Pension Plans Survey (PPS) 2017-18
Final Report

POR Registration Number: 013-17
PSPC Contract Number: 59017-170005-001-CY
Contract Award Date: 2017-07-20
Delivery Date: 2018-04-26

Prepared by:
Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
1678 Bank Street, Suite 2
Ottawa, ON, K1V 7Y6   
T: 613-260-1700

Prepared for:
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

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Table of Contents

List of Table

Executive summary

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) is the primary regulator and supervisor of federally regulated financial institutions and pension plans. In this role, OSFI supervises and regulates 1,233 private pension plans covering employees in federally regulated areas of employment.

To help assess how well it is achieving its mandate, OSFI commissioned Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. (Phoenix SPI) to conduct a survey with pension plan administrators and professionals for their perceptions of OSFI’s performance. Generally conducted every three years, the Pension Plans Survey (PPS) collects data needed to assess OSFI’s perceived effectiveness in monitoring and supervising pension plans and supports OSFI’s commitment to be responsive to stakeholder input and to seek suggestions for improvement. Previous waves of the PPS were conducted in 2008-2009, 2011-2012, and 2014-2015.

The main objectives of this year’s survey were to: 1) obtain perspectives of OSFI’s performance as a regulator of federally regulated private pension plans; and 2) assess OSFI’s performance on a series of core measures. The survey was designed to collect opinions on the following:

The results of the research provide the data needed to meet OSFI’s performance reporting commitments and enable OSFI’s Private Pension Plans Division (PPPD) to identify areas for improvement.


To meet the objectives, an online survey was conducted with pension plan administrators and professionals who regularly deal with OSFI on behalf of pension plans. All plans with an asset size of $500,000 or more and at least 10 members were included in the survey. Available in both official languages, the survey was online from November 15 to December 22, 2017. Of the 1,045 plan administrators and professionals invited to complete the survey, 314 did so, which represents a solid response rate of 30%. Of the 314 respondents, 200 were plan administrators and 114 were professionals. Of the 200 plan administrators, 86 were defined benefits plan administrators, 82 defined contribution plan or pooled registered pension plan administrators, and 32 combination plan administrators. Since the entire population was invited to participate in this study, there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported.

Key Findings

The following are key findings from the survey:

The contract value was $41,034.82 (including HST).

Statement of Political Neutrality

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of Phoenix Strategic Perspectives that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not contain any reference to electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leader.

Signed by: Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.


The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), Canada commissioned Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. (Phoenix SPI) to conduct a survey to assess OSFI’s performance as the regulator and supervisor of federally administered pension plans.

Background and Objectives

OSFI is the primary regulator and supervisor of federally regulated financial institutions and pension plans. In this role, OSFI supervises and regulates 1,233 private pension plans covering employees in federally regulated areas of employment.

To help assess how well it is achieving its mandate, OSFI undertakes surveys with pension plan administrators and professionals for their perceptions of OSFI’s performance. Generally conducted every three years, the Pension Plans Survey (PPS) collects data needed to assess OSFI’s perceived effectiveness in monitoring and supervising pension plans and supports OSFI’s commitment to be responsive to stakeholder input and to seek suggestions for improvement. Previous waves of the PPS were conducted in 2008-2009, 2011-2012, and 2014-2015.

The main objectives of this year’s survey were to: 1) obtain perspectives of OSFI’s performance as a regulator of federally regulated private pension plans; and 2) assess OSFI’s performance on a series of core measures. The survey was designed to collect opinions on the following:

The results of the research provide the data needed to meet OSFI’s performance reporting commitments and enable OSFI’s Private Pension Plans Division (PPPD) to identify areas for improvement.

Methodology, Response Rate and Quality Control

To meet the objectives, an online survey was conducted with pension plan administrators and professionals who regularly deal with OSFI on behalf of pension plans. The target population was federally regulated private pension plans with an asset size of $500,000 or more and at least 10 members were included in the survey. In advance of the survey, an invitation letter from OSFI’s Superintendent was sent by email to eligible pension plan administrators and professionals. This letter encouraged participation, identified Phoenix SPI as the firm conducting the online survey on behalf of OSFI, and provided assurances of confidentiality.

Following distribution of the letter, Phoenix SPI sent plan administrators and professionals an email containing a link to access the password-protected online survey. Available in both official languages, the survey was online from November 15 to December 22, 2017. Of the 1,045 plan administrators and professionals invited to complete the survey, 314 did so, which represents a solid response rate of 30%. The response rate was calculated using the formula outlined in the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research (Online Surveys).

Total Sample Used 1,117
Unresolved (U) 72
Email invitations bounce back 72
In-scope non-responding units (IS) 671
No response [refusal] 650
Out of office for field period 5
General mailbox 3
No longer in position 3
Do not contact/remove from list 10
Responding units (R) 314
Completed survey 314
Response Rate = R/(U+IS+R) 30%

Of the 314 respondents, 200 were plan administrators and 114 were professionals. In 2017, a larger number of professionals who interact with OSFI on behalf of pension plans were invited to complete the survey. For this reason, a larger proportion of the surveys were completed by professionals than in previous years.

Of the 200 plan administrators, 86 were defined benefits plan administrators, 82 defined contribution plan or pooled registered pension plan administrators, and 32 combination plan administrators. When compared to the population of plan administrators, the survey sample contained a greater proportion of defined benefits plan administrators than defined contribution plan or pooled registered pension plan administrators. As a result, the survey results over represent the views of defined benefits plan administrators and underrepresent those of defined contribution plan or pooled registered pension plan administrators. To the extent that the views and experiences of defined benefits plan administrators and defined contribution plan or pooled registered pension plan administrators differ, non-response bias should be considered possible though not certain.

To maximize the response rate, three reminder emails were sent (to those who had not completed the survey), and the deadline for completing the survey was extended to December 22, 2017 (from December 15, 2017).

In addition to reminders sent by email, a telephone campaign was used to remind plan administrators and professionals to participate in the survey. As part of the follow-up telephone calls, plan administrators and professionals were offered the option to complete the survey over the telephone at the time of the reminder call, or to schedule a time to complete the survey over the telephone at a later date. Eight individuals elected to complete the survey with an interviewer over the telephone.

Since the entire population was invited to participate in this study, there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported.

Regarding quality control,

All steps of the project complied with market research industry standards, including those of the MRIA, and the Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research.

Note to Readers

Detailed Findings

1. Overall Impressions

Satisfaction with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor remains high

The majority of respondents were satisfied with OSFI as a regulator or supervisor of private pension plans. Among plan administrators, 71% said they were very (42%) or somewhat (29%) satisfied with OSFI. This represents an increase since 2014 results when only two-thirds of plan administrators rated themselves as very (34%) or somewhat (32%) satisfied.

With regards to professionals, just over two-thirds (68%) said they were very (35%) or somewhat (33%) satisfied with OSFI. Compared to the 2014 results, there has been a large increase in the proportion of professionals who said they were very satisfied, from 19% in 2014 to 35% in 2017.

Table 1: Overall satisfaction with OSFI
Q2a. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans? Plan Administrators
Very Satisfied 42% 35%
Somewhat Satisfied 29% 33%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 21% 19%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 6% 10%
Very Dissatisfied 2% 4%

Reasons for Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with OSFI

Respondents were asked in an open-ended manner to explain why they rated themselves as satisfied or dissatisfied with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans. Among plan administrators, the reasons for satisfaction included that OSFI is a good regulator and supervisor (with 15 responses), that OSFI has good or helpful staff and service (13 responses), and that OSFI provides quick/efficient service (12 responses). This is similar to 2014 when the top reasons for satisfaction related to good staff and communication.

The top reasons for dissatisfaction among plan administrators included difficulty using the Regulatory Reporting System (RRS) (with 13 responses) and the view that OSFI demands are unrealistic and too complex (9 responses). Difficulty using the RRS was also the top reason for dissatisfaction in 2014.

Professionals reported similar reasons for satisfaction as plan administrators. However, professionals were more likely to attribute their dissatisfaction to rigid interpretations (with 14 responses), lack of support or consistency from OSFI (10 responses), and slow service (10 responses). Rigid interpretations was also the top reason for dissatisfaction among professionals in 2014.

Table 2: Reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction
Q2b. Please provide any comments on why you are (satisfied/dissatisfied) with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans.
[Multiple responses accepted]**
Plan Administrators
Reasons for satisfaction
Satisfied with OSFI/ good regulator/supervision 19% 27%
Good staff/service/helpful 16% 27%
Quick/efficient service/responsive 15% 15%
Good communication/updates 12% 12%
Knowledge/good source of information 11% 12%
Good/effective website/RRS 5% 5%
Provides safety/security/protection 2% --
Available/accessible 1% --
Reasons for dissatisfaction
Difficulty using RRS/website 16% 10%
Demands unrealistic/too complex 11% 5%
Inflexible/interpretation too rigid 9% 23%
Lack of support/information/consistency from OSFI 8% 17%
Slow service/poor response time 8% 17%
Lack of contact/staff hard to reach 5% 8%
Lack of clarity 5% 3%
Limited dealings/lack of experience with OSFI 6% --
Other 9% 3%

**Response categories reflect analysis of open-ended feedback provided by respondents.

2. Guidance

Awareness of OSFI’s guidance material is high

Three-quarters (75%) of plan administrators indicated they are aware of the guidance material published by OSFI. This is consistent with the 2014 PPS results, when 77% of plan administrators said they were aware of OSFI’s guidance material.

Awareness of OSFI’s guidance material was higher among professionals. Nearly nine in 10 (87%) said they are aware of the guidance material. In addition, compared to plan administrators, professionals were more likely to strongly agree on this point (49% vs. 20%, respectively). As with plan administrators, these results are similar to those of 2014.

Table 3: Awareness of OSFI’s guidance
Q3. Thinking about OSFI’s guidance, would you agree or disagree with the following:
I am aware of the guidance material published by OSFI.
Plan Administrators
Strongly Agree 20% 49%
Agree 55% 38%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 16% 11%
Disagree 6% 1%
Strongly Disagree 2% 2%

Most know where to find OSFI guidance material

Among plan administrators, 71% (down slightly from 75% in 2014) agreed that they know where to find OSFI guidance material. Compared to plan administrators, professionals (85%; up from 76% in 2014) were more likely to agree they know where to find OSFI guidance material.

Table 4: Knowing where to find OSFI guidance material
Q4. Thinking about OSFI's guidance, would you agree or disagree with the following:
I know where to find OSFI guidance material?
Plan Administrators
Strongly Agree 19% 46%
Agree 52% 39%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 17% 9%
Disagree 11% 4%
Strongly Disagree 2% 2%

OSFI guidance is effective in providing clear expectations

Nearly three-quarters (74%) of plan administrators believe OSFI’s guidance is effective in providing a clear indication of the agency’s expectation: 42% said guidance is somewhat effective and 31% said it is very effective. This represents a decline since 2014 when 78% of plan administrators said OSFI’s guidance was somewhat or very effective in providing clear expectations.

Compared to plan administrators, professionals (82%) were more likely to believe OSFI’s guidance is effective. These results are unchanged from 2014.

Table 5: Effectiveness of OSFI guidance in providing a clear indication of expectations
Q5. Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI’s guidance is in:
Providing a clear indication of OSFI's expectations?
Plan Administrators
Very Effective 31% 40%
Somewhat Effective 42% 42%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 18% 13%
Somewhat Ineffective 8% 4%
Very Ineffective 1% 2%

OSFI guidance is effective in supporting plan compliance

In addition to rating OSFI guidance material as effective in providing clear expectations, nearly three-quarters (73%) of plan administrators said OSFI’s guidance is somewhat or very effective in supporting them in their role to ensure that their plan is compliant with federal pension requirements. These results are unchanged from 2014.

Approximately four in five professionals (81%) said OSFI’s guidance is effective on this measure—47% rated it as somewhat effective and 34% said it is very effective. This represents a small increase from 2014, when 76% of surveyed professionals rated OSFI’s guidance as somewhat or very effective.

Table 6: Effectiveness of OSFI guidance in supporting plan compliance
Q6. Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI’s guidance is in:
Supporting you in your role to ensure that your plan is in compliance with federal pension requirements?
Plan Administrators
Very Effective 36% 34%
Somewhat Effective 37% 47%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 17% 9%
Somewhat Ineffective 7% 6%
Very Ineffective 3% 4%

3. Supervision

Variety of OSFI written correspondence received in the last year

Plan-specific issues was the top type of written correspondence received by respondents in the last year, although this was more likely to have been mentioned by professionals (46%) than plan administrators (28%). Among plan administrators, other types of written correspondence mentioned with some frequency included late filing of regulatory returns (21%), review of actuarial valuation report (20%), plan examination correspondence, findings or recommendations (18%), and notification of late remittance of contributions (18%).

Following plan-specific issues, professionals were most likely to have received the review of actuarial valuation report (41%). Other types of written correspondence mentioned with some frequency included plan examination correspondence, findings or recommendations (18%) and late filing of regulatory returns (15%).

Notably, one-third (33%) of plan administrators and 27% of professionals said they did not receive any correspondence from OSFI in the last year.

Table 7: Types of correspondence received
Q7. Which, if any, of the following types of OSFI written correspondence have you received in the last year?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Plan-specific issue 28% 46%
Late filing of regulatory returns 21% 15%
Review of actuarial valuation report 20% 41%
Plan examination correspondence/ findings/recommendations 18% 18%
Notification of late remittance of contributions 18% 13%
Estimated solvency ratio or increase in funding requirements 8% 10%
Other correspondence 10% 4%
No correspondence received 33% 27%

Positive perceptions of the clarity of OSFI’s written correspondence

Survey respondents hold positive perceptions of OSFI’s written correspondence. Seven in 10 plan administrators considered the clarity of OSFI’s written correspondence to be good or very good. This is virtually unchanged from 2014, when 69% of plan administrators offered a positive assessment. What has changed is the proportion of plan administrators who rated the clarity of OSFI’s written correspondence as very good. This has increased six percentage points, from 23% in 2014 to 29% in 2017.

Among professionals, nearly three-quarters (74%) provided a positive assessment of OSFI’s written correspondence (up from 69% in 2014).

Table 8: Clarity of OSFI correspondence
Q9. Thinking back over the last year, how would you rate OSFI with respect to:
The clarity of OSFI’s written correspondence outlining issues of concern?
Plan Administrators
Very Good 29% 25%
Good 41% 49%
Fair 24% 16%
Poor 6% 8%
Very Poor -- 2%

OSFI provides opportunities to discuss issues related to supervision

Approximately two-thirds (67%) of plan administrators said OSFI is doing a good (36%) or very good (31%) job with respect to providing an opportunity for their plan(s) to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to the agency coming to a conclusion. This represents a slight increase from the 2014 PPS survey when 63% of plan administrators provided positive performance ratings of OSFI in this area.

Seven in 10 professionals (down from 76% in 2014) rated OSFI’s performance as good or very good when it comes to providing opportunities to discuss issues related to supervision. Compared to 2014, a greater proportion of professionals rated OSFI’s performance as poor or very poor (14% in 2017 vs. 6% in 2014).

Table 9: Opportunities to discuss supervisory concerns
Q8. Thinking back over the last year, how would you rate OSFI with respect to:
Providing an opportunity for your plan(s) to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?
Plan Administrators
Very Good 31% 39%
Good 36% 31%
Fair 24% 15%
Poor 9% 12%
Very Poor -- 2%

OSFI continues to be viewed as effective at supervising plans

Four in five (81%) plan administrators view OSFI as somewhat or very effective at supervising their plans. These results are unchanged from 2014. However, the proportion of plan administrators who rated OSFI’s supervision as very effective increased from 31% in 2014 to 40% in 2017.

Additionally, more than four in five (84%) professionals rated OSFI’s supervision as somewhat or very effective. This represents an increase from 2014 when 67% of professionals rated OSFI’s supervision as effective, as well as an increase in the intensity of positive perceptions. In 2017, professionals were more likely (41%) to think OSFI is very effective at supervising plans than they were in 2014 (9%).

Table 10: Overall effectiveness in supervising plans
Q10. Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI is in supervising your plan(s)
(e.g., ongoing monitoring, examinations and specific interventions)?
Plan Administrators
Very Effective 40% 41%
Somewhat Effective 41% 43%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 15% 8%
Somewhat Ineffective 4% 5%
Very Ineffective -- 3%

4. Approvals

Few submitted an application for regulatory approval in the past three years

One in five plan administrators (down from 38% in 2014) said they submitted an application for a regulatory approval in the past three years. While professionals were more likely to have submitted an application than plan administrators, fewer reported submitting an application in the past three years than had reported doing so in 2014 (31% in 2017 compared to 58% in 2014).

Table 11: Approval applications submitted
Q11. Have you submitted an application for a regulatory approval in the past 3 years? Plan Administrators
Yes 20% 31%
No 80% 69%

Plan registrations/terminations more likely to have been sought than other regulatory approvals

Those who submitted a regulatory application in the past three years were more likely to have sought a plan registration or termination. Specifically, 43% of plan administrators and 52% of professionals sought this type of approval in the past three years. Conversely, 39% of plan administrators and 45% of professionals said they sought approval for an asset transfer, reducing amendment, or refund of surplus.

Table 12: Type of regulatory approval sought
Q12. Which of the following categories of regulatory approvals was most recently sought? Plan Administrators
Plan registration or termination 43% 52%
Asset transfer or reducing amendment or refund of surplus 39% 45%
Prefer not to say 17% 3%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=23 plan administrators and n=31 professionals.

Satisfaction with OSFI in processing applications

Plan administrators (71%) were more likely than professionals (62%) to be satisfied with OSFI in processing applications from their plans. While there has been a slight decline in the proportion of plan administrators who are satisfied with OSFI this year, there has been an increase in the proportion of plan administrators who are very satisfied (38% in 2014 and 56% in 2017).

Among professionals, satisfaction has declined this year, from 72% in 2014 to 62% in 2017. In addition, there has been an increase in the proportion of professionals who expressed dissatisfaction, up from 18% in 2014 to 28% in 2017.

Table 13: Overall satisfaction with processing of applications
Q13. What is your overall level of satisfaction with OSFI in processing applications from your plan(s)? Plan Administrators
Very Satisfied 56% 34%
Somewhat Satisfied 15% 28%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 22% 9%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 4% 25%
Very Dissatisfied 4% 3%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=27 plan administrators and n=32 professionals.

Half or more offer positive rating of OSFI’s responsiveness to application status updates

The majority (82%) of plan administrators who submitted an application in the past three years rated OSFI’s responsiveness to application status updates positively. This represents a slight increase since 2014 when 77% said OSFI is doing a good or very good job. The rest, 17%, rated OSFI’s performance as fair. No-one said OSFI is doing a poor job in this area.

Fewer professionals, but still half (50%), rated OSFI’s responsiveness to application status updates as good or very good. This represents a decrease since 2014 when 63% of professionals rated OSFI’s responsiveness positively. At the same time, there has been an increase in negative scores (21% compared to 3% in 2014).

Table 14: Responsiveness to requests for updates on applications
Q14. How would you rate OSFI with respect to:
Responding to requests for updates on the status of applications submitted by your pension plan(s)?
Plan Administrators
Very Good 43% 29%
Good 39% 21%
Fair 17% 29%
Poor -- 14%
Very Poor -- 7%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=23 plan administrators and n=28 professionals.

OSFI provides opportunities to discuss issues of concern related to approvals

Among plan administrators who submitted an application in the past three years, 81% rated OSFI’s provision of opportunities to discuss issues as good or very good. This represents an increase since 2014 when 73% rated OSFI positively on this measure.

However, only 58% of professionals rated OSFI’s provision of opportunities to discuss issues as good or very good. This represents a decline in the proportion of professionals holding a positive view of OSFI’s performance, from 79% in 2014 to 58% in 2017. In addition, 17% of professionals rated OSFI’s performance as poor or very poor (compared to 5% in 2014).

Table 15: Opportunities to discuss concerns related to approval requests
Q15. How would you rate OSFI with respect to:
Providing an opportunity to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?
Plan Administrators
Very Good 38% 48%
Good 43% 10%
Fair 19% 24%
Poor -- 14%
Very Poor -- 3%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=21 plan administrators and n=29 professionals.

Time taken by OSFI to process application varies

The majority of respondents who submitted an application for regulatory approval in the past three years said their application was processed in 12 months or less, with the plurality reporting processing times of six months or less. Specifically, 41% of plan administrators and 34% of professionals reported that it took OSFI six months or less to process their applications, and 36% of plan administrators and 34% of professionals said it took between seven and 12 months. On the other end of the spectrum, 23% of plan administrators and 31% of professionals reported it took OSFI more than 12 months to process a plan application for approval.

Table 16: Time taken to process approval request
Q17. Approximately, how long did it take OSFI to process an application for approval from your plan(s)? Plan Administrators
6 months or less 41% 34%
7-12 months 36% 34%
13-22 months 14% 21%
2 years or more 9% 10%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=22 plan administrators and n=29 professionals.

Majority satisfied with timeliness of processing plan applications

The majority of those who submitted an application for a regulatory approval in the past three years were somewhat or very satisfied with the timeliness in which OSFI processes these applications. Among plan administrators, 76% (up from 69% in 2014) were somewhat or very satisfied with OSFI’s timeliness. Fewer professionals, but still a majority (55%; down from 60% in 2014), were somewhat or very satisfied with OSFI’s timeliness of processing plan applications.

Table 17: Satisfaction with timeliness of processing approval request
Q16. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the timeliness with which OSFI processes application(s) for approval from your plan(s)? Plan Administrators
Very Satisfied 44% 16%
Somewhat Satisfied 32% 39%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 4% 10%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 16% 19%
Very Dissatisfied 4% 16%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=25 plan administrators and n=31 professionals.

5. Overall Communication with OSFI

Relationship manager main OSFI contact for questions

When respondents were asked who they normally contact at OSFI when they have a question related to their plans, their relationship manager or plan supervisor was the most commonly cited contact.

Looking first at plan administrators, three in 10 (31%) said they normally contact their relationship manager or plan administrator. This was followed by the OSFI toll free line (23%) and the OSFI general email (12%). These results are similar to those of 2014, though there has been a decrease in the proportion of plan administrators who indicated they contact their relationship manager or plan administrator (from 43% in 2014 to 31% in 2017).

Among professionals, nearly four in 10 (39%) said they contact their relationship manager or plan administrator when they have questions. This is virtually unchanged since 2014 when 38% pointed to their relationship manager. Relationship manager was followed at a distance by OSFI’s toll free line (12%) and an Actuarial Consultant (12%).

Table 18: Who is contacted at OSFI
Q18. When you have a question related to the plan(s) for which you play a role, who do you normally contact at OSFI? Plan Administrators
Relationship Manager/ Plan Supervisor 31% 39%
OSFI toll free line (1-800 number) 23% 12%
OSFI general email 12% 9%
Returns Admin Support 9% 3%
Actuarial Consultant 8% 12%
Approvals Officer/ Manager 3% 7%
Policy Officer/ Manager 3% 7%
Contact insurance broker 4% --
Contact insurance company directly 1% 1%
Other 6% 8%

Assistance using RRS and plan-specific questions top reasons for contacting OSFI

Nearly half of plan administrators (47%) said that the reason for their most recent interaction with OSFI was to obtain assistance submitting returns using the RRS. This was by far the most common reason for contacting OSFI. Much smaller proportions pointed to other reasons, including plan-specific questions (19%) and assistance filling out forms or returns (17%).

Among professionals, four in 10 contacted OSFI with plan-specific questions. This was followed by interpretation of legislation or regulations (29%) and assistance submitting returns using the RRS (18%).

All other reasons were mentioned by fewer than one in 10 plan administrators and professionals.

Table 19: Reasons to contact OSFI
Q22. Thinking about your most recent interaction with OSFI, what was the main reason you contacted OSFI? Plan Administrators
Assistance submitting returns using RRS 47% 18%
Plan-specific question(s) 19% 40%
Assistance filling out forms/ returns 17% 3%
Question(s) about members’ rights 4% 1%
Interpretation of legislation or regulations 4% 29%
Interpretation of guideline(s) 2% 7%
Assistance with RRS/online reporting 1% --
Submit application/report/changes 1% --
Other 5% 1%

Majority received the information or assistance needed

Nine in 10 (90%) plan administrators said they received the information or assistance they needed when they contacted OSFI. This is virtually unchanged from the 2014 when 91% of plan administrators reported receiving what they needed when contacting OSFI. A smaller proportion of professionals, but still a strong majority of 82%, reported that they also received what they needed when they contacted OSFI. This is also nearly identical to 2014 (82% in 2017 versus 81% in 2014).

Table 20: Was the information provided
Q23. In the end, did you get the information/ assistance you needed? Plan Administrators
Yes 90% 82%
No 10% 18%

Most satisfied with timeliness of OSFI’s response to enquiries

Among plan administrators, 81% expressed satisfaction with the timeliness of OSFI’s response to enquiries. The proportion of plan administrators that expressed satisfaction on this measure has increased since 2014, from 69% in 2014 to 81% in 2017. Furthermore, plan administrators were more likely to indicate they were very satisfied in 2017 (47%) than they were in 2014 (32%).

Many professionals (78%) also expressed satisfaction with OSFI’s timeliness in responding to enquiries. This includes 44% saying they were very satisfied with OSFI’s performance in this area. As was the case with plan administrators, satisfaction has increased over time, from 64% in 2014 to 78% in 2017, and in intensity, from 23% saying they were very satisfied to 44% in 2017.

Table 21: Satisfaction with the timeliness of response to enquiries
Q19. Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with:
The timeliness of OSFI's response to general and plan-specific related enquiries?
Plan Administrators
Very Satisfied 47% 44%
Somewhat Satisfied 34% 34%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 14% 10%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 5% 7%
Very Dissatisfied 1% 6%

Widespread and strong satisfaction with OSFI’s capacity for interaction in official languages

Nine in 10 (90%) plan administrators said they are satisfied with OSFI’s capacity for interacting with them in the official language of their choice, including 72% who said they were very satisfied. This represents a small increase since 2014 (85%). 

Additionally, 92% of professionals indicated they are satisfied with OSFI’s capacity to interact with them in their official language (77% were very satisfied). Again, this represents a small increase from 2014 (89%).

Table 22: Satisfaction with OSFI’s capacity to interact in official language of choice
Q20. Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with OSFI's capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice? Plan Administrators
Very Satisfied 72% 77%
Somewhat Satisfied 18% 15%
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 10% 7%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 1% 1%
Very Dissatisfied -- --

Reasons for Dissatisfaction with OSFI’s Capacity for Interaction in Official Language

Plan administrators who were dissatisfied with OSFI’s capacity for interaction in the official language of their choice pointed to OSFI’s capacity to write and to read materials sent in their official language choice. Dissatisfaction among professionals arose from OSFI’s capacity to speak to them in their official language of choice.

Table 23: Reasons for dissatisfaction with OSFI’s capacity to interact in official language of choice
Q21. In which of the following areas are you dissatisfied with OSFI's capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
OSFI’s capacity to speak in official language of choice -- 1
OSFI’s capacity to write in official language of choice 1 --
OSFI’s capacity to read materials sent to them in official language of choice 1 --
Other 1 --

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=2 plan administrators and n=1 professional.

6. InfoPensions

At least half aware of InfoPensions; awareness higher among professionals

Half of surveyed plan administrators (50%) indicated they are aware of InfoPensions. This represents an increase from the 44% reported in 2014. In addition, 78% of professionals said they are aware. Compared to the 2014 PPS, awareness of InfoPensions has increased slightly among professionals (from 74% to 78%).

Table 24: Awareness of InfoPensions
Q24. Have you heard of OSFI's electronic newsletter 'InfoPensions'? Plan Administrators
Yes, I’m aware of the electronic newsletter InfoPensions 50% 78%
No, I’m not aware of the electronic newsletter InfoPenisons 50% 22%

Use of InfoPensions increased since 2014; use is higher among professionals

When asked if they had read or reviewed an edition of InfoPensions in the last year, 37% of plan administrators (up from 28% in 2014) and 68% of professionals (up from 52% in 2014) indicated they had done so.

Table 25: Readership of InfoPensions
Q25. Have you read or reviewed an edition of InfoPensions in the last year? Plan Administrators
Yes 37% 68%
No 63% 32%

Lack of time main reason for not reviewing or reading InfoPensions

Those who had not read or reviewed an edition of InfoPensions in the last year were most likely to attribute this to lack of time: 55% of plan administrators and 62% of professionals.

Table 26: Reasons for not reading InfoPensions
Q26. Why have you not reviewed or read any editions of InfoPensions in the last year?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Lack of time/too busy 55% 62%
No need/not relevant 9% 15%
Not useful/provides no added value 3% --
Use other resources 18% --
Have not received material 21% 23%
Other 6% 8%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses:: n=13 professionals.

InfoPensions information considered useful

Most of those who read or reviewed an edition of InfoPensions said the information was useful. Specifically, 86% of plan administrators and 88% of professionals said they found the information useful. Perceptions of the usefulness of this information have increased since 2014. Among plan administrators, this represents an increase of 13 percentage points (from 73% to 86%), and among professionals, there has been a considerable increase in the proportion who rated the information as very useful (from 25% in 2014 to 52% in 2017).

Table 27: Perceived usefulness of InfoPensions
Q27. How would you rate the usefulness of the information that is provided in InfoPensions? Plan Administrators
5 – Very Useful 35% 52%
4 51% 36%
3 – Neutral 14% 12%
2 -- --
1 – Not At All Useful -- --

Desired content to be featured in InfoPensions

All respondents were asked in an open-ended manner if there is any content they would like to see featured in an upcoming edition of InfoPensions. Few plan administrators (n=9) and professionals (n=14) offered suggested content. A variety of content suggestions was offered as the table below illustrates.

Table 28: Suggested content for InfoPensions
Q28. Is there any content you would like to see featured in an upcoming edition of InfoPensions?
[Multiple responses accepted]**
Plan Administrators
Overall index to InfoPensions content 1 --
Update outstanding items (i.e. what to do in case of missing or beneficiaries) 1 --
Guidance on marriage breakdown calculations 1 1
Decline in defined benefit plans 1 --
Long-term government policies 1 --
How to file for private pension 1 --
Publication of the filing requirements related to federally registered private pension plans 1 --
Training 1 --
Alert to upcoming changes -- 1
Asset transfer guidelines -- 1
Best practices -- 1
How to handle un-locatable deferred members -- 1
Investment topics -- 2
Update timelines/OSFI interpretations -- 1
Profile on OSFI pension team member -- 1
Clearer/more concise text -- 1
Legislation affecting PBSA -- 1
Nothing 2 3

**Response categories reflect analysis of open-ended feedback provided by respondents.

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=9 plan administrators and n=14 professionals.

7. OSFI’s Website

Professionals more likely to use OSFI’s website

When asked if they had visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website in the last year, 45% of plan administrators indicated they had done so compared to 85% of professionals.

Table 29: Visits to OSFI website
Q29. Have you visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website in the last year? Plan Administrators
Yes 45% 85%
No 55% 15%

Lack of time, need main reasons for not visiting OSFI’s website

Similar to the reasons offered for not reviewing or reading InfoPensions, nearly half of plan administrators (47%) who did not visit the website cited a lack of time to explain why they had not done so. Among professionals, over half (56%) who did not visit the Private Pension Plans area of the website attributed this to a lack of need or the perception that the content is not relevant to them.

Table 30: Reasons for not visiting OSFI’s website
Q30. Why have you not visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Lack of time/too busy 47% 19%
No need/not relevant 22% 56%
Not useful/provides no added value 3% --
Use other resources 16% 6%
Was unaware of the website 13% 12%
Someone else handles administration 9% --
Other 2% 6%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=16 professionals.

Accessing OSFI guidance/policy main reason for visiting Private Pension Plans area of website

Respondents were most likely to report visiting the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website to obtain information or updates on OSFI guidance or policy. Almost half (47%) of plan administrators and three-quarters (75%) of professionals said this was the reason they visited this area of the website. Compared to 2014, more respondents reported visiting the Private Pension Plans area of the website information or updates on OSFI guidance or policy: plan administrators (33% in 2014) and professionals (67% in 2014).

Table 31: Purpose of visit to OSFI website
Q31. What was the main purpose of your visit(s) to the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website in the last year?
[Up to 3 responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Obtain information/updates on OSFI guidance or policy 47% 75%
Read the most recent edition of InfoPensions              26% 39%
Access information related to reporting requirements 34% 28%
Research/look for information on a specific topic 29% 30%
Obtain information on filing returns using RRS 27% 18%
Look for answers to specific questions 24% 19%
View, print or download forms 24% 18%
View and/or download documents 8% 18%
Search for specific pension plans 1% 6%
Learn about OSFI 4% 2%
Access speeches/presentations -- 4%
Other 4% 1%

Most found at least some of what they needed using OSFI website

Most plan administrators and professionals found at least some of what they needed when using the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website. Consistent with the 2014 PPS, 59% of plan administrators and 53% of professionals found all of the information they were looking for when it came to viewing, printing or downloading forms. Among professionals, 53% also obtained all the information they sought on filing returns using the RRS (only 17% of plan administrators reported finding all of this information).

Table 32: Extent to which visitors found what they were looking for on OSFI’s website – Plan Administrators
Q32. When using the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website for the reason(s) listed, would you say you found...?
(Plan Administrators)*
All Most Some A little None
Obtain information on OSFI guidance or policy statements (n=41) 39% 41% 14% -- 2%
Access information related to reporting requirements (n=31) 42% 48% 6% 3% --
Read the most recent edition of InfoPensions (n=23) 61% 13% 22% 4% --
View, print or download forms (n=22) 59% 32% 5% 5% --
Research/look for information on a specific topic (n=25) 8% 56% 28% 8% --
Look for answers to specific questions (n=22) 9% 41% 45% 5% --
View and/or download documents (n=7) 57% 29% 14% -- --
Search for specific pension plans (n=1) 100% -- -- -- --
Obtain information on filing returns using the RRS (n=24) 17% 46% 25% 8% 4%
Access speeches/presentations (n=0) -- -- -- -- --
Learn about OSFI (n=3) 33% 33% 33% -- --
Other (n=4) 50% 50% -- -- --

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses for some activities.

Table 33: Extent to which visitors found what they were looking for on OSFI’s website – Professionals
Q32. When using the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website for the reason(s) listed, would you say you found...?
All Most Some A little None
Obtain information on OSFI guidance or policy statements (n=73) 42% 42% 11% 4% --
Access information related to reporting requirements (n=26) 46% 46% 4% 4% --
Read the most recent edition of InfoPensions(n=37) 49% 41% 11% -- --
View, print or download forms (n=15) 53% 47% -- -- --
Research/look for information on a specific topic (n=29) 10% 55% 28% 7% --
Look for answers to specific questions (n=18) 17% 50% 22% 6% 6%
View and/or download documents (n=17) 47% 53% -- -- --
Search for specific pension plans (n=5) 20% 20% 60% -- --
Obtain information on filing returns using the RRS (n=17) 53% 35% 6% 6% --
Access speeches/presentations (n=4) 75% 25% -- -- --
Learn about OSFI (n=2) -- 100% -- -- --
Other (n=4) 50% 25% -- 25% --

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses for some activities.

Information on Private Pension Plans area of website seen as useful

Perceptions of the usefulness of the information provided in the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website have improved since 2014. The majority of plan administrators and professionals who visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website said the information is useful. Specifically, 86% of plan administrators and 85% of professionals rated the information on the website as useful. Notably, professionals were more likely than plan administrators to view this information as very useful (51% versus 31%).

Table 34: Usefulness of information on OSFI’s website
Q33. Overall, how would you rate the usefulness of the information provided in the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI's website? Plan Administrators
5 – Very Useful 31% 51%
4 55% 34%
3 – Neutral 13% 15%
2 1% --
1 – Not At All Useful -- --

8. Regulatory Reporting System

Majority are users of RRS

Approximately four in five (78%) plan administrators said they use RRS. This is virtually unchanged since 2014. Professionals were less likely than plan administrators to use RRS—62% identified themselves as users which represents an increase since 2014 when 45% said they used RRS.

Table 35: Users of RRS
Q34. Are you a user of RRS? Plan Administrators
Yes 78% 62%
No 22% 38%

Main reason for not using RRS is that it is not part of their job function

Among those who do not use RRS, half (53%) of plan administrators and more than four in five (84%) professionals said they do not do so because it is not part of their job. Notably, more than one-quarter (28%) of plan administrators reported that they do not use RRS because they did not know they had to use RRS.

Table 36: Reasons for not using RRS
Q35. Why have you not used RRS?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
It’s not part of my job function/ responsibilities 53% 84%
I could not find any training and support material 7% --
I had trouble logging in to the Bank of Canada secure site to access RRS 5% --
I didn’t know I had to use RRS 28% 5%
Other 14% 12%

Majority review/update corporate information in RRS

The majority of RRS users said they review and update corporate information (e.g., plan administrator, plan custodian) directly in RRS when there are changes to the contact information. This includes 79% of plan administrators and 53% of professionals.

Table 37: Updating information in RRS
Q36. Do you review and update your corporate information (e.g. plan administrator, plan custodian) directly in RRS when there are changes to the contact information? Plan Administrators
Yes 79% 53%
No 7% 4%
I do not file this information on behalf of the plan 14% 43%

Reasons for not using RRS to update corporate information

Lack of awareness of the requirement and knowledge of how to do so were the main reasons offered by respondents to explain why they do not use RRS to update their corporate information.

Table 38: Reasons for not updating information in RRS
Q37. Why don't you review and update your corporate information directly in RRS? Plan Administrators
I was not aware that this was required 36% 33%
I do not know where/how to do this 36% 67%
Other 36% 33%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=11 plan administrators and n=3 professionals.

Fewer than half used RRS training and support materials

Fewer than half of the respondents who reported using RRS said they used the training and support materials. Among plan administrators, 48% of RRS users said they used the training and support materials. This is down from 75% in 2014. Furthermore, 44% of professionals who use RRS indicated they used the training and support materials. This is also down from 68% in 2014.

Table 39: Use of RRS training materials
Q38. Have you used any of the training and support materials for RRS users
(e.g. web tutorials, user guides, quick reference guides)?
Plan Administrators
Yes 48% 44%
No 52% 56%

User guides most commonly used RRS training and support material

User guides were the most commonly cited RRS training and support materials by both plan administrators (71%) and professionals (77%). This was followed by quick reference guides (49% of plan administrators and 60% of professionals) and web tutorials and videos (33% of plan administrators and 30% of professionals).

Table 40: Which RRS training materials used
Q39. Which of the following RRS training and support materials have you used?
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Web tutorials/ videos 33% 30%
User guides 71% 77%
Quick reference guides 49% 60%
Other 5% --

Lack of awareness and need – top reason for not using RRS training and support material

Half (49%) of plan administrators who did not use the RRS training and support material said they were not aware of the material. This represents an increase since 2014 when 41% cited this reason. Following this, 27% (up from 21% in 2014) said they did not use the materials because they do not need training.

Among professionals, not needing training was the top reason for not using the materials (42%; down from 50% in 2014). Additionally, 38% said they did not use the training and support materials because they were not aware it was available. This represents an increase from the 20% reported in 2014.

Table 41: Reasons for not using RRS training materials
Q40. Please tell us why you have not used the RRS training and support materials? Plan Administrators
I was not aware that training and support materials were available 49% 38%
I do not need training 27% 42%
Someone else prepares/inputs data/ I play a limited role 13% 2%
I could not find the training and support materials on the OSFI website 5% 10%
Busy/ no time 2% 5%
Other 4% 2%

Many consider RRS training and support materials easy to use

Just over half of plan administrators (54%) who used the training and support materials said the materials were easy to use. The proportion of plan administrators who found the materials easy to use has increased, from 46% in 2014 to 54% in 2017.

Only 45% of professionals who used the materials found them to be easy to use. However, this represents an increase since 2014 (29%).

Table 42: Perceived ease of use of RRS training materials
Q41. Do you agree or disagree that the training and support materials for RRS users are easy to use
(e.g. web tutorials, user guides, quick reference guides)?
Plan Administrators
Strongly Agree 13% 7%
Agree 41% 38%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 23% 31%
Disagree 16% 10%
Strongly Disagree 7% 14%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=29 professionals.

Various reasons offered for not finding RRS training materials easy to use

Respondents who did not rate the RRS training materials as easy to use offered various reasons to explain why. Reasons included perceptions that the materials are not user-friendly, are too confusing and technical, are too long, and do not include the types of issues encountered by users, among others.

Table 43: Reasons why RRS training materials not easy to use
Q41b. Please explain why you did not find the RRS training materials easy to use.
[Multiple responses accepted]
Plan Administrators
Hard to use/ no user friendly 50% 20%
Hard to understand/ too technical/ confusing 50% --
Documentation/ manual too lengthy 14% 60%
Did not provide sufficient information/ answers/ did not address issued faced 21% --
Lack of help resources 7% 20%
Hard to navigate/ poor layout/ information was hard to find -- 20%
Other -- 20%

*Exercise caution when interpreting these results due to the small number of responses: n=14 plan administrators and n=5 professionals.

Half rated RRS training and support materials as useful

A little more than half (54%) of plan administrators who used the RRS training and support materials found them to be either useful or very useful. Compared to plan administrators, fewer professionals (47%) found the RRS training and support materials useful.

Table 44: Overall usefulness of RRS training materials
Q42. Overall, how useful did you find the RRS training and support materials? Plan Administrators
5 – Very Useful 19% 7%
4 35% 40%
3 – Neutral 36% 37%
2 7% 10%
1 – Not at all Useful 4% 7%

9. Final Comments

Difficulty Using RRS Most Common Issue Raised

At the end of the survey, respondents were asked in an open-ended manner if they had any other comments they wanted to make concerning the issues raised in the survey, or about other issues they believe were relevant at the time. Among the respondents that provided final comments (31 plan administrators and 30 professionals), many reported having difficulty using RRS. This is consistent with the feedback from 2014.

Table 45: Final comments
Q43. Are there any other comments you would like to make concerning the issues raised in this questionnaire, or about other issues you believe are relevant at this time?
[Multiple responses accepted]**
Plan Administrators
Difficulty using RRS/website – too cumbersome/ time-consuming 55% 47%
OSFI needs to provide better support/ information 13% 23%
Satisfied with OSFI/ good regulation/ supervision of private pension plans 13% 13%
Good staff/ service/ helpful/ accommodating 10% 3%
Lack of contact/ OSFI staff hard to reach 3% 7%
Inflexible/ interpretation too rigid 3% 7%
Slow service/ poor response time -- 3%
Other 26% 10%

**Response categories reflect analysis of open-ended feedback provided by respondents.


Annex 1: Research Instruments

1a: Advance Letter from the Superintendent - English

November 2017

To: Administrators and Professional Advisors of Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans

Subject:  Confidential online survey commissioned by OSFI

I am writing to invite your participation in an important confidential survey that is being conducted by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, an independent research firm, on behalf of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). Since 2005, OSFI has commissioned studies with the administrators and professional advisors of the private pension plans we regulate to obtain your assessment of our effectiveness. Your participation in the survey is voluntary. Your acceptance or refusal to participate will not affect your relationship with OSFI; however, your feedback will help us to improve our performance, which we believe is of ultimate benefit to you and your organization.

In the coming days, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives will contact you by e-mail with a link to the survey, which is hosted on a secure Internet site. Only Phoenix Strategic Perspectives will have access to your electronic responses. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You may pause and save your responses at any time.

OSFI is committed to a confidential research process and the final report will present results in summary form only, without attribution to individuals. OSFI will not know which organizations have participated. As part of OSFI’s commitment to transparency and accountability, the results from the research will be posted on our website in spring 2018.

If you have any questions about this study, please contact Alexandra Bray, Consultations Advisor at OSFI, at (613) 990-8822, or Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives at (613) 260-1700 ext. 223.

Thank you for considering this request.

Jeremy Rudin,

1b: Advance Letter from the Superintendent - French

Novembre 2017

Destinataires : Administrateurs et conseillers professionnels de régimes de retraite privés fédéraux

Objet : Sondage confidentiel en ligne commandé par le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières

Le cabinet Phoenix Strategic Perspectives s'apprête à mener un important sondage confidentiel pour le compte du Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF), auquel je vous invite à participer. Depuis 2005, le BSIF s'adresse régulièrement aux administrateurs et aux conseillers professionnels des régimes de retraite privés qu'il réglemente, par le biais d'entreprises de sondage, afin de savoir ce qu' ils pensent de sa prestation. La participation à cet exercice est laissée à votre entière discrétion. Le fait d'accepter ou de refuser n'aura aucune incidence sur les rapports que nous entretenons avec vous. Cependant, je me permets de préciser que le BSIF revoit sa façon de faire à la lumière des réponses et des commentaires reçus, ce qui, en définitive, est dans votre intérêt et celui de votre société.

Phoenix Strategic Perspectives vous fera parvenir sous peu un courriel qui contient un lien hypertexte vers le questionnaire du sondage, hébergé sur un site Internet sécurisé. Seul le cabinet Phoenix Strategic Perspectives aura accès à vos réponses électroniques. Une quinzaine de minutes devraient suffire pour répondre aux questions. Vous pourrez vous arrêter à tout moment, sauvegarder vos réponses et revenir au questionnaire par la suite.

L'identité des participants étant confidentielle, les résultats nous sont transmis sans mention de leur nom et de la société qu' ils représentent, après avoir été regroupés sous forme de synthèse dans le rapport final. À noter que nous ne saurons pas non plus quelles sociétés ont pris part à l'exercice. Enfin, le BSIF souscrivant aux principes de la transparence et de la reddition de comptes, nous afficherons les résultats de ce sondage sur notre site Web au printemps de 2018.

Si vous avez des questions, je vous invite à appeler Mme Alexandra Bray, conseillère en consultations au BSIF, au 613-990-8822, ou Mme Alethea Woods, présidente, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, au 613-260-1700, poste 223.

Nous vous remercions de l'attention que vous accorderez à cette demande.

Le surintendant,
Jeremy Rudin

1c: Survey invitation - English

Subject : OSFI’s Pension Plans Survey


(Le texte français suit l’anglais)

OSFI has retained Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., an independent research firm, to conduct an online survey with administrators and professional advisors of federally regulated private pension plans. You will have recently received via email a letter of invitation from OSFI requesting your participation in this survey. If you have not received the letter, please contact us and we will share a copy with you.

The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form. Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. has put in place standard industry practices to ensure that your confidentiality is protected.

To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link:

[Insert link]

Please complete the survey by December 15, 2017.

The survey is registered with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. Click here if you wish to verify the survey’s authenticity.

If you would like to discuss the study at any time during the process or, if you require an alternative format (Word format of the survey or hard copy), please contact Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. at (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( or Alexandra Bray of OSFI at (613) 990-8822 (

Thank you for your participation.

If you do not wish to be contacted again about this survey, please click here to opt out of further emails.

1d: Survey invitation - French

Objet : Sondage du BSIF auprès des régimes de retraite

Le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF) a chargé Phoenix Strategic Perspectives inc., un cabinet de recherche indépendant, de mener un sondage confidentiel auprès des administrateurs et des conseillers professionnels des régimes de retraite privés fédéraux. Vous devriez avoir reçu dernièrement par courriel une lettre vous invitant à participer à ce sondage. Si vous n’avez pas reçu la lettre, veuillez nous en informer et nous vous en ferons parvenir une copie.

Le sondage devrait vous prendre environ 10 à 15 minutes. Les réponses recueillies seront transmises au BSIF sous forme abrégée, sans mention du nom des répondants ou des organismes qu’ils représentent. Les normes et pratiques sectorielles auxquelles souscrit Phoenix Strategic Perspectives inc. garantissent aux participants la confidentialité absolue.

Pour ouvrir le questionnaire, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :

[Insérer le lien]

Veuillez répondre au sondage d’ici le 15 décembre 2017.

Ce sondage est agréé auprès de l’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing (ARIM). Cliquez ICI pour en vérifier l’authenticité.

Si vous souhaitez discuter du sondage à tout moment au cours du processus ou si vous désirez obtenir le questionnaire sur un support différent (sous forme de fichier Word ou de document imprimé), n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Alethea Woods, présidente, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives inc., au (613) 260‑1700 poste 223 ( ou avec Alexandra Bray du BSIF au 613‑990‑8822 (

Nous vous remercions de votre participation.

Si vous ne souhaitez plus qu’on communique avec vous au sujet de ce sondage, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous retirer de la liste d’envoi.

1e: Survey reminders - English

A. Subject : Reminder : OSFI’s Pension Plans Survey


(Le texte français suit l’anglais)

This is a reminder concerning OSFI's Pension Plans Survey. You will have recently received a letter from Jeremy Rudin, Superintendent of OSFI, requesting your participation in this survey. If you have not received the letter, please contact us and we will share a copy with you.

OSFI has retained Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., an independent research firm, to conduct an online survey to obtain your feedback on OSFI’s effectiveness as a supervisor and regulator of private pension plans. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous.

To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link:

[Insert link]

Please complete this survey no later than December 15, 2017.

If you would like to discuss the study at any time during the process or, if you require an alternative format (Word format of the survey or hard copy), please contact Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. at (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( or Laura Buckland of OSFI at (613) 990-9959 (

Thank you for your participation.

B. Subject : OSFI Survey – Reminder : Closes December 15, 2017


(Le texte français suit l’anglais)

This is a reminder concerning OSFI's Pension Plans Survey – the survey will be closing at midnight on Friday, December 15th, 2017. Your input is very important to the success of this study. If you have not yet had a chance to complete the survey, we would appreciate your participation.

Please be assured that all responses will be anonymous. The findings will be reported in a summary format to ensure individual respondents cannot be identified.

The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. To proceed to the survey, please click on the following link:

[Insert link]

If you would like to discuss the study at any time during the process or, if you require an alternative format (Word format of the survey or hard copy), please contact Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. at (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( or Laura Buckland of OSFI at (613) 990-9959 (

Thank you for your participation.

C. Subject : Last chance to complete the OSFI Pension Plans Survey


(Le texte français suit l’anglais)

The closing date of OSFI’s on-line survey for federally regulated private pension plans was extended to Wednesday, December 20. If you have already completed the survey, please accept our thanks and disregard this message.

If you have not yet had a chance to complete the survey, there is just one day left to offer your feedback. If you can spare a few minutes today or tomorrow, we would appreciate hearing from you. Your input is very important to the success of this study and your feedback will remain confidential.

[Insert link]

The survey is being carried out by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., an independent research company. If you require an alternative format (Word format of the survey or hard copy), please contact Alethea Woods, President, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. at (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( or Laura Buckland of OSFI at (613) 990-9959 (

1f: Survey reminders - French

A. Sujet : Rappel : Sondage du BSIF auprès des régimes de retraite

La présente a pour but de rappeler à votre attention le sondage du Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF) auprès des régimes de retraite, au sujet duquel le surintendant, Jeremy Rudin, vous a récemment adressé une invitation par écrit. Si sa lettre ne vous est pas parvenue, veuillez nous en informer et nous vous en ferons parvenir une copie.

Le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF) a chargé Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., un cabinet de recherche indépendant, de mener un sondage confidentiel auprès des administrateurs et des conseillers professionnels des régimes de retraite privés fédéraux.

Prévoyez de 10 à 15 minutes pour répondre au questionnaire. Les réponses recueillies seront transmises au BSIF sous forme abrégée, sans mention du nom des répondants ou des organismes qu’ils représentent.

Pour ouvrir le questionnaire, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :

[Insérer le lien]

Veuillez répondre au sondage d’ici le 15 décembre 2017.

Si vous souhaitez discuter du sondage à tout moment au cours du processus ou si vous désirez obtenir le questionnaire sur un support différent (sous forme de fichier Word ou de document imprimé), n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Alethea Woods, présidente, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., au (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( ou Laura Buckland du BSIF au 613‑990‑9959 (

Nous vous remercions de votre participation.

B. Sujet : Sondage du BSIF – Dernier rappel : La date limite est le 15 décembre 2017

Comme vous le savez peut-être, le BSIF a chargé le cabinet Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. d’effectuer un sondage auprès des régimes de retraite privés fédéraux. Vos commentaires contribuent largement à la réussite de ce sondage. Si vous n’avez pas encore eu l’occasion de remplir le questionnaire, nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir le faire. Si c’est déjà fait, nous vous en remercions.

La confidentialité de vos réponses est garantie. Les résultats seront présentés sous forme sommaire pour protéger l’identité des répondants.

Prévoyez de 10 à 15 minutes pour répondre au questionnaire. Pour ouvrir le questionnaire, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :

[Insérer le lien]

Nous vous prions de remplir le questionnaire au plus tard le 15 décembre 2017.

Si vous souhaitez discuter du sondage à tout moment au cours du processus ou si vous désirez obtenir le questionnaire sur un support différent (sous forme de fichier Word ou de document imprimé), n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Alethea Woods, présidente, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., au (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( ou Laura Buckland du BSIF au 613‑990‑9959 (

Nous vous remercions de votre participation.

C. Sujet : Dernière chance de compléter le sondage du BSIF au sujet des régimes de retraite

Le BSIF a repoussé la date de fermeture de son sondage en ligne auprès des régimes de retraite privés fédéraux au mercredi 20 décembre. Si vous avez déjà répondu au questionnaire, veuillez accepter nos remerciements et ne pas tenir compte de ce rappel.

Si vous n’avez pas encore eu l’occasion de le remplir, il ne reste qu’un jour pour faire part de vos opinions et commentaires. Nous espérons que vous pourrez prendre quelques minutes d’ici demain pour donner suite puisque la réussite de ce sondage repose en très grande partie sur votre participation. Vos réponses et commentaires demeureront strictement confidentiels.

[Insérer le lien]

La réalisation de ce sondage a été confiée à Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., un cabinet de recherche indépendant. Si vous désirez obtenir le questionnaire sur un support différent (sous forme de fichier Word ou de document imprimé), veuillez communiquer avec Alethea Woods, présidente, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., au (613) 260-1700 ext. 223 ( ou Laura Buckland, gestionnaire du service des Consultations du BSIF, au 613‑990‑9959 (

1g: Survey Questionnaire - English

Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. has been retained by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) to conduct this survey with administrators and professional advisors of private pension plans regulated by OSFI. OSFI wishes to obtain your assessment of its effectiveness as a supervisor and regulator of private pension plans.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and will take about 15 minutes to complete.

You can be assured that Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., as an independent third party, will hold your comments in strict confidence. OSFI will not know who participated in the research or what specific respondents have said about it. Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. has put in place standard industry practices and secure procedures to ensure your confidentiality is protected. The survey is registered with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. Click here if you wish to verify its authenticity.

OSFI will receive a report aggregating the findings from this survey. The results of the study will be posted on the OSFI website.


1. To begin, which of the following types of plans do you spend most of your time on?

2a. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans?

2b. Please provide any comments on why you are satisfied/dissatisfied/ neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with OSFI as a regulator and supervisor of private pension plans


From time to time, OSFI develops guidance (which includes guides, guidelines and instructions) for federally regulated private pension plans.

Thinking about OSFI’s guidance, would you agree or disagree with the following:

3. I am aware of the guidance material published by OSFI.

4. I know where to find OSFI guidance material.

Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI’s guidance is in:

5. Providing a clear indication of OSFI’s expectations?

6. Supporting you in your role to ensure that your plan is in compliance with federal pension requirements?


The following questions pertain to OSFI’s supervision as it relates to the federally regulated private pension plan(s) for which you play a role.

7. Which, if any, of the following types of OSFI written correspondence have you received in the last year? Please select all that apply.

Thinking back over the last year, how would you rate OSFI with respect to:

8. Providing an opportunity for your plan(s) to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?

9. The clarity of OSFI’s written correspondence outlining issues of concern?

10. Overall, how effective or ineffective do you think OSFI is in supervising your plan(s) (e.g., ongoing monitoring, examinations and specific interventions)?


OSFI’s Superintendent must approve certain initiatives that pension plans wish to take. The following questions pertain to OSFI’s approvals process as it relates to the federally regulated private pension plan(s) for which you play a role.

11. Have you submitted an application for a regulatory approval in the past 3 years?

12. Which of the following categories of regulatory approvals was most recently sought?

13. What is your overall level of satisfaction with OSFI in processing applications from your plan(s)?

Thinking about application(s) for a regulatory approval your pension plan submitted in the past 3 years, how would you rate OSFI with respect to:

14. Responding to requests for updates on the status of applications submitted by your pension plan(s)?

15. Providing an opportunity to discuss issues of concern with OSFI prior to OSFI coming to a conclusion?

16. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the timeliness with which OSFI processes application(s) for approval from your plan(s)?

17. Approximately, how long did it take OSFI to process an application for approval from your plan(s)?


18. When you have a question related to the plan(s) for which you play a role, who do you normally contact at OSFI?

Thinking about your interactions with OSFI staff on any pension supervisory or regulatory matter, overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with:

19. The timeliness of OSFI’s response to general and plan-specific related enquiries?

20. OSFI’s capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice (i.e., English or French)?

21. In which of the following are areas you dissatisfied with OSFI’s capacity to interact with you in the official language of your choice? Please select all that apply.

22. Now, thinking about your most recent interaction with OSFI, what was the main reason you contacted OSFI?

23. In the end, did you get the information/assistance you needed?

23b. Please tell us what information/assistance you did not receive?

24. Have you heard of OSFI’s electronic newsletter “InfoPensions”?

25. Here’s an image of the most recent edition of InfoPensions. Have you read or reviewed an edition of InfoPensions in the last year?

26. Why have you not reviewed or read any editions of InfoPensions in the last year? Please select all that apply.


27. How would you rate the usefulness of the information that is provided in InfoPensions?

28. Is there any content you would like to see featured in an upcoming edition InfoPensions?

29. Have you visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website in the last year? [Image of website shown]

30. Why have you not visited the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website? Please select all that apply.


31. What was the main purpose of your visit(s) to the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website in the last year? Please select up to 3 responses.

32. When using the Private Pension Plans area of OFSI’s website for the reason(s) listed in the table below, would you say you found…?

Purposes All of what you were looking for Most of what you were looking for Some of what you were looking for A little of what you were looking for None of what you were looking for Don’t know
Obtain information/updates on OSFI guidance or policy statements
Access information related to reporting requirements
Read the most recent edition of OSFI’s electronic newsletter “InfoPensions”
View, print or download forms
Research or look for information on a specific topic
Look for answers to specific questions (e.g. in the Frequently Asked Questions section)
View and/or download documents (e.g. reports, newsletters, guides)
Search for specific pension plans
Obtain information on filing returns using the Regulatory Reporting System (RRS)
Access speeches/presentations
Learn about OSFI (e.g. mandate, activities)
Something else:


32b. Please describe what you did not find on the OSFI website.

33. Overall, how would you rate the usefulness of the information provided in the Private Pension Plans area of OSFI’s website?


The Regulatory Reporting System (RRS) was introduced by OSFI, the Bank of Canada and the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation in 2014 to gather and process regulatory returns.

34. Are you a user of RRS?

35. Why have you not used RRS? Please select all that apply.


36. Do you review and update your corporate information (e.g. plan administrator, plan custodian) directly in RRS when there are changes to the contact information?

37. Why don’t you review and update your corporate information directly in RRS?

38. OSFI has made available on its website a number of RRS training and support materials. Have you used any of the training and support materials for RRS users (e.g. web tutorials, user guides, quick reference guides)?

39. Which of the following RRS training and support materials have you used? Please select all that apply.


40. Please tell us why you have not used the RRS training and support materials?


41. Do you agree or disagree that the training and support materials for RRS users are easy to use (e.g. web tutorials, user guides, quick reference guides)?

41b. Please explain why you did not find the RRS training materials easy to use.

42. Overall, how useful did you find the RRS training and support materials?


43. Are there any other comments you would like to make concerning the issues raised in this questionnaire, or about other issues you believe are relevant at this time?

The survey is now complete. On behalf of OSFI, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. would like to thank you for your participation.

1h: Survey Questionnaire - French

Le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières (BSIF) a chargé le cabinet Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. de mener le présent sondage auprès des administrateurs et conseillers professionnels des régimes de retraite privés qu’il réglemente. Il souhaite connaître votre opinion au sujet de sa prestation à titre d’organisme de réglementation et de surveillance de ces régimes.

La participation au sondage est laissée à votre discrétion. Prévoyez environ 15 minutes pour répondre au questionnaire.

Soyez assuré que Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., à titre de tiers indépendant, protégera la confidentialité de vos réponses. Le BSIF ne connaîtra pas l’identité des répondants et ne pourra attribuer aucun commentaire à un répondant en particulier. Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. souscrit aux pratiques reconnues du domaine du sondage d’opinion et aux procédures sécurisées pour assurer la confidentialité des renseignements recueillis. Ce sondage est agréé par l’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing (ARIM). Cliquer ici pour en vérifier l’authenticité.

Le BSIF recevra un rapport regroupant les résultats du sondage, qu’il présentera sur son site Web.


1. Premièrement, à quel type de régime de retraite consacrez-vous le plus de temps?

2a. Globalement, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait de la prestation du BSIF à titre d’organisme de réglementation et de surveillance des régimes de retraite privés?

2b. Pourquoi êtes-vous satisfait/insatisfait/ ni satisfait ni insatisfait de la prestation du BSIF à titre d’organisme de réglementation et de surveillance des régimes de retraite privés?


Lorsqu’il y a lieu, le BSIF élabore des consignes (sous forme de guides, de lignes directrices et d’instructions) à l’intention des régimes de retraite privés fédéraux.

En ce qui concerne les consignes du BSIF, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?

3. Je suis au courant des consignes publiées par le BSIF.

4. Je sais où trouver les consignes du BSIF.

Globalement, quelle cote donneriez-vous aux consignes du BSIF à l’égard des points suivants?

5. Communiquer clairement les attentes du BSIF

6. Vous aider à faire en sorte que votre régime soit conforme aux exigences fédérales


Les questions qui suivent portent sur la surveillance exercée par le BSIF sur les régimes de retraite privés fédéraux dans lesquels vous jouez un rôle.

7. À quel sujet avez-vous reçu de la correspondance du BSIF, le cas échéant, au cours de la dernière année? Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.

En vous fondant sur votre expérience de la dernière année, quelle cote donneriez-vous au BSIF à l’égard des points suivants?

8. Possibilité de discuter des préoccupations au sujet de vos régimes de retraite avec le BSIF avant que ce dernier n’en arrive à une conclusion.

9. Clarté de la correspondance dans laquelle le BSIF décrit ses préoccupations.

10. Globalement, dans quelle mesure estimez-vous que la surveillance que le BSIF exerce sur vos régimes est efficace (par exemple, suivi, examens et interventions particulières)?


Le surintendant du BSIF doit approuver certaines mesures que les régimes de retraite souhaitent prendre. Les questions qui suivent se rapportent au processus d’agrément du BSIF touchant les régimes de retraite privés fédéraux dans lesquels vous jouez un rôle.

11. Avez-vous fait une demande d’agrément réglementaire au cours des trois dernières années?

12. Quelle catégorie d’agrément réglementaire visait votre plus récente demande?

13. Dans l’ensemble, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait de la façon dont le BSIF traite les demandes d’agrément de vos régimes de retraite?

En ce qui concerne la ou les demandes d’agrément réglementaire que vos régimes ont produites au cours des trois dernières années, quelle cote attribueriez-vous au BSIF pour ce qui est de :

14. Répondre aux demandes de renseignements sur l’état des demandes d’agrément soumises par vos régimes?

15. Donner à vos régimes l’occasion de discuter avec lui de leurs préoccupations avant qu’il n’en arrive à une conclusion?

16. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait des délais de traitement de vos demandes d’agrément par le BSIF?

17. Combien de temps a-t-il fallu approximativement au BSIF pour traiter vos demandes d’agrément?


18. À qui au BSIF posez-vous habituellement des questions relatives aux régimes de retraite privés dans lesquels vous jouez un rôle que vous représentez?

Réfléchissez aux rapports que vous avez eus avec le personnel du BSIF sur toute question au sujet de quelque question de surveillance ou de réglementation. Dans l’ensemble, dans quelle mesure êtes-vous satisfait ou insatisfait de :

19. La rapidité avec laquelle le BSIF répond aux demandes de renseignements généraux ou propres à un régime?

20. La capacité du personnel du BSIF à traiter des questions réglementaires ou de surveillance dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français)?

21. En quoi êtes-vous insatisfait de vos échanges avec le BSIF dans la langue officielle de votre choix? Cocher toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent

22. Réfléchissez à vos rapports les plus récents avec le BSIF. Quelle est la principale raison pour laquelle vous avez communiqué avec lui?

23. Au bout du compte, avez-vous obtenu les renseignements ou l’aide dont vous aviez besoin?

23b. Quels renseignements ou quelle aide n’avez-vous pas obtenus?

24. Connaissez-vous le bulletin électronique InfoPensions du BSIF?

25. Voici une image du dernier numéro d’InfoPensions. Avez-vous lu ou consulté un numéro d’InfoPensions au cours de la dernière année?

26. Pour quelle raison n’avez-vous pas consulté InfoPensions au cours de la dernière année? Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.


27. Comment évalueriez-vous l’utilité de l’information fournie dans InfoPensions?

28. Y a-t-il des sujets que vous aimeriez voir traités dans un prochain numéro d’InfoPensions?

29. Avez-vous visité la section Régimes de retraite privés du site Web du BSIF au cours de la dernière année? [Image du site Web du BSIF présenté]

30. Pour quelle raison n’avez-vous pas visité la section Régimes de retraite privés du site Web du BSIF? Cocher toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.


31. Quelle était la principale raison de vos visites de la section Régimes de retraite privés du site Web du BSIF au cours de la dernière année? Choisir un maximum de trois réponses.

32. Quels résultats avez-vous obtenus lorsque vous avez consulté la section du site Web du BSIF qui porte sur les régimes de pension privés pour les raisons susmentionnées?

Raisons de la consultation J’ai trouvé tous les renseignements recherchés J’ai trouvé la plupart des renseignements recherchés J’ai trouvé certains des renseignements recherchés J’ai trouvé peu des renseignements recherchés Je n’ai trouvé aucun des renseignements recherchés Ne sais pas
Consulter les consignes ou les exposés de principe du BSIF ou en suivre la mise à jour
Obtenir des renseignements sur exigences en matière de dépôt annuel
Lire le dernier numéro du bulletin électronique InfoPensions
Visionner, imprimer ou télécharger des formulaires
Effectuer des recherches ou chercher de l’information sur un sujet particulier
Chercher des réponses à des questions particulières (par exemple, dans la section Foire aux questions)
Consulter ou télécharger des documents (rapports, bulletins, guides, etc.)
Trouver un régime de retraite en particulier
Trouver de l’information sur la production de relevés en passant par le Système de déclaration réglementaire (SDR)
Consulter des discours ou des présentations
Me renseigner sur le BSIF (par exemple, son mandat, ses activités)
Une autre raison :


32b. Veuillez décrire les renseignements que vous n’avez pas trouvés sur le site Web du BSIF.

33. Globalement, comment évalueriez-vous l’utilité de l’information qui se trouve dans la section Régimes de retraite privés du site Web du BSIF?


En 2014, le BSIF, la Banque du Canada et la Société d’assurance-dépôts du Canada ont instauré le Système de déclaration réglementaire (SDR), qui sert à recueillir et à traiter les relevés réglementaires.

34. Utilisez-vous le SDR?

35. Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas utilisé le SDR? Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.


36. En cas de modification touchant les personnes-ressources, vérifiez-vous et modifiez-vous vos informations générales (p. ex. administrateur du régime, dépositaire du fonds de pension) directement dans le SDR?

37. Pourquoi ne vérifiez-vous ou ne modifiez-vous pas vos informations générales directement dans le SDR?

38. Le BSIF propose sur son site Web des outils d’apprentissage et d’aide aux utilisateurs du SDR. Vous êtes-vous servi de ces outils (par exemple, tutoriels Web, guides d’utilisation, aide-mémoire)?

39. Lesquels de ces outils d’apprentissage et d’aide relatifs au SDR avez-vous utilisés? Cochez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.


40. Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas utilisé les outils d’apprentissage et d’aide relatifs au SDR?


41. Diriez-vous que les outils d’apprentissage et d’aide offerts aux utilisateurs du SDR sont faciles à utiliser (par exemple, tutoriels Web, guides d’utilisation, aide-mémoire)?

41b. Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas trouvé les outils d’apprentissage du SDR faciles à utiliser?

42. Dans quelle mesure avez-vous trouvé utiles les outils d’apprentissage et d’aide relatifs au SDR dans l’ensemble?


43. Avez-vous d’autres commentaires ou suggestions à formuler au sujet des points abordés dans le présent questionnaire ou à propos d’autres questions qui vous paraissent pertinentes?

Vous avez atteint la fin du questionnaire. Au nom du BSIF, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. tient à vous remercier de votre participation.

Annex 2: Tabulated Survey Data

The full set of tabulated data is submitted in a separate document.