Report on the Survey of Registered Third Parties for the 43rd General Election: Wave 1 Final Report - Other Comments

At the end of the survey, financial agents were given an opportunity to provide any other comments regarding their experience as a registered third party that were not covered in the survey. There was a total of 86 mentions provided by the financial agents. The most common remark was that the process was burdensome (e.g. bureaucratic, inefficient, time consuming) (16 out of 86) (see Figure 50). Some also mentioned the unclear rules or procedures (e.g. ambiguous, poorly explained, vague) (11 out of 86), among other comments.

Figure 50: Additional comments regarding third-party experience

Q54. Is there anything else not covered here that you would like to share about your experience as a registered third party? (Open-ended)
Base: All respondents (n=54)

Figure 50: Additional comments regarding third-party experience

Text version of "Figure 50: Additional comments regarding third-party experience"

The horizontal bar chart above displays the number of respondents who had additional comments they would like to share about their experience as a registered third party. The breakdown is as follows: