Text Descriptions

Figure 1: Frequency of Using My VAC
At least once a day 17%
Several times a week 31%
About once a week 23%
About once a month 19%
Less than once a month 9%

Q3. On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account? [DK/NR: 1%]
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Source of Awareness of My VAC Account
VAC staff member 36%
Browsing the VAC website 16%
Information sent by VAC 16%
Word of mouth 15%
Veterans' organization/event 4%
Another government department/office 3%
Social media 2%
Other 2%
Can't recall 6%

Q4. How did you first learn about My VAC Account?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Features Accessed in My VAC Account
Tracking the status of applications 91%
My VAC Account Inbox 87%
Applying for benefits and services 82%
Viewing a summary of benefits 82%
Secure messaging 78%
Uploading documents 73%
Updating personal information 66%
Signing up for email notifications 57%
Signing up for direct deposit/changing banking information 56%
Other 2%

Q5. Which of the following features have you accessed in My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Method Used to Register for My VAC Account
GCKey 57%
SecureKey 41%
Can't Recall 2%

Q6. When you registered for My VAC Account, which of the following did you use?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Reason for Using GCKey to Register
More comfortable with GCKey 64%
Didn't want to use banking information 21%
Bank wasn't an option in SecureKey 9%
Other 6%

Q7. Why did you use GCKey to register?
Base: n=435; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months and used GCKey to register

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Perceptions of My VAC Account Registration Process
Very easy 38%
Somewhat easy 37%
Somewhat difficult 13%
Very difficult 2%
Can't recall 10%

75% found it easy to register for My VAC account

Q8. How easy or difficult was the process to register for My VAC Account?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Reasons Registration was Difficult
It took too long/too many steps 51%
Didn't know what a GCKey was 46%
Trouble linking VAC file to account 26%
Other 16%
Not sure 4%

Q9. You said it was hard to register for My VAC Account. Why was this difficult? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=112; those who found it difficult to register for My VAC Account

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Perceptions of My VAC Account Security Measures
Strongly agree 40%
Somewhat agree 30%
Neutral 20%
Somewhat disagree 5%
Strongly disagree 6%

70% Agree: The steps required to register for My VAC account justifies the security it provides

Q10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The steps required to register for My VAC Account justifies the security it provides.”?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Use of Secure Messaging
Yes, contacted VAC 81%
No, did not contact VAC 19%

Q11. In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through secure messaging
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Experience Using Secure Messaging
How long did you have to wait to receive a response?
Less than 1 business day 3%
1-2 business days 25%
3-5 business days 46%
6+ business days 21%
Can't recall 4%

Q12. How long did you have to wait to receive a response?
Base: n=616; those who contacted VAC.

Figure 10: Experience Using Secure Messaging
Was this a reasonable amount of time to wait?
Yes, reasonable 58%
Not reasonable 33%
Don't know 9%

Q13. Was this a reasonable amount of time to wait?
Base: n=616; those who contacted VAC.

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Preferred Response Time
Less than one business day 17%
1-2 business days 54%
3-5 business days 20%
6+ business days 1%
Other 3%
Don't know 4%

Q14. What would be a reasonable amount of time to wait for a secure message reply?
Base: n=407; those who contacted VAC but don’t think the wait time for a response is reasonable.

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Perceptions of My VAC Account
  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
Would recommend MVA (n=758) 60% 22% 10% 4% 4%
MVA uses practices that ensure security (n=764) 54% 28% 10% 2% 3%
Information is easy to understand (n=763) 41% 36% 9% 10% 4%
Had the information needed (n=762) 38% 36% 7% 12% 6%
It was easy to find what I was looking for (n=765) 35% 37% 9% 13% 6%
Can do business needed with VAC via MVA (n=764) 36% 35% 11% 10% 7%
Like the updates (n=752) 36% 29% 24% 4% 4%
MVA is visually appealing (n=758) 32% 31% 27% 6% 4%

Q15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Base: those who used My VAC in the last 12 months. [Does not apply removed]

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Satisfaction with My VAC Account
Very satisfied 41%
Somewhat satisfied 34%
Neutral 9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 12%
Very dissatisfied 4%

75% satisfied with My VAC Account.

Q16. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with My VAC Account?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: Reasons for Dissatisfaction with My VAC Account
Minimal communication/ updates from VAC 50%
Lack of support/ assistance 46%
Not enough details provided to find forms/ specific information 44%
Trouble finding information needed 31%
Features are difficult to use 21%
Technical difficulties 17%
Other 29%

Q17. Why are you not satisfied with your experience with My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=123; those who were dissatisfied with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Preferred Method of Hearing about Benefits Updates
My VAC Account 81%
Mail 10%
Telephone 3%
Some other channel 6%

Q18. How would you prefer to find out about updates from the department to benefits?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Topics of Interest for the News Section
Changes to benefits 90%
New program and services 87%
Updates to MVA/new features 81%
Mental health information/services 51%
Commemoration events/related news 33%
Other 5%
None 3%

Q19. What topics would you like to hear about in this News section? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=765; those who have used My VAC in last 12 months

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Preferred Frequency of Receiving News from VAC
About once a week 36%
About once a month 45%
About twice a year 6%
About once a year <0.5%
Only when necessary 12%

Q20. How often would you like to receive news from Veterans Affairs Canada?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Interest in an Online Chat Feature
Interested 54%
Maybe 29%
Not interested 12%
Don't know 4%

Q21. If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff?
Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Frequency of Using My VAC Account
At least once a day 16%
Several times a week 35%
About once a week 26%
About once a month 15%
Less than once a month 8%

Q2 - On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account?
Base: n=510 registered users

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Preferred Method of Contacting VAC
Secure message in My VAC Account 66%
Phone 30%
Mail 1%
Other 3%

Q3 - What is your preferred method for contacting VAC?
Base: n=510 registered users

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Use of Secure Messaging
Used secure messaging 82%
Did not use secure messaging 17%

Q4 - In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through a secure message from your My VAC Account Inbox?
Base: n=510 registered users [DK =1%]

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Frequency of Connecting with VAC Staff
1 to 2 times 20%
3 to 4 times 17%
5 to 6 times 16%
7 to 9 times 5%
10 to 14 times 10%
15 to 19 times 2%
20 or more times 4%
Other 9%
Have not done so in the last year 1%
Don't know 17%

Q5 - In the past 12 months, approximately how many times have you connected directly with VAC staff through secure messaging?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message [Multiple Responses Accepted]

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Response Time
Less than one business day 2%
1-2 business days 30%
3-5 business days 48%
More than 5 business days 21%

Q6 - On average, how long did you have to wait to receive a response?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Satisfaction with Response Time
Satisfied 64%
Not Satisfied 36%

Q7 - Were you satisfied with this response time?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Connected with Case Manager using Secure Messaging
Yes 32%
No 25%
Don’t have a case manager 36%
Can’t recall 7%

Q8 - Did you connect with your case manager when using secure messaging?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: Interest in Connecting with a Case Manager via Secure Messaging
Interested in contacting case manager directly 91%
Not interested in contacting directly 4%
Don’t know 5%

Q9 - Would you like to be able to contact your case manager directly through secure messaging?
Base: n=267; those who have a case manager

Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: Followed Up with VAC on Secure Messaging Conversations
Had to follow up 66%
Did not have to follow up 29%
Don't know 5%

Q11 - Have you had to follow up on conversations you've had with VAC through secure messaging?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Return to Figure 27

Figure 28: Method Used to Follow Up with VAC
Through secure messaging again 76%
Calling VAC 58%
Other 5%
Can't recall 1%

Q12 - How did you follow up with VAC?
Base: n=274; those who followed up with VAC (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 28

Figure 29: Difficulties Using Secure Messaging
No, did not have difficulties 89%
Yes, had difficulties 9%

Q13 - Did you have any difficulties using secure messaging?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message [DK =2%]

Return to Figure 29

Figure 30: Difficulties Encountered Using Secure Messaging
Took too long 61%
Issue wasn't resolved 45%
Got a call back not a secure message reply 13%
Other 47%

Q14 - What difficulties did you experience?
Base: n=38; those who had difficulties (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 30

Figure 31: Satisfaction with Secure Messaging
Very satisfied 26%
Somewhat satisfied 30%
Neutral 21%
Somewhat dissatisfied 15%
Very dissatisfied 8%

56% satisfied with Secure Messaging

Q15 - Thinking about the past 12 months, how satisfied have you been with your experience using secure messaging to connect directly to VAC staff?
Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Return to Figure 31

Figure 32: Familiarity with 'News and Notifications'
Familiar with 'News and Notifications' 87%
Not familiar 10%
Don't know 3%

Q18 - Are you familiar with the ‘News and Notifications’ section that appears at the bottom of your homepage in My VAC Account?
Base: n=510 registered users

Return to Figure 32

Figure 33: Effectiveness of 'News and Notifications' in Keeping Veterans Up-to-date
Very effective 33%
Somewhat effective 55%
Not at all effective 7%

Q19 - How effective are the ‘News and Notifications’ when it comes to keeping you up to date on news of relevance to you?
Base: n=445; those familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ [DK =5%]

Return to Figure 33

Figure 34: Topics of Interest for 'News and Notifications'
Changes to benefits 88%
New benefit rates 86%
New My VAC Account features 78%
Mental health 53%
Commemoration 22%
Other 5%

Q20 - What areas or topics would you like to hear about through 'News and Notifications’?
Base: n=445; those familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ [DK =5%] (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 34

Figure 35: Likelihood of Using an Online Chat Feature
Yes 66%
Maybe 23%
No 9%
Don’t know 2%

Q22 - If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff?
Base: n=510 registered users

Return to Figure 35

Figure 36: VAC Employees Veterans would like to Chat with via Online Chat
A case manager 74%
VAC National Contact Centre 45%
Bureau of Pensions Advocates 42%
Other 10%
Don't know 12%

Q23 - Who at VAC would you like to speak to through an online chat?
Base: n=510 registered users (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 36

Figure 37: Preferred Features of an Online Chat
Fill out a form in advance to identify chat areas 74%
Transfer within VAC 74%
Upload documents 72%
Record of the chat sent via email 71%
Other 3%
None of the above 8%

Q24 - An online chat can have a number of different features available to users. Which, if any, of the following would you like to see included in an online chat available within My VAC Account?
Base: n=510; registered users (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 37

Figure 38: Use of Email Notification Alerts
Signed up for email notifications 86%
No, but aware of service 4%
No, and not aware of service 6%
Don’t know 4%

Q25 - Are you signed up to receive email notification alerts?
Base: n=510; registered users

Return to Figure 38

Figure 39: Ease of Signing Up for Email Notifications
Very easy 51%
Somewhat easy 19%
Neutral 13%
Somewhat difficult 3%
Very difficult <1%
Can’t recall 14%

70% found signing up easy

Q26 - How easy or difficult was it to sign up for VAC’s email notification service?
Base: n=439; those who are signed up to receive email notifications

Return to Figure 39

Figure 40: Usefulness of the Email Notification Service
Very useful 65%
Somewhat useful 32%
Not at all useful 2%

Q27 - Do you find the email notification service useful?
Base: n=439; those who are signed up to receive email notifications [Can’t recall =1%]

Return to Figure 40

Figure 41: Suggestions to Help VAC Communicate Better
Include a live chat feature 64%
Include a dashboard feature 50%
Nothing 9%
Other 9%
Don't know 11%

Q28 - What, if any, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account?
Base: n=510; registered users (multiple responses accepted).

Return to Figure 41

Figure 42: Method of Accessing My VAC Account
Through a mobile device 24%
Through a laptop or desktop computer 36%
Both 40%

Q29 - How do you typically access My VAC Account?
Base: n=510; registered users

Return to Figure 42

Figure 43: Frequency of Using My VAC Account
At least once a day 12%
Several times a week 25%
About once a week 28%
About once a month 25%
Less than once a month 10%

Q2 - On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account?
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 43

Figure 44: Use of the Benefits Navigator Tool
Used Benefits Navigator 66%
Did not use 22%
Don't know 13%

66% used Benefits Navigator

Q3 - Have you used the Benefits Navigator tool (located under “What can I apply for?”)?
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 44

Figure 45: Reasons for Not Using Benefits Navigator
Did not know about it 54%
Had no need to use it 27%
Looked complicated 14%
Other 9%

Q5 - Is there any reason why you haven’t used the Benefits Navigator tool?
Base: n=147; those who have not used Benefits Navigator (Multiple responses accepted)

Return to Figure 45

Figure 46: Helpfulness of Benefits Navigator
Not at all helpful 7%
Slightly helpful 20%
Moderately helpful 32%
Very helpful 38%
I can’t recall 3%

Q6 - How helpful was the Benefits Navigator tool in terms of finding benefits or services of relevance to you?
Base: n=365; those who have used Benefits Navigator

Return to Figure 46

Figure 47: Use of the 'Track your applications' Feature
Yes 88%
No 12%

88% used 'Track your applications' feature

Q7 - Have you used the ‘Track your applications’ feature in My VAC Account to view the status of your application?
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 47

Figure 48: Use of the 'Track your applications' Feature
Had no need to use it 56%
Did not know about it 24%
Looked complicated 3%
Other 12%
Don't know 5%

Q8 - Is there any reason why you haven’t used the ‘Track your applications’ feature?
Base: n=66; those who have not used ‘Track your applications’ feature (Multiple responses accepted)

Return to Figure 48

Figure 49: Helpfulness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature
Helpful 50%
In part/somewhat 40%
Not helpful 10%

Q9 - Did the ‘Track your applications’ feature help you find out the status of your application?
Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature [DK = <1%]

Return to Figure 49

Figure 50: Effectiveness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature
Yes 44%
No 52%
Don't know 4%

44% said 'Track your applications' feature provided sufficient detail

Q10 - Does the ‘Track your applications’ feature provide sufficient detail about what step your application is at?
Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature

Return to Figure 50

Figure 51: Visited Wait Time Tool
Yes 57%
No 40%
Don't know 3%

57% visited Wait Time tool

Q12 - Have you visited the new Wait Time Tool to find out the average processing times? This tool is on VAC’s website and can be accessed through a link on the ‘Track your application’ page.
Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature

Return to Figure 51

Figure 52: Visited Wait Time Tool
Helpful 22%
In part/somewhat 30%
Not helpful 48%

Q13 - Was the information provided in the Wait Time tool helpful to you in terms of estimating when you can expect a decision?
Base: n=278; those who visited Wait Time Tool [DK = 1%]

Return to Figure 52

Figure 53: Visited Wait Time Tool
Yes 31%
No 58%
Don't know 10%

31% used a guided web form

Q14 - Have you ever used a guided web form in My VAC Account to complete an application? A guided web form is different from a traditional application form as you are asked questions with tips provided along the way.
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 53

Figure 54: Benefits of a Guided Web Form
Easier to complete 55%
Ability to save progress and complete later 53%
Saves time 51%
Minimizes errors 42%
Nothing 9%
Other 8%
Don't know 3%

Q15 - In your view, what are the benefits, if any, of using a guided web form?
Base: n=172; those who used a guided web form (Multiple responses accepted)

Return to Figure 54

Figure 55: Main Drawback of a Guided Web Form
Nothing 40%
Can’t include an electronic signature 18%
Has to be completed online 9%
Security concerns 9%
Other 18%
Don't know 16%

Q16 - In your view, what’s the main drawback, if any, of using a guided web form?
Base: n=172; those who used a guided web form (Multiple responses accepted)

Return to Figure 55

Figure 56: Preferred Method for Application Completion
Online application form 48%
Guided web form 30%
Paper form 11%
No preference 12%

Q17 - Which do you prefer to use to complete applications?
Base: n=172; those who used guided web form

Return to Figure 56

Figure 57: Suggestions to Improve Communication via My VAC Account
Live chat feature 53%
Personalised dashboard feature 42%
More guided web forms 19%
Nothing 7%
Other 18%
Don't know 14%

Q18 - What, if anything, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account?
Base: n=551; registered users (Multiple responses accepted)

Return to Figure 57

Figure 58: Access to My VAC Account
Through a laptop or desktop computer 54%
Through a mobile device 15%
Use both 31%

Q19 - How do you typically access My VAC Account?
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 58

Figure 59: Operating Systems Used to Access My VAC
Microsoft Windows 57%
Apple iOS 16%
Google Android 13%
Mac OS 11%
Other 2%
Don’t know 2%

Q20 - Which operating system do you typically use to access My VAC Account
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 59

Figure 60: Value My VAC Account Provides for CAF and RCMP Members Releasing Soon
  A lot of value Some value A little value No value at all Don’t know
Soon-to-release CAF members 41% 21% 8% 3% 27%
Soon-to-release RCMP members 19% 12% 3% 5% 60%

Q21 - Finally, considering everything you know about My VAC Account, how much value does the online service provide for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or RCMP members who are transitioning out of service (releasing soon)?
Base: n=551; registered users

Return to Figure 60

Figure 86: Familiarity with My VAC Account
Very familiar 38%
Somewhat familiar 46%
Not very familiar 14%
Not at all familiar 2%

How familiar are you with the department’s online service channel, My VAC Account?
Base: n=164

Return to Figure 86

Figure 87: Knowledge of My VAC Account
Very knowledgeable 25%
Somewhat knowledgeable 54%
Not very knowledgeable 21%

Q2 - How knowledgeable would you say you are about the features available in My VAC Account?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 87

Figure 88: Features of My VAC Account Employees are Familiar with
Secure messaging 86%
Veterans uploading documents 70%
Veterans updating their contact/direct deposit information 68%
Veterans applying through a guided web form 63%
Veterans receiving electronic correspondence 58%
Displaying Current Benefits and Payment 35%
Benefits Navigator in My VAC Account 24%
Posting page alerts or broadcast messages for Veterans 15%
Other 3%

Q3 - Which features are you most familiar with in My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 88

Figure 89: Frequency of Visiting My VAC Account Section on VAC@Work
At least once a week 33%
A few times a month 18%
A few times a year 16%
Only once 14%
Never 19%

Q4_A - How often do you do the following? - Visit the My VAC Account section on VAC@Work.
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 89

Figure 90: Frequency of Using My VAC Account Training
At least once a week 14%
A few times a month 18%
A few times a year 16%
Only once 25%
Never 27%

Q4_B - How often do you do the following? - Use the My VAC Account training account.
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 90

Figure 91: Use of WebEx or In-person My VAC Account Training
Yes, I have taken a training session 70%
No, I am unaware of this training 23%
No, I do not have enough time for this training 4%
No, I am not interested in this training 3%

Q7 - Have you received My VAC Account training via WebEx or in person?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 91

Figure 92: Rating of VAC’s Performance Keeping Employees Informed about Updates to My VAC Account
Very good 20%
Good 35%
Neutral 28%
Poor 9%
Very poor 2%
I'm not sure 6%

Q8 - How would you rate the department's performance in terms of keeping you informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 92

Figure 93: Perceived Impact of My VAC Account on Work
A positive impact 80%
No impact 14%
A negative impact 7%

Q10 - Does My VAC Account have an impact on your work in any way?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=7]

Return to Figure 93

Figure 94: Frequency of Referring to My VAC Account when Interacting with Veterans
At least once a day 47%
Several times a week 21%
About once a week 8%
A few times a month 8%
Less than a few times a month 10%
Never; I don't know enough about My VAC Account 6%

Q11 - How often do you refer to My VAC Account while interacting with Veterans?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=16]

Return to Figure 94

Figure 95: Frequency of Receiving Questions about My VAC Account from Veterans
At least once a day 41%
Several times a week 16%
About once a week 6%
A few times a month 10%
Less than a few times a month 17%
Never 11%

Q12 - How often do you receive questions or comments about My VAC Account from Veterans?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=22]

Return to Figure 95

Figure 96: Use of Secure Messaging to Communicate with Veterans
Yes 71%
No 29%

71% used secure messaging

Q13 - In the past 12 months, have you used My VAC Account’s secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?
Base: n=136; those who refer to My VAC while interacting with Veterans

Return to Figure 96

Figure 97: Experience using Secure Messaging
Very good 48%
Good 42%
Neutral 9%

Q14 - Overall, how was your experience with communicating via secure messaging?
Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Return to Figure 97

Figure 98: Frequency of Using Secure Messaging
At least once a day 34%
Several times a week 16%
About once a week 13%
A few times a month 22%
Less than a few times a month 14%

Q16 - How often do you use secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?
Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Return to Figure 98

Figure 99: Method Used to Initiate Communication with a Veteran
It depends on the nature of the communication 60%
Secure message 25%
Telephone 15%

Q17 - If you need to initiate communication with a Veteran who has secure messaging enabled, which contact method would you choose?
Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Return to Figure 99

Figure 100: Use of secure messaging
...responding to messages initiated by My VAC Account users? 49%
...both responding and initiating 46%
...initiating communication with My VAC Account users? 4%

Q18 - When using secure messaging, are you...?
Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Return to Figure 100

Figure 101: Issues with secure messaging
Yes 16%
No 84%

16% have had issues with secure messaging

Q19 - In the past 12 months, have you had any difficulties using secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?
Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Return to Figure 101

Figure 102: Awareness of New Pension for Life Benefits Digital-First Approach
Aware and informed about this approach 29%
Aware but not informed about this approach 28%
Not aware 43%

Q21 - Did you know that the new Pension for Life benefits are being implemented with a digital-first approach, which means that the application process is being designed for My VAC Account?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 102

Figure 103: Comfort Promoting Digital-First Approach
I am comfortable with this 55%
I am pretty comfortable, but I may not have the equipment or tools needed to help Veterans 10%
I am really not comfortable; I need more training 30%
Other 6%

Q22 - Are you comfortable promoting a digital-first approach with Veterans? Please keep in mind that digital does not mean without help and that traditional service channels will still be available.
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 103

Figure 104: Motivators to Promote use of My VAC Account
Better understanding of how to use My VAC Account 46%
Better understanding of the advantages 32%
Having ambassadors or champions 25%
Other 8%
Nothing - I already promote My VAC Account 37%

Q23 - What would encourage you to promote use of My VAC Account with Veterans? (multiple responses accepted)
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 104

Figure 105: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees
Very valuable 48%
Moderately valuable 40%
Not very valuable 7%
Not at all valuable 4%

Q24 - How would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for you when it comes to carrying out your responsibilities as a departmental employee?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 105

Figure 106: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees
Very valuable 66%
Moderately valuable 29%
Not very valuable 1%
Not at all valuable 4%

Q25 - And, how would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for Veterans?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Return to Figure 106

Figure 107: Usefulness of New Features
  Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not at all useful
Ability to add files and links within secure messages 77% 21% 1% 1%
Adding access for POA/other representatives 67% 29% 2% 1%
Improved status tracking 78% 17% 3% 2%
Increasing applications available as guided web forms 69% 26% 4% 1%
Automatic benefits suggestions for Veterans 67% 24% 5% 4%
Adding case manager agreement to My VAC Account 59% 29% 6% 5%
Providing an estimated completion date for applications 64% 22% 7% 7%
Live online chat ability 53% 30% 5% 11%
Ability to video conference with Veterans 41% 30% 12% 17%

Q26 - The department is considering adding new features or enhancements to My VAC Account. How useful would each of the following be to you in terms of your work?
Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Don’t Know Removed from % calculation n=12-51]

Return to Figure 107