Introduction – Narrative Report – Survey of Candidates of the 43rd Federal General Election

Elections Canada, an independent, non-partisan agency that reports directly to Parliament, is responsible for conducting federal elections in Canada. Following the last general elections, Elections Canada (EC) conducted a survey of election officers to evaluate the quality of services they received from EC, and to collect opinions on various election-related issues. Phoenix Strategic Perspectives (Phoenix SPI) was commissioned by EC to survey election officers following the 43rd general election.

1. Background and Objectives

The mandate of EC is to:

As part of Elections Canada's research program, the agency commissioned a survey of election officers who worked during the 43rd federal general election. This included poll workers (central poll supervisor, information officer, registration officer, deputy returning officer, poll clerk) and was extended this year to recruitment officers and assistant recruitment officers who are hired by returning officers for each electoral district. The purpose of the survey was to obtain election officers' viewpoints on various election-related issues, as well as their working experience during the 43rd federal general election. In particular, the objectives of this survey were to assess election officers' views regarding:

The results will be used to assess the quality of the programs and services provided during the 43rd federal general election. Similar surveys were conducted following the 40th, 41st, and 42nd federal general elections.1

2. Methodology

A 20-minute telephone survey was conducted with a stratified random sample of 4,251 election officers between December 14th, 2019 and January 12th, 2020. To ensure adequate sample sizes for subgroup analyses, several groups of officers were oversampled: specifically, recruitment officers and assistant recruitment officers, as well as officers who worked at mobile polls or polling stations in First Nations communities, on student campuses, or in retirement residences and long-term care facilities. The survey data were weighted to accurately reflect the distribution of election officers by region, type of position, type of poll and type of polling station. Based on a sample of this size, the overall results can be considered accurate to within ±1.5%, 19 times out of 20. For a more complete description of the methodology, refer to the Appendix.

3. Notes to Readers

Return to source of Footnote 1 This year, the questionnaire was updated to reflect the development of new products and services, the inclusion of issues such as absenteeism and harassment in the workplace, and the addition of recruitment officers to the study population.