Public Opinion Research Study: Canadians' Awareness and Understanding of Southern Resident killer whales and Boating Safety - Text Description

Figure 1: Recreational Watercraft Use
Used a recreational watercraft in the last year 52%
Plan to use a recreational watercraft in the next year 48%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Manner in which respondents go/plan to go out on the ocean
  Been out on the ocean in the last year (n=407) Plan to out on the ocean in the next year (n=343)
Passenger 49% 62%
Boat owner 41% 35%
Boat renter 19% 14%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Type of Watercraft Used in the Last Few Years
Power boat 42%
Kayak 33%
Sail boat 13%
Paddleboard 13%
Canoe 10%
Ferry 7%
Personal watercrafts 6%
Fishing boat 4%
Row boat  3%
Dinghy 2%
Yacht 2%
Pontoon 1%
Pleasure craft 1%
Whale watching boat 1%
Dragon boat 1%
Houseboat 0.41%
Other 4%
Don't know / can't recall 11%

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Frequency of Recreational Watercraft Use
1 17%
2 17%
3 9%
4 6%
5 7%
6 to 9  6%
10 to 14 8%
15 to 29 8%
30 to 49 4%
50 or more  4%
My first time will be in the next year 8%

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Type of Recreational Watercraft Use
Seasonal 85%
Year round 13%
It depends 1%

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Life Jacket and Personal Flotation Device Use
Wear a life jacket or PFD 80%
Do not wear a life jacket or PFD 12%
It depends on the type of watercraft 3%
It depends on the situation / people involved 3%

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Knowledge of Measures to protect SRKWs in BC Coastal Waters
Aware 56%
Unaware 19%
Don't know 25%

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Awareness of Specific Protective and Voluntary Measures
  Definitely aware Vaguely aware Not aware
Boats should reduce speed when within a 1,000 metres of a killer whale. 51% 20% 28%
Watercraft must keep 400 metres from killer whales in all southern BC coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet. 37% 26% 37%
Fishing should not take place within a 1,000m of a killer whale. 25% 24% 49%
When out on the water, you can't follow whale watching boats because some have an exemption and do not need to keep 400 metres away from all killer whales. 19% 17% 63%
There is an interim sanctuary zone that prevents watercraft from operating off the northern part of Pender Island. 11% 13% 74%
There is an interim sanctuary zone that prevents watercraft from operating off parts of Saturna Island. 8% 14% 76%
There is an interim sanctuary zone that prevents watercraft from operating at Swiftsure Bank. 7% 10% 81%

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Source of Boating Safety Regulatory Information
The internet 29%
Boat rental shops 15%
Boating course 13%
Friends / family / colleagues 13%
Word of mouth 9%
The Government of Canada 6%
Boat owner / captain 5%
News media 4%
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 3%
Transport Canada 3%
Personal experience 3%
Signage 2%
Marinas 1%
Book / print materials 1%
Outdoor shops 1%
Provincial government 1%
Coast guard 1%
Social media 1%
Canadian Red Cross 0.32%
Parks Canada 0.25%
Other 5%
I've never needed to look for this information 8%

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Daily Habits
Listen to radio 59%
Use Facebook 50%
Use YouTube 44%
Use Instagram 36%
Use Spotify 31%
Use public transit 17%
Use Twitter 16%
Use Snapchat 14%
Use TikTok 11%
None of these 6%

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Level of Education
Less than a high school diploma 2%
High School diploma 15%
Apprenticeship or other trades certificate 8%
College/non-university certificate/diploma 20%
University certificate/diploma below bachelor's level 7%
Bachelor's degree 27%
Post graduate degree above bachelor's level 20%

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Household Income
Under $20,000 5%
$20,000 to just under $40,000 9%
$40,000 to just under $60,000 13%
$60,000 to just under $80,000 10%
$80,000 to just under $100,000 12%
$100,000 to just under $150,000 18%
$150,000 and above 18%
Prefer not to say 16%

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Language Spoken Most Often at Home
English  89%
French 1%
Other 15%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: First Nations, Métis, and Inuk Status
Non-Indigenous 95%
Indigenous 4%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Location
Metro Vancouver 75%
South Vancouver Island 12%
Central Vancouver Island 10%
Sunshine Coast 3%

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Respondent Age
18 to 34 27%
35 to 54 34%
55 and above 39%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Gender
Female 51%
Male 49%
Other 0%

Return to Figure 17