2017 Satisfaction study
Survey of visitors to Canada Gazette website and of clients who have published in the Canada Gazette

Submitted to: Canada Gazette Directorate

Prepared by: Leger
Ce rapport est également disponible en français.
Contract number: EP373-181464/001/CY
Mandate awarded October 3, 2017
Project 15726-001

507 Place d'Armes, Suite 700
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 2W8


Table of contents

1. Detailed results

1.1 Viewing Habits of Canada Gazette website

1.1.1 Most Recent Visit to Canada Gazette website

The overwhelming majority of clients who had published in the Canada Gazette (85%) have visited the website within the past year, including 60% who did so within the past month and 40% within the past week. One in four clients (25%) say they visited the Canada Gazette website between 1 and 12 months ago, and 6% indicate that their most recent visit dates back over 12 months. Lastly, a minority (6%) say they have never visited the website.

All in all, 91% of clients represent regular visitors to the Canada Gazette website.

Figure 1: Results of Question 1—When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: All clients (n = 35))
Frequency of visits to Canada website (clients) - Description below
Figure 1 description

Amongst clients, the trends in terms of the most recent visit seem to be rather stable, particularly amongst those who visited the site over a year ago or for the first time. However, it is observed that since 2006, the portion of clients who visited the Canada Gazette website within the past month or even the past week is constantly increasing.

Table 1: Change in Most Recent Visit to Canada Gazette website (Clients)
Q1. When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 35 139 116
Total Within the past month 60% 37% 25%
Within the past week 40% 20% 10%
Within the past month 20% 17% 15%
Between 1 and 3 months ago 3% 16% 15%
Between 3 and 6 months ago 11% 14% 9%
Between 6 and 12 months ago 11% 16% 15%
More than 12 months ago 6% 7% 9%
Never 6% 6% 24%
Do not know 3% 4% 3%

Seven out of ten visitors to the Canada Gazette website (69%) visited the site with the past year, mainly within the past month (55%) or even the past week (38%). A total of 14% of visitors say they visited the site between 1 and 12 months ago and 4% indicate that their most recent visit dates back over a year. Additionally, one in five visitors (20%) had never visited the Canada Gazette website prior to completing the survey.

Figure 2: Results of Question 1—When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: All visitors (n = 632))
Frequency of visits to Canada website (visitors) - Description below
Figure 2 description

Certain significant differences can be observed. Visitors from Ontario (67%), as well as professionals (69%) and those who are not self-employed (61%), are more likely to have visited the Canada Gazette website within the past month. Conversely, visitors from British Columbia (28%) and the Prairie Provinces (33%), as well as self-employed workers (26%) are significantly more likely to have never previously visited the site.

Table 2: Most Recent Visit to Canada Gazette website (visitors)
Q1. When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette website? Total 2017 Territories British Columbia Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic
Number of visitors = 632 6 Footnote * 67 75 239 129 39
Total Within the past month 55% 50% 37%- 39%- 67%+ 58% 44%
Within the past week 38% 33% 18%- 24%- 46%+ 47%+ 26%
Within the past month 17% 17% 19% 15% 21%+ 11%- 18%
Between 1 and 3 months ago 8% 0% 13% 7% 10% 7% 10%
Between 3 and 6 months ago 3% 17% 6% 1% 3% 2% 3%
Between 6 and 12 months ago 3% 0% 3% 3% 2% 7%+ 0%
More than 12 months ago 4% 17% 4% 9% + 4% 1%- 8%
Never 20% 0% 28%+ 33%+ 9%- 18% 28%
Do not know 7% 17% 7% 8% 5% 7% 8%

1.1.2 Number of Visits to the Canada Gazette website in the Past 12 months

More than half of those clients (57%) who visited the Canada Gazette website within the past year made more than 5 visits, compared to 43% who made 5 visits or fewer. It should also be noted that more than one-third of visitors (37%) state that they have visited the site more than 10 times.

Figure 3: Results of Question 2—In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: Clients whose most recent visit was made within the past 12 months (n = 30))
Number of visits to Canada Gazette website in past 12months (clients) - Description below
Figure 3 description

Although no statistically significant difference allows us to affirm that clients having visited the Canada Gazette website did so more frequently than was the case in previous studies, there seems to be an upward trend. It will be interesting to see whether or not this trend continues.

Table 3: Change in Number of Visits to Canada Gazette website in Past 12 months (clients whose most recent visit was made within the past 12 months)
Q2. In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 30 115 74
Total 5 times or fewer 43% 60% 62%
1 to 2 times 13% 30% 23%
3 to 5 times 30% 30% 39%
Total More than 5 times 57% 39% 38%
6 to 10 times 20% 12% 15%
More than 10 times 37% 27% 23%
Do not know 0% 1% 0%

In the course of this 12-month period, three in ten visitors (31%) visited the website 5 times or fewer, while two-thirds (67%) visited the site more than 5 times. It is noted that in the majority of cases (55%), visitors were on the site more than 10 times. Visitors from the private sector (77%) are more likely than those from the public (62%) or not-for-profit (63%) sectors to have visited the site more than 5 times.

Figure 4: Results of Question 2—In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: Visitors whose most recent visit was made within the past 12 months (n = 438))
Number of visits to Canada Gazette website in past 12months (visitors) - Description below
Figure 4 description

Generally speaking, visitors to the Canada Gazette website appear to have visited the site equally as often as those in the previous study. Only those visitors who seldom visit the website, i.e. 1 to 2 times a year, seem to be fewer in number than in 2011.

Table 4: Change in Number of Visits to Canada Gazette Website in Past 12 months (visitors)
Q2. In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 438 125
Total 5 times or fewer 31% 33%
1 to 2 times 11%- 23%
3 to 5 times 20% 10%
Total More than 5 times 67% 61%
6 to 10 times 12% 10%
More than 10 times 55% 51%
Do not know 2% 6%

1.1.3 Average Duration of Visits to the Canada Gazette website

Most clients do not stay on the Canada Gazette website for long periods of time. Over three-quarters of them spend less than 10 minutes on the site per visit. More precisely, three out of ten clients who are regular visitors (31%) spend an average of less than 5 minutes on the Canada Gazette website, while nearly half (47%) average between 5 and 10 minutes. Only two out of ten visitors (22%) say that their visits last more than 10 minutes on average.

Figure 5: Results of Question 5—On average, how much time do you spend on the Canada Gazette website during a typical visit? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32))
Average duration of visits to Canada Gazette website (clients) - Description below
Figure 5 description

Although no statistically significant difference allows us to affirm a shorter average duration of visits to the website, it was observed that clients who are regular visitors seem to spend less time on the site than they did in 2011. It will be interesting to observe whether this trend continues in the next study.

Table 5: Change in Average Duration of Visits to Canada Gazette website (clients who are regular visitors)
Q5. On average, how much time do you spend on the Canada Gazette website during a typical visit? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
Total 10 minutes or less 78% 69% 70%
Less than 5 minutes 31% 23% 26%
5 to 10 minutes 47% 46% 44%
Total More than 10 minutes 22% 29% 28%
11 to 15 minutes 16% 22% 20%
More than 15 minutes 6% 7% 8%
Do not know 0% 2% 1%

Visitors seem to spend more time on the Canada Gazette website than clients. Four in ten regular visitors (37%) spend approximately 5-10 minutes on the site, compared to one in four (24%) who spend 11-15 minutes and a similar percentage (25%) who say they spend more than 15 minutes on the site. The remaining visitors, i.e. 10%, spend an average of less than 5 minutes on the site per visit.

Figure 6: Results of Question 5—On average, how much time do you spend on the Canada Gazette website during a typical visit? (Sampling frame: Regular visitors (n = 463))
Average duration of visits to Canada Gazette website (visitors) - Description below
Figure 6 description

1.1.4 Primary Access Locations for the Canada Gazette website

Nearly all clients who visit the site (94%) do so from their work computer. The remaining minority (6%) visit the site from a laptop.

Figure 7: Results of Question 3—From which location do you primarily access the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32))
Access locations to Canada Gazette website (clients) - Description below
Figure 7 description

Once again, there is no significant difference that allows us to affirm that clients have changed their habits with regard to the main location or device used to access the Canada Gazette website. However, compared to previous studies, clients seem to be less likely to visit the site from a home computer and more likely to do so from a laptop. It should be noted that none of these clients say that they mainly use a mobile device to access the Canada Gazette website.

Table 6: Change in Primary Access Locations to Canada Gazette website (clients who are regular visitors)
Q3. From which location do you primarily access the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
Work 94% 90% 95%
Laptop 6% 1% 0%
Home computer n/a 10% 5%
Public computer n/a n/a n/a
iPhone n/a n/a n/a
Other smartphone n/a n/a n/a
iPad n/a n/a n/a

Regular visitors to the website use a greater variety of electronic means to visit the site. Approximately six out of ten (63%) access the site from their work computer. One-third of them (34%) use another computer, mainly a laptop (17%) or their home computer (15%), while very few visitors prefer a public computer (2%). It should be pointed out that only a minority access the Canada Gazette website primarily from a smartphone (2%), whether it be an iPhone (1%) other type of smartphone (1%) or an iPad (1%).

Figure 8: Results of Question 3—From which location do you primarily access the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: Visitors who visit the website regularly (n = 463))
Device used to access the Canada Gazette website (visitors who visit the site regularly) - Description below
Figure 8 description

1.1.5 Version of the Canada Gazette website Consulted

Although half of clients who are regular visitors (56%) most often consult the HTML version of the Canada Gazette publication, nearly as many (44%) prefer the PDF version. Half the visitors (54%) consult the HTML version of the Canada Gazette publication most often, while four out of ten (39%) prefer the PDF version.

Figure 9: Results of Question 7F—Which version of Canada Gazette's publications do you consult most often? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32) and Visitors who are regular visitors (n = 463))
Publication version consulted (website clients and visitors) - Description below
Figure 9 description

In this regard, two-thirds of clients (66%) consider the accessibility of the Canada Gazette in HTML mode to be adequate. The remaining one-third (34%) state that it is not adequate, however. Seven out of ten visitors (70%) consider that access to the Canada Gazette in HTML mode is adequate, vs. one-fourth (25%) who do not know. Conversely, it should be noted that 5% of visitors say that access to the website in HTML mode is inadequate.

Figure 10: Results of Question 7E—Is the accessibility of the Canada Gazette in HTML mode adequate? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32) and Regular visitors (n = 463))
Suitability of HTML version of website with respect to needs of Canada Gazette website clients and visitors - Description below
Figure 10 description

1.1.6 Problems Accessing Canada Gazette website

No clients have ever experienced any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website.

Table 7: Change in Problems Accessing the Website (clients)
Q4. Have you ever had any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
Yes 0% 5% 1%
No 100% 94% 98%
Do not know 0% 1% 1%

The overwhelming majority of visitors (85%) have never experienced any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website.

Table 8: Change in Problems Accessing Website (visitors)
Q4. Have you ever had any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website? 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 463 125
Yes 8% 11%
No 85% 84%
Do not know 7% 6%

On the other hand, of the minority of visitors (8%) who have experienced difficulties, one-fourth (26%) indicate that they have had trouble accessing the site, 16% experienced difficulty finding the desired information and one in ten had to deal with slow navigation and downloading (11%) or was unable to download PDF files (11%). A minority (5%) complained that certain links were not functional.

Figure 11: Results of Question 4A—What was the nature of the problem? Sampling frame: Visitors who had trouble accessing the site (n = 38))
Nature of website access problems - Description below
Figure 11 description

Amongst visitors who have had trouble accessing the Canada Gazette website, six out of ten (58%) state that the problem was fully (26%) or partially (32%) resolved. On the other hand, one-third (32%) indicate that the problem was not resolved to their satisfaction.

Table 9: Change in Resolution of Website Access Issues (visitors)
Q4B. Was the problem resolved to your satisfaction? 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 38 14 Footnote *
Total Yes 58% 54%
Yes, fully 26% 43%
Yes, partially 32% 21%
No 32% 21%
Do not know 11% 14%

1.2 Satisfaction with Canada Gazette website

1.2.1 Overall Satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website

Nearly all clients (91%) say they are generally satisfied with the Canada Gazette website, including two-thirds (69%) who say they are very satisfied. It should be noted that only two clients say they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (6%), and just one client is somewhat dissatisfied (3%).

Figure 12: Results of Question 10—Please rate your level of general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website. (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32) and Regular visitors (n = 463))
Overall satisfaction with Canada Gazette website (website clients and visitors) - Description below
Figure 12 description

Amongst clients who are regular visitors to the Canada Gazette website, no statistically significant difference since 2011 can be observed. We note, however, that a trend seems to be taking shape. The aforementioned clients are more likely to say they are very satisfied. It will be interesting to see whether or not this trend continues in subsequent studies.

Table 10: Change in Overall Satisfaction with Canada Gazette website (Clients)
Q10. Please rate your level of general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website. 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
Total Satisfied 91% 91% 89%
Very satisfied 69% 57% 53%
Somewhat satisfied 22% 34% 36%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6% 4% 10%
Total dissatisfied 3% 3% 1%
Somewhat dissatisfied 3% 2% 0%
Very dissatisfied 0% 1% 1%
Do not know 0% 2% 0%

The majority of visitors (81%) also say they are generally satisfied with the Canada Gazette website, including more than one-third (37%) who say they are very satisfied. On the other hand, 12% are rather neutral and say they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Lastly, 5% indicate a general dissatisfaction in this regard, saying they are somewhat (3%) or very (2%) dissatisfied.

A significant increase is observed in the proportion of visitors who say they are somewhat satisfied with the site, even if overall, the proportion of satisfied visitors has been statistically stable since 2011.

Table 11: Change in Overall Satisfaction with Canada Gazette website (Visitors)
Q10. Please rate your level of general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website. 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 463 125
Total Satisfied 81% 72%
Very satisfied 37% 42%
Somewhat satisfied 44%+ 30%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 12% 10%
Total dissatisfied 5% 9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 3% 5%
Very dissatisfied 2% 4%
Do not know 2% 0%

1.2.2 Satisfaction with Functionalities of the Canada Gazette website

More specifically, it can be observed that most clients agree that the information published is accurate (97%), up to date (88%), easy to understand (94%) and complete (84%). The overwhelming majority of clients also state that it is easy to find what they are looking for (91%) and that the amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable (88%). Lastly, nine out of ten clients (91%) consider that publishing requirements are clear and a clear majority of clients (84%) agrees that the posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful.

Although clients are generally satisfied with each of the elements evaluated, one element stands out positively from the others. Indeed, two-thirds of clients (66%) indicate that they totally agree with the statement that the information presented on the website is accurate.

Overall, the site meets the needs of more than nine out of ten clients (94%). We can therefore affirm that, in their current formats, the site and its functionalities are deemed satisfactory by the overwhelming majority of clients.

It should be noted that for each of the elements evaluated by clients, the rate of dissatisfaction ranges between 3% and 6%, while the percentage of clients that say they neither agree nor disagree with the statements assessing the website functionalities reaches as high as 13%.

Table 12: Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Canada Gazette website (Clients) (detailed 2017 results presented)
Q8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website. Total
in agreement
Totally agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Totally disagree Do not know
The information is accurate. 97% 66% 31% 0% 0% 0% 3%
The website meets my needs. 94% 47% 47% 3% 3% 0% 0%
The information available on the website is easy to understand. 94% 47% 47% 6% 0% 0% 0%
It is easy to find what I am looking for. 91% 44% 47% 3% 6% 0% 0%
The publishing requirements are clear. 91% 44% 47% 6% 0% 0% 3%
The information is up to date. 88% 47% 41% 9% 0% 0% 3%
The amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable. 88% 41% 47% 9% 3% 0% 0%
The information is complete. 84% 47% 38% 13% 3% 0% 0%
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful. 84% 44% 41% 3% 0% 0% 13%

Although none of the increases in satisfaction with the various aspects of the Canada Gazette website are statistically significant, a general upward trend can be observed. In fact, increases of 7 to 20 percentage points are observed for each of the aspects evaluated. At first glance, the website appears to be improving. It will be interesting to see whether or not this trend continues in the next study.

Table 13: Change in Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Canada Gazette website (Clients) (total % in agreement presented)
Q8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website. 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
The information is accurate. 97% 84% 77%
The website meets my needs. 94% 80% n/a
The information available on the website is easy to understand. 94% 81% 90%
It is easy to find what I am looking for. 91% 73% 83%
The publishing requirements are clear. 91% n/a n/a
The information is up to date. 88% 81% 75%
The amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable. 88% 77% n/a
The information is complete. 84% 71% 76%
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful. 84% 64% n/a

For visitors, satisfaction results are also very good, though slightly lower than those of clients. It appears that the most significant differences are in the ease of finding the desired information (-29 percentage points), the ease of understanding the information (-24 percentage points) and the amount of time it takes to find the information (-20 percentage points).

More than seven in ten visitors agree that the information published on the Canada Gazette site is accurate (81%), up to date (79%), complete (75%) and easy to understand (70%). Seven out of ten visitors (68%) affirm that the amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable, and six out of ten (62%) find that it is easy to find what they are looking for. The site meets the needs of three-quarters (75%) of the visitors.

Lastly, we should point out that four in ten visitors (43%) consider that publishing requirements are clear and a minority of visitors (38%) agrees that posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful. Although the two aforementioned elements seem to generate less satisfaction, it is observed that these elements are the ones that visitors know the least well, as approximately four in ten visitors (38% and 41%, respectively) are unfamiliar with these website features and are thus unable to evaluate them. Such results are likely to be expected since some visitors probably do not require such information.

Table 14: Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Canada Gazette website (Visitors) (detailed 2017 results presented)
Q8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website.
(Sampling frame: Regular visitors (n = 463))
Total in agreement Totally agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Totally disagree Do not know
The information is accurate. 81% 35% 46% 7% 1% 1% 11%
The information is up to date. 79% 35% 44% 10% 2% 1% 9%
The information is complete. 75% 27% 48% 11% 2% 2% 11%
The website meets my needs. 75% 23% 52% 15% 6% 2% 3%
The information available on the website is easy to understand. 70% 22% 48% 17% 7% 1% 5%
The amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable. 68% 21% 48% 13% 11% 3% 4%
It is easy to find what I am looking for. 62% 18% 44% 17% 14% 4% 2%
The publishing requirements are clear. 43% 14% 29% 17% 2% 1% 38%
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful. 38% 14% 24% 19% 1% 0% 41%

Certain categories of visitors demonstrate a statistically significant higher level of satisfaction than others. Indeed, individuals whose most recent visit was made within the past week as well as those who visited the Canada Gazette website more than 5 times over the past year show a higher degree of satisfaction regarding most of the elements evaluated. This is also the case for residents of Quebec as compared to those from other Canadian provinces.

Amongst visitors, satisfaction with regard to various aspects of the Canada Gazette website seems to be rather stable. However, it will be interesting to observe in the next study whether or not the level of satisfaction with the website's lesser known features will increase.

Table 15: Change in Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Canada Gazette website (Visitors) (total % in agreement presented)
Q8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website. 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 463 125
The information is accurate. 81% n/a
The information is up to date. 79% 77%
The information is complete. 75% n/a
The website meets my needs. 75% n/a
The information available on the website is easy to understand. 70% 71%
The amount of time it generally takes to find information is reasonable. 68% n/a
It is easy to find what I am looking for. 62% 56%
The publishing requirements are clear. 43% n/a
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices is useful. 38% n/a

All in all, the Canada Gazette Directorate can be pleased with very respectable satisfaction rates. Indeed, for all of the criteria assessed, satisfaction rates are very high for visitors and especially for clients. For the few criteria for which satisfaction rates are lower, it is observed that it is not on account of dissatisfaction but rather a lack of familiarity with them or because the information is not relevant to visitors.

1.2.3 Suggestions for Improvement to the Canada Gazette website

Three-quarters of clients (75%) do not have any ideas or suggestions for improvements to the Canada Gazette website and 13% affirm that the site meets their needs in its current format. It should be noted that even the one client who mentioned being somewhat dissatisfied with the site does not have any suggestions.

Of the four clients who made suggestions for improvements to the website (12%), three would like faster access to the archives (9%), one would like to see improved search engines (3%), one would like it to be easier to find the desired information (3%) and one suggests improving the list of search results (3%).

Figure 13: Results of Question 10A—Do you have any suggestions to improve the Canada Gazette website? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32))
Suggestions for improving Canada Gazette website (clients) - Description below
Figure 13 description

Two-thirds of visitors (67%) prefer not to answer the question while 5% indicated that they do not have any suggestions. Additionally, 2% state that the site meets their current needs.

Of the 26% of visitors who had suggestions for improvements, the most popular suggestions are improving the search engines (4%), faster access to archives (4%), making the site more user-friendly (3%), making it easier to find the desired information (3%), using wording that is clearer or easier to understand (3%) and adding a list of similar publications under the same portal (3%).

Table 16: Suggestions for Improving Canada Gazette website (regular visitors)
Q10A. Do you have any suggestions to improve the Canada Gazette website? Total 2017
Number of visitors = 463
Improve the site's search engines/more advanced search tools 4%
Provide easier/faster access to archives 4%
Make site more user-friendly 3%
Make it easier to find the desired information 3%
Use clearer wording/summaries/make information easier to understand 3%
Index similar publications under the same portal 3%
Improve email notices (with direct links, personalized mailings, etc.) 2%
Improve PDF version (better performance, clearer font, more recent version, etc.) 2%
Enable searches by number/key word 2%
Be better informed about regulations/provide complete access to all regulations 2%
Faster links to searched content 2%
Improve HTML version (enhanced visual design, etc.) 2%
Improve printing possibilities 1%
Merge gazettes to avoid additional searches/provide complete access to published journals 1%
Better list of search results 1%
Better indication of changes and deadlines (web links, response deadlines, etc.) 1%
Better indexing 1%
Offer content in HTML format only rather than PDF 1%
More interactive site (digital feedback, discussions, more videos, etc.) 1%
Make site less crowded/more visually appealing 1%
Other 3%
No suggestion 5%
The site meets my needs 2%
I prefer not to answer 67%

1.2.4 Advanced Search Options Missing on the Canada Gazette website

Over three-quarters of clients (78%) do not have any suggestions for advanced search options that they would like to see on the Canada Gazette website and 3% affirm that the options that are currently available suit them well.

Of the six clients that propose options (19%), the most popular is obtaining more precise search results, which is mentioned by two individuals (6%). Other advanced search options mainly concern the ability to filter results by various criteria and are all suggested by a single individual; these suggestions include the possibility of filtering by number (3%), by date (3%) or by agency (3%). One individual also proposes implementing more advanced search tools such as wildcard or Boolean searches (3%).

Figure 14: Results of Question 7D—Which advanced search options would you like to have on the Canada Gazette website? Spontaneous answers - Multiple answers possible. Since respondents may give multiple answers, the total may exceed 100%. (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32))
Advanced search options missing on Canada Gazette website (clients) - Description below
Figure 14 description

Seven regular visitors out of ten (71%) do not have any suggestions for advanced search options that they would like to see on the Canada Gazette website and 2% say that the options that are currently available suit them well.

Nevertheless, one-fourth (27%) of visitors suggest advanced search options, most of which concern the possibility to filter search results, whether by key word (6%), by regulation (5%), by date (4%), by agency (4%), by number (3%), by multiple categories (3%) or by product or activity sector (1%). Some visitors would like to see more precise search results (3%), search tools that are more intuitive (3%) or more advanced, such as wildcard or Boolean searches (2%), while others would like to have access to updates to changes in regulations or legislation (3%).

Figure 15: Results of Question 7D—Which advanced search options would you like to have on the Canada Gazette website? Spontaneous answers - Multiple answers possible. Since respondents may give multiple answers, the total may exceed 100%. (Sampling frame: Regular visitors (n = 463))
Advanced search options missing on Canada Gazette website (visitors) - Description below
Figure 15 description

1.3 Reasons for Visits to the Canada Gazette website

1.3.1 Main Reasons for Visiting the Canada Gazette website

Amongst clients who are regular visitors, the three main reasons for visiting the Canada Gazette website are to check a specific notice (75%), search for information in the archives (56%) and download the "Request for Insertion" form (50%). We should also point out that over four in ten clients visited the site in order to consult the deadline schedule for publications in order to publish a notice (47%), consult a specific proposed regulation (Part I) (44%) or download pages from the Canada Gazette (41%). They are less likely to have done so in order to view insertion rates (38%), consult a specific regulation (Part II) (28%) or visit the "News and Announcements" section (9%).

No statistically significant difference can be observed between the different surveys in terms of the reasons for visiting the Canada Gazette website. However, some of the percentage differences observed are noteworthy. For example, clients appear more likely to have visited the site in order to view a notice, the deadline schedule for publications, or insertion rates.

Table 17: Change in Reasons for Visiting Canada Gazette website (Clients)
Q6. Please indicate, from the list below, the reasons why you visited the Canada Gazette website in the past 12 months. 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 125 84
To check a specific notice 75% 69% 71%
To search for information in the Canada Gazette archives (1841–2011) 56% 52% 61%
To download the "Request for Insertion" form 50% 46% 35%
To consult the deadline schedule for publications in order to publish a notice 47% 38% 32%
To consult a specific proposed regulation (Part I) 44% n/a n/a
To download pages from the Canada Gazette 41% 37% n/a
To view insertion rates 38% 26% 25%
To consult a specific regulation (Part II) 28% n/a n/a
"News and Announcements" section 9% n/a n/a
Do not know/Not applicable/Refusal 0% 2% 0%

It should be noted that of the eighteen clients who had searched for information in the archives, thirteen conducted their searches in recent archives, i.e. those published between 1998 and 2011 (72%). The other five clients that had searched for information in the Canada Gazette archives in the past 12 months (28%) were seeking information published between 1841 and 1997.

Table 18: Change in Information Sought in Canada Gazette website Archives (clients)
Q6A. You mentioned searching for information in the Canada Gazette archives in the past 12 months. Were you seeking information that was published prior to 1998 or from 1998 onwards? 2017 2011
Number of clients = 18 Footnote * 65
1998 to 2011 72% 82%
1841 to 1997 28% 18%

Of the regular visitors to the Canada Gazette website, the three main reasons for visiting the site are to consult a specific regulation (64%) or specific proposed regulation (60%) and to search for information in the archives (45%). More than a quarter of all visitors go to the site to check a specific notice (38%), download pages from the Canada Gazette (31%) or to access the "News and Announcements" section (26%). It is noted that, compared to 2011, visitors are more likely to have visited the website to search for information in the archives or to check a specific notice.

Several other reasons are also mentioned, but are less popular. These include consulting the deadline schedule for publications in order to publish a notice (6%), a regulatory watch, a proposed regulation or new regulation (5%), viewing insertion rates (2%), consulting the orders, decorations, and medals of Canada (2%), consulting a public registry/performing background checks (1%) or consulting nominations/proclamations (1%), downloading the "Request for Insertion" form (2%), searches in the context of one's studies/research (2%) or obtaining information (on laws, taxes, general information, etc.) (2%).

Table 19: Change in Reasons for Visiting Canada Gazette website (visitors)
Q6. Please indicate, from the list below, the reasons why you have visited the Canada Gazette website in the past 12 months. 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 463 125
To consult a specific regulation (Part II) 64% n/a
To consult a specific proposed regulation (Part I) 60% n/a
To search for information in the Canada Gazette archives (1841–2011) 45%- 59%
To check a specific notice 38%- 51%
To download pages from the Canada Gazette 31% 30%
"News and Announcements" section 26% n/a
To consult the deadline schedule for publications in order to publish a notice 6% 4%
To consult a regulatory watch, proposed regulation or new regulation Footnote ** 5% n/a
To download the "Request for Insertion" form 2% 2%
To view insertion rates 2% 3%
To conduct searches as part of my studies/for research purposes Footnote ** 2% n/a
To consult the orders, decorations, and medals of Canada Footnote ** 2% n/a
To obtain information (on laws, taxes, general information, etc. Footnote ** 2% n/a
To consult a public registry/conduct background checks Footnote ** 1% n/a
To consult nominations/proclamations Footnote ** 1% n/a
Other reason 2%- 13%
Do not know/Not applicable/Refusal 0% 1%

For regular visitors, archive searches mainly concern recent archives, i.e. those published between 1998 and 2011 (73%). Nearly three in ten clients who searched for information in the Canada Gazette archives (27%) were seeking information published between 1841 and 1997.

Table 20: Change in Information Sought in Canada Gazette website Archives (visitors)
Q6A. You mentioned searching for information in the Canada Gazette archives in the past 12 months. Were you seeking information that was published prior to 1998 or from 1998 onwards? 2017 2011
Number of visitors = 18 Footnote * 65
1998 to 2011 73% 56%
1841 to 1997 27% 33%

1.3.2 Other Reasons for Visiting the Canada Gazette website

The majority of Canada Gazette clients (81%) do not visit the "Proposed Regulations" page under the site's "Consultations" heading. Fewer than two out of every ten clients (16%) visit this page.

Figure 16: Results of Question 7B—Do you ever consult the "Proposed Regulations" page under the "Consultations" heading? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors = 32))
Consultation of 'Proposed Regulations' page under 'Consultations' heading (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors n=32) - Description below
Figure 16 description

More than four out of ten clients who are regular visitors (44%) use the Advanced Search tool available on the website, compared to more than half (53%) who do not.

Figure 17: Results of Question 7C—Do you ever use the Advanced Search tool available on the website? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32))
Use of Advanced Search tool available on website - Description below
Figure 17 description

Over half the regular visitors to the Canada Gazette website (56%) occasionally consult the "Proposed Regulations" page under the "Consultations" heading, but slightly more than a quarter (28%) do not. It is noted that nearly one in five visitors (17%) are not familiar with this page.

Figure 18: Results of Question 7B—Do you ever consult the "Proposed Regulations" page under the "Consultations" heading? (Sampling frame: Regular visitors = 463))
Consultation of 'Proposed Regulations' page under 'Consultations' heading (Sampling frame: Regular visitors = 463)- Description below
Figure 18 description

Six out of ten visitors (58%) indicate that they use the Advanced Search tool available on the website, while 34% do not.

Figure 19: Results of Question 7C—Do you ever use the Advanced Search tool available on the website? (Sampling frame: Regular visitors (n = 463))
Use of Advanced Search tool available on website - Description below
Figure 19 description

1.4 Functionalities of the Canada Gazette website

1.4.1 Perceived Usefulness of Various Functionalities of Canada Gazette website

Most elements of the website are deemed useful by Canada Gazette clients. In fact, nearly all clients indicate that clear publishing requirements (94%) and the publication and deadline calendar (91%) are useful. Other features such as the posting of special deadlines to submit notices (81%), the Canada Gazette's "Latest Publications" on the home page (79%) or the search engine that offers advanced search functions (75%) are also perceived by clients as being useful. It is noted that three-quarters of clients (75%) are unfamiliar with the new function that enables the installation of the ICAL calendar, though nearly all those who are familiar with it find it to be useful (22%).

Table 21: Perceived Usefulness of Various Functionalities of Canada Gazette website (clients) (detailed 2017 results presented)
Q7A. Do you consider the following very, somewhat, not very or not useful at all:
(Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors = 32))
Total useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not useful at all I'm not familiar with this element Do not know
Publishing requirements that are clear? 94% 66% 28% 0% 0% 0% 6%
The publication and deadline calendar? 91% 72% 19% 0% 0% 3% 6%
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices? 81% 56% 25% 0% 0% 13% 6%
The Canada Gazette's "Latest Publications" on the home page? 78% 66% 13% 6% 0% 3% 13%
A search engine that offers advanced search functions? 75% 47% 28% 0% 0% 6% 19%
The new functionality that allows you to install the ICAL calendar? 22% 6% 16% 3% 0% 41% 34%

Although the website meets the needs of most visitors, it can be observed that they are unfamiliar with a number of the site's functionalities. For example, seven in ten visitors (72%) are incapable of assessing the usefulness of the new function that enables the installation of the ICAL calendar, either because they are not familiar with it or because they are unable to evaluate it. Keeping with this same trend, half of the visitors are unable to evaluate the publication and deadline calendar (52%) or the posting of special deadlines to submit notices (51%). Such results are likely to be expected since some visitors probably do not require these functions.

On the other hand, three-quarters of visitors find the search engine that offers advanced search functions (78%) and the Canada Gazette's "Latest Publications" on the home page (74%) to be useful. Additionally, half (56%) find the clear publishing requirements to be useful.

Table 22: Perceived Usefulness of Various Functionalities of Canada Gazette website (regular visitors) (detailed 2017 results presented)
Q7A. Do you consider the following very, somewhat, not very or not useful at all:
(Sampling frame: Regular visitors (= 463))
Total useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not useful at all I'm not familiar with this element Do not know
A search engine that offers advanced search functions? 78% 56% 21% 3% 2% 10% 8%
The Canada Gazette's "Latest Publications" on the home page? 74% 46% 28% 4% 1% 11% 10%
Publishing requirements that are clear? 56% 35% 21% 4% 2% 21% 16%
The posting of special deadlines to submit notices? 41% 20% 21% 4% 3% 30% 21%
The publication and deadline calendar? 40% 20% 20% 6% 3% 31% 21%
The new functionality that allows you to install the ICAL calendar? 17% 6% 10% 6% 5% 46% 26%

Approximately four in ten clients who are regular visitors to the site (44%) say they have access to all the information and functionalities they need on the Canada Gazette website. It is noted that roughly the same proportion of Canada Gazette clients (41%) would like to be able to submit notices electronically on the website. Additionally, nearly three out of ten clients (28%) would like to see the site offer an email notification system and two out of ten (19%) would like to have access to their account information through a customer web portal. Other suggestions were mentioned spontaneously by clients, such as better search engines (3%) or search results (3%).

More than four in ten regular visitors (45%) say they currently have access to all the information and functionalities they need on the Canada Gazette website. That said, some visitors would like an email notification system (43%) and the possibility of submitting notices electronically (11%). Other visitors, though fewer in number, would like to see a customer web portal (6%), better search engines (5%) or better search results (4%) on the website.

Figure 20: Results of Question 7—Please indicate what information or other functionalities, if any, you would like to be able to access via the Canada Gazette website that are not currently available online. Multiple answers allowed. Since respondents may give multiple answers, the total may exceed 100%. (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32) and Regular visitors (n = 463))
Suggested additions to Canada Gazette website - Description below
Figure 20 description

Recommendations have changed little since 2011. However, a few new suggestions were made in 2017, such as implementing better search engines or more intuitive search tools as well as making it easier to find archived information.

Table 23: Change in Suggestions for Information or Functions to be Added to Canada Gazette website (clients who are regular visitors)
Q7. Please indicate what information or other functionalities, if any, you would like to be able to access via the Canada Gazette website that are not currently available online. 2017 2011
Number of clients = 32 125
Ability to submit notices electronically on the website 41% 48%
Email notification system 28% n/a
Possibility of accessing my account information through a customer web portal 19% 17%
Better search engines/more intuitive search tools/access to RSS feeds Footnote ** 3% n/a
Make it easier to find archived information/better search results /bookmark sections Footnote ** 3% n/a
Other information or functionality 6% 5%
None, I have access to all the information and functionalities I need 44% 43%

1.4.2 Really Simple Syndication Feeds

Clients subscribed to the Canada Gazette's RSS feeds are a minority, i.e. Part I: Notices and Proposed Regulations (6%), Part II: Official Regulations (6%), and Part III: Acts of Parliament (6%). More than one in ten visitors access each of the three RSS feeds proposed by the Canada Gazette, i.e. Part I: Notices and Proposed Regulations (16%), Part II: Official Regulations (15%), and Part III: Acts of Parliament (11%).

Figure 21: Results of Question 23—As you may know, the RSS format (Really Simple Syndication) is based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), which allows for content to be distributed in real time. Do you subscribe to these RSS feeds? (Sampling frame: Clients who are regular visitors (n = 32) and Regular visitors (n = 463))
Subscription to different RSS feeds (% Yes) - Description below
Figure 21 description

The overwhelming majority of visitors who are subscribed to the RSS feeds of Parts I and II find them useful (90% and 91%, respectively), though we should point out that a smaller proportion finds the RSS of Part III to be useful (84%). Given that the sample of clients subscribed to the RSS feeds is too small (n = 2), the results regarding the usefulness of the RSS feeds are not presented for this group.

Table 24: Perceived Usefulness of Different RSS Feeds (regular visitors subscribed to RSS feeds) (detailed 2017 results presented)
Q25. How useful do you find the RSS feeds?
Sampling frame: Visitors subscribed to RSS feeds = 2) Footnote *
Total useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not useful at all
Part I: Notices and Proposed Regulations (n = 73) 90% 58% 33% 8% 1%
Part II: Official Regulations (n = 68) 91% 57% 34% 6% 3%
Part III: Acts of Parliament (n = 50) 84% 50% 34% 14% 2%

1.5 Contact with Canada Gazette Directorate Staff

The following section pertains only to clients of the Canada Gazette. The latter were notified in the invitation to complete the survey that they did not need to complete the one found on the website. Visitors to the website who answered the survey through the site's open link did not have to answer this section of the questionnaire.

1.5.1 Timing and Means of Contact with Canada Gazette Directorate Staff

Nearly all surveyed clients (91%) have had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff in the past 12 months. Only a minority (9%) did not have any direct contact with the organization's staff.

Table 25: Change in Contact with Canada Gazette Directorate Staff (clients)
Q11. In the past 12 months, have you had any direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 35 139 116
Yes 91% 73% 59%
No 9% 27% 40%
Do not know 0% 1% 2%

The majority of clients contacted the staff by email (56%) or by phone (28%). More specifically, three out of ten (31%) communicated with the staff by sending an email to info.gazette@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca, while one in four sent an email to a different address (25%) or used a phone number (25%) other than the general information line or the toll-free number. Only a minority sent a letter (6%), used the general information line (3%) or used another means (9%).

A shift can be observed in the methods used by clients to communicate. Indeed, they are abandoning traditional methods such as the telephone (-30 percentage points) or in person (-9 percentage points), while increasingly preferring online methods instead (+39 percentage points).

Table 26: Change in Means of Contacting Canada Gazette Directorate Staff (clients)
Q12. How did you last contact the Canada Gazette Directorate staff? 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 101 68
Total By email 56%+ 17% 9%
Email to info.gazette@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca 31% n/a n/a
Email to a different address 25% n/a n/a
Total By phone 28%- 58% 68%
General information line (613-996-1268) 3%- 13% 68%
Other telephone number 25% 30% n/a
Toll free number (1-866-429-3885) 0%- 15% n/a
Letter 6% n/a 3%
In person 0%- 9% 2%
Fax n/a 3% 19%
Other 9% 13% n/a
Do not know n/a 1% 0%

All clients who communicated the Canada Gazette Directorate staff are satisfied (100%) or even very satisfied (94%) with the staff that served them. Although the general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff is now 100%, it cannot be said that it is a statistically significant improvement compared to previous years, when the level of satisfaction was 95% and 97%. It will be interesting to see whether the Canada Gazette staff will succeed in maintaining its perfect score in the next study.

Table 27: Change in Overall Satisfaction with Canada Gazette Directorate Staff (clients)
Q14. Please indicate how satisfied you are with the staff that provided the service. 2017 2011 2006
Number of clients = 32 101 68
Total Satisfied 100% 95% 97%
Very satisfied 94% 90% 90%
Somewhat satisfied 6% 5% 7%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0% 1% 2%
Total dissatisfied 0% 4% 1%
Somewhat dissatisfied 0% 2% 0%
Very dissatisfied 0% 2% 1%
Do not know 0% 0% 0%

Additionally, nearly all clients who have communicated with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff (97%) say they are very satisfied with the quality of their published notices after being revised by bilingual editors. Only a minority of clients (3%) are unable to give an opinion in this regard.

Figure 22: Results of Question 15A—Are you satisfied with the quality of your published notices after being revised by bilingual editors at the Canada Gazette Directorate? (Sampling frame: Clients who have had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff (n = 32))
Satisfaction with revisions made by bilingual editors  - Description below
Figure 22 description

The majority of clients (81%) affirm that when the bilingual editors ask a question about their text, the information provided is always clear, and 13% say that it is often clear. It is noted that 6% of clients do not know and no client finds that the information provided is rarely or never clear. The majority (81%) also state that when the bilingual editors propose a correction to their text, the explanations provided are always sufficient. It is noted that 13% affirm that this is often the case and 6% do not know.

Figure 23: Results of Question 15C—When the bilingual editors ask a question about your text, is the information provided clear? And results of Question 15D—When the bilingual editors suggest a correction to your text, are the explanations provided sufficient? (Sampling frame: Clients who have had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff (n = 32))
Clarity of information provided by bilingual editors - Description below
Figure 23 description

Lastly, four out of ten clients who communicated with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff (44%) are somewhat satisfied (3%) or very satisfied (41%) with the related services offered. The other half (53%) are unable to say.

Figure 24: Results of Question 15B—Are you satisfied with the related services offered by the Canada Gazette Directorate? (e.g., affidavits, excerpts of publications, etc.) (Sampling frame: Clients who have had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff (n = 32))
Satisfaction with related services offered by Canada Gazette Directorate - Description below
Figure 24 description

For all criteria used to evaluate the Canada Gazette Directorate staff, expectations are met for no fewer than nine out of every ten clients that have dealt with this staff. According to their assessment, the staff is professional (100%), competent (100%), friendly and courteous (100%), easily accessible (100%) and well informed (97%). Users also affirm that they were served within a reasonable timeframe (100%) and in the official language of their choice (97%). They agree that the staff shows an interest in them and is willing to help (100%), in addition to taking the necessary time to meet their needs (97%). Lastly, they have confidence in the quality of services provided by the staff (97%). These results are similar to those observed in previous studies.

Table 28: Change in Opinion of Service Received when Communicating with Canada Gazette Directorate Staff (clients) (total % in agreement presented)
Q13. Thinking about the last time you had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statements below regarding the service you received. 2017 2011 2016
Number of clients = 32 101 68
The staff is professional. 100% 92% 96%
The staff is competent. 100% 91% 92%
I was provided service in a reasonable amount of time. 100% 95% 94%
The staff is friendly and courteous. 100% 90% 94%
The staff shows an interest in me and is willing to help. 100% n/a n/a
The staff is easily accessible. 100% 86% 87%
The staff is knowledgeable. 97% 92% 91%
I was provided service in the official language of my choice. 97% 96% 96%
I have confidence in the quality of services provided by the staff. 97% n/a n/a
The staff takes the necessary time to meet my needs. 97% n/a n/a

1.5.2 Suggestions for New Customer Services (online or otherwise)

A number of clients do not have any ideas or suggestions for a new customer service (whether online or not) that could be offered by the Canada Gazette Directorate. Some clients did make certain suggestions, however. Given the very low percentage of feedback that contained suggestions, all such comments are listed below:

1.5.3 Suggestions for Improving Service

When clients are asked to suggest improvements to the service provided by the Canada Gazette Directorate, none of them makes any concrete suggestions. However, eight clients take the opportunity instead to praise the staff and the service it offers. Some of the comments are listed below.

1.6 Service Standards

1.6.1 Perceived Importance of Different Service Standards

Nearly four out of ten clients (37%) feel that the most important service standard for their business is meeting 100% of all legislated deadlines. It is the only standard ranked of high importance (either 1st or second) by more than half of the clients (57%). Maintaining an error count of less than 1% is also important for nearly half of all clients (49%), with 23% ranking it the most important and 26% the second most important. This service standard is closely followed by providing quality service to clients in the official language of their choice, which was given high importance by 46% of all clients (29% ranking it the most important and 17% the second most important standard).

Other criteria are also important, though for a smaller proportion of clients. More specifically, three out of ten clients (31%) place great importance on responding to all information requests within two business days (11% ranking it first and 20% second). Additionally, although less than 1% of all clients consider that maintaining a client satisfaction rating of 85% is the most important standard, 17% rank it second in importance.

Table 29: Change in Importance of Service Standards (clients) (% high importance presented)
Q16. The Canada Gazette Directorate has established a series of service standards that are listed below. Please rank each one in terms of highest to lowest importance to you and your organization, with 1 representing the standard that is of highest importance and 5 being the standard that is of least importance.
Sampling frame: All clients = 35)
1 - Highest level of importance 2 3 4 5 - Lowest level of importance
Meeting 100% of all legislated deadlines 37% 20% 9% 14% 20%
Maintaining an error count of less than 1% 23% 26% 11% 20% 20%
Providing quality service to clients in the official language of their choice 29% 17% 29% 14% 11%
Responding to all information requests within two business days 11% 20% 23% 26% 20%
Maintaining a client satisfaction rating of 85% 0% 17% 29% 26% 29%

No significant differences appear in the importance placed on standards compared to the 2011 study, and it can be observed that the two most important criteria remain the same. However, offering quality service to clients in the official language of their choice seems to have become more important. Conversely, the perceived importance of responding to all information requests within two business days and maintaining a client satisfaction rating of 85% declined.

Table 30: Change in Importance of Service Standards (Clients) (% high importance presented, i.e. sum of those ranked 1st and 2nd in importance)
Q16. The Canada Gazette Directorate has established a series of service standards that are listed below. Please rank each one in terms of highest to lowest importance to you and your organization, with 1 representing the standard that is of highest importance and 5 being the standard that is of least importance. 2017 2011
Number of clients = 35 139
Meeting 100% of all legislated deadlines 57% 54%
Maintaining an error count of less than 1% 49% 44%
Providing quality service to clients in the official language of their choice 46% 25%
Responding to all information requests within two business days 31% 48%
Maintaining a client satisfaction rating of 85% 17% 28%

1.6.2 Suggestions for Service Standards to Implement

Clients do not mention any new suggestions for service standards that should be established and adhered to by the Canada Gazette Directorate. Once again, three clients take the opportunity to emphasize their satisfaction with the services provided.

Appendix A

A.1 Quantitative Methodology

This study consists of two distinct methodological components: an online survey of visitors to the Canada Gazette website and an online survey of clients who published in the Canada Gazette within the past year.

A1.1. Online Survey of the Canada Gazette website

A quantitative methodology based on an online survey was employed to carry out this public consultation. It was launched by means of an open-link survey questionnaire available on the Canada Gazette website. Any individual who visited the site between November 6, 2017 and December 4, 2017 could participate in the survey by clicking on the link.

This part of the public consultation generated a significant volume of responses. We obtained a total of 632 respondents for the open-link survey on the website. Interviews were conducted in French or English based on the respondents' preference.

We should remind the reader that the results of this part of the public consultation should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or attitudes of the Canadian public at large. These responses come from a group of individuals that probably have a certain "interest" in the laws and regulations that govern their everyday professional or personal lives, or who had a particular interest in visiting the Canada Gazette website.

As we do not know the profile of visitors to the Canada Gazette website, it was not possible to weight the results of this portion of the research. It comprises a non-probabilistic sample. It is therefore impossible to calculate a margin of error for this portion or transfer the survey results to all visitors of the Canada Gazette website.

The questionnaire was prepared by Leger and the Canada Gazette team. It covers indicators of website visit behaviour and satisfaction with the site and its functionalities. The questionnaire took approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Table A.1: Breakdown of Visitors by Sector/Field of Employment
Sector of employment Number %
Private sector (including self-employed) 275 44%
Public sector (i.e. government, hospital, school, university, library, etc.) 215 34%
Not-for-profit sector (i.e. non-governmental organization) 42 7%
Currently unemployed 39 6%
Retired 20 3%
Student 13 2%
Other 3 n/a
Refusal 25 4%
Table A.2: Breakdown of Visitors (except those who are currently unemployed or who refused to answer) in Terms of Self-Employment
Self-employed Number %
Yes 88 15%
No 477 83%
Refusal 8 1%
Table A.3: Breakdown of Visitors (except those who are currently unemployed or who refused to answer) by Current Position or Type of Work
Professional title Number %
Professional (doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, nurse) 192 34%
Middle manager 85 1%
Administrative and support staff 81 14%
Consultant 66 12%
Senior management/executive 39 7%
Business owner 26 5%
Sales and service employee 14 2%
Retired 15 3%
Student 14 2%
Other 12 2%
Refusal 29 5%
Table A.4: Breakdown of Visitors by Place of Residence
Professional title Number %
Ontario 239 38%
Quebec 129 20%
British Columbia 67 11%
Alberta 49 8%
Nova Scotia 27 4%
Manitoba 15 2%
Saskatchewan 11 2%
New Brunswick 6 1%
Newfoundland and Labrador 4 1%
Northwest Territories 3 n/a
Prince Edward Island 2 n/a
Yukon 2 n/a
Nunavut 1 n/a
United States 22 3%
European countries (Germany, France, Italy, etc.) 14 2%
India 7 1%
Asian countries (Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, etc.) 9 1%
Other countries 14 2%
Refusal 11 2%

A.1.2 Online Survey of Canada Gazette Clients

Leger employed a quantitative methodology based on an online survey to carry out this portion of the study. The survey was conducted amongst clients who had published in the Canada Gazette in the past 12 months. Leger provided unique links for the 80 client contacts of the Canada Gazette Directorate.

The sample comprised 80 email addresses of clients who fit the profile of Canada Gazette clients. The invitation to complete the survey was sent to all respondents by the Canada Gazette Directorate and three reminders were issued over the course of the data collection period, which lasted four weeks.

A total of 35 respondents corresponding to the established profile were surveyed between November 6 and December 4, 2017. Interviews were conducted in French or English based on the respondents' preference. The questionnaire lasted an average of 9 minutes. As we do not know the profile of Canada Gazette clients, it was not possible to weight the results of this portion of the research.

No quota was established. The objective was to obtain the greatest number of respondents.

Since this is a probabilistic sample, the results can be inferred to the entire population under study. The maximum margin of error in the results in the client portion of the study is +/- %, 19 times out of 20.

The survey questionnaire was created by Leger with the collaboration of professional representatives of the Canada Gazette. For comparison purposes, the questionnaire used the same indicators as in the "Visitors" component, while also adding a section on the service standards of the Canada Gazette Directorate and communication with the staff.

Table A.5: Breakdown of Clients by Employment Sector
Sector of employment Number %
Public sector 30 86%
Private sector 4 11%
Private citizen 0 0%
Other 0 0%
Refusal 1 3%
Table A.6: Breakdown of Public Sector Clients by Level of Government
Level of government Number %
Federal government 30 100%
Provincial / territorial government 0 0%
Municipal administration 0 0%
Refusal 0 0%
Table A.7: Breakdown of Private Sector Clients by Type of Organization
Type of organization Number %
Law firm 2 50%
Private citizen 1 25%
Other 1 25%
Table A.8: Breakdown of Clients by Job Title
Job title Number %
Policy/program officer 5 14%
Administrator 3 9%
Regulatory affairs coordinator 3 9%
Regulatory affairs analyst 3 9%
Manager 3 9%
Office clerk 2 6%
Paralegal 2 6%
Legal assistant 2 6%
Developer of regulatory standards/Director of Regulatory Affairs 2 6%
Lawyer 1 3%
Other 8 23%
Refusal 1 3%
Table A.9: Breakdown of Clients by Province or Territory of Residence
Province or territory Number %
Ontario 23 66%
Quebec 11 31%
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 3%

A.1.3 Methodological Notes for Reading the Report

The following notes regarding the methodology will facilitate the reading of this report:

It should be noted that the presented figures have been rounded. However, the figures used to calculate the sums presented are the figures before rounding. Thus, it is possible that the sums do not correspond to the presented figures when added manually.

Open-ended questions were coded only for those questions with 30 respondents or more. Otherwise, the verbatims are presented.

How are the significant differences between two proportions calculated?

Based on the normal distribution, a bilateral statistical test is conducted between two proportions using the non-weighted results in order to determine whether a statistically significant difference between the two data exists. More specifically, the test works by making a comparison between one proportion and the proportion formed by the complement for the category in question (e.g., the complement of men would be women, the complement of 18- to 24-year-olds would be people 25 and older, etc.).

A.1.4 Online Survey Participation Rate (Clients)

Low participation and response rates compromise the reliability and validity of a survey. The following tables outline the participation rates for the online survey of Canada Gazette clients.

Table A.10: Participation Rates of Canada Gazette Clients
Items Number % of total
number of invitations
Total number of invitations 80 100%
Number of clicks on the link 36 45.0%
Number of completed questionnaires 35 43.8%
Number of incomplete questionnaires 1 1.3%

The participation rate in the online survey is excellent considering the time period during which people were able to complete the questionnaire. The participation rates expected for this type of study are in the order of 30%.

A.1.5 Non-response Bias and Additional Socio-demographic Analysis

An effective response rate of 43.8% is excellent for an online survey of 80 corporate respondents conducted over a period of approximately four weeks. This corresponds to a higher response rate that what is expected for similar surveys. Such a response rate mitigates the risk of a significant non-response bias in the survey, since it lowers the probability that the sample is not representative.

As is the case for all research conducted by Leger, information on individuals was kept entirely confidential and any information that could be used to identify participants was discarded from the data set, in conformity with the Canadian Privacy Act.

Appendix B

B.1 Clients Questionnaire English Version

Information about the project




[NOTES AU PROGRAMMEUR: conserver la codification et les # question]



Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study. The Canada Gazette Directorate is very interested in your feedback as a client. Your input will be of significant value to the Directorate as it continually strives to improve customer service by meeting your current and future needs.

Completing this questionnaire should not take more than 15 minutes of your time. The survey has been programmed to permit you to pause or exit the questionnaire temporarily. Should you do so, you will be able to return to the point in the questionnaire where you left off and continue. Once you have clicked the “Next” button following the last question of the survey, the link will be invalidated and will no longer be available for your use.

Section A. website visitation and behaviour patterns

Single-issue question :


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#1: When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette Web site?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#2: In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire] 1-10 (Regrouper 2-7-3) (Regrouper 4-5-6) (Regrouper 8-9)

Q#3: From which location do you primarily access the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#4: Have you ever had any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website?

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q4 = 1]

Q#4a: What was the nature of the problem?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q4 = 1]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#4b: Was the problem resolved to your satisfaction?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#5: On average, how much time do you spend on the Canada Gazette website during a typical visit?
(Please do not include the time it takes to actually load or connect to the website.)

Multiple-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire]

Q#6: Please indicate, from the list below, the reasons why you have visited the Canada Gazette website in the past 12 months.


Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q6_1 = OUI]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#6a: You mentioned searching for information in the Canada Gazette archives in the past 12 months. Were you seeking information that was published prior to 1998 or from 1998 onwards?

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]


Q#7a: Do you consider the following very, somewhat, not very or not useful at all:

Multiple-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire] 1-2-5

Q#7: Please indicate what information or other functionalities, if any, you would like to be able to access via the Canada Gazette website that is not currently available online.


Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7b: Do you sometimes consult the "Proposed Regulations" page under the "Consultations" heading?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7c: Do you sometimes use the Advanced Search tool available on the website?

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

Q#7d: Which advanced search options would you like to have on the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

[NOTE TO PROGRAMMER: Additional information on the word "accessibility" (mouse over type): The Government of Canada's Standard on Web Accessibility aims to make content accessible to a wider range of people with one or more disabilities, as well as users in general.]

Q#7e: Is the accessibility of the Canada Gazette in HTML mode adequate?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7f: Which version of Canada Gazette's publications do you consult most often?

Section B. website evaluation and overall satisfaction

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#10: Please rate your level of general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website.

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

Q#10a: Do you have any suggestions to improve the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]


Q#8: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website.

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#23: Do you subscribe to these RSS Feeds?

Comme vous le savez peut-être, le format RSS, de l’anglais Really Simple Syndication (« flux de syndication »), est basé sur le langage de balisage extensible (XML) qui permet la diffusion de contenu en temps réel.

Single-issue question (screen or grid):


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#25: How useful do you find the RSS Feeds?

Section C. Contact and satisfaction with Canada Gazette Directorate staff

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#11: In the past 12 months, did you have any direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff?

Single-issue question:

[BASE Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#12: How did you last contact the Canada Gazette Directorate staff?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#14: Please indicate how satisfied you are with the staff that provided the service.

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]


Q#15: What suggestions do you have to improve the service you receive from the Canada Gazette Directorate staff?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#15a: Are you satisfied with the quality of your published notices after being revised by bilingual editors at the Canada Gazette Directorate?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#15b: Êtes-vous satisfaits des services connexes offerts par la Direction de la Gazette du Canada? (par exemple, affidavits, extraits de publications, etc.)

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]


Q#13: Thinking about the last time you had direct contact with the Canada Gazette Directorate staff, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statements below regarding the service you received.

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#15c: Lorsqu’une question est posée par les réviseurs bilingues au sujet de votre texte, est-ce que les informations fournies sont claires?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q11 = 01]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#15d When the bilingual editors propose to make a correction to your text, are the explanations provided sufficient?

Section D. Canada Gazette Directorate service standards and comparison to counterparts

Ranking question:




[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire]

Q#16: The Canada Gazette Directorate has established a series of service standards that are listed below. Please rank each one in terms of highest to lowest importance to you and your organization, with 1 representing the standard that is of highest importance and 5 being the standard that is of least importance.

Please rank the following elements, starting with the most important and ending with the least important.

Straightforward open-ended question:


Q#17: What additional service standards would be important for the Canada Gazette Directorate to adopt and commit to achieving?

Straightforward open-ended question:


Are there any other services, online or otherwise, that you would like to see offered by the Canada Gazette Directorate?

Section F. Section démographique

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#34: Do you work in the public or private sector?

Single-issue question:

[BASE Q34 = 1 ]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#35: Please indicate the level of government in which you currently work.

Single-issue question:

[BASE Q34 = 02]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#36: Please indicate the type of private sector organization in which you are currently involved or employed.

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#37: In which province or territory are you currently located?

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#38: What is your current job title?

This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for your participation.

B.2 Visitors Questionnaire English Version

Info du Projet




[NOTES AU PROGRAMMEUR: conserver la codification et les # question]


Section info

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study. The Canada Gazette Directorate is very interested in your feedback as a website visitor. Your input will be of significant value to the Directorate as it continually strives to improve its website.

Completing this questionnaire should not take more than 6 minutes of your time. The programming of this survey requires you to complete the questionnaire in one session. It will not be possible for you to return to the questionnaire to the point where you were earlier. Once you have clicked the “Next” button following the last question of the survey, your answers will be recorded and you will have completed the survey.

Section A. website visitation and behaviour patterns

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#1: When was the last time you visited the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#2: In the past 12 months, how often have you visited the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire] 1-10 (Regrouper 2-7-3) (Regrouper 4-5-6) (Regrouper 8-9)

Q#3: From which location do you primarily access the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#4: Have you ever had any problems accessing the Canada Gazette website?

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q4=1]

Q#4a: What was the nature of the problem?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q4 = 1]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#4b: Was the problem resolved to your satisfaction?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#5: On average, how much time do you spend on the Canada Gazette website during a typical visit?
(Please do not include the time it takes to actually load or connect to the website.)

Multiple-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire]

Q#6: Please indicate, from the list below, the reasons why you have visited the Canada Gazette website in the past 12 months.


Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q6_1 = OUI]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#6a: You mentioned searching for information in the Canada Gazette archives in the past 12 months. Were you seeking information that was published prior to 1998 or from 1998 onwards?

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]


Q#7a: Do you consider the following very, somewhat, not very or not useful at all:

Multiple-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : Aléatoire] 1-2-5

Q#7: Please indicate what information or other functionalities, if any, you would like to be able to access via the Canada Gazette website that is not currently available online.


Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7b: Do you sometimes consult the "Proposed Regulations" page under the "Consultations" heading?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7c: Do you sometimes use the Advanced Search tool available on the website?

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

Q#7d: Which advanced search options would you like to have on the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 =1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

[NOTE TO PROGRAMMER: Additional information on the word "accessibility" (mouse over type): The Government of Canada's Standard on Web Accessibility aims to make content accessible to a wider range of people with one or more disabilities, as well as users in general.]

Q#7e: Is the accessibility of the Canada Gazette in HTML mode adequate?

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#7f: Which version of Canada Gazette's publications do you consult most often?

Section B. website evaluation and overall satisfaction

Single-issue question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#10: Please rate your level of general satisfaction with the Canada Gazette website.

Straightforward open-ended question:

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

Q#10a: Do you have any suggestions to improve the Canada Gazette website?

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 =1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]


Q#8: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Canada Gazette website.

Single-issue question (screen or grid):

[BASE SI Q1 = 1-2-3-4-5-6]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#23: Do you subscribe to these RSS Feeds?

Comme vous le savez peut-être, le format RSS, de l’anglais Really Simple Syndication (« flux de syndication »), est basé sur le langage de balisage extensible (XML) qui permet la diffusion de contenu en temps réel.

Single-issue question (screen or grid):


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#25: How useful do you find the RSS Feeds?

Section F. Section démographique

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#14: Please indicate the sector or field in which you work.

Single-issue question:

[BASE Q14 = 1-2-3-5 ]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#15: Are you self-employed?

Single-issue question:

[BASE Q14 = 1-2-3-5 ]

[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#16: Which of the following titles best describes your current position or the type of work you do?

Single-issue question:


[ORDRE DE LA LISTE : En ordre]

Q#17: In which province or territory are you currently located or are you located in another country than Canada?

This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for your participation.


Footnote *

Given the low number of respondents (n<30), the results are presented for indicative purposes only.

Return to footnote * referrer

Footnote **

These codes correspond to spontaneous answers.

Return to footnote **