Appendix – Survey of Election Officers following the 43rd Federal General Election

1. Methodological Notes

Sample and Sampling

The sample for this survey was provided by Elections Canada. It was based on the EC's database of election officers who worked during the 43rd federaerction. The total number of unique records in the database was 224,985. A sampling frame was developed based on the proportions in the database. The sampling frame included oversamples for targeted subgroups of the population to ensure adequate sample sizes for analysis. The tables below present the target sample sizes by characteristics of the population.

Sample and Sampling - Region
Region Population
Proportional Sample Size
Target Sample Size
Alberta 23,038 410 410
British Columbia 27,670 492 492
Saskatchewan 7,631 136 136
Manitoba 8,550 152 152
Ontario 84,610 1,504 1,504
Quebec 54,068 961 961
Atlantic provinces 18,619 331 331
Territories 799 14 14
Total 224,985 4,000 4,000
Sample and Sampling - Staff Position
Region Population
Proportional Sample Size
Target Sample Size
Central Poll Supervisor 25,021 445 445
Deputy Returning Officer 77,117 1,371 1,320
Information Officer 26,786 476 475
Poll Clerk 74,990 1,333 1,305
Assistant/Recruitment Officer 926 16 100
Registration Officer 20,145 359 355
Total 224,985 4,000 4,000
Sample and Sampling - Type of Poll
Region Population
Proportional Sample Size
Target Sample Size
Advance Poll 29,835 530 400
Advance Poll 3,939 70 400
Polling Day 190,285 3,400 3,200
Total 224,059 4,000 4,000
Sample and Sampling - Type of Polling Station
Region Population
Proportional Sample Size
Target Sample Size
First Nations community 2,181 39 200
Student campus 2,188 39 200
Seniors'/Long-term care facility 7,544 134 750
Regular polling station 213,072 3,788 2,850
Total 224,059 4,000 4,000


To pre-test the questionnaire, respondents were first administered the survey and then asked a series of short, follow-up questions. The debriefing following the survey provided an opportunity for respondents to offer feedback on the questionnaire. The follow-up questions were:

In total, 22 pre-test interviews were conducted by telephone. Respondents had the choice of participating in the official language of their choice. Twelve interviews were in completed in English on December 11th, 2019, and 10 were completed in French on December 12th, 2019. The pre-test interviews were digitally recorded and reviewed by Phoenix SPI team members and Elections Canada officials.

There were no significant problems in terms of design or respondents' comprehension of the questions. As a result, only minor changes were made to the questionnaire and programming instructions.

Data Collection

All fieldwork was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing technology.13 In total, a stratified random sample of 4,251 election officers was interviewed by telephone between December 14th, 2019 and January 12th, 2020. Based on a sample of this size, the overall results can be considered accurate to within ±1.5%, 19 times out of 20. That margins of error for sub-samples discussed in the report are larger.

The following specifications applied:

The data collection was conducted in accordance with the standards set out by industry associations as well as applicable federal legislation, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canada's private-sector privacy law.

Response Rate

The following table presents information about the final call dispositions for this survey and calculation of the response rate:

Response Rate
Total numbers attempted 17,927
Out of scope – Invalid 953
Unresolved (U) 10,130
No answer/answering machine 10,130
In scope – non-responding (IS) 2,491
Language barrier/illness/incapable 35
Selected respondent not available 34
Qualified respondent break-off/partial complete 35
Refusal (household) 1,072
Refusal (respondent) 1,315
In scope – responding units (R) 4,353
Completed interview 4,251
Terminate (quota filled) 0
Terminate (quota filled) 102
Response rate 25.6%

The response rate formula is calculated as follows: [R=R/(U+IS+R)]. This means that the response rate is calculated as the number of responding units [R] divided by the number of unresolved [U] numbers plus in-scope [IS] non-responding households and individuals plus responding units [R].

Survey Weighting

The survey data were weighted to accurately reflect the distribution of election officers by region, type of position, type of poll and type of polling station. The table below shows the unweighted and weighted proportions for the variables used to create the weights:

Survey Weighting - Region
Unweighted Weighted
Alberta 433 424
British Columbia 528 527
Manitoba 181 167
Saskatchewan 156 151
Ontario 1,600 1,598
Quebec 980 1,023
Atlantic provinces 357 348
Territories 16 12
Survey Weighting - Staff Position
Unweighted Weighted
Central poll supervisor 483 473
Deputy returning officer 1,402 1,457
Information officer 461 506
Poll clerk 1,421 1,417
Recruitment officer 44 8
Assistance recruitment officer 57 10
Registration officer 383 381
Survey Weighting - Type of Poll
Unweighted Weighted
Advanced poll 471 643
Mobile poll 343 74
Polling Day 3,336 3,516
Officer staff (non-poll staff) 101 17
Survey Weighting - Type of Polling Station
Unweighted Weighted
First Nations community 152 41
Student campus 204 36
Seniors'/long-term are facility 723 148
Regular polling station 3,172 4,026

2. Survey Questionnaire

A) Hello, may I please speak with [Insert name from sample]?

Interviewer Note: If in doubt, confirm whether respondent would like to be interviewed in English or French.

My name is [insert name here] and I am calling on behalf of Elections Canada from Phoenix Strategic Perspectives. We are doing an important study about the federal election. You may have heard from your respective returning officer that Elections Canada would be contacting election officers to get a better understanding of their satisfaction with working in the election. Feedback from this survey is very valuable and will help us identify potential improvements for future elections.

B) Please be assured that I am not selling anything and that we are not inquiring about your political opinions. Your survey participation is voluntary and your answers will be kept entirely confidential.

Interviewer Notes:

C) Phone interview: We are conducting a survey of individuals who worked as election officers in the last general election. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Are you willing to take part? We can do it now or at a time more convenient for you.

Please note that this call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes. Any personal information collected is subject to the federal Privacy Act and will be held in strict confidence. By taking part in this survey, you consent to the use of your answers for research and statistical purposes. The anonymous database of all responses may be shared with external researchers under the strict condition that no personal information is ever distributed or made public.

D) [Refusal conversion] web request: You may also complete this survey online. Do you have access to a computer, tablet or phone connected to the Internet at home or elsewhere that you could use to complete the survey?

If Yes: We would send you an email or text message with a link to the survey to complete when you have time. Are you willing to take part?

If Yes Ask: Would you prefer a text message or an email?

SMS: What mobile phone number would you like us to send the survey link to?

Email: Could you please confirm your email address for me?

End SMS: Thank you for agreeing to participate. We will send you a text message with the survey link shortly.

End Email: Thank you for agreeing to participate. We will send you an email with the survey link shortly.

Section 1: General

All election officers

Let's begin with a general question:

  1. How did you become aware of the opportunity to work at the 2019 federal election?

    [Phone] (Do not read. Record all mentions. Do not probe)
    [Web] (Select all that apply; rotate options)

    Precoded Responses

  2. (Only ask if staffing position in database = 01-05: CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC) Some people were unable or decided not to show up for all of their scheduled shifts for a variety of reasons. Which of the following describes you? (Read all)

  3. (If Q.2=1 or 2) What was the reason you were absent for (If Q.2=1 “one/some of”) (if Q.2=2 “all of”) your shift(s)?

    [Phone] (Do not read. Record all mentions. Do not probe)
    [Web] (Select all that apply; rotate options)

    Precoded Responses

  4. (Only ask if staffing position in database = 01-05: CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC) Which type of polling station did you work at: [Read list; accept multiple responses, but do not accept 02 and 03 together. Ask for clarification and code as 03 if both 02 and 03]

    Interviewer Note: Mobile poll refers to any poll that takes place on polling day where election workers travel between two or more locations to serve electors who are unable to travel to their ordinary polling place.

  5. As a/an (Insert Accordingly-use Full Label Below: CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC, RECO, ARECO), how would you rate your overall level of satisfaction with the way the last federal election went (CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC: at your polling place)? Are you…? [Read List]

Section 2: Training

All election officers

  1. As you know, all election officers receive training. How satisfied were you with the training session? Were you...? [Read All]

  2. (If Q.6 = 03 or 04) What aspects of the training were you not satisfied with?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read) (Record Up To Three Mentions – Do Not Probe)
    [Web] (Open Question)

    Precoded Responses

  3. a) (If Q.2= 01, 03, 05) Generally speaking, how well did the training prepare you to undertake your tasks during the last federal election? Would you say you were…? [Read List]

  1. b) (If Q.2 = 02) Generally speaking, how well prepared did you feel after the training?

Section 3: Recruitment

(Recruitment Officers And Assistant Recruitment Officers Only)
Skip Section 3 Unless Staffing Position In Database = 06 (RECO) or 07 (ARECO)

  1. (Phone) Was the process of recruiting individuals to work at advance polls very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult? (Web: How easy or difficult was the process of recruiting individuals for advance polls?)

    [Do Not Read]
  2. (Phone) Was the process of recruiting individuals to work at polling stations on Election Day very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult? (Web: How easy or difficult was the process of recruiting individuals for polling day?)

    [Do Not Read]

  3. When you contacted individuals to offer them a position to work at a polling station, what were the reasons given for individuals who were no longer interested?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read; Accept Mutiple Responses)
    [Web] (Open Question)

    Precoded Responses

  4. Did you need to backfill positions due to poll staff not showing up for their shifts?

  5. How satisfied were you with the Recruitment Management System (RMS)? Were you…? [Read All]

    (Phone) [If Asked] The Recruitment Management System was designed to support the activities of recruitment officers by allowing them to select web applicants for an election officer's position. (Web: use a mouseover/hyperlink)

  6. (If Q.13 = 03 or 04) Why were you not satisfied with the Recruitment Management System?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record Up To Three Mentions – Do Not Probe)
    [Web] (Open Question)

    Precoded Responses

  7. Did you receive from any candidates lists of names of individuals available to work at the polls? [Do Not Read]

  8. (If Q.15 = 01) How complete were these lists? Would you say they…? [Read All]

  9. Did you use the services of either of the following to fill positions at the polls in your electoral district? [Read Items]

    1. Regional media advisors
    2. Community relations officers
  10. (If Q.17a and/or Q17b = 01) How satisfied were you with the services obtained from the ˂Q17a: regional media advisors/Q17b: community relations officers˃? Were you…? [Read All]

  11. Did you use the Field Support Network (FSN)? [Do Not Read]

    (Phone) [If Asked] The Field Support Network is a call center dedicated to helping field staff. Recruitment officers could reach agents dedicated specifically to supporting them. (Web: use a mouseover/hyperlink)

  12. (If Q.19 = 01) How satisfied were you with the Field Support Network? Were you…? [Read All]

  13. Did you need to hire poll staff who were bilingual or who spoke the minority official language in your electoral district? [Do Not Read]

  14. (IF Q.21= 01) Did you experience difficulties hiring poll staff who were either bilingual or spoke the minority official language in your riding? [Do Not Read]

  15. (If Q.22 = 01) What type of difficulties did you experience?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record Up To Three Mentions – Do Not Probe)
    [Web] (Open Question)

    Precoded Responses

  16. Did you need to provide accommodations for a candidate experiencing mental or physical barriers to be able to participate in the interview or the training? [Do Not Read]

  17. (If Q.24 = 01) What type of accommodations did you provide? [Open-end]

    [Verbatim Response]

Section 4: Election Materials

All poll staff; do not ask ARECO and RECO.

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the election materials that were provided to you? Were you…? [Read All]

    (Phone) [If Asked] Election materials are items such as posters, signs, guidebook, instructions for closing the polls, ballots, etc.
    (Web: use a mouseover/hyperlink)

  2. (If Q.26 = 03 or 04) Could you tell us which materials you were not satisfied with?

    [Phone] (Do not read, Record all mentions, Rotate options)
    [Web] (Select all that apply; Rotate options)

    Precoded Responses

  3. Would you say that the guidebook was…? [Read All]

  4. How easy or difficult was it to complete the various forms that you were provided? Was it… [Read All]

    (Phone) [If asked] Forms are documents such as registration forms, statement of electors who voted on polling day (commonly known as bingo sheets), special procedure forms, etc.
    (Web: use a mouseover/hyperlink)

  5. (If Q.29 = 03 or 04) Which forms were not easy to use?

    [Phone] (Do not read, Rotate options. Do not probe)
    [Web] (Select all that apply; Rotate options)

    Precoded Responses

Section 5: Polling Proceedings

Poll staff only
Skip section 5 unless staffing position in database = 01-05; CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC

  1. Would you say that the building where you worked was suitable for holding an election? [Do Not Read]

  2. (If Q.31 = 02) Why do you say that?

    [Phone] (Do not read, Record up to three mentions – Do not probe)
    [Web] (Open question)

    Precoded Responses

  3. (Only ask if staffing position in database = 01-03: CPS, REGO, DRO) How easy or difficult was it to register electors? Was it…? [Read All]

  4. (Only ask if staffing position in database = 01-03, OR 05: CPS, REGO, DRO, PC) How easy or difficult was it to deal with exceptional cases, for example: completing various certificates or administering oaths? [Read All]

  5. (If Q34 = 03 or 04) Why do you say that?

    [phone](Do not read. Record up to three mentions)
    [Web] (Open question.)

    Precoded Responses

  6. Overall, would you say that during your working hours the flow of electors at the polls went…? [Read All]

  7. (If Q36 = 03 or 04) Why do you say that?

    [Phone] (Do not read. Record up to three mentions)
    [Web] (Open question.)

    Precoded Responses

  8. How often did your polling station experience any of the following? [Read first item] Did this happen… [Read scale]? How about [Read next item]? [Do not repeat scale unless needed].

    1. [Split Sample: ask 50% of respondents] Individuals taking photos of ballot/polling station/inside the polling location
    2. (Only Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 03/REGO, 04/DRO OR 05/PC) Individuals asking to vote, whose identity you were suspicious about
    3. (Only ask if staffing position in database = 01/CPS OR 03/REGO) Individuals asking to vote who were not on the list of electors and unable to be registered at the polling station for whatever reason
    4. [Split Sample: ask 50% of respondents] Suspected cases of electoral fraud
  9. (Phone) Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree that voting booths provided voters with enough privacy to vote? (Online) How strongly do you agree or disagree that voting booths provided voters with enough privacy to vote?

    [Show Online]

    [50/50 Split Sample Q40 and Q41]

  10. How well did the training prepare you to provide services to electors with disabilities? Would you say that you were…? [Read All]

  11. Were the tools and services for electors with disabilities at your polling place suitable? [Do Not Read]

  12. Did you notice any electors with disabilities having difficulties completing their ballot? [Do Not Read]

  13. (If Q.42 = 01) How often did you notice electors with disabilities having difficulties completing their ballot? [Read All]

  14. Did you encounter any difficulties in providing services to electors in the official language, English or French, of their choice? [Do Not Read]

  15. Did you notice any issues with candidates' representatives performing their duties? [Do Not Read]

  16. (If Q.45 = 01) Could you tell us the nature of the issues with candidates' representatives?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record up to 3 mentions)
    [Web] (Open question)

    Precoded Responses

  17. Overall, how strongly do you agree or disagree that the voting process went smoothly at your polling location? [Read All]

Section 6: Identification requirements

Poll Staff Only
Skip Section 6 Unless Staffing Position In Database = 01-05; Cps, Io, Rego, Dro, Pc

(Phone) I'd now like to ask you some questions specifically on electors' identification at the polls.
(Web) These next questions are about electors' identification at the polls.

[50/50 Split Sample Q48 and Q50]

  1. Overall, how well did the identification of electors proceed at your polling location? Would you say it went...? [Read All]

  2. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 03/REGO OR 04/DRO) How well prepared were you to apply the voter identification requirements? [Read All]

  3. How well prepared did electors seem to meet the voter identification requirements? Would you say that they were...? [Read All]

  4. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 02/IO OR 03/REGO OR 04/DRO OR 05/PC) Did you notice electors having any difficulties proving:

    1. their addresses?
    2. their identities?
  5. (If Q.51 a and/or Q.51 b = 01) Could you briefly describe the difficulties electors had providing their address or identity?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record up to three mentions)
    [Web] (Open question)

    Precoded Reponses

  6. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 03; REGO OR 04; DRO) Split Sample: 50% get Q53A and 50% get Q53B.

    1. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means there were no difficulties and 10 means there were many difficulties, would you say that completing the required procedures at the polls was a source of delay for the voting process?
      • 01. 1 – No difficulties
      • 02. 2
      • 03. 3
      • 04. 4
      • 05. 5
      • 06. 6
      • 07. 7
      • 08. 8
      • 09. 9
      • 10. 10 - Many difficulties
      • 98. Don't know
      • 99. Prefer not to say
    2. How often, if at all, did completing the required procedures at the polls cause a delay in the voting process? [Read All]
      • 01. Never
      • 02. Rarely
      • 03. Sometimes
      • 04. Often
      • 05. Very often
      • 98. [Do Not Read] Don't know
      • 99. [Do Not Read] Prefer not to say

    [50/50 Split Sample Q54 and Q55]

  7. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree that the voter information card facilitated the identification of electors?

    [Show Online]

  8. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 01-05; CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC) How often, if at all, did you witness an elector's identity being challenged by a candidate or a candidate's representative?

Section 7: Working for the 43rd general election

All election officers

  1. Thinking about your experience during the 2019 federal election, do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements: [Read item]

    1. Election instructions are too complex to understand quickly and easily
    2. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 01-05; CPS, IO, REGO, DRO, PC) The poll workers in my polling station worked well together
    3. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 01, 02, 04, 05; CPS, IO, DRO, PC) There were problems setting up the polling station
    4. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 01, 02, 04, 05; CPS, IO, DRO, PC) There were problems closing the polling station
    5. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 06 OR 07; RECO, ARECO) There were problems staffing polling stations on advance polling days
    6. (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 06 OR 07; RECO, ARECO) There were problems staffing polling stations on polling day

    [Show Online]

  2. (If Q.56 c or Q.56 d = 01 or 02) Why did you say there were problems opening and/or closing the polling station?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record up to three mentions)
    [Web] (Open question)

    Precoded Responses

  3. How satisfied are you with your hourly rate of pay? Are you…? [Read All]

  4. Have you received your paycheque for the time you worked during the election? [Do Not Read]

  5. If Q.59=01) Was the time it took to receive your paycheque…? [Read All]

  6. (IF Q.59=02) Is the time it is taking to receive your paycheque…?

  7. Overall, would you say that the working conditions you experienced were…? [Read All]

  8. (If Q.62 = 03 or 04) Why do you say that?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record up to three mentions)
    [Web] (Open question)

    Precoded Responses

  9. While you were working, were any fellow poll staff absent for part or all of their shifts?

  10. (IF Q.64=01) Would you say that this had no impact, a minor impact, a moderate impact or a major impact on your work?

  11. What would be the first thing you would change, if anything, to make it easier for you to do your work (Ask If Staffing Position In Database = 01-05: “at the polling place” OR = 06-07: “as a recruitment officer”)?

    [Phone] (Do Not Read. Record 1 mention only)
    [Web] (Open question.)

    Precoded Responses

    (Phone) Now I will ask you some questions about harassment in the workplace.

    (Web) These next questions are about harassment in the workplace.

    Harassment includes act(s), comment(s) or display(s) that demean, belittle, offend, or cause personal embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat. Harassment can be a series of incidents or one severe incident that has a lasting impact on an individual.

  12. Did you experience harassment while working during the election? [Do Not Read]

  13. (If Q.67= 01) From whom did you experience harassment while working during the election? (Phone) We're not looking for you to identify the person(s) by name. Elections Canada just wants to understand the type of individuals who harassed you. Please be assured that your anonymity and the confidentiality of your responses are protected. [Do Not Read; Accept Multiple Responses] [Web: rotate options]

Section 8: Personal Use Of Technology

  1. How often do you use a computer, tablet or smartphone for personal purposes? [Read All]

  2. Generally speaking, how quickly do you learn to use new technology? Do you learn…? [Read All]

    [50/50 Split Sample Q71 and Q72]

  3. In your opinion, which is more accurate? (Read All. Rotate)

  4. How comfortable would you be working with electronic lists of electors, rather than paper lists? [Read All]

Section 9: Sociodemographics

(Phone) To conclude the survey, I would like to ask you a few quick questions about yourself. Your answers will be used solely for statistical purposes. Let me remind you that this study is completely confidential.

(Web) These last few questions are about you. Your answers will be used solely for statistical purposes and participation in this study is completely confidential.

  1. Have you ever worked as an election officer in a provincial election? [Do Not Read]

  2. What is your gender? [Read All]

  3. What is your year of birth?

  4. What best describes your current employment status? [Read All; Stop when respondent provides an answer]

  5. What is the highest level of education that you have reached? [Do Not Read]

    Elections Canada wants to ensure that its workplaces are accessible to all its employees including people who have difficulty doing some tasks or daily activities.

    Q78/Q79: Split sample. 50% get Q78 then Q79, and 50% get Q79 and the Q78. Add flag variable to note order.

  6. Do you identify as having a disability?

  7. Would you please indicate whether you have any of the following conditions?

    [phone] (Read All, Record all mentions, Rotate options)
    [Web] (Select all that apply; Rotate options)

  8. What was the total annual income of all members of your household combined, before taxes, in 2018? [Read All]

  9. What language do you speak most often at home?

  10. Were you born in Canada?

  11. (If Q.82 = 02) In what year did you become a citizen of Canada?

  12. Could you please tell me your ethnic or cultural background?

    Do Not Read. If multiple ethnic origins offered, ask for primary, but accept visible minority first over white/caucasian. use 97 for mixed / multiple ethnicities and jewish.

    Ethnic or cultural background
    Group Includes
    01. White / Caucasian English-Canadian, French-Canadian and non-visible minority (includes English, Irish, Scottish, German, French, Italian)
    02. Chinese Chinese, Hongkongese, Taiwanese
    03. East Asian Japanese, Korean
    04. South Asian / East Indian Bangladeshi, Bengali, Bruneian, Gujarati, East Indian, Indo Pakistani, Mauritian, Mayotte, Mongolian, Pakistani, Punjabi, Singhalese, Sri Lankan, Tamil
    05. South East Asian Vietnamese, Cambodian, Malaysian, Laotian, Indonesian, Singaporean, Burmese, Kampuchean, Thai
    06. Filipino
    07. Black (Africa, Caribbean) Angolan, Anguillan, Antiguan, Aruba/Netherlands Antilles, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Beninese, Bermudan, Botswanan, Burkinan, Burundian, Cameroonian, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African, Chadian, Comoros Islands, Congolese, Dominican, Equatorial Guinean, Ethiopian, Gabonese, Gambian, Ghanaian, Grenadian, Guadeloupian, Guinean, Guinea-Bissauan, Guyanese, Haitian, Ivorian, Jamaican, Kenyan, Lesothan, Liberian, Malagasy, Malawian, Malian, Martinican/French Guianan, Montserratan, Mozambican, Namibian, Nevisian, Nigerien, Nigerian, Rwandan, Vincentian/Grenadines, Saint Lucian, Senegalese, Trinidadian, Tobagonian, West Indian, Other Caribbean, Other African
    08. Latin American All Central and South American countries, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico
    09. West Asian / North African / Arab Afghan, Algerian, Armenian, Bahrain, Bhutanese, Egyptian, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Jordanian, Kurdish, Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Libyan, Maghrebi origins, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Nepalese, Omani, Palestinian, Yemenite, Saudi Arabian, Syrian, Turk
    10. Pacific Islands Fijian, Melanesian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Tongan, Tuvaluan, Wake Island, Samoan, American Samoa, Coral Sea Islands Territory, Kiribatian, Nauruan, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Island, Tokelau, Pitcairn Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Vanuatuan, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Cook Islands, Johnston Atoll, Guam, Midway Islands, New Caledonian
    96. Aboriginal First Nations, Métis, Inuit
    97. Other (Jewish, other visible minorities or mixed ethnicity), please specify Record
    98. Don't know  
    99. Prefer not to say  

    Elections Canada wants to ensure its workforce is representative of the Canadian population, and that its workers face no obstacles or barriers due to their religious or spiritual obligations.

  13. What is your religion, if you have one?

    [Do Not Read]

  14. [If Q85 = 02 to 97] How important is your religion to the way you live your daily life?

This concludes the interview. On behalf of Elections Canada, I thank you for your time. Please be assured that the findings of this research will be used as statistical information and that all information you have provided will be kept anonymous.

If Interested: Elections Canada will publish a report on its website once completed. You will be able to access the report there.

If Asked: Their website address is

If Asked: Elections Canada has not indicated the exact date when the results would be published, but it should be at the beginning of the summer in 2020.


3. Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify, as a senior officer of Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, that the deliverables fully comply with the government of Canada's political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity of the government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not contain any reference to electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leader.


Alethea Woods, President
Phoenix Strategic Perspectives

Return to source of Footnote 13 The questionnaire was available for completion online as well; however, this mode was not used as part of the data collection. With the small population sub-samples, it was more effective and efficient to maintain telephone interviewing throughout the entire data collection period.