on your address 5




[SHOW ALL] The following set of questions will help us understand how you make decisions regarding your paid television service.


7. Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year – or did you switch from one paid television service provider to another?

Became a NEW subscriber 1 => define as “New Sub” / SKIP TO Q10
Switched from one provider to another 2 => define as “Switcher” / SKIP TO Q10
I have been with the same provider for over a year 3

8. Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one paid television service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider.

Once 1=> define as “Considerer”
Twice 2=> define as “Considerer”
At least three times over the past year 3=> define as “Considerer”
Did not consider switching over the past year and probably never will 4=> define as “Status Quo”
Did not consider switching over the past year but am open to switching in the future 5=> define as “Status Quo”



9. Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their paid television service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Every time I got a bill 1
Every time I got a bill that was higher than usual 2
It was the end of my contract 3
Every time my service did not work as expected 4
There was a different reason every time I considered switching 5
Were there other reasons that typically prompted you to reconsider who your service provider is? Please specify: 77

10. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a television service?

[SWITCHERS] What prompted or convinced you to switch television service providers the last time you switched?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, what specifically prompted or convinced you to look into what else was available in your area?


11. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] When you decided to subscribe to a television service, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? [INSERT FOR INTENDERS: Select sources you plan on using if you have not finished your research.] Select all that apply

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch television service providers, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 1
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visited specific service provider websites 3
Visited specific service provider retail stores 4
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visited government websites 9
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that helped you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information did you use? Please specify: 77

12. [STATUS QUO] Although you have not considered switching television service providers in the recent past, we are curious to understand what resources you would use if you were to change. Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your television service provider tomorrow. Select up to three [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Speak with friends, family or coworkers 1
Do a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visit specific service provider websites 3
Visit specific service provider retail stores 4
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visit government websites 9
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that can help you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information would you use? Please specify: 77

13. [NEW SUBS, SWITCHERS AND CONSIDERERS] When you were conducting your research, how important were the following types of information about service providers and the types of service available to you?

[STATUS QUO] Again, assuming you were to change your service provider tomorrow, how important would the following types of information be?

[INTENDERS] When conducting your research on subscribing to a paid television service, how important are the following types of information?

[RANDOMIZE LIST] Critical information Important information Nice to know Not at all important
a) Monthly price
b) Promotions
c) Television channel packages available
d) The cost of service or any equipment you might need, such as set-top boxes, satellite dish, etc.
e) Customer reviews
f) Ability to package other services with the same service provider
g) Using a company with a good reputation
h) Understanding which service providers are available in my area
i) The type of technology used to deliver the service, e.g. IPTV, satellite, cable, Direct-to-Home

14. [CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Too much trouble to switch providers / Too much of a hassle 1
Too expensive to switch (setup costs) 2
Nothing in my area / Not enough competition in my area 3
Competitor plans were too expensive 4
Competitor plans did not meet my needs 5
A friend, family member or coworker advised against it 6
Read something online (e.g. a review) that advised against it 7
I did not understand the offer or the promotion 8
I did not like the contract terms or the commitment requirements 9
My service provider matched the offer or offered something better 10
I am on a contract 11
Anything else – please explain:____________________ 77

15. How many paid television service providers do you think you can you choose from in your area? Don’t worry, this is not a test – give us your best guess!

I think there are _____ companies from whom I can purchase paid television service in my area.

❏ I have no idea how many companies I can choose from in my area

16. If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for paid television service providers in your area?

Search based on your province 1
Search based on your region 2
Search based on your city 3
Search based on your postal code, or 4
Search based on your address 5

17. [NEW SUBS] When you decided to subscribe to a television service, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch television service providers, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide whether or not to switch service providers and what kind of service you would get?

[INTENDERS] So far, how easy or difficult has it been for you to find the information you need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

Very easy to find the information I needed 1 SKIP NEXT QUESTION
Fairly easy 2
Fairly difficult 3
Very difficult to find the information I needed 4

18. What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Please try to be as specific as possible. Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Monthly price 1
Information on a specific promotion 2
Television channel packages available 3
The cost of any equipment needed, such as set-top boxes, satellite dish, etc. 4
Customer reviews 5
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 6
Any service or equipment setup costs 7
Contract or commitment terms 8
What else did you have trouble finding – please explain:____________________ 77


[SHOW ALL] The following set of questions will help us understand how you make decisions regarding your Internet service.


19. Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one Internet service provider to another?

Became a NEW subscriber 1 => define as “New Sub” / SKIP TO Q22
Switched from one provider to another 2 => define as “Switcher” / SKIP TO Q22
I have been with the same provider for over a year 3

20. Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one Internet service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider.

Once 1=> define as “Considerer”
Twice 2=> define as “Considerer”
At least three times over the past year 3=> define as “Considerer”
Did not consider switching over the past year and probably never will 4=> define as “Status Quo”
Did not consider switching over the past year but am open to switching in the future 5=> define as “Status Quo”



21. Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their Internet service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Every time I got a bill 1
Every time I got a bill that was higher than usual 2
It was the end of my contract 3
Every time my service did not work as expected 4
There was a different reason every time I considered switching 5
Were there other reasons that typically prompted you to reconsider who your service provider is? Please specify: 77

22. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to an Internet service?

[SWITCHERS] What prompted or convinced you to switch Internet service providers the last time you switched?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, what specifically prompted or convinced you to look into what else was available in your area?


23. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] When you decided to subscribe to an Internet service, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? [INSERT FOR INTENDERS: Select sources you plan on using if you have not finished your research.] Select all that apply

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch Internet service providers, which of the following sources of information did you use to choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 1
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visited specific service provider websites 3
Visited specific service provider retail stores 4
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visited government websites 9
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that helped you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information did you use? Please specify: 77

24. [STATUS QUO] Although you have not considered switching Internet service providers in the recent past, we are curious to understand what resources you would use if you were to change. Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your Internet service provider tomorrow. Select up to three [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Speak with friends, family or coworkers 1
Do a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visit specific service provider websites 3
Visit specific service provider retail stores 4
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visit government websites 9
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that can help you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information would you use? Please specify: 77

25. [NEW SUBS, SWITCHERS AND CONSIDERERS] When you were conducting your research, how important were the following types of information about Internet service providers and the types of service available to you?

[STATUS QUO] Again, assuming you were to change your Internet service provider tomorrow, how important would the following types of information be?

[INTENDERS] When conducting your research on subscribing to an Internet service, how important are the following types of information?

[RANDOMIZE LIST] Critical information Important information Nice to know Not at all important
a) Monthly price
b) Promotions
c) Internet speed in my area
d) How much I can download in a month
e) Customer reviews
f) Ability to package other services with the same service provider
g) Using a company with a good reputation
h) Any service or equipment setup costs
i) Understanding which service providers are available in my area
j) The type of technology used to deliver the service, e.g. fixed wireless, satellite, DSL, or cable

26. [CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Too much trouble to switch providers / Too much of a hassle 1
Too expensive to switch (setup costs) 2
Nothing in my area / Not enough competition in my area 3
Competitor plans were too expensive 4
Competitor plans did not meet my needs 5
A friend, family member or coworker advised against it 6
Read something online (e.g. a review) that advised against it 7
I did not understand the offer or the promotion 8
I did not like the contract terms or the commitment requirements 9
My service provider matched the offer or offered something better 10
I am on a contract 11
Anything else – please explain:____________________ 77

27. How many Internet service providers do you think you can you choose from in your area? Don’t worry, this is not a test – give us your best guess!

I think there are _____ companies from whom I can purchase Internet service in my area.

❏ I have no idea how many companies I can choose from in my area

28. If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for Internet service providers in your area?

Search based on your province 1
Search based on your region 2
Search based on your city 3
Search based on your postal code, or 4
Search based on your address 5

29. [NEW SUBS] When you decided to subscribe to an Internet service, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch Internet service providers, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide whether or not to switch service providers and what kind of service you would get?

[INTENDERS] So far, how easy or difficult has it been for you to find the information you need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

Very easy to find the information I needed 1 SKIP NEXT QUESTION
Fairly easy 2
Fairly difficult 3
Very difficult to find the information I needed 4

30. What information did you have trouble or are you having trouble finding? Please try to be as specific as possible. Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Monthly price 1
Information on a specific promotion 2
Internet speed in my area 3
How much I can download in a month 4
Customer reviews 5
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 6
Any service or equipment setup costs 7
Contract or commitment terms 8
What else did you have trouble finding – please explain:____________________ 77


[SHOW ALL] The following set of questions will help us understand how you make decisions regarding your home phone service.


31. Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before at your current location and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one home phone service provider to another?

Became a NEW subscriber 1 => define as “New Sub” / SKIP TO Q34
Switched from one provider to another 2 => define as “Switcher” / SKIP TO Q34
I have been with the same provider for over a year 3

32. Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one home phone service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider.

Once 1=> define as “Considerer”
Twice 2=> define as “Considerer”
At least three times over the past year 3=> define as “Considerer”
Did not consider switching over the past year and probably never will 4=> define as “Status Quo”
Did not consider switching over the past year but am open to switching in the future 5=> define as “Status Quo”



33. Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their home phone service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Every time I got a bill 1
Every time I got a bill that was higher than usual 2
It was the end of my contract 3
Every time my service did not work as expected 4
There was a different reason every time I considered switching 5
Were there other reasons that typically prompted you to reconsider who your service provider is? Please specify: 77

34. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a home phone service?

[SWITCHERS] What prompted or convinced you to switch home phone service providers the last time you switched?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, what specifically prompted or convinced you to look into what else was available in your area?


35. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] When you decided to subscribe to a home phone service, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? [INSERT FOR INTENDERS: Select sources you plan on using if you have not finished your research.] Select all that apply

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch home phone service providers, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 1
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visited specific service provider websites 3
Visited specific service provider retail stores 4
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visited government websites 9
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that helped you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information did you use? Please specify: 77

36. [STATUS QUO] Although you have not considered switching home phone service providers in the recent past, we are curious to understand what resources you would use if you were to change. Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your home phone service provider tomorrow. Select up to three [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Speak with friends, family or coworkers 1
Do a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visit specific service provider websites 3
Visit specific service provider retail stores 4
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visit government websites 9
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that can help you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information would you use? Please specify: 77

37. [NEW SUBS, SWITCHERS AND CONSIDERERS] When you were conducting your research, how important were the following types of information about home phone service providers and the types of service available to you?

[STATUS QUO] Again, assuming you were to change your home phone service provider tomorrow, how important would the following types of information be?

[INTENDERS] When conducting your research on subscribing to a home phone service, how important are the following types of information?

[RANDOMIZE LIST] Critical information Important information Nice to know Not at all important
a) Monthly price
b) Promotions
c) Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US
d) Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US
e) Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling
f) Availability and cost of calling features (e.g. voicemail, call display, call forwarding, etc.)
g) Customer reviews
h) Ability to package other services with the same service provider
i) Using a company with a good reputation
j) Any service or equipment setup costs
k) Understanding which service providers are available in my area
l) The type of technology used to deliver the service, e.g. wireline, cable, or VoIP

38. [CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Too much trouble to switch providers / Too much of a hassle 1
Too expensive to switch (setup costs) 2
Nothing in my area / Not enough competition in my area 3
Competitor plans were too expensive 4
Competitor plans did not meet my needs 5
A friend, family member or coworker advised against it 6
Read something online (e.g. a review) that advised against it 7
I did not understand the offer or the promotion 8
I did not like the contract terms or the commitment requirements 9
My service provider matched the offer or offered something better 10
I am on a contract 11
Anything else – please explain:____________________ 77

39. How many home phone service providers do you think you can you choose from in your area? Don’t worry, this is not a test – give us your best guess!

I think there are _____ companies from whom I can purchase home phone service in my area.

❏ I have no idea how many companies I can choose from in my area

40. If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for home phone service providers in your area?

Search based on your province 1
Search based on your region 2
Search based on your city 3
Search based on your postal code, or 4
Search based on your address 5

41. [NEW SUBS] When you decided to subscribe to a home phone service, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch home phone service providers, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide whether or not to switch service providers and what kind of service you would get?

[INTENDERS] So far, how easy or difficult has it been for you to find the information you need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

Very easy to find the information I needed 1 SKIP NEXT QUESTION
Fairly easy 2
Fairly difficult 3
Very difficult to find the information I needed 4

42. What information did you have trouble or are having trouble finding? Please try to be as specific as possible. Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Monthly price 1
Information on a specific promotion 2
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 3
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 4
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 5
Availability and cost of calling features (e.g. voicemail, call display, call forwarding, etc.) 6
Customer reviews 7
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 8
Any service or equipment setup costs 9
Contract or commitment terms 10
What else did you have trouble finding – please explain:____________________ 77


[SHOW ALL] The following set of questions will help us understand how you make decisions regarding your cellular service.


43. Over the past year, did you become a NEW subscriber – in other words, you did not have a service before and you subscribed to one within the last year - or did you switch from one cellular service provider to another?

Became a NEW subscriber 1 => define as “New Sub” / SKIP TO Q46
Switched from one provider to another 2 => define as “Switcher” / SKIP TO Q46
I have been with the same provider for over a year 3

44. Over the past year, how often did you consider switching from one cellular service provider to another but never ended up switching? This means you actually looked into what else was available in your area but decided to stay with your current provider.

Once 1=> define as “Considerer”
Twice 2=> define as “Considerer”
At least three times over the past year 3=> define as “Considerer”
Did not consider switching over the past year and probably never will 4=> define as “Status Quo”
Did not consider switching over the past year but am open to switching in the future 5=> define as “Status Quo”



45. Over the course of a year, people may reconsider who they use for their cellular service for a variety of reasons or at particular intervals. Thinking back to the various times you considered switching over the past year, did this tend to happen around certain events or happen at certain intervals? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Every time I got a bill 1
Every time I got a bill that was higher than usual 2
It was the end of my contract 3
Every time my service did not work as expected 4
There was a different reason every time I considered switching 5
Were there other reasons that typically prompted you to reconsider who your service provider is? Please specify: 77

46. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] What prompted or convinced you to subscribe to a cellular service?

[SWITCHERS] What prompted or convinced you to switch cellular service providers the last time you switched?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, what specifically prompted or convinced you to look into what else was available in your area?


47. [NEW SUBS & INTENDERS] When you decided to subscribe to a cellular service, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? [INSERT FOR INTENDERS: Select sources you plan on using if you have not finished your research.] Select all that apply

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch cellular service providers, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, which of the following sources of information did you use to help you choose a service provider and decide what kind of service you would get? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Spoke with friends, family or coworkers 1
Did a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visited specific service provider websites 3
Visited specific service provider retail stores 4
Called specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visited blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Used Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visited a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visited government websites 9
Used a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that helped you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information did you use? Please specify: 77

48. [STATUS QUO] Although you have not considered switching cellular service providers in the recent past, we are curious to understand what resources you would use if you were to change. Among the sources of information listed below, please select the three you would be most likely to use assuming you wanted to change your cellular service provider tomorrow. Select up to three [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Speak with friends, family or coworkers 1
Do a general search on Google or other search engine 2
Visit specific service provider websites 3
Visit specific service provider retail stores 4
Call specific service providers directly to speak with a sales representative 5
Visit blogs and/or chat rooms to get feedback or reviews from consumers 6
Use Facebook to obtain feedback from your personal network 7
Visit a trusted online community where experts provide reviews and comments and answer questions 8
Visit government websites 9
Use a specialized website, online simulator or calculator that can help you calculate or compare fees, service options, etc. 10
What other sources of information would you use? Please specify: 77

49. [NEW SUBS, SWITCHERS AND CONSIDERERS] When you were conducting your research, how important were the following types of information about cellular service providers and the types of service available to you?

[STATUS QUO] Again, assuming you were to change your cellular service provider tomorrow, how important would the following types of information be?

[INTENDERS] When conducting your research on subscribing to a cellular service, how important are the following types of information?

[RANDOMIZE LIST] Critical information Important information Nice to know Not at all important
a) Monthly price
b) Promotions
c) Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US
d) Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US
e) Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling
f) Availability and cost of calling features (e.g. voicemail, call display, call forwarding, etc.)
g) Roaming rates
h) Customer reviews
i) Ability to package other services with the same service provider
j) Using a company with a good reputation
k) The types and price of cell phones available
l) Cellular coverage area
m) Data plans (i.e. how much it costs to be able to use my phone to access the Internet, stream music and video, send emails, etc.)
n) Understanding which service providers are available in my area
o) The type of technology used to deliver the service, e.g. LTE or HSPA

50. [CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you looked into subscribing but decided not to follow through, what were the main reasons you decided not to switch? Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Too much trouble to switch providers / Too much of a hassle 1
Too expensive to switch (e.g. contract termination fees) 2
Nothing in my area / Not enough competition in my area 3
Competitor plans were too expensive 4
Competitor plans did not meet my needs 5
A friend, family member or coworker advised against it 6
Read something online (e.g. a review) that advised against it 7
I did not understand the offer or the promotion 8
I did not like the contract terms or the commitment requirements 9
My service provider matched the offer or offered something better 10
I am on a contract 11
Anything else – please explain:____________________ 77

51. How many cellular service providers do you think you can you choose from in your area? Don’t worry, this is not a test – give us your best guess!

I think there are _____ companies from whom I can purchase cellular service in my area.

❏ I have no idea how many companies I can choose from in my area

52. If you could use an online tool to search for service providers and you had the option to specify “your area”, which of the following would you prefer if you were specifically looking for cellular service providers in your area?

Search based on your province 1
Search based on your region 2
Search based on your city 3
Search based on your postal code, or 4
Search based on your address 5

53. [NEW SUBS] When you decided to subscribe to a cellular service, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[SWITCHERS] The most recent time you decided to switch cellular service providers, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

[CONSIDERERS] Thinking back to the last time you considered switching but decided not to follow through, how easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you needed to help you decide whether or not to switch service providers and what kind of service you would get?

[INTENDERS] So far, how easy or difficult has it been for you to find the information you need to help you decide which service provider you would use and what kind of service you would get?

Very easy to find the information I needed 1 SKIP NEXT QUESTION
Fairly easy 2
Fairly difficult 3
Very difficult to find the information I needed 4

54. What information did you have trouble or are having trouble finding? Please try to be as specific as possible. Select all that apply [RANDOMIZE LIST]

Monthly price 1
Information on a specific promotion 2
Long distance packages or rates for calls within Canada and the US 3
Long distance packages or rates for calls to countries other than Canada and the US 4
Time of day or day of week conditions for long distance calling 5
Availability and cost of calling features (e.g. voicemail, call display, call forwarding, etc.) 6
Roaming rates 7
Customer reviews 8
Whether you can package other services with the same service provider 9
The types and quality of cell phones available 10
The price of cell phones 11
Cellular coverage area 12
Data plans (i.e. how much it costs to be able to use my phone to access the Internet, stream music and video, send emails, etc.) 13
Contract or commitment terms 14
What else did you have trouble finding – please explain:____________________ 77

55. [ASK IF RESPONDENT IS A NEW SUB, SWITCHER, INTENDER OR CONSIDERER FOR ANY OF THE FOUR CORE SERVICES] We would like you to think about how you usually do your research when it comes to evaluating different service providers in your area and the services they offer.

Please indicate whether you typically did any research at home, on the go, at work or school or not at all with these devices when it came to researching Internet, television, cellular or home phone services. Select all that apply.

Only show devices owned in S5 At home On the go At work or school Did not use
a) Your smartphone
b) Your tablet
c) A desktop computer -
d) A laptop or chromebook

56. How often do you do the following?

  1. Stream videos or movies from the Internet or a subscription service like Netflix, Club illico or CraveTV at home using your Smart TV, your laptop or a PC
  2. Stream videos or movies from the Internet or a subscription service like Netflix, Club illico or CraveTV on a wireless device like your cell phone or a tablet
  3. Listen to music through a subscription music service (i.e. you pay a monthly fee to access a library of all-you-can-listen music)
  4. Manage your personal banking online from your computer or laptop (e.g. check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills, etc.)
  5. Manage your personal banking using an app on your cell phone or your tablet (e.g. check account balances, transfer funds, pay bills, etc.)
Every day 1
3 or 4 times a week 2
About once a week 3
A few times a month 4
About once a month 5
A few times a year 6
Never 7

57. [ASK IF RESPONDENT IS TAGGED AS A “SWITCHER” FOR MORE THAN ONE SERVICE] It appears you switched a few of your services over the past year. Which ones, if any, did you switch at the same time as part of a bundle? Select all that apply


Paid television service 1
Internet service 2
Cellular service 3
Home phone service 4
Did not switch any services as part of a bundle 5

58. [ASK IF RESPONDENT IS TAGGED AS A “CONSIDERER” FOR MORE THAN ONE SERVICE] It appears you considered switching a few of your services over the past year. Which ones, if any, would you have switched at the same time as part of a bundle? Select all that apply


Paid television service 1
Internet service 2
Cellular service 3
Home phone service 4
Would not consider switching any service as part of a bundle 5

59. [ASK IF RESPONDENT IS TAGGED AS A “INTENDER” FOR MORE THAN ONE SERVICE] It appears you are looking to subscribe to a few services in the near future. Which ones, if any, do you plan on bundling together with the same service provider? Select all that apply


Paid television service 1
Internet service 2
Cellular service 3
Home phone service 4
Not going to bundle any of these services together 5

60. How many individuals living in your household fall into each of the following categories?

25 and older ____
19 to 24 ____
13 to 18 ____
12 or younger ____
Total living in the household ____ [PROGRAM TOTAL TO SHOW AUTOMATICALLY]

61. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less 1
Some high school 2
High School diploma or equivalent 3
Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma 4
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma 5
University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level 6
Bachelor's degree 7
Post graduate degree above bachelor's level 8
Prefer not to answer 99

62. What is your marital status?

Single, never married 1
Married or domestic partnership 2
Widowed 3
Divorced 4
Separated 5
Other, please specify: ________ 77

63. What language do you speak most often at home? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

English 1
French 2
Other, please specify: _____ 77
Prefer not to answer 99

64. Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

Under $20,000 1
$20,000 to just under $40,000 2
$40,000 to just under $60,000 3
$60,000 to just under $80,000 4
$80,000 to just under $100,000 5
$100,000 to just under $150,000 6
$150,000 and above 7
Prefer not to say 99

65. Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status?

Working full-time, that is, 35 or more hours per week 1
Working part-time, that is, less than 35 hours per week 2
Self-employed 3
Unemployed, but looking for work 4
A student attending school full-time 5
Retired 6
Not in the workforce [Full-time homemaker, unemployed, not looking for work] 7
None of the above 8
Prefer not to answer 99

66. Which of the following best describes the area you live in?

Urban 1
Suburban 2
Rural 3
Prefer not to answer 99

67. How long have you lived in Canada? ____ years

❏ I’ve lived in Canada my whole life
❏ I’ve lived in Canada for less than 1 year

CRTC – Vous avez du choix – Choisir un fournisseur de services – Sondage en ligne


Préférez-vous faire le sondage en anglais ou en français?

Anglais 1
Français 2

Merci de participer au présent sondage mené par le groupe-conseil Quorus, une firme canadienne d’études de marché, au nom du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC). Le sondage, d’une durée d’environ 10 minutes, porte sur les services de télécommunications, Internet et de télévision offerts dans votre région et auxquels vous avez accès à la maison.

Le sondage est inscrit dans le système d’enregistrement des sondages de l’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing (ARIM). Votre participation est volontaire et anonyme. Toutes vos réponses seront traitées de manière confidentielle.

S1. Avez-vous participé à un sondage du gouvernement du Canada au cours des 30 derniers jours?

Non 2

S2A. En quelle année êtes-vous né(e)? ___________ [AAAA]

Je préfère ne pas répondre.



S2B. Pouvez-vous nous indiquer la catégorie d’âge à laquelle vous appartenez?

17 ans et moins 1 [METTRE FIN À L’ENTRETIEN]
18 à 34 ans 2
35 à 49 ans 3
50 à 55 ans 4
56 ans et plus 5 [METTRE FIN À L’ENTRETIEN]
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99 [METTRE FIN À L’ENTRETIEN]

S3. Êtes-vous…?

une femme 1
un homme 2
Autre 3
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

S4. Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous?

Alberta 1
Colombie-Britannique 2
Manitoba 3
Nouveau-Brunswick 4
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador 5
Territoires du Nord-Ouest 6
Nouvelle-Écosse 7
Nunavut 8
Ontario 9
Île-du-Prince-Édouard 10
Québec 11
Saskatchewan 12
Yukon 13

S5. Parmi les appareils ci-dessous, quels sont ceux que vous possédez ou que vous utilisez régulièrement à la maison? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

Téléphone intelligent 1
Téléphone sans fil ordinaire (autre qu’un téléphone intelligent) 2
Ordinateur de bureau 3
Tablette 4
Ordinateur portatif ou Chromebook 5
Aucune de ces réponses 6 [METTRE FIN À L’ENTRETIEN]


S6. Parmi les services ci-dessous, quels sont ceux auxquels vous êtes abonné à la maison ou que vous payez vous-même (c.-à-d. qui ne sont pas fournis par votre employeur, par exemple)? Si vous n’êtes pas abonné aux services, dites-nous si vous prévoyez le faire au cours des 6 prochains mois.

Vous êtes abonné à ce service. Vous n’avez pas ce service, mais vous prévoyez vous abonner au cours des 6 prochains mois.
Vous n’êtes pas abonné et vous n’avez pas l’intention de vous abonner au cours des 6 prochains mois.
a) Service de télévision payante : vous payez des frais mensuels au fournisseur pour avoir accès à plusieurs canaux de télévision (nous ne parlons pas d’abonnement à la télévision en mode continu comme Netflix ou des émissions de télé en ligne)
b) Service Internet résidentiel
c) Service sans fil
d) Service de téléphonie résidentielle : différent du cellulaire utilisé comme téléphone de maison, mais un service pour lequel vous payez des frais mensuels pour une ligne dédiée et un numéro de téléphone résidentiel.


S7. Quel est votre rôle dans le choix du fournisseur de services que vous utilisez à la maison, des services que vous songez à utiliser ou du montant dépensé pour chacun?

MONTRER UNIQUEMENT LES SERVICES AUXQUELS LE RÉPONDANT EST ABONNÉ OU S’ABONNERA (QUESTION S6) Vous êtes le seul décideur. Vous prenez les décisions avec un autre membre de votre ménage. Vous ne prenez pas la décision finale, mais on sollicite votre opinion. Un autre membre du ménage prend les décisions sans votre participation.
a) Service de télévision payante
b) Service Internet résidentiel
c) Service sans fil
d) Service de téléphonie résidentielle


Questions sur les signaux transmis en direct

1. Selon l’endroit où ils habitent, les Canadiens peuvent accéder gratuitement à plusieurs canaux de télévision grâce aux signaux transmis en direct. Cela n’inclut pas les émissions téléchargées sur Internet. Savez-vous si la télévision en direct est une option dans votre région?

Oui, je sais que c’est une option dans ma région. 1
Oui, je connais la télévision gratuite, mais cette option n’est pas disponible dans ma région. 2
Non, j’ignore si cette option est disponible dans ma région. 3 PASSER À LA QUESTION 5

2. [DEMANDER SI A RÉPONDU OUI À LA QUESTION 1] Au cours des dernières années, avez-vous sérieusement envisagé la possibilité d’accéder aux canaux de télé gratuits à la maison?

Oui 1

3. [DEMANDER SI A RÉPONDU OUI À LA QUESTION 2] Quels renseignements avez-vous tenté d’obtenir ou de comprendre? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Les canaux ou le nombre de canaux offerts gratuitement dans ma région 1
Si un canal en particulier était offert gratuitement dans ma région 2
Si les canaux étaient ou non offerts en haute définition ou le nombre de canaux offerts en haute définition 3
Si de l’équipement supplémentaire était requis et son coût 4
Si la télévision gratuite était disponible ou non dans ma région 5
Quels autres renseignements avez-vous tenté d’obtenir au sujet de la télévision gratuite? Veuillez préciser : 77

4. [DEMANDER SI A RÉPONDU OUI À LA QUESTION 2] Quelles sont les ressources que vous avez consultées pour vous renseigner sur la télévision gratuite? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’en ai discuté avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’ai effectué une recherche générale avec Google ou d’autres moteurs de recherche. 2
J’ai visité un site Web : précisez lequel : 3
J’ai lu des blogues ou visité des salons de clavardage. 4
J’ai téléphoné à un fournisseur de services de télévision. 5
J’ai consulté d’autres ressources : précisez lesquelles : 77

5. [DEMANDER SI A RÉPONDU NON À LA QUESTION 2 OU NON À LA QUESTION 1] Quelles ressources seriez-vous le plus enclin à consulter pour vous renseigner sur la télévision gratuite dans votre région? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Amis, famille ou collègues 1
Recherche générale avec Google ou d’autres moteurs de recherche 2
Consultation d’un site Web : précisez lequel : 3
Lecture de blogues ou visite de salons de clavardage 4
Appel à un fournisseur de services de télévision 5
Autres ressources : précisez lesquelles : 77

6. Si vous pouviez utiliser un outil de recherche en ligne pour les canaux de télévision gratuits et préciser « votre région », quelle méthode préféreriez-vous utiliser pour savoir si la télévision gratuite est disponible dans votre région?

Recherche par province 1
Recherche par région 2
Recherche par ville 3
Recherche par code postal 4
Recherche par adresse 5




[DEMANDER À TOUS] Les prochaines questions nous aideront à mieux comprendre comment vous prenez vos décisions relativement aux services de télévision payante.


7. Au cours de la dernière année, êtes-vous devenu un NOUVEL abonné, c.-à-d. que vous n’aviez pas le service auparavant à votre adresse actuelle et vous vous êtes abonné dans la dernière année, ou avez-vous changé de fournisseur de services de télévision payante?

Je suis devenu un NOUVEL abonné. 1 => Défini comme « nouvel abonné » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 10
J’ai changé de fournisseur. 2 => Défini comme « a changé » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 10
J’ai le même fournisseur depuis plus d’un an. 3

8. Au cours de la dernière année, combien de fois avez-vous songé à changer de fournisseur de services de télévision payante, mais ne l’avez pas fait (c.-à-d. que vous vous êtes renseigné sur les offres disponibles dans votre région, mais avez décidé de rester avec votre fournisseur de services actuel).

Une fois 1=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Deux fois 2=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Au moins trois fois dans la dernière année 3=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année et je ne le ferai probablement jamais. 4=> Défini comme « statu quo »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année, mais je suis ouvert à l’idée de le faire éventuellement. 5=> Défini comme « statu quo »



9. Au cours d’une année, il arrive que certains consommateurs songent à changer de fournisseur de services de télévision payante pour différentes raisons ou à des intervalles précis. Chaque fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services au cours de la dernière année, était-ce en raison d’événements particuliers ou à des intervalles précis? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Chaque fois que je recevais une facture 1
Chaque fois que je recevais une facture plus élevée qu’à l’habitude 2
À la fin de mon contrat 3
Chaque fois que mon service ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu 4
Une raison différente me motivait chaque fois que je songeais à changer de fournisseur. 5
Y a-t-il d’autres raisons pour lesquelles vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur? Précisez lesquelles : 77

10. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de vous abonner aux services de télévision?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de changer de fournisseur de services de télévision la dernière fois?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de considérer les autres services offerts dans votre région?


11. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quand vous avez choisi de vous abonner aux services de télévision, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré? [AJOUTER POUR CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER: Si vous n’avez pas terminé vos recherches, veuillez sélectionner les sources que vous prévoyez utiliser.] Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez décidé de changer de fournisseur de services de télévision, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’ai discuté avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’ai effectué une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
J’ai visité les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
J’ai visité les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
J’ai téléphoné directement à certains fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
J’ai lu des blogues ou visité des salons de clavardage pour voir les commentaires et les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’ai utilisé Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
J’ai consulté une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
J’ai consulté des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’ai utilisé un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information avez-vous consultées? Précisez lesquelles : 77

12. [STATU QUO] Même si vous n’avez pas songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services de télévision récemment, nous aimerions savoir quelles sont les ressources que vous utiliseriez pour ce faire. Parmi les sources d’information ci-dessous, veuillez sélectionner les trois que vous seriez le plus enclin à utiliser si vous songiez à changer de fournisseur de services de télévision. Sélectionnez jusqu’à trois réponses. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’en discuterais avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’effectuerais une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
Je visiterais les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
Je visiterais les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
Je téléphonerais directement aux fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
Je lirais des blogues et visiterais des salons de clavardage pour lire les commentaires ou les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’utiliserais Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
Je consulterais une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
Je consulterais des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’utiliserais un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information utiliseriez-vous? Précisez lesquelles : 77

13. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS, CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ ET CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] En effectuant vos recherches, quelle importance avez-vous accordée aux renseignements suivants sur les fournisseurs de services et les services offerts?

[STATU QUO] Si vous deviez changer de fournisseur de services, quelle importance accorderiez-vous aux renseignements suivants?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER] Quelle importance accordez-vous aux renseignements suivants quand vous effectuez des recherches sur l’abonnement aux services de télévision payante?

[RANDONISER LA LISTE] Information cruciale Information importante Bon à savoir Pas du tout important
a) Frais mensuels
b) Promotions
c) Forfaits de canaux offerts
d) Coût du service ou l’équipement requis, comme les convertisseurs, les antennes paraboliques, etc.
e) Évaluations des clients
f) Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur
g) Bonne réputation du fournisseur
h) Connaissance des fournisseurs présents dans ma région
i) Technologie utilisée pour fournir le service (p. ex., IPTV, télévision par satellite, câblodistribution)

14. [CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à vous abonner, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles étaient les raisons qui vous ont empêché de changer de fournisseur de services? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Changer de fournisseur est trop compliqué. 1
Changer de fournisseur coûte trop cher (frais d’ouverture de dossier). 2
Il n’y a aucun fournisseur dans ma région ou pas assez de concurrence. 3
Les forfaits des compétiteurs étaient trop chers. 4
Les forfaits des compétiteurs ne répondaient pas à mes besoins. 5
Un ami, un membre de la famille ou un collègue me l’a déconseillé. 6
J’ai lu quelque chose en ligne (p. ex., une évaluation) qui me le déconseillait. 7
Je n’ai rien compris à l’offre ou à la promotion. 8
Je n’aimais pas les modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement. 9
Mon fournisseur de services m’offrait la même chose ou mieux encore. 10
Je suis lié par un contrat. 11
Autres choses : veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77

15. Selon vous, combien de fournisseurs de services de télévision payante y a-t-il dans votre région? Ne vous en faites pas, ce n’est pas un test. Donnez-nous votre meilleure estimation.

Je crois qu’il y a _____ fournisseurs qui offrent les services de télévision payante dans ma région.

❏ J’ignore combien il y a de fournisseurs dans ma région.

16. Si vous pouviez utiliser un outil de recherche en ligne pour trouver des fournisseurs de services et préciser « votre région », quelle méthode préféreriez-vous utiliser pour trouver les fournisseurs de services de télévision payante dans votre région?

Recherche par province 1
Recherche par région 2
Recherche par ville 3
Recherche par code postal 4
Recherche par adresse 5

17. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS] Quand vous avez décidé de vous abonner aux services de télévision, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez changé de fournisseur de services de télévision, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour décider de changer de fournisseur ou non et choisir le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER] Jusqu’ici, à quel point a-t-il été facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

Très facile de trouver l’information 1 PASSER À LA QUESTION SUIVANTE
Plutôt facile 2
Plutôt difficile 3
Très difficile de trouver l’information 4

18. Quels sont les renseignements que vous avez eus de la difficulté à trouver? Soyez aussi précis que possible. Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Frais mensuels 1
Information sur une promotion en particulier 2
Forfaits de canaux de télévision offerts 3
Coût de l’équipement requis, comme les convertisseurs, les antennes paraboliques, etc. 4
Évaluations des clients 5
Possibilité d’ajouter d’autres services avec le même fournisseur 6
Coûts d’installation ou de mise en place du service ou de l’équipement 7
Modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement 8
Autres renseignements que vous avez eus de la difficulté à trouver : veuillez préciser : ___________________ 77


[DEMANDER À TOUS] Les prochaines questions nous aideront à mieux comprendre comment vous prenez vos décisions relativement aux services Internet.


19. Au cours de la dernière année, êtes-vous devenu un NOUVEL abonné, c.-à-d. que vous n’aviez pas le service auparavant à votre adresse actuelle et vous vous êtes abonné dans la dernière année, ou avez-vous changé de fournisseur de services Internet?

Je suis devenu un NOUVEL abonné. 1 => Défini comme « nouvel abonné » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 22
J’ai changé de fournisseur. 2 => Défini comme « a changé » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 22
J’ai le même fournisseur depuis plus d’un an. 3

20. Au cours de la dernière année, combien de fois avez-vous songé à changer de fournisseur de services Internet, mais ne l’avez pas fait (c.-à-d. que vous vous êtes renseigné sur les offres disponibles dans votre région, mais avez décidé de rester avec votre fournisseur actuel).

Une fois 1=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Deux fois 2=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Au moins trois fois dans la dernière année 3=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année et je ne le ferai probablement jamais. 4=> Défini comme « statu quo »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année, mais je suis ouvert à l’idée de le faire éventuellement. 5=> Défini comme « statu quo »



21. Au cours d’une année, il arrive que les consommateurs songent à changer de fournisseur de services Internet pour différentes raisons ou à des intervalles précis. Chaque fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur au cours de la dernière année, était-ce en raison d’événements particuliers ou à des intervalles précis? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Chaque fois que je recevais une facture 1
Chaque fois que je recevais une facture plus élevée qu’à l’habitude 2
À la fin de mon contrat 3
Chaque fois que mon service ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu 4
Une raison différente me motivait chaque fois que je songeais à changer de fournisseur. 5
Y a-t-il d’autres raisons pour lesquelles vous avez songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services? Précisez lesquelles : 77

22. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX AYANT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de vous abonner aux services Internet?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de changer de fournisseur de services Internet la dernière fois?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de considérer les autres services offerts dans votre région?


23. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quand vous avez choisi de vous abonner aux services Internet, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré? [AJOUTER POUR CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER: Si vous n’avez pas terminé vos recherches, veuillez sélectionner les sources que vous prévoyez utiliser.] Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez décidé de changer de fournisseur de services Internet, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles sont les sources d’information que vous avez consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’ai discuté avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’ai effectué une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
J’ai visité les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
J’ai visité les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
J’ai téléphoné directement à certains fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
J’ai lu des blogues ou visité des salons de clavardage pour voir les commentaires et les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’ai utilisé Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
J’ai consulté une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
J’ai consulté des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’ai utilisé un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information avez-vous consultées? Précisez lesquelles : 77

24. [STATU QUO] Même si vous n’avez pas songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services Internet récemment, nous aimerions savoir quelles sont les ressources que vous utiliseriez pour ce faire. Parmi les sources d’informations ci-dessous, veuillez sélectionner les trois que vous seriez le plus enclin à utiliser si vous songiez à changer de fournisseur de services Internet. Sélectionnez jusqu’à trois réponses. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’en discuterais avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’effectuerais une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
Je visiterais les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
Je visiterais les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
Je téléphonerais directement aux fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
Je lirais des blogues et visiterais des salons de clavardage pour lire les commentaires ou les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’utiliserais Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
Je consulterais une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
Je consulterais des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’utiliserais un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information utiliseriez-vous? Précisez lesquelles : 77

25. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS, CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ ET CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] En effectuant vos recherches, quelle importance avez-vous accordée aux renseignements suivants sur les fournisseurs de services Internet et les services offerts?

[STATU QUO] Si vous deviez changer de fournisseur de services Internet, quelle importance accorderiez-vous aux renseignements suivants?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quelle importance accordez-vous aux renseignements suivants quand vous effectuez des recherches sur l’abonnement aux services Internet?

[RANDONISER LA LISTE] Information cruciale Information importante Bon à savoir Pas du tout important
a) Frais mensuels
b) Promotions
c) Vitesse de la connexion Internet dans votre région
d) Capacité de téléchargement dans un mois
e) Évaluations des clients
f) Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur
g) Bonne réputation du fournisseur
h) Coût d’installation ou de mise en place du service ou de l’équipement
i) Connaissance des fournisseurs de services présents dans votre région
j) Technologie utilisée pour offrir le service (p. ex., accès fixe sans fil, satellite, DSL, câble)

26. [CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à vous abonner, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles étaient les raisons qui vous ont empêché de changer de fournisseur de services? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Changer de fournisseur est trop compliqué. 1
Changer de fournisseur coûte trop cher (frais d’ouverture de dossier). 2
Il n’y a aucun fournisseur dans ma région ou pas assez de concurrence. 3
Les forfaits des compétiteurs étaient trop chers. 4
Les forfaits des compétiteurs ne répondaient pas à mes besoins. 5
Un ami, un membre de la famille ou un collègue me l’a déconseillé. 6
J’ai lu quelque chose en ligne (p. ex., une évaluation) qui me le déconseillait. 7
Je n’ai rien compris à l’offre ou à la promotion. 8
Je n’aimais pas les modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement. 9
Mon fournisseur de services m’offrait la même chose ou mieux encore. 10
Je suis lié par un contrat. 11
Autres choses : veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77

27. Selon vous, combien de fournisseurs de services Internet y a-t-il dans votre région? Ne vous en faites pas, ce n’est pas un test. Donnez-nous votre meilleure estimation.

Je crois qu’il y a _____ fournisseurs qui offrent les services Internet dans ma région.

❏ J’ignore combien il y a de fournisseurs dans ma région.

28. Si vous pouviez utiliser un outil de recherche en ligne pour trouver des fournisseurs de services et préciser « votre région », quelle méthode préféreriez-vous utiliser pour trouver les fournisseurs de services Internet dans votre région?

Recherche par province 1
Recherche par région 2
Recherche par ville 3
Recherche par code postal 4
Recherche par adresse 5

29. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS] Quand vous avez décidé de vous abonner aux services Internet, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez changé de fournisseur de services Internet, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour décider de changer de fournisseur et choisir le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER] Jusqu’ici, à quel point a-t-il été facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

Très facile de trouver l’information 1 PASSER À LA QUESTION SUIVANTE
Plutôt facile 2
Plutôt difficile 3
Très difficile de trouver l’information 4

30. Quels sont les renseignements que vous avez eus de la difficulté à trouver? Soyez aussi précis que possible. Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Frais mensuels 1
Information sur une promotion en particulier 2
Vitesse de la connexion Internet dans votre région 3
Capacité de téléchargement dans un mois 4
Évaluations des clients 5
Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur 6
Frais d’installation ou de mise en place du service ou de l’équipement 7
Modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement 8
Autres choses que vous avez eues de la difficulté à trouver – Veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77


[DEMANDER À TOUS] Les prochaines questions nous aideront à mieux comprendre comment vous prenez vos décisions relativement aux services de téléphonie résidentielle.


31. Au cours de la dernière année, êtes-vous devenu un NOUVEL abonné, c.-à-d. que vous n’aviez pas le service auparavant à votre adresse actuelle et vous vous êtes abonné dans la dernière année, ou avez-vous changé de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle?

Je suis devenu un NOUVEL abonné. 1 => Défini comme « nouvel abonné » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 34
J’ai changé de fournisseur. 2 => Défini comme « a changé » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 34
J’ai le même fournisseur depuis plus d’un an. 3

32. Au cours de la dernière année, combien de fois avez-vous songé à changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle, mais ne l’avez pas fait (c.-à-d. que vous vous êtes renseigné sur les offres disponibles dans votre région, mais avez décidé de rester avec votre fournisseur actuel).

Une fois 1=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Deux fois 2=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Au moins trois fois dans la dernière année 3=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année et je ne le ferai probablement jamais. 4=> Défini comme « statu quo »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année, mais je suis ouvert à l’idée de le faire éventuellement. 5=> Défini comme « statu quo »



33. Au cours d’une année, il arrive que les consommateurs songent à changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle pour différentes raisons ou à des intervalles précis. Chaque fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur au cours de la dernière année, était-ce en raison d’événements particuliers ou à des intervalles précis? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Chaque fois que je recevais une facture 1
Chaque fois que je recevais une facture plus élevée qu’à l’habitude 2
À la fin de mon contrat 3
Chaque fois que mon service ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu 4
Une raison différente me motivait chaque fois que je songeais à changer de fournisseur. 5
Y a-t-il d’autres raisons pour lesquelles vous avez songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services? Précisez lesquelles : 77

34. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de vous abonner aux services de téléphonie résidentielle?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle la dernière fois?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de considérer les autres services offerts dans votre région?


35. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quand vous avez choisi de vous abonner aux services de téléphonie résidentielle, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré? [AJOUTER POUR CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER: Si vous n’avez pas terminé vos recherches, veuillez sélectionner les sources que vous prévoyez utiliser.] Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez décidé de changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles sont les sources d’information que vous avez consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’ai discuté avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’ai effectué une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
J’ai visité les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
J’ai visité les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
J’ai téléphoné directement à certains fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
J’ai lu des blogues ou visité des salons de clavardage pour voir les commentaires et les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’ai utilisé Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
J’ai consulté une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
J’ai consulté des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’ai utilisé un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information avez-vous consultées? Précisez lesquelles : 77

36. [STATU QUO] Même si vous n’avez pas songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle récemment, nous aimerions savoir quelles sont les ressources que vous utiliseriez pour ce faire. Parmi les sources d’informations ci-dessous, veuillez sélectionner les trois que vous seriez le plus enclin à utiliser si vous songiez à changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle. Sélectionnez jusqu’à trois réponses. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’en discuterais avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’effectuerais une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
Je visiterais les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
Je visiterais les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
Je téléphonerais directement aux fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
Je lirais des blogues et visiterais des salons de clavardage pour lire les commentaires ou les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’utiliserais Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
Je consulterais une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
Je consulterais des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’utiliserais un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information utiliseriez-vous? Précisez lesquelles : 77

37. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS, CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ ET CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] En effectuant vos recherches, quelle importance avez-vous accordée aux renseignements suivants sur les fournisseurs de services de téléphonie résidentielle et les services offerts?

[STATU QUO] Si vous deviez changer de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle, quelle importance accorderiez-vous aux renseignements suivants?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER] Quelle importance accordez-vous aux renseignements suivants quand vous effectuez des recherches sur l’abonnement aux services de téléphonie résidentielle?

[RANDONISER LA LISTE] Information cruciale Information importante Bon à savoir Pas du tout important
a) Frais mensuels
b) Promotions
c) Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels au Canada et aux États-Unis
d) Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels à l’extérieur du Canada et des États-Unis
e) Conditions relatives à l’heure ou au jour de la semaine pour les interurbains
f) Disponibilité et coût des fonctions d’appel (p. ex., messagerie vocale, afficheur, renvoi automatique, etc.)
g) Évaluations des clients
h) Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur
i) Bonne réputation du fournisseur
j) Coût d’installation ou de mise en place du service ou de l’équipement
k) Connaissance des fournisseurs de services dans ma région
l) Technologie utilisée pour offrir le service (p.ex., réseau filaire, câble ou VoIP)

38. [CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à vous abonner, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles étaient les raisons qui vous ont empêché de changer de fournisseur de services? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Changer de fournisseur est trop compliqué. 1
Changer de fournisseur coûte trop cher (frais d’ouverture de dossier). 2
Il n’y a aucun fournisseur dans ma région ou pas assez de concurrence. 3
Les forfaits des compétiteurs étaient trop chers. 4
Les forfaits des compétiteurs ne répondaient pas à mes besoins. 5
Un ami, un membre de la famille ou un collègue me l’a déconseillé. 6
J’ai lu quelque chose en ligne (p. ex., une évaluation) qui me le déconseillait. 7
Je n’ai rien compris à l’offre ou à la promotion. 8
Je n’aimais pas les modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement. 9
Mon fournisseur de services m’offrait la même chose ou mieux encore. 10
Je suis lié par un contrat. 11
Autres choses : veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77

39. Selon vous, combien de fournisseurs de services de téléphonie résidentielle y a-t-il dans votre région? Ne vous en faites pas, ce n’est pas un test. Donnez-nous votre meilleure estimation.

Je crois qu’il y a _____ fournisseurs qui offrent les services de téléphonie résidentielle dans ma région.

❏ J’ignore combien il y a de fournisseurs dans ma région.

40. Si vous pouviez utiliser un outil de recherche en ligne pour trouver des fournisseurs de services et préciser « votre région », quelle méthode préféreriez-vous utiliser pour trouver les fournisseurs de services de téléphonie résidentielle dans votre région?

Recherche par province 1
Recherche par région 2
Recherche par ville 3
Recherche par code postal 4
Recherche par adresse 5

41. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS] Quand vous avez décidé de vous abonner aux services de téléphonie résidentielle, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez changé de fournisseur de services de téléphonie résidentielle, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour décider de changer de fournisseur et choisir le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER] Jusqu’ici, à quel point a-t-il été facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

Très facile de trouver l’information 1 PASSER À LA QUESTION SUIVANTE
Plutôt facile 2
Plutôt difficile 3
Très difficile de trouver l’information 4

42. Quels sont les renseignements que vous avez eus de la difficulté à trouver? Soyez aussi précis que possible. Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Frais mensuels 1
Information sur une promotion en particulier 2
Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels au Canada et aux États-Unis 3
Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels à l’extérieur du Canada et des États-Unis 4
Conditions relatives à l’heure ou au jour de la semaine pour les interurbains 5
Disponibilité et coût des fonctions d’appel (p. ex., messagerie vocale, afficheur, renvoi automatique, etc.) 6
Évaluations des clients 7
Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur 8
Coût d’installation ou de mise en place du service ou de l’équipement 9
Modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement 10
Autres choses que vous avez eues de la difficulté à trouver – Veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77


[DEMANDER À TOUS] Les prochaines questions nous aideront à mieux comprendre comment vous prenez vos décisions relativement aux services sans fil.


43. Au cours de la dernière année, êtes-vous devenu un NOUVEL abonné, c.-à-d. que vous n’aviez pas le service auparavant à votre adresse actuelle et vous vous êtes abonné dans la dernière année, ou avez-vous changé de fournisseur de services sans fil?

Je suis devenu un NOUVEL abonné. 1 => Défini comme « nouvel abonné » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 46
J’ai changé de fournisseur. 2 => Défini comme « a changé » / PASSER À LA QUESTION 46
J’ai le même fournisseur depuis plus d’un an. 3

44. Au cours de la dernière année, combien de fois avez-vous songé à changer de fournisseur de services sans fil, mais ne l’avez pas fait (c.-à-d. que vous vous êtes renseigné sur les offres disponibles dans votre région, mais avez décidé de rester avec votre fournisseur actuel).

Une fois 1=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Deux fois 2=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Au moins trois fois dans la dernière année 3=> Défini comme « songe à changer »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année et je ne le ferai probablement jamais. 4=> Défini comme « statu quo »
Je n’ai pas songé à changer de fournisseur dans la dernière année, mais je suis ouvert à l’idée de le faire éventuellement. 5=> Défini comme « statu quo »



45. Au cours d’une année, il arrive que les consommateurs songent à changer de fournisseur de services sans fil pour différentes raisons ou à des intervalles précis. Chaque fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur au cours de la dernière année, était-ce en raison d’événements particuliers ou à des intervalles précis? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Chaque fois que je recevais une facture 1
Chaque fois que je recevais une facture plus élevée qu’à l’habitude 2
À la fin de mon contrat 3
Chaque fois que mon service ne fonctionnait pas comme prévu 4
Une raison différente me motivait chaque fois que je songeais à changer de fournisseur. 5
Y a-t-il d’autres raisons pour lesquelles vous avez songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services? Précisez lesquelles : 77

46. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de vous abonner aux services sans fil?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de changer de fournisseur de services sans fil la dernière fois?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, qu’est-ce qui vous a incité ou convaincu de considérer les autres services offerts dans votre région?


47. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS ET CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quand vous avez choisi de vous abonner aux services sans fil, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré? [AJOUTER POUR CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER: Si vous n’avez pas terminé vos recherches, veuillez sélectionner les sources que vous prévoyez utiliser.] Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez décidé de changer de fournisseur de services sans fil, quelles sources d’information avez-vous consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles sont les sources d’information que vous avez consultées pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’ai discuté avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’ai effectué une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
J’ai visité les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
J’ai visité les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
J’ai téléphoné directement à certains fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
J’ai lu des blogues ou visité des salons de clavardage pour voir les commentaires et les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’ai utilisé Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
J’ai consulté une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
J’ai consulté des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’ai utilisé un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information avez-vous consultées? Précisez lesquelles : 77

48. [STATU QUO] Même si vous n’avez pas songé à remplacer votre fournisseur de services sans fil récemment, nous aimerions savoir quelles sont les ressources que vous utiliseriez pour ce faire. Parmi les sources d’informations ci-dessous, veuillez sélectionner les trois que vous seriez le plus enclin à utiliser si vous songiez à changer de fournisseur de services sans fil. Sélectionnez jusqu’à trois réponses. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

J’en discuterais avec des amis, la famille ou des collègues. 1
J’effectuerais une recherche générale avec Google ou un autre moteur de recherche. 2
Je visiterais les sites Web de certains fournisseurs. 3
Je visiterais les magasins de détail de certains fournisseurs. 4
Je téléphonerais directement aux fournisseurs pour m’entretenir avec un représentant commercial. 5
Je lirais des blogues et visiterais des salons de clavardage pour lire les commentaires ou les évaluations des consommateurs. 6
J’utiliserais Facebook pour solliciter les opinions de mon réseau personnel. 7
Je consulterais une communauté en ligne réputée où des experts fournissent des commentaires, des évaluations et des réponses. 8
Je consulterais des sites Web gouvernementaux. 9
J’utiliserais un site Web spécialisé, un simulateur en ligne ou une calculatrice en ligne pour m’aider à calculer ou à comparer les frais, les services, etc. 10
Quelles autres sources d’information utiliseriez-vous? Précisez lesquelles : 77

49. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS, CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ ET CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] En effectuant vos recherches, quelle importance avez-vous accordée aux renseignements suivants sur les fournisseurs de services sans fil et les services offerts?

[STATU QUO] Si vous deviez changer de fournisseur de services sans fil, quelle importance accorderiez-vous aux renseignements suivants?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Quelle importance accordez-vous aux renseignements suivants quand vous effectuez des recherches sur l’abonnement aux services sans fil?

[RANDONISER LA LISTE] Information cruciale Information importante Bon à savoir Pas du tout important
a) Frais mensuels
b) Promotions
c) Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels au Canada et aux États-Unis
d) Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels à l’extérieur du Canada et des États-Unis
e) Conditions relatives à l’heure et au jour de la semaine pour les interurbains
f) Disponibilité et coût des fonctions d’appel (p. ex., messagerie vocale, afficheur, renvoi automatique, etc.)
g) Frais d’itinérance
h) Évaluations des clients
i) Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur
j) Bonne réputation du fournisseur
k) Types et prix des téléphones sans fil offerts
l) Zone de couverture mobile
m) Forfaits de données (coût pour utiliser l’appareil afin d’accéder à Internet, à la musique et aux vidéos en continu, envoyer des courriels, etc.)
n) Connaissance des fournisseurs de services présents dans ma région
o) Technologie utilisée pour offrir le service (p. ex., LTE ou HSPA)

50. [CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à vous abonner, mais ne l’avez pas fait, quelles étaient les raisons qui vous ont empêché de changer de fournisseur de services? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Changer de fournisseur est trop compliqué. 1
Changer de fournisseur coûte trop cher (frais d’ouverture de dossier). 2
Il n’y a aucun fournisseur dans ma région ou pas assez de concurrence. 3
Les forfaits des compétiteurs étaient trop chers. 4
Les forfaits des compétiteurs ne répondaient pas à mes besoins. 5
Un ami, un membre de la famille ou un collègue me l’a déconseillé. 6
J’ai lu quelque chose en ligne (p. ex., une évaluation) qui me le déconseillait. 7
Je n’ai rien compris à l’offre ou à la promotion. 8
Je n’aimais pas les modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement. 9
Mon fournisseur de services m’a offert la même chose ou mieux encore. 10
Je suis lié par un contrat. 11
Autres choses – Veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77

51. Selon vous, combien de fournisseurs de services sans fil y a-t-il dans votre région? Ne vous en faites pas, ce n’est pas un test. Donnez-nous votre meilleure estimation.

Je crois qu’il y a _____ fournisseurs qui offrent les services sans fil dans ma région.

❏ J’ignore combien il y a de fournisseurs dans ma région.

52. Si vous pouviez utiliser un outil de recherche en ligne pour trouver des fournisseurs de services et préciser « votre région », quelle méthode préféreriez-vous utiliser pour trouver les fournisseurs de services sans fil dans votre région?

Recherche par province 1
Recherche par région 2
Recherche par ville 3
Recherche par code postal 4
Recherche par adresse 5

53. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS] Quand vous avez décidé de vous abonner aux services sans fil, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ] La dernière fois que vous avez changé de fournisseur de services sans fil, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur et le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER] La dernière fois que vous avez songé à changer de fournisseur de services, mais ne l’avez pas fait, à quel point était-ce facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour décider de changer de fournisseur et choisir le service désiré?

[CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE S’ABONNER] Jusqu’ici, à quel point a-t-il été facile ou difficile de trouver l’information dont vous aviez besoin pour choisir votre fournisseur de services et le service désiré?

Très facile de trouver l’information 1 PASSER À LA QUESTION SUIVANTE
Plutôt facile 2
Plutôt difficile 3
Très difficile de trouver l’information 4

54. Quels sont les renseignements que vous avez eus de la difficulté à trouver? Soyez aussi précis que possible. Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique. [RANDONISER LA LISTE]

Frais mensuels 1
Information sur une promotion en particulier 2
Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels au Canada et aux États-Unis 3
Forfaits d’interurbains ou tarifs pour les appels à l’extérieur du Canada et des États-Unis 4
Conditions relatives à l’heure et au jour de la semaine pour les interurbains 5
Disponibilité et coût des fonctions d’appel (p. ex., messagerie vocale, afficheur, renvoi automatique, etc.) 6
Frais d’itinérance 7
Évaluations des clients 8
Possibilité de regrouper d’autres services avec le même fournisseur 9
Types et qualité des téléphones sans fil offerts 10
Prix des téléphones sans fil 11
Zone de couverture mobile 12
Forfaits de données (coût pour utiliser l’appareil pour accéder à Internet, à la musique et aux vidéos en continu, envoyer des courriels, etc.) 13
Modalités du contrat ou de l’engagement 14
Autres choses que vous avez eues de la difficulté à trouver – Veuillez préciser : ____________________ 77

55. [NOUVEAUX ABONNÉS, CEUX QUI ONT CHANGÉ, CEUX QUI ONT L’INTENTION DE CHANGER ET CEUX QUI SONGENT À CHANGER POUR L’UNE OU L’AUTRE DES QUATRE CATÉGORIES DE SERVICES] Pensez maintenant à la façon dont vous effectuez vos recherches pour évaluer les différents fournisseurs de services et les services offerts dans votre région.

Veuillez préciser si vous faites vos recherches pour les services Internet, de télévision, sans fil ou de téléphonie résidentielle à partir de la maison, sur la route, au travail ou à l’école en utilisant chacun des appareils suivants. Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.

Montrer seulement les appareils qui appartiennent au répondant (question S5) De la maison Sur la route Au travail ou à l’école Je ne n’utilise pas
a) Votre téléphone intelligent
b) Votre tablette
c) Un ordinateur de bureau -
d) Un ordinateur portatif ou Chromebook

56. À quelle fréquence pratiquez-vous ces activités?

  1. Regarder des vidéos ou des films en continu sur Internet ou avec un service d’abonnement comme Netflix, Club illico, ou CraveTV, à la maison sur votre télé intelligente, votre ordinateur portatif ou un ordinateur de bureau
  2. Regarder des vidéos ou des films en continu sur Internet ou avec un service d’abonnement comme Netflix, Club illico, ou CraveTV sur un appareil sans fil comme un téléphone cellulaire ou une tablette
  3. Écouter de la musique avec un service par abonnement (c.-à-d. que vous payez des frais mensuels pour un accès illimité à une bibliothèque musicale)
  4. Gérer vos opérations bancaires personnelles en ligne à partir de votre ordinateur portatif ou de bureau (p. ex., vérifier les soldes de vos comptes, virer des fonds, payer des factures, etc.)
  5. Gérer vos opérations bancaires personnelles à partir d’une application sur votre téléphone cellulaire ou votre tablette (p. ex., vérifier les soldes de vos comptes, virer des fonds, payer les factures, etc.)
Chaque jour 1
3 ou 4 fois par semaine 2
Environ une fois par semaine 3
Quelques fois par mois 4
Environ une fois par mois 5
Quelques fois par année 6
Jamais 7

57. [DEMANDER SI LE RÉPONDANT A ÉTÉ IDENTIFIÉ COMME AYANT CHANGÉ DE FOURNISSEUR POUR PLUSIEURS SERVICES.] Il semble que vous ayez changé de fournisseur pour quelques-uns de vos services au cours de la dernière année. Quels sont les services que vous avez remplacés simultanément et qui faisaient partie d’un forfait? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.


Services de télévision payante 1
Services Internet 2
Services sans fil 3
Services de téléphonie résidentielle 4
Je n’ai remplacé aucun service faisant partie d’un forfait. 5

58. [DEMANDER SI LE RÉPONDANT A ÉTÉ IDENTIFIÉ COMME SONGEANT À CHANGER DE FOURNISSEUR POUR PLUSIEURS SERVICES.] Il semble que vous ayez songé à changer de fournisseur pour quelques-uns de vos services au cours de la dernière année. Quels services auriez-vous remplacés simultanément et faisant partie d’un forfait? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.


Services de télévision payante 1
Services Internet 2
Services sans fil 3
Services de téléphonie résidentielle 4
Je ne songerais pas à remplacer un service faisant partie d’un forfait. 5

59. [DEMANDER SI LE RÉPONDANT A ÉTÉ IDENTIFIÉ COMME AYANT L’INTENTION DE S’ABBONER À PLUSIEURS SERVICES.] Il semble que vous ayez l’intention de vous abonner à plusieurs services prochainement. Quels sont ceux que vous prévoyez regrouper avec le même fournisseur de services? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s’applique.


Services de télévision payante 1
Services Internet 2
Services sans fil 3
Services de téléphonie résidentielle 4
Je ne regrouperai aucun de ces services en forfait. 5

60. Parmi les membres de votre ménage, combien appartiennent à chacune de ces catégories d’âge?

25 ans et plus ____
19 à 24 ans ____
13 à 18 ans ____
12 ans et moins ____

61. Quel est le plus haut niveau de scolarité que vous avez atteint?

8e année ou moins 1
Secondaire partiel 2
Diplôme d’études secondaires ou l’équivalent 3
Apprentissage enregistré, certificat d’une école de métiers ou autre diplôme 4
Certificat ou diplôme d’études collégiales, cégep ou autre diplôme d’études non universitaires 5
Certificat ou diplôme universitaire inférieur au baccalauréat 6
Baccalauréat 7
Diplôme d’études supérieures au baccalauréat 8
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

62. Quel est votre état matrimonial?

Célibataire, jamais marié(e) 1
Marié(e) ou conjoint(e) de fait 2
Veuf/veuve 3
Divorcé(e) 4
Séparé(e) 5
Autre – Veuillez préciser : ________ 77

63. Quelle langue parlez-vous le plus souvent à la maison? SÉLECTIONNEZ TOUT CE QUI S’APPLIQUE.

Anglais 1
Français 2
Autre – Veuillez préciser : _____ 77
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

64. Laquelle des catégories suivantes correspond au revenu total de votre ménage, c’est-à-dire le total des revenus de tous les membres de votre ménage, avant impôts?

Moins de 20 000 $ 1
20 000 $ à moins de 40 000 $ 2
40 000 $ à moins de 60 000 $ 3
60 000 $ à moins de 80 000 $ 4
80 000 $ à moins de 100 000 $ 5
100 000 $ à moins de 150 000 $ 6
150 000 $ et plus 7
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

65. Laquelle des descriptions suivantes correspond le mieux à votre situation d’emploi actuelle?

Travailleur à temps plein, c.-à-d. 35 heures et plus par semaine 1
Travailleur à temps partiel, c.-à-d. moins de 35 heures par semaine 2
Travailleur autonome 3
Sans emploi, à la recherche de travail 4
Étudiant à temps plein 5
À la retraite 6
À l’extérieur du marché du travail [personne au foyer à temps plein, sans emploi, non-chercheur d’emploi] 7
Aucune de ces réponses 8
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

66. Laquelle de ces catégories décrit le mieux la région où vous habitez?

Centre urbain 1
Banlieue 2
Zone rurale 3
Je préfère ne pas répondre. 99

67. Depuis combien d’années vivez-vous au Canada? ____ années

❏ J’ai vécu au Canada toute ma vie.
❏ Je suis au Canada depuis moins d’un an.

Au nom du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC), nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de participer à cette importante étude. Nous apprécions grandement vos commentaires.

Data Tables (available under separate cover)



The CRTC was mentioned as the research sponsor in the survey introduction, which may have resulted in some participants thinking of this option when answering this question.