Exploring perceptions, behaviours and experiences in relation to My VAC Account

Final Report

Prepared for Veterans Affairs Canada

Supplier Name: Phoenix SPI
Contract Number: 51019-184026-001-CY
Contract Value: $99,973.36 (including HST)
Award Date: 2018-12-27
Delivery Date: 2019-06-13

Registration Number: POR 095-18

For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at:   vac.information.acc@canada.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Exploring perceptions, behaviours and experiences in relation to My VAC Account

Final Report

Prepared for Veterans Affairs Canada
Supplier name: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.
June  2019

This public opinion research report presents the results of four online surveys, two online focus groups, and a set of 10 in-depth interviews conducted by Phoenix SPI on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. The target audience was My VAC Account users and departmental employees. The research took place between February and March, 2019.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Veterans Affairs Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at: vac.information.acc@canada.ca.

Catalogue number:


International Standard Book Number (ISBN):


Related publications (registration number: POR 095-18):

Catalogue number V49-9/2019F-PDF (Final report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-31196-8

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, 2019

Aussi offert en français sous le titre Explorer les perceptions, le fonctionnement et les expériences de Mon dossier ACC.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. (Phoenix SPI) was commissioned by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to conduct public opinion research in relation to My VAC Account. My VAC Account is a secure, authenticated web application that allows users[1] to access VAC services from anywhere, and at any time.

Research Purpose and Objectives

Through My VAC Account, Veterans are able to conduct the majority of their business with the department online. They can use the Benefits Navigator to learn more about VAC benefits and services relevant to them, apply online for VAC benefits and services, upload documents to support applications, track the status of applications, receive online correspondence (forms and letters), view a summary of their VAC benefits, sign up for direct deposit or change banking information, update contact information, and connect with VAC through secure messaging. My VAC Account is continually enhanced as the department moves towards having a complete suite of services available online.

As the number of services that are moving to online platforms increases, and the number of Veterans and their families[2] who use My VAC Account continues to increase, it is critical to collect feedback from those who use the channel. For this reason, VAC commissioned public opinion research to be conducted with Veterans as well as with VAC employees. The objectives of the research were to collect feedback from Veterans with respect to their experiences using My VAC Account and to capture perspectives from frontline and other VAC employees. Together, this feedback is intended to help guide future enhancements of My VAC Account, ensuring it meets the needs of Veterans and it can be leveraged by the department to make work processes more efficient for employees.


Qualitative and quantitative research was conducted with the target populations: My VAC Account users and VAC employees. This included: three online surveys; two virtual focus groups with My VAC account users; one online survey; and 10 in-depth, one-on-one telephone interviews with departmental employees. What follows is an overview of the different elements of the research. Additional methodological information is available in the appendix.

The quantitative research consisted of four online surveys: three were conducted with users of My VAC Account and one with departmental employees. Specifically:

The qualitative research consisted of two virtual focus groups with My VAC account users and 10 in-depth, one-on-one telephone interviews with departmental employees. Specifically:

Summary of Findings

I. My VAC Account Users

Use of My VAC Account

Most use My VAC Account at least monthly and many do so on a weekly basis.

The two features My VAC Account users were most likely to use are tracking the status of applications (91%) and My VAC Account Inbox (87%). In addition, most have applied for benefits and services (82%) and viewed a summary of benefits (82%).

My VAC Account Registration

Most found registration easy and agree that the steps required to register for My VAC Account justify the security it provides. Just over half used GCKey to do so—primarily because they were not comfortable with the alternative, Secure Key.

Fifty-seven percent of My VAC Account users surveyed said they registered for the online service using GCKey. When asked why they used GCKey 64% said they were more comfortable with GCKey than the alternative, their online banking login. Most My VAC Account users found the process of registering to be somewhat (37%) or very (38%) easy and 70% agreed that the steps required to register justify the security it provides. A small number of My VAC Account users (15%) found it difficult to register. Those who found the registration process difficult were most likely to say that it took too long or there were too many steps (51%) or that they did not know what GCKey is (46%).

Secure Messaging

Most have used secure messaging to contact VAC, few have experienced difficulties when doing so, and the majority of users are satisfied with their experience using secure messaging.

Most My VAC Account users who have used secure messaging waited five or fewer days to receive a response. Among those who contacted VAC through secure messaging, 32% said they were able to connect with their case manager through this channel. Of those who have a case manger, the vast majority (91%)  would like to contact their case manager directly through secure messaging.

Two-thirds (66%) of those who have contacted VAC through secure message also had to follow up with VAC on these conversations. Just over three-quarters (76%) of those who followed up did so via secure messaging, while 58% followed up by calling VAC. The vast majority (89%) of those who used secure messaging to contact VAC did not have any difficulties. Fifty-six percent of those who used secure messaging over the 12 months preceding the research are satisfied with their experience.

Online Chat

There is moderate interest in an online chat feature among My VAC Account users. Most of those interested in this type of feature would want to use it to connect with a case manager.

More than half the My VAC Account users surveyed expressed interest in an online chat feature, and approximately one-quarter indicated that they might be interested or may use this type of feature. Respondents were asked who at VAC they would like to speak to through an online chat. Almost three-quarters (74%) would like to speak with a case manager, 45% with the VAC National Contact Centre, and 42% with the Bureau of Pensions Advocates.

Track Your Applications

Most survey respondents had used ‘track your applications’ and found it at least somewhat helpful. The main weakness of the feature is that is does not provide sufficient details.

The majority (88%) of My VAC Account users surveyed have used the ‘track your applications’ feature. Of those who have not, just over half (56%) said they have had no need to use the feature. In addition, 24% attributed their lack of use to lack of awareness of the feature, suggesting a need to better promote the feature. Half (50%) of those who used the feature found it helpful in finding out the status of their application, and an additional 40% found it somewhat helpful. In terms of weaknesses, 52% said it does not provide sufficient detail about what step their application is at. Focus group participants elaborated on this issue, emphasizing that the current tracking function is not useful or helpful because it does not provide detailed, customized, or personalized information about their applications.

Benefits Navigator

Many survey respondents had used the Benefits Navigator tool and most found it at least somewhat helpful.

Two-thirds (66%) of the My VAC Account users surveyed said they used the Benefits Navigator tool. The most commonly cited reason for not using the tool was that they did not know about it. Just over half (54%) said this was the reason they had not used Benefits Navigator, suggesting a need to better promote the tool. Among those who used the Benefits Navigator tool, nine in 10 found it helpful on some level, including 38% who said it was very helpful.

Guided Web Forms

Three in 10 survey respondents have used a guided web form in My VAC Account to complete an application. Many still prefer online application forms to guide web forms.

Three in 10 My VAC Account users said they had used a guided web form in My VAC account to complete an application. Perceived benefits of doing so included: ease of completion (55%), the ability to save one’s progress (53%), and time efficiency (it saves time using a web form) (51%). When asked which method they prefer to use to complete applications, 48% said they prefer online application forms while 30% expressed a preference for a guided web form.

Related Communications Issues

My VAC Account is the preferred channel for receiving updates from the department and most would like to hear from the VAC at least once a month. The top topics of interest are changes to benefits and new benefit rates. In addition, most have signed up for email notifications.

Eight in 10 (81%) My VAC Account users would prefer to learn through My VAC Account about updates from the department to benefits. When asked how frequently they would prefer to receive news from VAC, most said at least once a month: 45% would like to receive news once a month, and 36% about once a week. When asked which topics they would like to hear about, most selected changes to benefits and new benefit rates. Eighty-six percent of My VAC Account users who responded to the survey are signed up for email notification alerts, and virtually everyone who receives them finds them somewhat (32%) or very (65%) useful.

II. Departmental Employees

Awareness and Use of My VAC Account

There is widespread familiarity with My VAC Account and many use it on a daily basis.

The majority of employees who completed the survey said they are somewhat (46%) or very (38%) familiar with My VAC Account. Employees are most familiar with secure messaging (86%), followed by the features allowing Veterans to upload documents (70%) and to update their contact or direct deposit information (68%). Almost half (47%) refer to My VAC Account at least once a day while interacting with Veterans. In addition, two in 10 (21%) refer to it several times a week and nearly one in 10 (8%) do so about once a week. In total, therefore, 76% generally refer to My VAC Account at least weekly.

Secure Messaging

Most have used secure messaging and have had a positive experience with the communication feature.

In the 12 months preceding the research, 71% of employees who refer to My VAC Account have used secure messaging to communicate with Veterans. Nine in 10 reported having a good (42%) or very good (48%) experience. Employees who use secure messaging use it daily (34%) or several times a week (16%) and most (84%) have not experienced any difficulties using the feature to communication with Veterans in the last year. Nearly half use secure messaging to respond to messages initiated by My VAC Account users (49%) and to both respond and initiate communication with My VAC Account users (46%). Very few (4%) use secure messaging only to initiate communication.

Motivators to Use My VAC Account

Understanding how to use My VAC Account is the top motivator to promote use.

Those familiar with My VAC Account were asked what would encourage them to promote use of My VAC Account with Veterans. Nearly half (46%) said that having a better understanding of how to use My VAC Account would encourage them to promote the online service channel. Approximately one-third (32%) would consider promoting My VAC Account if they had a better understanding of the advantage of the online service channel and one-quarter suggested having My VAC Account ambassadors or champions on their team as a resource.

Notes to Readers

The contract value was $99,973.36 (including HST).

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of Phoenix Strategic Perspectives that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not contain any reference to electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leader.


Alethea Woods, President

Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.

I. Research with My VAC Account Users

1st My VAC Account User Survey

This section presents the results of the first online intercept survey. In total, 795 individuals responded to the survey between February 28 and March 5, 2019. Of this, virtually everyone was a registered user of My VAC Account and had used the online service channel in the 12 months preceding the research (n=765). In all, 11 respondents were not registered users of My VAC Account and 19 registered users had not used the online service channel in the 12 months preceding the research.

I. My VAC Account Use

Almost half use My VAC Account at least several times a week

Among those who used My VAC Account in the last 12 months, nearly half (48%) use My VAC Account at least several times a week, including 17% who use it at least once a day. Following this, one-quarter (23%) use My VAC Account about once a week and 19% use it about once a month. Nine percent reported using My VAC Account, on average, less than once a month.

Figure 1: Frequency of Using My VAC

Figure 1: Frequency of Using My VAC

Text Description - Figure 1

Q3. On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account? [DK/NR: 1%] / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

VAC staff member most common source of awareness

When asked how they first learned about My VAC Account, the most frequently cited source was a VAC staff member, mentioned by 36% of respondents. Following this, 16% said they first learned of the online service channel by browsing the VAC website, 16% through information sent by VAC, and 15% via word of mouth. Other sources of awareness were mentioned by small numbers of respondents (4% or fewer).

Figure 2: Source of Awareness of My VAC Account

Figure 2: Source of Awareness of My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 2

Q4. How did you first learn about My VAC Account? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Tracking the status of applications and Inbox are top features accessed

Tracking the status of applications was the most commonly accessed feature in My VAC Account, with 91% of respondents saying they have used this feature. This was followed closely by My VAC Account Inbox (87%).

Figure 3: Features Accessed in My VAC Account

Figure 3: Features Accessed in My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 3

Q5. Which of the following features have you accessed in My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted). Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months

In addition, most My VAC Account users surveyed accessed applying for benefits and services (82%) and viewing a summary of benefits (82%), as well as secure messaging (78%). Nearly three-quarters (73%) have accessed uploading documents and two-thirds (66%) have updated personal information. My VAC Account users were less likely to have signed up for email notifications (57%) or direct deposit/changing banking information (56%).

II. Registering for My VAC Account

Just over half used GCkey to register for My VAC Account

Fifty-seven percent of My VAC Account users surveyed said they registered for the online service using GCKey. Four in 10 (41%) registered using SecureKey. The rest (2%) could not recall which method they used to register for My VAC Account.

Figure 4: Method Used to Register for My VAC Account

Figure 4: Method Used to Register for My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 4

Q6. When you registered for My VAC Account, which of the following did you use? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Nearly two-thirds used GCkey to register because of comfort

When asked why they used GCKey to register for My VAC Account, almost two-thirds (64%) said they were more comfortable with GCKey than the alternative, their online banking login. One in five (21%) did not want to use their banking information to access My VAC Account, and 9% said that their bank was not an option in SecureKey.

Figure 5: Reason for Using GCKey to Register

Figure 5: Reason for Using GCKey to Register

Text Description - Figure 5

Q7. Why did you use GCKey to register? / Base: n=435; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months and used GCKey to register

Three-quarters found registration easy

Most My VAC Account users found the process of registering to be somewhat (37%) or very (38%) easy. Conversely, a little over one in 10 found the process difficult, with 13% saying it was somewhat difficult and 2% very difficult. Additionally, 10% could not recall the registration process.

Figure 6: Perceptions of My VAC Account Registration Process

Figure 6: Perceptions of My VAC Account Registration Process

Text Description - Figure 6

Q8. How easy or difficult was the process to register for My VAC Account? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Taking too long is the top reason why registration was seen as difficult

Those who found the registration process somewhat or very difficult were asked why they felt this way. Half (51%) said it took too long or there were too many steps, while 46% said  not knowing what a GCKey is made it difficult to register. Trouble linking their VAC file to their My VAC Account was mentioned by 26% of respondents as the reason they found registration difficult. Included in the “other” category are a variety of technical and health-related issues.

Figure 7: Reasons Registration was Difficult

Figure 7: Reasons Registration was Difficult

Text Description - Figure 7

Q9. You said it was hard to register for My VAC Account. Why was this difficult? (multiple responses accepted). Base: n=112; those who found it difficult to register for My VAC Account

Majority agrees that registration steps justify security

Seven in 10 My VAC Account users somewhat (30%) or strongly (40%) agreed that the steps required to register for My VAC Account justifies the security it provides. Those who did not agree with this view were more likely to be neutral (20%) than to express any level of disagreement (11%).

Figure 8: Perceptions of My VAC Account Security Measures

Figure 8: Perceptions of My VAC Account Security Measures

Text Description - Figure 8

Q10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The steps required to register for My VAC Account justifies the security it provides.”? Base: n=765; those who have used My VAC in last 12 months.

III. Secure Messaging

Eight in 10 have contacted VAC through secure messaging

Eight in 10 (81%) My VAC Account users have tried contacting VAC through secure messaging. Conversely, nearly one in five (19%) said they have not tried to contact VAC using secure messaging.

Figure 9: Use of Secure Messaging

Figure 9: Use of Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 9

Q11. In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through secure messaging? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Majority found response wait time reasonable

Those who have contacted VAC through secure messaging were asked how long they had to wait to receive a response. Most waited five or fewer days: 46% waited three to five business days to receive a response, 25% one to two business days, and 3% less than one business day. In contrast, one in five (21%) said they waited six or more business days for a response.

When asked if they found this wait time reasonable, the majority (58%) said it was while one-third (33%) said it was not reasonable. The rest (9%) did not provide a response when asked if this was a reasonable amount of time to wait.

Figure 10: Experience Using Secure Messaging

Figure 10: Experience Using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 10

Q12. How long did you have to wait to receive a response? Base: n=616; those who contacted VAC.
Q13. Was this a reasonable amount of time to wait? Base: n=616; those who contacted VAC.

Most would prefer one to two day response time

Of those who did not find the response time reasonable, 54% said a reasonable amount of time to wait for a secure message reply would be one to two business days. Two in 10 would be fine to wait three to five business days and 17% would prefer to wait less than one business day to receive a response to a secure message.

Figure 11: Preferred Response Time

Figure 11: Preferred Response Time

Text Description - Figure 11

Q14. What would be a reasonable amount of time to wait for a secure message reply? Base: n=407; those who contacted VAC but don’t think the wait time for a response is reasonable.

IV. Overall Assessments of My VAC Account

Positive overall perceptions of My VAC Account

Respondents were asked to what extent they agree or disagree with a variety of statements about My VAC Account. These included:

Overall, the My VAC Account users surveyed hold positive perceptions of the department’s online service channel. Strong majorities would recommend My VAC Account to others (82%) and think My VAC Account uses practices that ensure system security (82%).

When it comes to the information available through My VAC Account, 77% agreed that it is easy to understand and 74% agreed that My VAC Account has relevant information (i.e., the information they need). Additionally, slightly more than seven in 10 (72%) agreed that it is easy to find what they need on My VAC Account, while 71% agreed that they can do the business they need to with the department through My VAC Account.

Nearly two-thirds (65%) said they liked the updates they have seen in My VAC Account and 63% find My VAC Account visually appealing.

Figure 12: Perceptions of My VAC Account

Figure 12: Perceptions of My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 12

Q15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? / Base: those who used My VAC in the last 12 months. [Does not apply removed]

Three-quarters are satisfied with My VAC Account

Three-quarters of My VAC Account users said they are satisfied with their experience with My VAC Account, including 41% who are very satisfied. Conversely, a small proportion of users said they are somewhat (12%) or very (4%) dissatisfied with their experience.

Figure 13: Satisfaction with My VAC Account

Figure 13: Satisfaction with My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 13

Q16. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with My VAC Account? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Lack of communication top reason for dissatisfaction with My VAC Account

Exactly half (50%) of those dissatisfied with their experience using My VAC Account pointed to minimal communication or updates from VAC as the reason for their dissatisfaction. Following this, 46% mentioned lack of support or assistance, and 44% insufficient details available to find forms or specific information. Other reasons for dissatisfaction included trouble finding the information they needed (31%), features that are difficult to use (21%), and technical difficulties (17%).

Figure 14: Reasons for Dissatisfaction with My VAC Account

Figure 14: Reasons for Dissatisfaction with My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 14

Q17. Why are you not satisfied with your experience with My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted) / Base: n=123; those who were dissatisfied with My VAC Account

Included in the “other” category are a number of very specific reasons, such as the perception that doctors cannot interact with the system efficiently, a general lack of trust in the information and VAC employees, and timeliness of service.

V. Communications

Most prefer My VAC Account to provide updates

Eight in 10 (81%) My VAC Account users said they would prefer to learn through My VAC Account about updates from the department to benefits. Ten percent would prefer that such information be communicated via mail and 3% by telephone. An additional 6% said through some other channel, such as email.

Figure 15: Preferred Method of Hearing about Benefits Updates

Figure 15: Preferred Method of Hearing about Benefits Updates

Text Description - Figure 15

Q18. How would you prefer to find out about updates from the department to benefits? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Top topics of interest include changes to benefits and new programs/services

When asked which topics they would like to hear about in the News section of My VAC Account, 90% selected changes to benefits and 87% selected new programs and services. Following this, 81% would like to hear about updates to My VAC Account or new features. Fewer, but still a majority of 51%, would like to hear about mental health information and services. My VAC Account users were less likely to select commemoration events or related news (33%).

Figure 16: Topics of Interest for the News Section

Figure 16: Topics of Interest for the News Section

Text Description - Figure 16

Q19. What topics would you like to hear about in this News section? (multiple responses accepted) / Base: n=765; those who have used My VAC in last 12 months.

Most would like to hear from VAC at least once a month

When asked how frequently they would prefer to receive news from VAC, most My VAC Account users said at least once a month. Specifically, 45% would like to receive news once a month, and 36% about once a week. Six percent would like to receive news from VAC twice a year or less often.

Approximately one in 10 (12%) would like only to receive news from the department when it is necessary.

Figure 17: Preferred Frequency of Receiving News from VAC

Figure 17: Preferred Frequency of Receiving News from VAC

Text Description - Figure 17

Q20. How often would you like to receive news from Veterans Affairs Canada? / Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months.

Slight majority interested in online chat feature

Fifty-four percent of My VAC Account users expressed interest in an online chat feature that could be used to connect with VAC staff. In addition, 29% reported that they might be interested in this type of feature. Approximately one in 10 (12%) expressed no interest in an online chat feature.

Figure 18: Interest in an Online Chat Feature

Figure 18: Interest in an Online Chat Feature

Text Description - Figure 18

Q21. If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff? Base: n=765; those who used My VAC in the last 12 months

VI. Profile of Survey Respondents (Wave 1)

Second World War or Korean War Veteran 1%
Retired or still-serving member of Canadian Armed Forces 88%
Retired or still-serving member of the RCMP 9%
Family member who received benefits from VAC 1%
Prefer not to say 2%
18-29 2%
30-39 12%
40-49 20%
50-59 37%
60 and over 28%
Prefer not to say 1%
West 26%
Ontario 25%
Quebec 20%
Atlantic Canada 27%
Prefer not to say 2%

2nd My VAC Account User Survey

This section presents the results of the second online intercept survey conducted with My VAC Account users. In total, 510 individuals responded to the survey between March 20 and March 26, 2019. My VAC Account users who completed the first online intercept survey were ineligible to complete this survey.

I. My VAC Account Use

Consistent with first survey, half use My VAC Account at least several times a week

When asked how often, on average, they use My VAC Account, 51% said they do so at least several times a week. Specifically, 16% tend to use My VAC Account daily and 35% several times a week. One-quarter (26%) said they use My VAC Account once a week typically and 15% do so, on average, about once a month. Eight percent reported using My VAC Account less than once a month.

Figure 19: Frequency of Using My VAC Account

Figure 19: Frequency of Using My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 19

Q2 - On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account? / Base: n=510 registered users

Two-thirds prefer to contact VAC through secure message

Two-thirds (66%) of My VAC Account users prefer to contact VAC through secure messaging. The rest expressed a preference for non-digital service channels: 30% selected telephone and 1% mail. Other mentions included email, in person, or through a combination of methods.

Figure 20: Preferred Method of Contacting VAC

Figure 20: Preferred Method of Contacting VAC

Text Description - Figure 20

Q3 - What is your preferred method for contacting VAC? / Base: n=510 registered users

II. Secure Messaging

Vast majority has contacted VAC through secure messaging

Approximately eight in 10 (82%) My VAC Account users have tried contacting VAC through a secure message from their My VAC Account Inbox. Conversely, 17% said they have not tried to do so in the 12 months preceding the research.

Figure 21: Use of Secure Messaging

Figure 21: Use of Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 21

Q4 - In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through a secure message from your My VAC Account Inbox? / Base: n=510 registered users [DK =1%]

Just over half connected with VAC at least six times

Those who have contacted VAC through secure messaging were asked how many times they have connected directly with VAC staff through secure messaging. Just over half (53%) said they had connected at least six times in the 12 months preceding the survey.

Figure 22: Frequency of Connecting with VAC Staff

Figure 22: Frequency of Connecting with VAC Staff

Text Description - Figure 22

Q5 - In the past 12 months, approximately how many times have you connected directly with VAC staff through secure messaging? Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message [Multiple Responses Accepted]

Nearly half waited 3 to 5 business days for response

Those who have contacted VAC through secure messaging were asked how long they had to wait to receive a response. Consistent with the results of the first survey, most waited five or fewer days: 48% waited three to five business days to receive a response, 30% one to two business days, and 2% waited less than one business day. In contrast, one in five (21%) said they waited more than five business days for a response.

Figure 23: Response Time

Figure 23: Response Time

Text Description - Figure 23

Q6 - On average, how long did you have to wait to receive a response? / Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Most are satisfied with response time

Almost two-thirds (64%) of those who used secure messaging to contact VAC said they were satisfied with the wait time. Conversely, 36% were not satisfied with the response time.

Figure 24: Satisfaction with Response Time

Figure 24: Satisfaction with Response Time

Text Description - Figure 24

Q7 - Were you satisfied with this response time? / Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Nearly one-third connected with case manager using secure messaging

Among those who contacted VAC through secure messaging, approximately one-third (32%) said they were able to connect with their case manager through this channel. One-quarter (25%) did not connect with their case manager, and 36% said they do not have a case manager.

Figure 25: Connected with Case Manager using Secure Messaging

Figure 25: Connected with Case Manager using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 25

Q8 - Did you connect with your case manager when using secure messaging? / Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Nine in 10 interested in contacting case manager directly

Among those who have a case manger, the vast majority (91%) would like to contact their case manager directly through secure messaging.

Figure 26: Interest in Connecting with a Case Manager via Secure Messaging

Figure 26: Interest in Connecting with a Case Manager via Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 26

Q9 - Would you like to be able to contact your case manager directly through secure messaging? / Base: n=267; those who have a case manager

Many had to follow up with VAC

Two-thirds (66%) of those who have contacted VAC through secure message also had to follow up with VAC on these conversations. Approximately three in 10 (29%) said they did not have to follow up.

Figure 27: Followed Up with VAC on Secure Messaging Conversations

Figure 27: Followed Up with VAC on Secure Messaging Conversations

Text Description - Figure 27

Q11 - Have you had to follow up on conversations you've had with VAC through secure messaging? / Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

Most followed up with VAC via secure messaging

Just over three-quarters (76%) of those who have followed up on conversations they have had with VAC through secure messaging did so via secure messaging. Fifty-eight percent followed up by calling VAC. Other methods mentioned included calling a case manager directly and visiting a local office.

Figure 28: Method Used to Follow Up with VAC

Figure 28: Method Used to Follow Up with VAC

Text Description - Figure 28

Q12 - How did you follow up with VAC? / Base: n=274; those who followed up with VAC (multiple responses accepted).

Vast majority did not have difficulties using secure messaging

The vast majority (89%) of those who used secure messaging to contact VAC did not have any difficulties.

Figure 29: Difficulties Using Secure Messaging

Figure 29: Difficulties Using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 29

Q13 - Did you have any difficulties using secure messaging? Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message [DK =2%]

Those who encountered difficulties (n=38) were most likely to say it took too long to receive a response or their issue was not resolved.

Figure 30: Difficulties Encountered Using Secure Messaging

Figure 30: Difficulties Encountered Using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 30

Q14 - What difficulties did you experience? / Base: n=38; those who had difficulties (multiple responses accepted).

Included in the “other” category are a small number of very specific responses generally focused on technical and communications-related issues.

A little over half are satisfied with their experience using secure messaging

A little over half (56%) of those who contacted VAC through secure messaging over the 12 months preceding the research are satisfied with their experience. Conversely, nearly one-quarter said they are somewhat (15%) or very (8%) dissatisfied with their experience using secure messaging to connect directly to VAC staff. The rest (21%) were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

Figure 31: Satisfaction with Secure Messaging

Figure 31: Satisfaction with Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 31

Q15 - Thinking about the past 12 months, how satisfied have you been with your experience using secure messaging to connect directly to VAC staff? / Base: n=416; those who have contacted VAC through Secure Message

III. Other Communication Channels in My VAC Account

Nearly nine in 10 are familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ section

Nearly nine in 10 (87%) My VAC Account users surveyed are familiar with the ‘News and Notifications’ section on the homepage in My VAC Account.

Figure 32: Familiarity with 'News and Notifications'

Figure 32: Familiarity with 'News and Notifications'

Text Description - Figure 32

Q18 - Are you familiar with the ‘News and Notifications’ section that appears at the bottom of your homepage in My VAC Account? / Base: n=510 registered users

Most say ‘News and Notifications’ are effective in keeping them updated

Most My VAC Account users familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ rated the feature as somewhat (55%) or very (33%) effective when it comes to keeping them up to date on news of relevance. In contrast, only 7% indicated that ‘News and Notifications’ are not at all effective.

Figure 33: Effectiveness of 'News and Notifications' in Keeping Veterans Up-to-date

Figure 33: Effectiveness of 'News and Notifications' in Keeping Veterans Up-to-date

Text Description - Figure 33

Q19 - How effective are the ‘News and Notifications’ when it comes to keeping you up to date on news of relevance to you? / Base: n=445; those familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ [DK =5%]

Changes to benefits and new benefit rates top topics of interest

When asked which topics they would like to hear about on ‘News and Notifications’, the vast majority of those familiar with the feature selected changes to benefits (88%) and new benefit rates (86%). Seventy-eight percent selected new My VAC Account features and just over half (53%) mentioned news about mental health. Two in 10 (22%) said they would like to hear about commemoration.

Figure 34: Topics of Interest for 'News and Notifications'

Figure 34: Topics of Interest for 'News and Notifications'

Text Description - Figure 34

Q20 - What areas or topics would you like to hear about through 'News and Notifications’? / Base: n=445; those familiar with ‘News and Notifications’ [DK =5%] (multiple responses accepted).

Most would use online chat feature

Two-thirds (66%) of respondents would use an online chat feature if it was available within My VAC Account. In addition, 23% said they may use such a feature. Nine percent expressed no interest in an online chat feature (2% were uncertain).

Figure 35: Likelihood of Using an Online Chat Feature

Figure 35: Likelihood of Using an Online Chat Feature

Text Description - Figure 35

Q22 - If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff? / Base: n=510 registered users

Three-quarters would like to chat with a case manager

Respondents were asked who at VAC they would like to speak to through an online chat within My VAC Account. Almost three-quarters (74%) would like to speak to a case manager. Smaller, and similar, proportions would like to speak with the VAC National Contact Centre (45%) or the Bureau of Pensions Advocates (42%).

Figure 36: VAC Employees Veterans would like to Chat with via Online Chat

Figure 36: VAC Employees Veterans would like to Chat with via Online Chat

Text Description - Figure 36

Q23 - Who at VAC would you like to speak to through an online chat? / Base: n=510 registered users (multiple responses accepted).

Included in the “other” category are adjudicators, ombudsmen, and individuals trained to deal with Education and Training Benefits, among others.

Majorities view all proposed features as valuable

When asked which features they would like to see included in an online chat available within My VAC Account, majorities selected all the different features. Only 8% said they would not want to see any of these features.

Figure 37: Preferred Features of an Online Chat

Figure 37: Preferred Features of an Online Chat

Text Description - Figure 37

Q24 - An online chat can have a number of different features available to users. Which, if any, of the following would you like to see included in an online chat available within My VAC Account? Base: n=510; registered users (multiple responses accepted).

More than eight in 10 signed up for email notifications; few unaware of service

Eighty-six percent of My VAC Account users who responded to the survey said they are signed up for email notification alerts. Ten percent are not signed up for the service, including 6% who are not aware of the service.

Figure 38: Use of Email Notification Alerts

Figure 38: Use of Email Notification Alerts

Text Description - Figure 38

Q25 - Are you signed up to receive email notification alerts? / Base: n=510; registered users

Most found signing up for email notification easy

Among those signed up for email notifications, seven in 10 found it somewhat (19%) or very (51%) easy to sign up. Those who did not find it easy were more likely to be neutral (13%) than to describe the process as difficult (3%). The rest (14%) could not recall their experience.

Figure 39: Ease of Signing Up for Email Notifications

Figure 39: Ease of Signing Up for Email Notifications

Text Description - Figure 39

Q26 - How easy or difficult was it to sign up for VAC’s email notification service? / Base: n=439; those who are signed up to receive email notifications

Virtually everyone finds email notifications useful

Ninety-seven percent of those signed up for email notifications find them somewhat (32%) or very (65%) useful.

Figure 40: Usefulness of the Email Notification Service

Figure 40: Usefulness of the Email Notification Service

Text Description - Figure 40

Q27 - Do you find the email notification service useful? / Base: n=439; those who are signed up to receive email notifications [Can’t recall =1%]

Nearly two-thirds favour a live chat feature

Respondents were asked what VAC can do to better communicate with them through My VAC Account. Nearly two-thirds (64%) said they would like VAC to include a live chat feature and half (50%) selected the inclusion of a dashboard feature. “Doing nothing” was selected by 9% of respondents and 11% did not know.

Figure 41: Suggestions to Help VAC Communicate Better

Figure 41: Suggestions to Help VAC Communicate Better

Text Description - Figure 41

Q28 - What, if any, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account? / Base: n=510; registered users (multiple responses accepted).

Method of accessing My VAC Account varies

The method by which respondents access My VAC Account varies: 24% use a mobile device, 36% a laptop or desktop computer, 40% use both.

Figure 42: Method of Accessing My VAC Account

Figure 42: Method of Accessing My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 42

Q29 - How do you typically access My VAC Account? Base: n=510; registered users

IV. Profile of Survey Respondents (Wave 3)

A Veteran 76%
Still-serving member of Canadian Armed Forces 16%
Retired or still-serving member of the RCMP 7%
A family member 1%
Prefer not to say --
Age Group  
18-29 4%
30-39 16%
40-49 24%
50-59 37%
60 and over 18%
Prefer not to say --
West 26%
Ontario 28%
Quebec 13%
Atlantic Canada 31%
Prefer not to say 2%

3rd My VAC Account User Survey

This section presents the results of the third online intercept survey conducted with My VAC Account users. In total, 554 individuals responded to the survey between March 27 and April 2, 2019.  All but three respondents were registered users of My VAC Account.

I. Benefits Navigator

Two-thirds use My VAC at least once a week

Two-thirds of survey respondents indicated they use My VAC Account at least once a week. Specifically, 28% said they use it about once a week, one-quarter use it several times a week, and 12% at least once a day. An additional one-quarter (25%) use My VAC Account about once a month, while 10% do so less than once a month.

Figure 43: Frequency of Using My VAC Account

Figure 43: Frequency of Using My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 43

Q2 - On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account? Base: n=551; registered users

Two-thirds used Benefits Navigator tool

Two-thirds (66%) of My VAC Account users said they have used the Benefits Navigator tool. In contrast 22% have not used it, while 13% did not know whether or not they had used the tool.

Figure 44: Use of the Benefits Navigator Tool

Figure 44: Use of the Benefits Navigator Tool

Text Description - Figure 44

Q3 - Have you used the Benefits Navigator tool (located under “What can I apply for?”)? Base: n=551; registered users

Lack of awareness is the main reason for not using Benefits Navigator

Among those who have not used the Benefits Navigator tool, the most commonly cited reason was that they did not know about it. Just over half (54%) said this was the reason they had not used Benefits Navigator. Slightly more than one-quarter (27%) attributed their lack of use to lack of need. Additionally, 14% said it looked too complicated. Included in the “other” category are technical issues and lack of trust, among other reasons.

Figure 45: Reasons for Not Using Benefits Navigator

Figure 45: Reasons for Not Using Benefits Navigator

Text Description - Figure 45

Q5 - Is there any reason why you haven’t used the Benefits Navigator tool? Base: n=147; those who have not used Benefits Navigator (Multiple responses accepted)

Nine in 10 found Benefits Navigator helpful

Among those who have used the Benefits Navigator tool, nine in 10 found it helpful on some level, including 38% who said it was very helpful. Conversely, 7% said it was not helpful at all (and 3% said they could not recall their experience).

Figure 46: Helpfulness of Benefits Navigator

Figure 46: Helpfulness of Benefits Navigator

Text Description - Figure 46

Q6 - How helpful was the Benefits Navigator tool in terms of finding benefits or services of relevance to you? Base: n=365; those who have used Benefits Navigator

II. Track Your Applications

Majority uses ‘Track your Applications’ feature

The majority (88%) of My VAC Account users have used the ‘track your applications’ feature in My VAC Account. In contrast, 12% said they have not viewed the status of their application through this feature.

Figure 47: Use of the 'Track your applications' Feature

Figure 47: Use of the 'Track your applications' Feature

Text Description - Figure 47

Q7 - Have you used the ‘Track your applications’ feature in My VAC Account to view the status of your application? Base: n=551; registered users

Having no need is the top reason for not using ‘Track your Applications’ feature

Of those who have not used ‘track your applications’, just over half (56%) said they have had no need. In addition, 24% attributed their lack of use to lack of awareness of the feature and 3% to the perception that it looked too complicated. Five percent said they did not know, and 12% cited other reasons, typically of a very specific nature, but generally related to lack of need.

Figure 48: Reasons for Not Using 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Figure 48: Reasons for Not Using 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Text Description - Figure 48

Q8 - Is there any reason why you haven’t used the ‘Track your applications’ feature? Base: n=66; those who have not used ‘Track your applications’ feature (Multiple responses accepted)

Most found the ‘Track your Applications’ feature at least somewhat helpful

Half (50%) of those who used the ‘track your applications’ feature found it helpful in finding out the status of their application. An additional 40% said it was somewhat helpful. In total, therefore, 90% of those who used the feature found it at least somewhat helpful. Ten percent said it was not helpful.

Figure 49: Helpfulness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Figure 49: Helpfulness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Text Description - Figure 49

Q9 - Did the ‘Track your applications’ feature help you find out the status of your application? Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature [DK = <1%]

Half said ‘Track your Applications’ does not provide sufficient details

A little over half (52%) of those who have used the ‘track your applications’ feature said it does not provide sufficient detail about what step their application is at. In contrast, 44% said it was effective in this regard.

Figure 50: Effectiveness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Figure 50: Effectiveness of 'Track Your Applications' Feature

Text Description - Figure 50

Q10 - Does the ‘Track your applications’ feature provide sufficient detail about what step your application is at? Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature

Majority has visited the new Wait Time Tool

The majority (57%) of those who have used the ‘track your applications’ feature said they have visited the new Wait Time Tool to find out the average processing times. Conversely, 40% said they have not.

Figure 51: Visited Wait Time Tool

Figure 51: Visited Wait Time Tool

Text Description - Figure 51

Q12 - Have you visited the new Wait Time Tool to find out the average processing times? This tool is on VAC’s website and can be accessed through a link on the ‘Track your application’ page. Base: n=485; those who did use the ‘Track your applications’ feature

Almost half found the Wait Time Tool not helpful

Almost half (48%) of those who visited the Wait Time Tool said the information provided was not helpful in terms of estimating when they could expect a decision. In contrast, just over half found the information helpful (22%) or somewhat helpful (30%).

Figure 52: Helpfulness of Wait Time Tool

Figure 52: Helpfulness of Wait Time Tool

Text Description - Figure 52

Q12 - Q13 - Was the information provided in the Wait Time tool helpful to you in terms of estimating when you can expect a decision? Base: n=278; those who visited Wait Time Tool [DK = 1%]

III. Guided Web Forms

Three in 10 have used a guided web form

Three in 10 (31%) My VAC Account users said they had used a guided web form in My VAC account to complete an application. The majority (58%) have not used a guided web form in My VAC Account (10% did not know).

Figure 53: Use of Guided Web Form

Figure 53: Use of Guided Web Form

Text Description - Figure 53

Q14 - Have you ever used a guided web form in My VAC Account to complete an application? A guided web form is different from a traditional application form as you are asked questions with tips provided along the way. Base: n=551; registered users

Many point to benefits of using guided web form

Respondents who reported using a guided web form were asked what the benefits were of doing so. Just over half said guided web forms are easier to complete (55%), allow users to save their progress and complete a form at a later date (53%), and save time (51%). In addition, 42% said the forms minimize the potential for errors. Fewer than one in 10 (9%) said there are no benefits of using a guided web form.

Figure 54: Benefits of a Guided Web Form

Figure 54: Benefits of a Guided Web Form

Text Description - Figure 54

Q15 - In your view, what are the benefits, if any, of using a guided web form? Base: n=172; those who used a guided web form (Multiple responses accepted)

Few drawbacks associated with guided web forms

Few drawbacks were associated with guided web forms. The single largest proportion reported no drawbacks at all.

Figure 55: Main Drawback of a Guided Web Form

Figure 55: Main Drawback of a Guided Web Form

Text Description - Figure 55

Q16 - In your view, what’s the main drawback, if any, of using a guided web form? Base: n=172; those who used a guided web form (Multiple responses accepted)

Half prefer online application form

When those who have used a guided web form were asked which method they prefer to use to complete applications, nearly half (48%) said they prefer online application forms while fewer (30%) expressed a preference for a guided web form.

Figure 56: Preferred Method for Application Completion

Figure 56: Preferred Method for Application Completion

Text Description - Figure 56

Q17 - Which do you prefer to use to complete applications? Base: n=172; those who used guided web form

IV. New Directions

Live chat feature top suggestion to improve communication

Registered users were asked what VAC could do to better communicate with them through My VAC Account. Just over half (53%) said they would like a live chat feature, while 42% said they would like a personalized dashboard feature.

Figure 57: Suggestions to Improve Communication via My VAC Account

Figure 57: Suggestions to Improve Communication via My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 57

Q18 - What, if anything, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account? Base: n=551; registered users (Multiple responses accepted)

Included in the “other” category are better communication overall, more accurate processing/wait-times, better response times, more access to case managers, better trained/informed employees, and more/clearer information.

Half access My VAC through laptop or desktop

Just over half (54%) of registered users said they typically access their My VAC Account through a laptop or desktop computer. Only 15% said they access it through a mobile device, while 31% said they access it through both types of devices.

Figure 58: Access to My VAC Account

Figure 58: Access to My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 58

Q19 - How do you typically access My VAC Account? Base: n=551; registered users

Microsoft Windows is the most widely used OS

Registered users were asked which operating system they use to access My VAC Account. Almost six in 10 (57%) said they use Microsoft Windows. As the graph below depicts, other operating systems were identified by small proportions of respondents (16% or fewer).

Figure 59: Operating Systems Used to Access My VAC

Figure 59: Operating Systems Used to Access My VAC

Text Description - Figure 59

Q20 - Which operating system do you typically use to access My VAC Account? Base: n=551; registered users

My VAC Account seen to provide more value to CAF Members

Registered users of My VAC Account were asked how much value the online service provides for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or RCMP members who are transitioning out of service. My VAC Account was viewed as having more value for soon-to-release CAF members than soon-to-release RCMP members. It is noteworthy, however, that 60% of respondents reported not knowing whether My VAC Account provides any value for RCMP members who are transitioning out of service.

Figure 60: Value My VAC Account Provides for CAF and RCMP Members Releasing Soon

Figure 60: Value My VAC Account Provides for CAF and RCMP Members Releasing Soon

Text Description - Figure 60

Q21 - Finally, considering everything you know about My VAC Account, how much value does the online service provide for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or RCMP members who are transitioning out of service (releasing soon)? Base: n=551; registered users

V. Profile of Survey Respondents (Wave 3)

A Veteran 79%
Still-serving member of Canadian Armed Forces 12%
Retired or still-serving member of the RCMP 7%
A family member 1%
Prefer not to say --
Age Group  
18-29 1%
30-39 6%
40-49 21%
50-59 37%
60 and over 35%
Prefer not to say --
West 24%
Ontario 27%
Quebec 19%
Atlantic Canada 27%
Prefer not to say 2%

Online Focus Groups with My VAC Account Users

This section of the report provides feedback from registered users of My VAC Account elicited through two online focus groups. Participants were recruited through the second online intercept survey. Both groups were conducted on March 27, 2019. Each group lasted 90 minutes, with one conducted in English and one in French.

I. Use and Impressions of My VAC Account

Overall impressions of My VAC Account

Registered users’ overall impressions of My VAC Account included a mix of positive and critical comments, with some using the opportunity to suggest certain improvements to the service.

Positive impressions were both general and specific. Positive reactions of a general nature focused on the service’s user friendliness, the perception that it is very useful/helpful, and the perception that it eases/facilitates communications and interactions with VAC. Positive reactions of a more specific nature focused on the ability to access the service at one’s convenience (i.e. 24/7), the ability to upload documents and forms, the fact that it provides access to lots of information, the ability to view one’s correspondence, and the ability to communicate through secure messaging. On the positive side it was also suggested that the service is improving over time, with more functions having been added to it over time.

Critical impressions of the service focused on specific aspects or issues. Participants most often suggested that updates on “track your applications” are not helpful because they do not provide details regarding timelines and/or what is happening at various stages of the applications process (e.g. what exactly does it mean when an application proceeds from one stage to another). Other critical comments included the impression that it is not always clear what one is eligible for in terms of programs/benefits, the impression that some forms are difficult to complete, the perception that information is sometimes incorrect or lacking (e.g. being told that a claim has been suspended without explaining why), and the impression that it sometimes takes too long to receive a response to a query (i.e. 2 days or more). Suggested improvements included having a more user-friendly interface (i.e. the ability to customize one’s dashboard), the ability to upload more than one document or form at a time, and the inclusion of a chat function.

Uses of My VAC Account

Participants tend to use My VAC Account for various purposes, but three tend to dominate: using the benefits navigator to try to determine what they might be entitled to, tracking applications for benefits, and using secure messaging to communicate with case managers. Other frequently identified uses include the following: uploading forms and documents, downloading documents, direct deposit, and viewing correspondence. In addition, a few thought they could do (or had done) the following through My VAC Account: contacting the ombudsman service or re-assessment unit and looking for pension-related information or VAC-related news.

Main perceived benefits of My VAC Account

Participants identified a number of benefits of using My VAC Account, including the following:

Main perceived drawbacks of My VAC Account

Among the main perceived drawbacks of My VAC Account identified by registered users, the one most frequently identified was lack of details regarding benefits applications. Other perceived drawbacks identified relatively frequently included the occasionally slow response time through secure messaging, the inability to communicate directly with case managers through secure messaging, and the unavailability of certain forms in relation to the Veterans Independence Program. Additional drawbacks included the perception that it takes too many ‘clicks’ to access one’s account, lack of details regarding access to/connecting with service providers, and daily emails saying ‘check news’ (criticized as excessive because there’s no need to check news every time there’s a new addition unless it is important and sometimes receive multiple email notifications for the same activity).

II. Tracking Applications

Awareness and use of application tracking function

All participants were aware that My VAC Account allows them to track the status of their applications for benefits and they have all used it. Indeed, as noted above, this is one of the most widely used functions of the service. Moreover, use of it tends to be frequent. Asked how often they tend to check the status of their applications, most participants said they do so at least once a week (e.g. daily, every few days, many times a week, weekly). Others said they do so every few weeks or at least once a month.

Helpfulness of application tracking feature

Participants had already commented on the application tracking feature when providing their overall impressions of My VAC Account. As a result, when asked specifically what they think of the application tracking feature they re-iterated what they had said earlier. While occasionally prefacing their comments by saying that a application tracking feature is useful in principle, they re-emphasized that the current application tracking feature is not useful or helpful because it does not provide detailed, customized, or personalized information about their applications. Specifically, they routinely noted that the feature only informs them about the stage their application has reached (e.g. stage 1, 2, 3). It tells them nothing meaningful about what is going on at a specific stage such as what goes on at this step of the process, how long it might take/possible delays, or if any additional information is required. In short, such updates are not considered helpful because they are too generic.

Stages of application at which updates are expected

Asked specifically at what step or stage of an application process they would expect a status update, the following were routinely identified:

Participants identified two circumstances under which review of a status update would lead them to contact VAC to follow up:

Participants not only feel the need to contact VAC as a result of an update on their application, but also if they have not received an update after an extended period of time or when the 16 week period, which they are told is the average time to process applications, is passed. If the 16 weeks period has passed without hearing from VAC, some participants will begin contacting the department so see what the hold-up is. Ways of contacting VAC include phone, secure messaging, or both. Some said the method of communication would depend on the issue (i.e. if the issue sounds complicated, they would use the phone because complicated issues can be more easily discussed and understood by phone).

Suggestions for improving the tracking of applications

Suggestions for improving the tracking of applications and status updates included the following:

III. Electronic Notifications

All participants said they are signed-up for and receive electronic notifications when the status of an online application changes. Asked what they think of these notifications, participants once again re-iterated points they had made earlier regarding the tracking of applications function. Specifically, they re-emphasized that current updates are not very useful because they provide generic information on the status of one’s application (i.e. the stage it has reached), with no indication of what is actually happening at the stage in question.

The type of information they would like in such notifications is information tailored or customized to their particular application and related specifically to issues identified in the bulleted points identified above under the heading ‘Suggestions for improving the status of applications’. A few participants added that they would like their notifications to provide some indication of what is in the update (i.e. not just being told ‘you have a notification’. Participants would like to receive such notifications by text (SMS) in addition to email (which is how they are sent now).

Participants collectively identified a variety of other organizations from which they receive electronic notifications. These include the following:

Specific features provided by such organizations that participants like and think could be incorporated into My VAC Account include a chat function, personalized/customized as opposed to generic/cookie-cutter information, reminders, and links that take one directly to the information (minimizing the number of steps to access the information).

IV. Going Paperless

Need for mailed version of correspondence

Most participants indicated that if they could view all their correspondence from VAC through My VAC Account they would not want or need a paper copy sent in the mail. Reasons given included the impression that there is no need for it, the ability to print a paper copy if they so desire, the speed of communication, environmental considerations, and ease of storage (i.e. no need for paper files). Some, however, said they would still like to receive a copy sent by mail. Reasons included a desire for back-up/security, possible technical problems with My VAC Account, the ability to compare the mailed and electronic versions to ensure that they are identical (i.e. contain the same information), and a general apprehension when it comes to dealing with government (i.e. the desire for a paper trail in case of any problems/discrepancies). A few participants specified that they would only require an additional mail copy of correspondence related to a final decision on an application.

Perceived benefits and concerns about going paperless

The main perceived benefits or advantages of opting out of paper mail and going paperless were identified as speed of transactions/communication, helping the environment, and easier storage (i.e. no need to file papers). When it came to concerns, many participants said they had none, while others identified potential technical problems and the possibility of not receiving or missing something important. Ways in which concerns could be addressed included ensuring that electronic correspondence from VAC can be downloaded and saved, and periodic phone contact from VAC to make sure important information was received electronically.

V. Possible Enhancements of My VAC Account

Suggestions for improving My VAC Account

Participants were asked in an open-ended manner what enhancements or changes to My VAC Account would be particularly useful to them and why. A number of potential enhancements were identified. These are listed below, with those identified frequently preceded by an asterisk (*).

Reaction to possible enhancements to My VAC Account

Participants were then asked to react to a set of new features or enhancements to My VAC Account in terms of how useful each one would be to them personally. These included the following:

There was widespread agreement that each of these potential enhancements would be useful to participants. Reasons why are provided below.

Following this, participants were asked if there are any features of other online services that they use that they would like to see incorporated in My VAC Account. In response, the following suggestions were made.

Business to be conducted via My VAC Account

Most participants said that they would be inclined to accomplish all their dealings with VAC online through My VAC Account if they could because it is fast and convenient way of dealing with the department. That said, some added that no one should be forced to interact with VAC in this way (i.e. there should always be a choice), and a few others added that they would be inclined to do so if an online chat function were incorporated into the service. A few participants said that there are some things they would prefer to do with a live person (i.e. by phone) because some issues are easier to explain or discuss by phone, and/or sometimes they just like to talk to someone.

Asked specifically if there was anything they would prefer not to do through My VAC Account, most said no (i.e. there is nothing they would not do through My VAC Account). A few reiterated that on occasion they like or need human contact, but the only specific activity or transaction in regard to which anyone said they would like to interact with a ‘live’ person was opening/registering for their My VAC Account in the first place.

Specific benefits of interacting with or speaking with a VAC representative that cannot be got through My VAC Account included compassion/the ‘human’ touch/psychological support, specific information to a specific question in real time, orientation/guidance, and proactive feedback/suggestions. Asked what if anything could be done to address this through My VAC Account, some participants suggested that including a live chat function would be useful in addressing this.

Perceived value of My VAC Account to those transitioning out of CAF

By way of conclusion, participants were asked how much value My VAC Account provides to those who are transitioning out of the service. In response, some said they could not say based on their own experience because My VAC Account did not exist when they transitioned out of the armed forces. Others suggested that the service was limited in this regard. One reason given to explain why was that the release process can be confusing and in-person/personal assistance is more helpful in terms of navigating the process. Along similar lines, it was suggested that the transition interview is probably more helpful in this regard because it takes place in-person. Finally, without taking a position on the value of My VAC Account in the transition process, one participant suggested that persons releasing from the forces are in a kind of inter-jurisdictional nether land; in his/her words: ‘The CAF won’t touch you because you are releasing and VAC won’t touch you until you are officially released’.

II. Research with Departmental Employees

Online Survey

This section presents the results of the online survey conducted with departmental employees (specifically those who work in the Field Operation or Central Operating Division). In total, 164 individuals responded to the survey between March 6 and March 19, 2019. Employees were invited to participate in the survey through internal communications.

I. Awareness and Use of My VAC Account

Widespread familiarity with My VAC Account

The majority of employees who completed the survey said they are somewhat (46%) or very (38%) familiar with the department’s online service channel, My VAC Account. Relatively few (16%) said they are not very or not at all familiar.

Figure 86: Familiarity with My VAC Account

Figure 86: Familiarity with My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 86

Q1 - How familiar are you with the department’s online service channel, My VAC Account? Base: n=164

Those aware of My VAC Account tend to have moderate knowledge of the channel

Those aware of My VAC Account were more likely to characterize their knowledge of the features available through the department’s online service channel as moderate (54%) not strong or very knowledgeable (25%).

Figure 87: Knowledge of My VAC Account

Figure 87: Knowledge of My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 87

Q2 - How knowledgeable would you say you are about the features available in My VAC Account? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Employees most likely to be familiar with secure messaging

Most employees familiar with My VAC Account said they are most familiar with secure messaging (86%). Following this, more than two-thirds are most familiar with the features allowing Veterans to upload documents (70%) and to update their contact or direct deposit information (68%). In addition, more than half are familiar with guided web forms (63%) and electronic correspondence (58%). Smaller proportions claimed to be most familiar with the Current Benefits and Payment display (35%), Benefits Navigator (24%), and page alerts or broadcast messages for Veterans (15%).

Figure 88: Features of My VAC Account Employees are Familiar with

Figure 88: Features of My VAC Account Employees are Familiar with

Text Description - Figure 88

Q3 - Which features are you most familiar with in My VAC Account? (multiple responses accepted) Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Half visit My VAC Account Section at least a few times month

Half (51%) of employees familiar with My VAC Account visit the My VAC Account section on VAC@Work at least a few times a month, including one-third (33%) who do so at least once a week. Three in 10 said they visit this section a few times a year (16%) or once only (14%), while approximately two in 10 have never visited this on VAC@Work.

Figure 89: Frequency of Visiting My VAC Account Section on VAC@Work

Figure 89: Frequency of Visiting My VAC Account Section on VAC@Work

Text Description - Figure 89

Q4_A - How often do you do the following? - Visit the My VAC Account section on VAC@Work. Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Among those who have never visited the My VAC Account section of VAC@Work (n=31), lack of awareness was the reason most frequently offered to explain why they had not done so. In total, 58% said they did not know it existed. Approximately one-quarter each mentioned not having time due to their workload (26%) or that they do not need My VAC Account for their work (23%).

Half have never used or used only once the My VAC Account Training Account

Half of employees familiar with My VAC Account have used the My VAC Account training account only once (25%) or never (27%). In contrast, one-third said they use this training a few times a month (18%) or weekly (14%).

Figure 90: Frequency of Using My VAC Account Training

Figure 90: Frequency of Using My VAC Account Training

Text Description - Figure 90

Q4_B - How often do you do the following? - Use the My VAC Account training account. Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Among those who have never used the My VAC Account training account (n=44), lack of awareness was the reason most frequently offered to explain why they had not done so. In total, 43% said they did not know it existed. This was followed by lack of needed, which was mentioned by 32%. Fewer than two in 10 (18%) mentioned not having time due to their workload, while 5% said they do not find the training account helpful.

Seven in 10 have had My VAC Account Training

Seven in 10 employees familiar with My VAC Account have taken a training session, either via WebEx or in person. Of the rest, almost one-quarter (23%) said they were not aware of this training, 4% do not have enough time for training and 3% are not interested in the My VAC Account training.

Figure 91: Use of WebEx or In-person My VAC Account Training

Figure 91: Use of WebEx or In-person My VAC Account Training

Text Description - Figure 91

Q7 - Have you received My VAC Account training via WebEx or in person? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Majority said VAC does a good job keeping them informed about My VAC Account updates

A small majority of employees familiar with My VAC Account said the department is doing a good (35%) or very good (20%) job keeping them informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account. Few (11%) rated the department’s performance as poor or very poor. The rest were neutral (28%) or did not know (6%) how the department has been performing in this area.

Figure 92: Rating of VAC’s Performance Keeping Employees Informed about Updates to My VAC Account

Figure 92: Rating of VAC’s Performance Keeping Employees Informed about Updates to My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 92

Q8 - How would you rate the department's performance in terms of keeping you informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Those who felt the department is doing a poor or very poor job keeping them informed (n=19) suggested a few ways the department could better inform them about My VAC Account. Half or more pointed to emails, face-to-face updates, and improved information on VAC@Work.

Eight in 10 said My VAC Account has a positive impact on their work

The vast majority (80%) of employees familiar with My VAC Account reported that the online service channel has had a positive impact on their work. Very few (7%) said that My VAC Account has had a negative impact on their work, while the rest (14%) indicated that the online service channel has had no impact.

Figure 93: Perceived Impact of My VAC Account on Work

Figure 93: Perceived Impact of My VAC Account on Work

Text Description - Figure 93

Q10 - Does My VAC Account have an impact on your work in any way? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=7]

II. Experience with My VAC Account

Almost half refer to My VAC Account on a daily basis

Almost half (47%) of employees familiar with My VAC Account refer to it at least once a day while interacting with Veterans. In addition, two in 10 (21%) refer to it several times a week and nearly one in 10 (8%) do so about once a week. In total, therefore, 76% generally refer to My VAC Account at least weekly.

Figure 94: Frequency of Referring to My VAC Account when Interacting with Veterans

Figure 94: Frequency of Referring to My VAC Account when Interacting with Veterans

Text Description - Figure 94

Q11 - How often do you refer to My VAC Account while interacting with Veterans? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=16]

Four in 10 receive questions from Veterans about My VAC Account on a daily basis

Four in 10 (41%) employees familiar with My VAC Account said they receive questions from Veterans about the department’s online service channel at least once a day.

Figure 95: Frequency of Receiving Questions about My VAC Account from Veterans

Figure 95: Frequency of Receiving Questions about My VAC Account from Veterans

Text Description - Figure 95

Q12 - How often do you receive questions or comments about My VAC Account from Veterans? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Does not apply removed from % calculation n=22]

In contrast, one in 10 (11%) said they never receive such inquiries. Among the rest, 16% receive questions several times a week, 6% about once a week, 10% a few times a month, and 17% less than a few times a month.

Seven in 10 have used secure messaging to communicate with Veterans

In the 12 months preceding the research, 71% of employees who refer to My VAC Account while interacting with Veterans have used secure messaging to communicate with Veterans.

Figure 96: Use of Secure Messaging to Communicate with Veterans

Figure 96: Use of Secure Messaging to Communicate with Veterans

Text Description - Figure 96

Q13 - In the past 12 months, have you used My VAC Account’s secure messaging to communicate with Veterans? Base: n=136; those who refer to My VAC while interacting with Veterans

Virtually everyone has had a positive experience with secure messaging

Nine in 10 employees who have used secure messaging reported having a good (42%) or very good (48%) experience communicating with Veterans via secure messaging. The rest (9%) were neutral.

Figure 97: Experience using Secure Messaging

Figure 97: Experience using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 97

Q14 - Overall, how was your experience with communicating via secure messaging? Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Almost half of those who have not used secure messaging (n=39) said they need proper training. The rest have not needed to use secure messaging in their role, prefer to use other communication methods, or only learned about secure messaging through the survey.

Half use secure messaging at least a few times a week

Half of employees who use secure messaging use it daily (34%) or several times a week (16%) to communicate with Veterans. In addition, 13% use it about once a week. Conversely, just over one-third said they use secure messaging a few times a month (22%) or less often (14%).

Figure 98: Frequency of Using Secure Messaging

Figure 98: Frequency of Using Secure Messaging

Text Description - Figure 98

Q16 - How often do you use secure messaging to communicate with Veterans? Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Majority chooses contact method based on nature of communication

Six in 10 (60%) employees who use secure messaging said the contact method they select to communicate with a Veteran who has secure messaging enabled depends on the nature of the communication. Of the rest, 25% would initiate contact via secure messaging and 15% via telephone.

Figure 99: Method Used to Initiate Communication with a Veteran

Figure 99: Method Used to Initiate Communication with a Veteran

Text Description - Figure 99

Q17 - If you need to initiate communication with a Veteran who has secure messaging enabled, which contact method would you choose? Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Secure messaging used to respond and initiate communication

Nearly half of those who have used secure messaging use it to respond to messages initiated by My VAC Account users (49%) and to both respond and initiate communication with My VAC Account users (46%). Very few (4%) use secure messaging only to initiate communication.

Figure 100: Use of secure messaging

Figure 100: Use of secure messaging

Text Description - Figure 100

Q18 - When using secure messaging, are you...? Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Most have not had any difficulties using secure messaging

More than eight in 10 (84%) VAC employees who have used secure messaging have not experienced any difficulties using the feature to communication with Veterans in the last year.

Figure 101: Issues with secure messaging

Figure 101: Issues with secure messaging

Text Description - Figure 101

Q19 - In the past 12 months, have you had any difficulties using secure messaging to communicate with Veterans? Base: n=97; those who have used secure messaging

Just over half aware of the new Pension for Life benefits digital-first approach

Fifty-seven percent of VAC employees familiar with My VAC Account said they are aware that the new Pension for Life benefits are being implemented with a digital-first approach, which means that the application process is being designed for My VAC Account. Of these respondents, 29% reported being informed about the digital-first approach and 28% said they know nothing about the approach. A significant minority (43%) are not aware of the new benefits.

Figure 102: Awareness of New Pension for Life Benefits Digital-First Approach

Figure 102: Awareness of New Pension for Life Benefits Digital-First Approach

Text Description - Figure 102

Q21 - Did you know that the new Pension for Life benefits are being implemented with a digital-first approach, which means that the application process is being designed for My VAC Account? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Almost two-thirds are at least fairly comfortable promoting digital-first approach

Almost two-thirds of employees aware of My VAC Account are comfortable (55%) or pretty comfortable (10%) promoting a digital-first approach with Veterans. Those who are not fully comfortable indicated that they might not have the equipment or tools needed to help Veterans (e.g., no computer in their office to access My VAC account). Three in 10 are not comfortable promoting this approach and feel they would need more training in order to do so.

Figure 103: Comfort Promoting Digital-First Approach

Figure 103: Comfort Promoting Digital-First Approach

Text Description - Figure 103

Q22 - Are you comfortable promoting a digital-first approach with Veterans? Please keep in mind that digital does not mean without help and that traditional service channels will still be available. Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Understanding how to use My VAC Account is the top motivator to promote use

Those familiar with My VAC Account were asked what would encourage them to promote use of My VAC Account with Veterans. Nearly half (46%) said that having a better understanding of how to use My VAC Account would encourage them to promote the online service channel. Approximately one-third (32%) would consider promoting My VAC Account if they had a better understanding of the advantage of the online service channel and one-quarter suggested having My VAC Account ambassadors or champions on their team as a resource. Thirty-seven percent said they already promote use of My VAC Account.

Figure 104: Motivators to Promote use of My VAC Account

Figure 104: Motivators to Promote use of My VAC Account

Text Description - Figure 104

Q23 - What would encourage you to promote use of My VAC Account with Veterans? (multiple responses accepted) Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Most view My VAC Account as valuable to them as a departmental employees

Almost nine in 10 employees familiar with My VAC Account rated the online service channel as moderately (40%) or very (48%) valuable when it comes to carrying out their responsibilities as a departmental employee.

Figure 105: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees

Figure 105: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees

Text Description - Figure 105

Q24 - How would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for you when it comes to carrying out your responsibilities as a departmental employee? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Virtually everyone views My VAC Account as valuable for Veterans

Virtually all employees familiar with My VAC Account rated the online service channel as moderately (29%) or very (66%) valuable for Veterans.

Figure 106: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees

Figure 106: Perceptions of the Value of My VAC Account for Employees

Text Description - Figure 106

Q25 - And, how would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for Veterans? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account

Most potential new features or enhancements viewed as somewhat or very useful

At least seven in 10 employees familiar with My VAC Account rated each of the potential new features or enhancements as somewhat or very useful. Virtually everyone said that the following would be at least somewhat useful: the ability to add files and links within secure messages (98%), the addition of access for powers of attorney or other representatives (96%), improvements to status tracking (95%), more applications available as guided web forms (95%) and automatic benefits suggestions for Veterans (91%). Employees were less likely to view as useful the ability to video conference with Veterans (71%).

Figure 107: Usefulness of New Features

Figure 107: Usefulness of New Features

Text Description - Figure 107

Q26 - The department is considering adding new features or enhancements to My VAC Account. How useful would each of the following be to you in terms of your work? Base: n=161; those familiar with My VAC Account [Don’t Know Removed from % calculation n=12-51]

III. Profile of Surveyed Employees

Field Operations: Case manager 8%
Field Operations: VSA 4%
Field Operations: Team Leader or Manager 4%
NCCN analyst: Part of secure message team 9%
NCCN analyst 29%
Centralized Operations Division: Program employees 35%
Centralized Operations Division: Team Leader or Manager 4%
Other 9%
Tenure with VAC  
Less than one year 21%
1 to 2 years 10%
2 to 5 years 22%
More than 5 years 48%
Headquarters (Charlottetown, PE) 28%
Western Canada 32%
Ontario 32%
Quebec 5%
Atlantic Canada 4%

In-depth Interviews

This section of the report focuses on feedback from VAC employees elicited through a set of 10 in-depth telephone interviews. These interviews explored specific topics addressed in the online survey more in depth. Participants were recruited through the online survey, at the end of which respondents were asked if they would like to participate in a follow up telephone interview.

I. Context

Nature and frequency of interaction with Veterans varies by position and responsibilities

Most participants described themselves as having frequent direct interactions with Veterans. That being said, the extent to which participants interact or deal directly with Veterans tended to vary by position and responsibilities as detailed below.

National Contact Centre Network (NCCN) analysts

NCCN analysts were most likely to say they have direct and frequent interactions with Veterans, sometimes describing themselves as being the first point of contact for Veterans seeking information or assistance. Interactions typically include answering phone calls from Veterans and/or dealing with them through the secure messaging system, but it can also include occasional in-person dealings if a Veteran visits a VAC office. NCCN analysts said they deal with Veterans on a daily basis, adding that such interactions account for the bulk of their work responsibilities (estimating that 85% or more of their time is spent dealing directly with Veterans). This routinely includes answering questions, assisting Veterans in setting up My VAC Account or helping them find or do something on their account, transmitting messages to case managers through the secure messaging system, proving information related to benefits/eligibility, and connecting Veterans to other units if they are unable to assist them or answer their questions. The rest of their time is devoted to dealing with Veterans’ representatives who have power of attorney (POAs), Veterans’ family members, service providers (e.g. Blue Cross), and their own team leaders/supervisors. NCCN analysts who participated in this phase of the study have been in their current positions for one and half to two years.

Case managers

Case managers also said they have frequent direct interactions with Veterans, either daily or every few days. This includes providing support to Veterans in their transition to civilian life, reaching out/checking in periodically to see how they are doing, providing assistance related to engaging resources/supports (e.g. coordinating with service providers/health care professionals), and responding to messages/queries directed to them thorough the secure messaging system. Case managers estimated that anywhere from 75-85% of their time is spent dealing directly with Veterans, with the rest of their time devoted to administrative duties. One case manager has been in his/her current positions for two years while the other has been in the position for a few months.

Centralized Operations Program employees and Field Operations Team Leader and VSA

Among the other participants only the field operations VSA is involved in frequent direct interactions with Veterans, describing himself/herself as a primary point of contact for Veterans and their families and estimating that 70-80% of his/her time is spent interacting with Veterans (most of the rest of the time being devoted to dealing with service providers). Interactions with Veterans included assisting with applications for benefits/long-term care applications, conducting transition interviews, helping set up My VAC accounts, and helping coordinate personal care/ independence programs for Veterans. This participant has occupied this position for approximately two and half years.

The field operations team leader described his/her main responsibility as supervision and quality screening of interactions with Veterans by phone and email. As a result, direct interaction with Veterans was limited to situations where a backlog in communications necessitates him/her to assist in dealing with Veterans through secure messaging, or situations in which a Veteran asks to speak to a manager. The participant from central operations described his/her main responsibility as processing applications for benefits, which does not involve direct interactions with Veterans.

Challenges experienced in interactions with Veterans

All participants who interact directly with Veterans identified challenges they encounter in the course of such interactions, but with one exception the challenges encountered tended to vary depending on the nature of interactions. The exception (i.e. the common challenge) is the inability to provide Veterans with details regarding the status of their benefits applications, particularly reasons for delays in processing them, explanations about what is happening at a specific stage of the process, and an estimated completion date for assessment of their application. This was a challenge identified mainly by NCCN analysts, but also by the field operations team leader and the field operations VSA. They all indicated that Veterans they deal with routinely express frustration at not being able to learn anything more about the progress of their application than the stage it is at (i.e. stage 1, 2, 3).

Other challenges experienced by participants related to the specific nature of their interactions with Veterans.

II. Experience with My VAC Account

Widespread familiarity with aspects of My VAC Account

All participants who said they interact directly with Veterans at least to some extent claimed to be at least somewhat comfortable with My VAC Account or various aspects of it, and some described themselves as very comfortable with it. Among those who described themselves as very comfortable with it and acquainted with most if not all of its features were a couple of participants who are themselves Veterans and have their own accounts. A few NCCN analysts also described themselves as very familiar with it, in part because of the training module they have which mirrors My VAC Account.

Specific features of My VAC Account participants were most likely to describe themselves as comfortable or familiar with included the following: secure messaging, benefits navigator, ‘What can I apply for’, finding and uploading forms, and News and Notifications. NCCN analysts and the field operations team leader also described themselves as familiar with the following sections/features of My VAC Account: the profile section, communications preferences, correspondence status, and client access history. Most NCCN analysts also described themselves as familiar with the re-registration process (i.e. how to reactivate an account that has gone dormant or become inactive).

My VAC Account factors into work-related responsibilities in various ways

Nearly all participants indicated that My VAC Account factors into their work-related responsibilities in one way or another. That said, the more frequently participants interact directly with Veterans, the more numerous the ways in which the service relates to their work responsibilities.

Promoting the service in general was the most commonly identified way in which the service relates to participants’ responsibilities. This includes encouraging Veterans who do not have an account to set one up, and encouraging those who have an account to take advantage of its various features. One case manager specified that he/she promotes it specifically as a way to communicate with Veterans through secure messaging. A couple of participants specified that before promoting the service they ask Veterans if they are computer savvy. If not, they may be reluctant to promote My VAC Account. Additional ways in which My VAC Account factors into work-related responsibilities included the following:

Ways in which the service factors into the work responsibilities of the field operations team leader included seeing clients’ access history and their correspondence status.

My VAC Account described as helpful in carrying out work-related responsibilities

Nearly all participants described My VAC Account as helpful to them in carrying out their work-related responsibilities. This was especially the case among NCCN analysts and case managers who tend to interact directly with Veterans on a frequent or regular basis.

NCCN analysts emphasized two ways in which My VAC Account makes it easier for them to carry out their work-related responsibilities. First, familiarity with the service makes it much easier for them to answer Veterans’ questions or assist them since many queries concern the service or issues related to it (e.g. where to find X, how to do Y). In dealing with such queries analysts can make use of their familiarity with the service or use the training module to assist Veterans. Secondly, My VAC Account facilitates communication exchanges between analysts and Veterans in the following ways:

Case managers also identified concrete ways in which My VAC Account assists them in carrying out their work responsibilities. First, it provides them with another channel for reaching out to Veterans. Specifically, if a client is not answering the phone they can check in through secure messaging. Second, as was the case with NCCN analysts, case mangers suggested that My VAC Account makes it easier to assist Veterans because it provides a trail or record of transactions and interactions that Veterans can access. They do not have to rely on their memory when interacting with their case manager (something that can be frustrating if the Veteran is dealing with a cognitive issue). Finally, both case managers noted that they are Veterans themselves with their own My VAC accounts. This means that they can access their accounts in order to help clients by walking them through a transaction or operation they may need or want help with.

My VAC Account was described as either less relevant or not relevant to the remaining participants in carrying out their work-related responsibilities. Reasons included interacting mainly with older Veterans (i.e. 70 or older) who are less technologically adept and therefore do not use My VAC Account or are much less likely to, and not dealing directly with Veterans in one’s work-related responsibilities.

Relatively few work-related problems or issues related to My VAC Account

Participants identified relatively few issues, problems, or challenges related to My VAC Account that make it difficult for them to carry out their work-related responsibilities. Moreover, such issues were usually described as irritations rather than difficulties and participants sometimes added that they were outweighed by the benefits. NCCN analysts were most likely to identify such issues which included the following:

Beyond these, the only other difficulties associated with My VAC Account were the lack of technical savvy on the part of some Veterans, which causes them frustration, and the fact that clients will sometimes apply for benefits they do not qualify for, which obliges one to contact them and let them know.

Feedback from Veterans related to My VAC Account is both positive and critical

Most participants have received feedback from Veterans regarding My VAC Account and the feedback has been both positive and critical. Positive feedback has focussed on the following:

Critical feedback participants have heard from Veterans tends to focus on one issue: inability to get details about what is happening at different stages of the application for benefits process. Other issues Veterans have commented on critically include periodic technical problems or login issues, accounts going dormant and the need to reactivate one’s account when this happens, inability to upload/attach medical forms because they are too large, and receiving notification that a form is attached when this is not the case. Other comments of a critical nature were described as having to do more with clients’ lack of technical/computer skills.

What participants tend to do with the feedback they receive depends on the nature of the feedback and the type of issue. Positive feedback is not passed on, while critical feedback is most likely to be passed on by NCCN analysts if it is something actionable. For example, technical problems are reported or passed on to technical or online support services, while other problems or issues are typically brought to the attention of a supervisor or team leader. On occasion, a team leader or supervisor will pass on queries about possible enhancements to the national coordination team (e.g. ‘is this an enhancement that can be made’?). One of the case managers noted that if there is critical feedback related to a specific problem or issue that they can help with (e.g. finding a form), they will access their own account to help the client.

Most have received training related to My VAC Account which they describe as useful

Most participants said they have received training related to My VAC Account. This includes all NCCN analysts as well as the field operations team leader and VSA. In most instances this included a mix of in-person (i.e. one on one) and online (i.e. WebEx) training. The training received was described as dealing with the following themes/issues:

The case managers involved in this phase of the research have received no training but both re-iterated that they have their own accounts with which they are familiar. As a result, neither one felt that they need any training since they are acquainted with the service as users/clients.

Participants who received training related to My VAC Account were unanimous that it was helpful, not to say very helpful. The main reason it was described as useful was that it familiarized them with the service, which in turn helps them assist Veterans who contact the department with questions or seek assistance regarding the service. NCCN analysts who received training on secure messaging described this as useful because it provides them with the ability to assist Veterans through another communications channel. A few participants also described the training as useful because it makes it easier for them to promote the service to Veterans. Specifically, familiarity with the service and the benefits it offers gives them more confidence to recommend it to Veterans.

Few suggestions were made in terms of improving the training received. One suggestion was to ensure that additional training regarding updates/enhancements be offered in a timely fashion in order to ensure that front-line workers are familiar with the changes before clients in order to be able to assist them with any issues or questions that such changes might bring about. Another suggestion was to ensure as much actual hands-on training using the service. This would allow front-line workers to better assist clients inquiring about specific procedures (e.g. setting up direct deposit). Finally, it was suggested that front line employees be trained on how to deal with specific ‘quirks’ or ‘glitches’ such as what happens if a birthdate is entered incorrectly, or what happens if someone enters an incorrect password followed immediately by entering the correct one.

Subject to enhancements, participants consider themselves sufficiently familiar with My VAC Account

Participants with at least some degree of familiarity with My VAC Account consider themselves sufficiently familiar or up-to-date with the service to effectively carry out their responsibilities, provided of course that they are up-to-date on changes or enhancements to the service. In the case of NCCN analysts, this impression was based on their familiarity with the service, acquired not only through training and use of the training module, but through daily on-the-job familiarity with the service acquired through interactions with clients. Case managers and the field operations VSA consider themselves sufficiently acquainted with it because they have their own accounts which they use regularly. Finally, the field operations team leader considers himself/herself sufficiently familiar with the service because of the limited ways in which his/her job responsibilities require familiarity with it.

While there was general acknowledgement that it is always potentially helpful to know more than less about something, no one felt that greater familiarity with My VAC Account would help them better carry out their professional responsibilities, unless of course changes/enhancements are made to the service. That being said, a couple of NCCN analysts said that it would helpful if the training module they use could be enhanced so as to allow them to ‘shadow’ to a greater extent what Veterans themselves are doing. Specifically, it was noted that when they assist Veterans in setting up direct deposit through My VAC Account, the training module only allows them to proceed part of the way in terms of seeing exactly what the client sees on their screen. At a certain point, the point when the client must enter actual account data, the analyst can no longer see what the client sees, making it more difficult to assist them. It was suggested that, if possible, analysts be able to enter ‘dummy data’ (i.e. create a fake account) in order to be able to continue to shadow the client and better assist them in setting up direct deposit.

III. Impressions of My VAC Account

Perceived impact of My VAC Account on work ranges from positive to neutral

The perceived overall impact of My VAC Account on participants’ work ranged from positive to neutral, with assessments tending to vary by position. NCCN analysts and case managers tended to describe the overall impact as positive while those in other positions rated it as neutral (i.e. neither positive nor negative).

NCCN analysts and case managers explained that the overall impact is positive because it facilitates communication and interaction with Veterans. Case managers and NCNN analysts using secure messaging focused specifically on the latter service which provides clients with an additional communications channel (i.e. in addition to the phone). Specifically,

It was also specifically emphasized by a couple of these participants that secure messaging allows communication with Veterans who are deaf or suffer from hearing loss.

In addition to the positive impact of secure messaging, NCCN analysts also observed that My VAC Account makes it easier for them to help clients or answer their questions. For example, they can confirm that a file has been submitted/received and can even review it to ensure that it has been completed correctly. In addition, the training module they use allows them to shadow clients on My VAC Account to a certain extent, thereby making it easier to assist them.

The only way in which My VAC Account was described as ‘not helping’ NCCN analysts to do their job is the inability to provide client with specifics when they enquire about the status of their applications for benefits.

Other participants described the impact of My VAC Account on their work as limited or neither positive nor negative because of their limited interactions with Veterans.

My VAC Account described as valuable by most

Feedback regarding the overall value of My VAC Account closely mirrored feedback regarding its impact on participants’ work. Indeed, when explaining their assessment of the overall value of the service to them in carrying out their work responsibilities, participants tended to re-iterate what they had said when explaining the service’s impact on their work. Once again, NCCN analysts and case managers rated the service as valuable to them (and did so for the same reasons identified above). For their part, the other participants emphasized that My VAC Account is particularly useful for those interacting directly and regularly with Veterans, which is not the case for them.

Most consider themselves promoters of My VAC Account

Most participants described themselves as promoters of My VAC Account among Veterans. Those who said they promote it identified similar reasons to explain why, including the following:

A couple of participants who described themselves as promoters specified that before promoting the service they ask Veterans if they are computer savvy. If not, they may be reluctant to promote My VAC Account. Indeed, the only apprehensions about promoting the service concern the extent to which Veterans are computer savvy, sometimes associated with the age of Veterans. This sometimes results in reluctance about promoting it among older Veterans. In this regard, it was suggested that older Veterans might use their account infrequently which could result in the account becoming dormant and having to be reactivated. This in turn could cause frustration among the Veterans in question.

Among the few who do not promote it one explained that he/she only deals with Veterans through secure messaging which means that they already have an account. The others said they do not interact directly with Veterans, so they have no opportunity to promote the service. As a result (i.e. given their current positions) these participants could not think of anything that would encourage them to become promoters of My VAC Account.

IV. Future Enhancements of My VAC Account

Near unanimity on importance of updates to My VAC Account

Virtually all participants felt it is important for them to be informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account. NCCN analysts were most likely to emphasize that this is very important, but its importance was also emphasized by case managers and the field operations team leader and VSA. Three reasons were given to explain why.

Department seen as doing god job in updating employees on changes to My VAC Account

Overall, participants think the department does a good job in terms of keeping them informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account. In explaining why, they pointed to receiving timely information regarding changes, with some NCCN analysts noting that they usually have enough advance or lead-up time should any updates require additional training or orientation. While positive overall, some NCCN analysts said that occasionally they would have liked to learn about a change more quickly. As an example, one NCCN analyst said she/he only learned about pensions for life through the online survey they completed as part of this study.

NCCN analysts were also the only ones to suggest what the department could do to better inform them about changes or updates to My VAC Account. This included sending emails directly to them or informing their team leaders/supervisors as quickly as possible about any changes, and definitely in advance of informing clients about such changes. This would help prepare them to assist clients contacting them about such changes.

Suggestion for possible enhancements to My VAC Account

Participants were asked in an open-ended manner if they could think of any enhancements or changes to My VAC Account that would be useful to them in terms of their work. NCCN analysts were most likely to offer suggestions, including the following:

Two suggested improvements were offered by case managers. One was to allow case managers to communicate directly with their clients though secure messaging. Currently, messages from clients to case managers are re-directed to them by field employees (i.e. NCCN analyst). The second suggestion was to allow case managers to assist those clients who have difficulty filling out forms by allowing the case manager to do it for them and send the client the form.

Beyond these, the only other suggestions made were to add the ‘Transition task list’ to the My VAC Account resource section because it is useful resource, and to try to tailor the types of forms available to Veterans based on their profiles so that they do not apply for things to which they are not likely to be entitled. This would reduce the likelihood of having to contact Veterans to inform them they do not qualify for a benefit they applied for, something that inevitably causes disappointment.

Reaction to possible enhancements to My VAC Account

Participants were then asked to react to a set of new features or enhancements to My VAC Account in terms of how useful each one would be to them in terms of their job. These included the following:

With one exception (video conferencing), there was widespread agreement that each of these potential enhancements would be useful to clients. However, in terms of their own job, NCCN analysts and case managers were most likely to describe them as useful to themselves. Feedback related to each of these potential enhancements is provided below.


1: Methodological Notes

Qualitative and quantitative research was conducted with the target populations: My VAC Account users and VAC employees. This included three online surveys and two virtual focus groups with My VAC account users; and one online survey and 10 in-depth, one-on-one telephone interviews with departmental employees.

The following specifications applied to the online surveys:

Finally, given the methodologies, there is the potential for non-resposne bias. The surveys of My VAC Account users reflect the preferences and experiences of users who visited My VAC Account during the data collection periods. In other words, clients who logged in to My VAC Account more frequently (e.g., to check the status of applications) are more likely to have responded to the surveys than those who access their account less frequently. In the case of the Departmental employee survey, the results reflect feedback only from employees invited to participate in the survey.

The following specifications applied to the online focus groups:

The following specifications applied to the in-depth interviews:

All steps of the project complied with The Standards for the Conduct of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research.

2: Research Instruments – (My VAC Account Users)

1. Online Survey (Wave 1)

Thank you for taking part in this short survey about My VAC Account. Your participation will help Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) improve the online service to better serve Veterans.

We expect that the survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

This research is being conducted by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, an independent Canadian research firm. If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Phoenix Strategic Perspectives at research@phoenixspi.ca.

Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information. Should you take part in the survey, all opinions will remain anonymous and will not be attributed to you personally in any way. Your participation in the research is completely voluntary and your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect any dealings you may have with the Government of Canada.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Please click ‘Next’ to start the survey.

My VAC Account Use


1. Are you a registered user of My VAC Account?


2. In the past 12 months, have you used My VAC Account?

3. On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account?

4. How did you first learn about My VAC Account?

5. Which of the following features have you accessed in My VAC Account?

Select all that apply


These next questions are about the registration process for My VAC Account.

6. When you registered for My VAC Account, which of the following did you use?


7. Why did you use GCKey to register?

8. How easy or difficult was the process to register for My VAC Account?


9. You said it was hard to register for My VAC Account. Why was this difficult?

Select all that apply.

10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The steps required to register for My VAC Account justifies the security it provides.”

Secure Messaging

11. In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through secure messaging?


12. How long did you have to wait to receive a response?

13. Was this a reasonable amount of time to wait?


14. What would be a reasonable amount of time to wait for a secure message reply?

Overall Assessments of My VAC Account

Thinking about all the times you have used My VAC Account over the past year:

15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  1. My VAC Account had the information I needed.
  2. It was easy to find what I was looking for in My VAC Account.
  3. My VAC Account is visually appealing.
  4. I think My VAC Account uses practices that ensure system security.
  5. I like the updates that I have seen in My VAC Account in the past year.
  6. The information in My VAC Account is easy to understand.
  7. I can do the business I need to with VAC through My VAC Account.
  8. I would recommend My VAC Account to others.


16. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with My VAC Account?


17. Why are you not satisfied with your experience with My VAC Account?

Select all that apply


18. How would you prefer to find out about updates from the Department to benefits?

19. On the main page of My VAC Account, there is a News section at the bottom to share information with you from Veterans Affairs Canada. What topics would you like to hear about in this News section?

Select all that apply

20. How often would you like to receive news from Veterans Affairs Canada?

21. If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff?


22. Do you have any suggestions to help Veterans Affairs Canada improve My VAC Account? This could be changes to My VAC Account itself, or suggestions for new features or information to be added to the online service.


*Please do not include any names or other identifiable personal information.


Non-User Module

23. What, if anything, have you seen, read or heard about My VAC Account?


[Description of MVA]

My VAC Account is a secure online channel for Veterans to connect with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) anytime, anywhere. My VAC Account is available to any Veteran, Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP member. It is also available to family members who receive benefits from VAC.

Specifically, My VAC Account allows you to…

24. What is the main reason you do not use My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

25. What, if anything, would encourage you to use My VAC Account in the future?

Select all that apply


Infrequent-User Module

26. How long has it been since you last used My VAC Account?

27. Why did you register to use My VAC Account?

28. What is the main reason you do not use My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

29. What, if anything, would encourage you to use My VAC Account?

Select all that apply



This last set of questions is about you. This information will be used only to aggregate and analyze the survey results. Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

30. Are you?

31. Your age group:

32. In which province or territory do you live?


Closing Page

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure VAC’s online services meet your needs. Once again, please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

VAC welcomes additional comments via information@vac-acc.gc.ca.

2. Online Survey (Wave 2)

Thank you for taking part in this short survey about My VAC Account. Your participation will help Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) improve the online service to better serve Veterans.

We expect that the survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

This research is being conducted by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, an independent Canadian research firm. If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Phoenix Strategic Perspectives at research@phoenixspi.ca.

Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information. Should you take part in the survey, all opinions will remain anonymous and will not be attributed to you personally in any way. Your participation in the research is completely voluntary and your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect any dealings you may have with the Government of Canada.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Please click ‘Next’ to start the survey.

1. In the past month, have you completed an online survey from VAC about My VAC Account?

2. On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account?

3. What is your preferred method for contacting VAC?

4. In the past 12 months, have you tried contacting VAC through a secure message from your My VAC Account Inbox?

These next questions are about your experience using secure messaging.

5. In the past 12 months, approximately how many times have you connected directly with VAC staff through secure messaging?


6. On average, how long did you have to wait to receive a response?

7. Were you satisfied with this response time?

8. Did you connect with your case manager when using secure messaging?

9. Would you like to be able to contact your case manager directly through secure messaging?

10. Are there other specific staff who you would like to contact directly?

11. Have you had to follow up on conversations you’ve had with VAC through secure messaging?

12. How did you follow up with VAC?

Select all that apply

13. Did you have any difficulties using secure messaging?

14. What difficulties did you experience?

Select all that apply

15. Thinking about the past 12 months, how satisfied have you been with your experience using secure messaging to connect directly to VAC staff?

16. Why are you dissatisfied with your experience using secure messaging?


17. What suggestions, if any, do you have to help improve secure messaging?


Other Communication Channels in My VAC Account

18. Are you familiar with the ‘News and Notifications’ section that appears at the bottom of your homepage in My VAC Account?

19. How effective are the ‘News and Notifications’ when it comes to keeping you up to date on news of relevance to you?

20. What areas or topics would you like to hear about through ‘News and Notifications’?

Select all that apply

21. What suggestions, if any, do you have to help improve ‘News and Notifications’?


22. If an online chat feature was available within My VAC Account, would you use it to connect with VAC staff? Online chat would allow you to communicate with to VAC in real time.

23. Who at VAC would you like to speak to through an online chat?

Select all that apply

24. An online chat can have a number of different features available to users. Which, if any, of the following would you like to see included in an online chat available within My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

As a My VAC Account user, you can opt to receive email notifications to alert you when there is new information available in your account. You can set notifications to alert you when the status of your application(s) changes, when you receive a message in your inbox, when you make changes to your account, among other things.

25. Are you signed up to receive email notification alerts?

26. How easy or difficult was it to sign up for VAC’s email notification service?

27. Do you find the email notification service useful?

Related Issues

28. What, if any, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

29. How do you typically access My VAC Account?

30. Which operating system do you typically use to access My VAC Account?


This last set of questions is about you. This information will be used only to aggregate and analyze the survey results. Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

31. Are you?

32. Your age group:

33. In which province or territory do you live?



34. Would you be willing to participate in an online focus group to explore these same topics in greater depth? The online focus group will take place one evening during the week of March 25. Participants will receive an honorarium to thank them for their time. If you are willing to participate, you may be contacted by a researcher from the independent research firm, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, to confirm your participation. Would you be willing to participate?

35. May we have your contact information?

Name:  [TEXT BOX]

Telephone number:   [TEXT BOX]

Email:   [TEXT BOX]

Closing Page

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure VAC’s online services meet your needs. Once again, please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

VAC welcomes additional comments via information@vac-acc.gc.ca.

3. Online Survey (Wave 3)

Thank you for taking part in this short survey about My VAC Account. Your participation will help Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) improve the online service to better serve Veterans.

We expect that the survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

This research is being conducted by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives, an independent Canadian research firm. If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Phoenix Strategic Perspectives at research@phoenixspi.ca.

Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information. Should you take part in the survey, all opinions will remain anonymous and will not be attributed to you personally in any way. Your participation in the research is completely voluntary and your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect any dealings you may have with the Government of Canada.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Please click ‘Next’ to start the survey.


1. Are you a registered user of My VAC Account?

2. On average, how often would you say you use My VAC Account?

Benefits Navigator

3. Have you used the Benefits Navigator tool (located under “What can I apply for?”)? By answering a series of short questions, the Benefits Navigator provides a list of benefits and services that may be relevant to you.

4. Have you used the Benefits Navigator tool to help you identify the VAC programs and services you may be eligible for? You can access it from the “Resources” section of VAC’s website. Here’s a screenshot of the tool your reference.

Benefits Navigator tool

5. Is there any reason why you haven’t used the Benefits Navigator tool?

Select all that apply



These next questions are about your experience using the Benefits Navigator tool.

6. How helpful was the Benefits Navigator tool in terms of finding benefits or services of relevance to you?

Track Your Applications

7. Have you used the ‘Track your applications’ feature in My VAC Account to view the status of your application?

8. Is there any reason why you haven’t used the ‘Track your applications’ feature?

Select all that apply

9. Did the ‘Track your applications’ feature help you find out the status of your application?

10. Does the ‘Track your applications’ feature provide sufficient detail about what step your application is at?

11. What additional information would you like the ‘Track your applications’ feature to provide about your application?


12.  Have you visited the new Wait Time Tool to find out the average processing times? This tool is on VAC’s website and can be accessed through a link on the ‘Track your application’ page.

13. Was the information provided in the Wait Time tool helpful to you in terms of estimating when you can expect a decision?

Guided Web Forms

14. Have you ever used a guided web form to complete an application? A guided web form is different from a traditional application form as you are asked questions with tips provided along the way.

15. In your view, what are the benefits, if any, of using a guided web form?

Select all that apply

16. In your view, what’s the main drawback, if any, of using a guided web form?

Select all that apply

17. Which do you prefer to use to complete applications?


New Directions

18. What, if anything, can VAC do to better communicate with you through My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

19. How do you typically access My VAC Account?

20. Which operating system do you typically use to access My VAC Account?

21. Finally, considering everything you know about My VAC Account, how much value does the online service provide for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or RCMP members who are transitioning out of service (releasing soon)?


a) Soon-to-release CAF members
b) Soon-to-release RCMP members



Non-User Module

22. What, if anything, have you seen, read or heard about My VAC Account?


[Description of MVA]

My VAC Account is a secure online channel for Veterans to connect with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) anytime, anywhere. My VAC Account is available to any Veteran, Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP member. It is also available to family members who receive benefits from VAC.

Specifically, My VAC Account allows you to…

23. What is the main reason you do not use My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

24. What, if anything, would encourage you to use My VAC Account in the future?

Select all that apply



These last few questions tell us more about you. This information will be used only to aggregate and analyze the survey results. Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

25. Are you?

26. Your age group?

27. In which province or territory do you live?


Closing Page

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure VAC’s online services meet your needs. Once again, please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

VAC welcomes additional comments via information@vac-acc.gc.ca.

4. Online Focus Group Guide

Introduction (5 minutes)

→ Hi everyone and welcome to the group. My name is [MODERATOR].

→ I work for a research company called Phoenix SPI, and I'll be moderating our chat tonight.

→ Thank you very much for your presence this evening.

→ Tonight, we’re conducting research on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada.

→ The discussion will last approximately 1.5 hours. During it, I’ll sometimes refer to the department by its acronym, VAC.

→ We will be seeking your opinion on the services available through My VAC Account.

→ The feedback you provide will help Veterans Affairs Canada enhance their secure online services.

→ There are no right or wrong answers, so please do not hesitate to express yourselves. This includes reacting to what other participants say.

→ Everything you say will be treated in confidence. Our report summarizes the findings from the groups but does not mention anyone by name. That said, I encourage you NOT to provide any identifiable information about yourself during the online discussion.

→ Here’s how it will work:

→ There are a few observers for tonight's session from Veterans Affairs Canada who are involved in the research. They will follow our discussion but will not participate in it.

→ Any questions?

→ Can we start with everyone introducing themselves by saying hello?

→ Okay, let's start the discussion.

Use and impressions of My VAC Account (15 minutes)

What you all have in common is that you are registered users of My VAC Account.

1. I’d like to start with a general question…that is, what’s your overall impression of My VAC Account?

2. What do you tend to use My VAC Account for?


3. What are the main benefits of using My VAC Account?

4. What are the main drawbacks of using My VAC Account?

Tracking applications (20 minutes)

5. Did you know that you can track the status of your online applications in My VAC Account?

6. Has anyone used the track applications feature in My VAC Account to view the status of an online application?

For those who have used the feature,

7. What do you think of it?

8. How often do you tend to check the status of your application?

For everyone,

9. At what step or stage of an application process would you expect a status update from VAC?

10. After viewing a status update online, under what circumstances, if any, would you feel the need to contact VAC for follow up?

11. For those who would contact VAC for follow-up, how would you do this?

12. Do you have any (other) suggestions to help VAC make this feature as useful as possible for you?

Electronic notifications (20 minutes)

Still focusing on the track applications feature,

13. Are any of you signed up for and receiving email notifications when the status of an online application changes?

For those who are,

14. What do you think of these notifications?

For everyone,

15. What information do you want or expect to receive in these electronic notifications?

16. How would you like to receive these electronic notifications?

17. Can you think of any other organization, public or private, from which you receive electronic notifications?

18. Do you have any (other) suggestions to help VAC make electronic notifications as useful as possible for you?

Going paperless (10 minutes)

19. If you could view all your correspondence from VAC through My VAC Account, would you still want or need a paper copy to be sent in the mail?


20. What are the main advantages or benefits of opting out of paper mail from VAC and going paperless?

21. What concerns, if any, would you have with opting out of paper mail from VAC and going paperless?

Possible enhancements of My VAC Account (20 minutes)

Looing ahead..

22. What enhancements or changes to My VAC Account would be particularly useful to you?

23. I’m now going to ask you about possible enhancements to My VAC Account. For each one I’d like to know how useful it would be to you personally. The first one is….[INSERT ITEMS]

24. Are there any features of other online services that you use that you would like to see incorporated in My VAC Account?

25. If all your dealings with Veterans Affairs Canada could be accomplished online through My VAC Account, would you choose to do so?

26. What, if anything, would you prefer not to do through My VAC Account?

27. Do you feel that you get anything from speaking with a VAC representative by phone that you cannot get through My VAC Account? If so what?


28. Do you have any last comments or suggestions about anything we have discussed tonight?

Well. That is it then. We are finished. Thank you for taking part. You can all log out now. Have a great evening!

3: Research Instruments – (VAC Employees)

1. Online Survey

Introduction Page

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this short survey. Your feedback will be used to help improve My VAC Account – so it is better for Veterans and staff.

We anticipate that the survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

This research is being conducted by an independent Canadian research firm on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Phoenix Strategic Perspectives at research@phoenixspi.ca.

Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information. Should you take part in the survey, all opinions will remain anonymous and will not be attributed to you personally in any way. Your participation in the research is completely voluntary and your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect any dealings you may have with the Government of Canada.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Please click ‘Next’ to start the survey.

Awareness and Knowledge of My VAC Account

1. How familiar are you with the Department’s online service channel, My VAC Account?


2. How knowledgeable would you say you are about the features available in My VAC Account?

3. Which features are you most familiar with in My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

4. How often do you do the following?



  1. Visit the My VAC Account section on VAC@Work
  2. Use the My VAC Account training account



5. Why have you not visited the My VAC Account section on VAC@Work?

Select all that apply


6. Why have you not used the My VAC Account training account?

Select all that apply


6. Have you received My Account training via WebEx or in person?

7. How would you rate the Department’s performance in terms of keeping you informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account?


8. What could the Department do to better inform you about My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

9. Does My VAC Account have an impact on your work in any way?

  1. Yes, a positive one
  2. Yes, a negative one
  3. No impact
  4. Not applicable
Experience with My VAC Account

10. How often do you refer to My VAC Account while interacting with Veterans? This includes helping someone register for My VAC Account, letting someone know what can be done in My VAC Account, etc.

11. How often do you receive questions or comments about My VAC Account from Veterans?

  1. At least once a day
  2. Several times a week
  3. About once a week
  4. A few times a month
  5. Less than a few times a month
  6. Never

12. In the past 12 months, have you used My VAC Account’s secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?

13. Overall, how was your experience with communicating via secure messaging?


14. Why haven’t you used My VAC Account’s secure messaging?

Select all that apply


15. How often do you use secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?

16. If you need to initiate communication with a Veteran who has secure messaging enabled, which contact method would you choose?

  1. Telephone
  2. Secure message
  3. Mail
  4. It depends on the nature of the communication

17. When using secure messaging, are you…

18. In the past 12 months, have you had any difficulties using secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?

19. Can you explain the difficulties you encountered using secure messaging to communicate with Veterans?


20. Did you know that the new Pension for Life benefits are being implemented with a digital-first approach, which means that the application process is being designed for My VAC Account?

  1. I was aware of this and informed about this approach
  2. I was aware of this, but don’t know anything about the approach
  3. I was not aware of this

21. Are you comfortable promoting a digital-first approach with Veterans? Please keep in mind that digital does not mean without help and that traditional service channels will still be available.

  1. I am comfortable with this
  2. I am pretty comfortable, but I may not have the equipment or tools needed to help Veterans (e.g., no computer in my office to access MVA)
  3. I am really not comfortable; I need more training
  4. Other. Please specify: [TEXT BOX]

22. What would encourage you to promote use of My VAC Account with Veterans?

Select all that apply

23. How would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for you when it comes to carrying out your responsibilities as a Departmental employee?

24. And, how would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account for Veterans?

Future enhancements of My VAC Account

25. The Department is considering adding new features or enhancements to My VAC Account. How useful would each of the following be to you in terms of your work?



a.  Increasing applications available as guided web forms and expanding the ‘tell us once approach’

  1. Improved status tracking with more details for Veteran
  2. Automatic benefits suggestions for Veterans
  3. Live online chat ability
  4. Adding access for powers of attorney (POA) and other Veterans’ representatives
  5. Providing Veterans with an estimated completion date for their applications in the status tracking feature
  6. Adding case manager agreement to My VAC Account
  7. Ability to video conference with Veterans (e.g. case manager with Veteran)
  8. Ability to add files and links within secure messages

Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not at all useful

26. Do you have any suggestions to help the Department improve My VAC Account?



Unfamiliar with My VAC Account

[Description of MVA]

My VAC Account is an online service that allows Veterans to connect with VAC anytime, anywhere. My VAC Account is available to any Veteran or still-serving Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP member, and provides a simple and secure way to engage with VAC. Family members who receive benefits from VAC can also register for their own account.

My VAC Account allows users to…

27. What’s the main reason you are not familiar with My VAC Account?

Select all that apply

28. What, if anything, would encourage you to promote My VAC Account to Veterans?

Select all that apply


This last set of questions is about you. This information will be used only to aggregate and analyze the survey results. Please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

29. How long have you worked for Veterans Affairs Canada?

30. Which of the following best describes your position at VAC?

31. Are you located in?

Follow-up Research


32. Would you be willing to participate in a follow-up discussion on these same topics to explore a few areas in greater depth? If you are willing, you may be contacted in the next few weeks for a follow-up phone interview by a senior researcher from the independent research firm, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives. Would you be willing to participate?

33. May we have your contact information?

Name:  [TEXT BOX]
Telephone number:   [TEXT BOX]
Email:   [TEXT BOX]

Closing Page

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure VAC’s online services meet not only Veterans’ needs, but yours as well as employees. Once again, please be assured that VAC will not receive your name or contact information.

2. Interview Guide

  1. Introduce yourself, thank the individual for agreeing to participate, and re-iterate expected length of interview.
  2. Remind him/her that responses are confidential: Your responses during the interview will be kept confidential and the feedback you provide will be used for research purposes only and will not be attributed to you personally in the report resulting from this study. Your participation in the research is completely voluntary and your decision on whether or not to participate will not affect any dealings you may have with the Government of Canada.

I’d like to begin by asking you a few questions about your work at Veterans Affairs Canada.

1. To begin, could you please briefly describe your main duties and responsibilities?

Probe: - length of time in current position

2. [ADJUST WORDING BASED ON RESPONSE TO QUESTION 1]: To what extent do your work responsibilities involve dealing or interacting directly with Veterans?

- nature and frequency of interactions with Veterans
- relative importance of such responsibilities vs. other work responsibilities (e.g. % of workday/week devoted to such responsibilities)

3. What challenges, if any, do you encounter in the course of your interactions with Veterans? NOTE SPECIFIC REFERENCES TO MVA

Awareness and Knowledge of My VAC Account

4. [ADJUST WORDING IF PARTICIPANT HAS REFERRED TO MVA]: How comfortable would you say you are you with My VAC Account? Which features of My VAC Account are you most familiar with?

- very, somewhat, not very, not at all
- familiarity with certain features but not others


Experience with My VAC Account

5. Could you please describe how your work-related responsibilities relate to or involve My VAC Account?  How does it factor-in to your responsibilities?

Probe: - use/assist others in using it/promote it/receive and answer Qs. about it

6. Does My VAC Account help you in carrying out your work-related responsibilities? Please explain.

7. Are there any issues, problems, or challenges related to My VAC Account that make it difficult for you to carry out any of your work-related responsibilities? If so, what?

8. What kind of feedback, if any, have you received or heard from Veterans concerning My VAC Account?

Probe: - positive and negative/critical feedback

9. [IF YES to Q8 about RECEIVING FEEDBACK]: What do you do with this feedback you receive?

10. Have you received any training related to My VAC Account? If so, what kind of training did you receive? If not, why not?

Probe: - via WebEx, in-person, both


11. Would you like to receive training specifically on My VAC Account? Why/why not?

- valuable for you and your colleagues
- delivery format, any barriers?


12. Was the training you received helpful? Why/why not?

Probe: - what could be done to improve the training

13. Do you consider yourself sufficiently familiar or up-to-date with My VAC Account to effectively carry out your work-related responsibilities? Please explain.

Probe: - what would they like to know more about/be more familiar with

14. Would greater familiarity with VAC My Account enhance your ability to carry out your professional responsibilities? If so, please explain why and how?

Impressions of My VAC Account

15. How would you describe the overall impact of My VAC Account on your work? Why do you say that?

Probe: - positive, neutral, negative, no impact

16. How would you rate the overall value of My VAC Account to you when it comes to carrying out your responsibilities as a departmental employee? Why do you say that?

17. Do you promote the use of My VAC Account among Veterans? If so why? If not, why not?

- features they may be more/less comfortable promoting
- apprehensions about promoting MVA
- impediments to promoting MVA


18. What if anything would encourage you to promote/further promote use of VAC among Veterans?

Future Enhancements of My VAC Account

19. How important is it for you to be informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account? Please explain.

20. How would you rate the Department’s performance in terms of keeping you informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account? Please explain.

21. What could the Department do to better inform you about changes or updates to My VAC Account?

22. Can you think of any enhancements or changes to VAC My Account that would be useful to you in terms of your work? If so, what and why?

23. VAC is considering various new features or enhancements to My VAC Account. I’m going to list them and for each one please tell me how useful it would be to you in terms of your job and why [EXCLUDE ANY ALREADY IDENTIFIED IN PREVIOUS QUESTION]:

Unfamiliar with My VAC Account

[Description of MVA to be used if and as needed]

My VAC Account is an online service that allows Veterans to connect with VAC anytime, anywhere. My VAC Account is available to any Veteran or still-serving Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP member, and provides a simple and secure way to engage with VAC. Family members who receive benefits from VAC can also register for their own account. My VAC Account allows users to…

24. What is the main reason you are not familiar with My VAC Account?

25. Do you think it would be useful for you to be more familiar with My VAC Account or certain of its features? If so why? If not, why not?


26. What do you think it would be useful for you to know more about?

27. How important is it for you to be informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account? Please explain.

28. How would you rate the Department’s performance in terms of keeping you informed about ongoing updates to My VAC Account? Please explain.

29. What could the Department do to better inform you about changes or updates to My VAC Account?

30. Can you think of any enhancements or changes to VAC My Account that would be useful to you in terms of your work? If so, what and why?


31. Do you have any (other) suggestions to help the Department improve My VAC Account?

Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me today. Your feedback will be very helpful.

[1] My VAC Account users include war service Veterans; Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans; still-serving and retired RCMP members; and family members who are receiving benefits directly from VAC.

[2] 81,000 as of October 2018

[3] Recruitment notices were included on the department’s website as a way to reach non-users of My VAC Account. In the end, very few non-users of My VAC Account (n=14 respondents) elected to participate in any of the online surveys.

[4] For this survey, probability sampling was not feasible because access to a list of My VAC Account users was not available.