Waterhouse-Hayward was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1943.
His photos have appeared in The New York Times, The London
Times, The Daily Telegraph, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Spin, Time,
American Photography, Interview, Stern, The National Post
and The Globe and Mail.
has photographed Bob Hope, Audrey Hepburn, Candice Bergen, Liv
Ullmann, Kenneth Branagh, Vittorio Gassman, Martin Scorsese,
Krzysztof Kieslowski, Annie Leibovitz, Elliott Erwitt, Mario
Vargas Llosa, Leonard Cohen, P.D. James and William F. Buckley.
* * * * * * * * * *
Pam McCartney walks into my studio I am walloped visually. She
is an asymmetric delight that I am not quite accustomed to.
This is because I have always suspected that our attraction
to symmetry is innate. To begin to appreciate the lopsided view,
we often have to turn to visual arts.
of the last bastions of symmetry is the car. Cars, except for
small details such as the gas tank flap, are the same on both
sides. American designer Raymond Loewy pointed out that with
the steering wheel on one side, cars have always been asymmetric
I first
realized I was dyslexic 30 years ago while watching a TV program
on the subject. Instructing my subjects to move their left arm
or right hand when I am taking their pictures is tough for me.
I joke with Pam that she’s easy to work with: all I have
to do is tell her to move her arm here or there.
is because of my dyslexia that I am partial to Winslow Homer’s
Right and Left. In this painting (I have gone to the
National Gallery in Washington, DC many times to admire it)
there are two flying ducks which are askew. Only when you get
close do you see a man in a boat and see the two red flashes
of the shotgun’s right and left barrels.
I can never remember the name of the painting. Is it Left
and Right or Right and Left?
Pam I deal with my dyslexia in a playful manner. I asked her
if she was left handed or right handed. She did not know. By
doing the shifting finger in front of one’s eyes-trick,
we determined that she is right handed. Below, in Left and
Right, I flopped some of the negatives around to blur the
issue of what arm it is she does not have.

asymmetry does not stop with her one arm. Her hips are asymmetrical.
She has a narrow aist and voluptuous hips. And with her smallish
breasts, her torso has a direct parallel with the temple, tomb
carvings and statues of Akhenaten (a.k.a. either Amenophis IV
or Amenhotep IV) the monotheistic Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th
Dynasty (1427-1400 BCE). When Pam puts her hair up, the combination
of her forehead, which slopes upward, and her long neck combine
to make her a dead ringer for Akhenaten’s wife, Nefertiti.
is Pam’s enigmatic charm that when she was posing for
collaborative work with my Argentine artist friends
Nora Patrich and
Juan Manuel Sanchez (in their living room),
Juan did not give his sketch of Pam his usual stylized South
American aboriginal nose. This time around we worked on our
ethnic Madonna series and posed Pam by Argentine painter Victor
Pissarro’s nude. In a future project Juan wants to paint
Pam’s ‘missing’ arm on her body.
or asymmetric, Pam is a delight.
more information on the artist, please contact Arts Editor
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