Arts &
  Arts Culture Analysis  

  Current Issue  
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Robert J. Lewis
  Senior Editor
Bernard Dubé
  Contributing Editors
David Solway
Louis René Beres
Nick Catalano
Chris Barry
Don Dewey
Howard Richler
Gary Olson
Lynda Renée
Oslavi Linares
Jordan Adler
Andrew Hlavacek
Daniel Charchuk
  Music Editor
Emanuel Pordes
  Arts Editor
Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Mady Bourdage
Chantal Levesque Denis Beaumont
Emanuel Pordes
  Past Contributors
  Noam Chomsky
Mark Kingwell
Naomi Klein
Arundhati Roy
Robert Fisk
David Solway
Michael Moore
Richard Rodriguez
Pico Iyer
Edward Said
Jean Baudrillard
Bill Moyers
Barbara Ehrenreich
Leon Wieseltier
Charles Lewis
John Lavery
Tariq Ali
Michael Albert
Rochelle Gurstein



2002, Vol. 1, No. 1

Robert Fisk on the Middle East
Pico Iyer - interview
Bowling for Columbine - critique by Cynthia Fuchs
The Trials of Henry Kissinger - critique by J. Tanzer
Art of Les Cosgrove - critique by Robert J. Lewis
John Lavery's The Man With the Stamp
Elizabeth Bishop recites Sonnet (a poem)
Marina Endicott reviews Guy Vanderhaege's THE LAST CROSSING
Ryan McKaken: Of Dogs and Men
Stephen Day: Letter from an Fortunate Refugee
Blues of Ronnie Earl

2003, Vol. 2, No. 1

Arundhati Roy on anti-Americanism
Robert J. Lewis examines Pornography
Tariq Ali: Letter to a Muslim
Talk To Her: film review by Frank Vigorito
Shanghai Ghetto: film review by Elias Savada
Gustavo Sigal, the art of
Juan Manuel Sanchez and Alex Waterhouse-Hayward, the art of
Al Billings: Far Enough South
Robert Haas: poem
Pharaoh Lambert - Music & Poetry
Rochelle Gurstein
: the Mona Lisa
Arthur Kaptainis on modern classical music
Riad Saloojee: the charade of Iraq
The blues of Jimmie Vaughan

2003, Vol. 2, No. 2

Noam Chomsky on Iraq
Mark Kingwell Interview
Review of City of God by KJ Doughton
Art of Guy Benson by Marissa Consiglieri deChackal
David Solway: Recollections of a Pseudo Philosopher
Charles Lambert's All Gone (Short Story)
Robert Fanning poem: My Digital Initimate
Shane Neilson: Political Poetry's Resurgence
Bernard Dubé: The Roil Over Oil
Robert J. Lewis: For Whom The Genes Toll
The Blues of Delbert McClinton

2003, Vol. 2, No. 3

Edward Said: Chronicle of Infitada Foretold
David Solway on Quebec/Richler
IBM and the Nazi Connection
John Malkovich Interview by Tasha Robinson
KJ Doughton reviews Manic (film reivew)
Ryan Bigge essay: Everything Falls Apart
Robert Lewis reviews Man Without A Past (film review)
Sean Johnston's The Underdog (short story)
Art of Eric Carlos Bertrand by Maya Khankhoje
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: Photography
The Blues of Ray Bonneville by Emanuel Pordes

2003, Vol. 2, No. 4

Noam Chomsky on Collateral Damage
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward's Nudes
Aaron Wherry: Pop Divas, Pantydom and 3-Chord Ditties
Robert J. Lewis: Guitars, Gonads & Groupies are Wild
KJ Doughton reviews Magdalene Sisters (film review)
Eric Ormbsy reviews David Solway's RANDOM WALKS
Anne Simpson: 7 Poems
Naomi Klein reviews Letters to a Young Acitivist (book reiview)
Art of Lyne Bastien reviewed by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
The Blues of Derek Trucks

2003, Vol. 2, No 5

Jean Beaudrillard: Historicizing the Millenium
Michael Albert: Buying Dreams
Robert J. Lewis: On Immigration Policy
Cynthia Fuchs reviews Dirty Pretty Things (film review)
Hoagy Carmichael Interview
Al Billings: Half-Hidden Road (Memoir)
Nabeela Sheikh: True Romance (Short Story)
Robert James Berry: The Ocean (poem)
The Art of Kapil Harnal by Sarah Bagnall and Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Michael Jackson: Sleeping With the Enemy
The Blues of Chocolate Genuis (American Splendor)

2004, Vol. 3, No. 1

Michael Moore: Face It, You'll Never Be Rich
Donald Morgenson: The Love of Laughter
Barbarian Invasions reviewed by KJ Doughton
Fog of War reviewed by Colin Speaker
Scott Michaelson & Scott Shershow: The Lieber Code/Law of Sovereign Exception
Art of Magdalena Magiera by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Art of Nguyen TAI by Marissa de Consiglieri de Chackal
The Jazz Guitar of Tommy Emanuel
The Blues of Colin Lindon
Robert J. Lewis: Ethnicity and Self-Hatred
Angels of Mercy: Interview with Palliative Care Specialist

2004, Vol. 3, No. 2

Mark Kingwell: Making of Media Icon
Robert J. Lewis critiques Roberto Romei Rotondo's THE ROAMERS
Prostitution: Gender-based income redistibution with honor and dignity
The art of Nicole St. Pierre by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Patricia Sarrafian Ward: The Bullet Connection (short story)
Jason Anderson reviews film The Corporation
Lester Pimental reviews film Blind Shaft
Jazz pianist John Stetch
Blues of Robert Jr. Lockwood

2004, Vol. 3, No. 3

Justin Podur on Chiapas: Ten Years After
Bruce Cockburn Interview
Robert J. Lewis: Installation Art
Art of Charles Malinsky by R. Rozsa
Penis Dimensions - Spam and your Penis
Elias Savada reviews The Station Agent
Sally Fallon and Mary Enig: The Soya Bean Conspiracy
Aaron Wherry: American Ideal
Harry Manx sings A Little Cruel
Susie Arioli sings Now I Know

2004, Vol. 3, No. 4

Josey Vogels : Kidde Porn, The Internet and Uncommon Sense
EMBALMER, The Confessions of
The sculpture of Armand Vaillancourt by Robert J. Lewis
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: bathtub photography
Dr. Joe Schwarcz talks about toxins
Cynthia Fuchs reviews the film The Agronomist
Diana Krall interview by Aaron Wherry
Tom Carroll Cartoon
The art of Marc Fortier by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Jazz singer Coral Egan
Blues of Otis Spann

2004, Vol. 3, No. 5

Michael Albert : Capitalism at the Crossroads
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: Live Art
Katherine Czapp: The Ubiquity of Mercury
Robert J. Lewis: The Michelle Pfeiffer Effect
Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Oxygenating Athletes and Banned Substances
Robert J. Lewis: The Greatest Lie Ever: 20th Century Dress
Cynthia Fuchs reviews Maria Full of Grace
Rare Pearls (art review) by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
Jazz singer Stacey Kent
Blues of Ana Popovic

2004, Vol. 3, No. 6

Richard Rodriguez : Asians and Mexicans Count, Too.
Josey Vogels: Sex Traders in the Material World
Guy Saddy: Is Prog Rock on the Rocks
Lori Lipinski: Milk - The Dairy Industry's Tarnished Angel
Michael Taol: The Coca Leaf - Cultural Uses and Abuses
Robert J. Lewis: The Meaning of Dreams
Jurgen Fauth reviews the film: S21 - The Killing Machine of the Khume Rouge
Barbara Lefcowitz - fiction: The Girl from Albania
Bernard Dubé: Photo Essay
Jazz singer Carol Welsman

2005, Vol. 4, No. 1

Barbara Ehrenreich: A Uterus Is No Substitute for a Conscience
Interview : Bob DYLAN
Christopher Hitchens & Tariq Ali Debate Iraq
Robert J. Lewis: Bad Belly in Delhi
Riad Saloojee: Into the Art and Heart of Fasting
Wayne Bremser: The Lost Language of Jazz In an On-line Age
Jenn Clamen: Sex Workers of the World Unite
Paul Ingraham: The Anatomy of Vitality
Maya Khankhoje: The art of Remigio Valdes de Hoyos
Elbert Ventura reviews the film In This World
Jazz: Aldo Romano Jazz singer Carol Welsman

2005, Vol. 4, No. 2

Charles Lewis: American Jihad Against Transparency & Accountabiility
Robert J. Lewis: Divine Right & the Unrevolted Masses
Farmed Salmon : Why Are We Eating It
Michael Parenti: Are Hetrosexuals Worthy of Marriage?
Albert Ventura: America's Fear of Foreign Film
Buffalo Boy reviwed by KJ Doughton
The Art of MADY reviewed by Marissa Consiglieri de Chackal
David Steinberg: Sex and Fine Art
Holt & Skov: Blobobjects and Beyond
Jazz: Denzal Sinclaire

2005, Vol. 4, No. 3

Bill Moyers: No Tomorrow
Eugene Oscapella: Prohibition Doesn't Work
David Steinberg: G-Strings & Symnpapthy - Book Revew
Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Are Organic Vegetables Healthier?
Robert J. Lewis: Rap Music - Truth & Consequences
The Art of MYLENE GERVAIS reviewed by Lydia Schrufer
Romeo Dallaire: Shake Hands with the Devil reviwed John Griffin
Liam Durcan: Nightflight (fiction)
Rochelle Gurstein:On the Misery of Strangers
Margarete Scmerville: On Same Sex Marriage
Jazz: Madeleine Peyroux
Music: Martha Wainwright

2005, Vol. 4, No. 4

Thomas Friedman: Interviewed by Nayan Chandra
Robert J. Lewis: Michael Jackson: Manchild in a Promised Land
Born Into Brothels reviewed by Ken Eisner
Stephen Lewis: Aids Has a Woman's Face
Coconut Oil Rehabilitated by Mary Enig
The Art of CHRISTINA COLEMAN by Lydia Schrufer
Stuart Lenig: Film Essay - Zombies Are Us
Jazz: Bireli Lagrene

2005, Vol. 4, No. 5

Noam Chomsky: by Cynthia Peters
J.A. Quaytman - Michael Jackson: Another Seduction
Head-On reviewed by John Griffin
Julius Grey: The Paradox of Rules and Regulations
Robert Jensen: Into the Heart of Whiteness
Zhang Yimou interviewed by Barbara London
Ingrid Rice Cartoon
The art of LAURA HOLLICK by Lydia Schrufer
Di Caelers: Music and the Immune System
Robert J. Lewis: The Eclectic Switch
Jazz: Sonido Isleno by Diane Gordon

2005, Vol. 4, No. 6

Naomi Klein: Fences of Enclosure
Janis Ian: Are Downloaders Freeloaders?
Josey Vogels: 21st CENTURY SEX
Robert J. Lewis: Melody and Mind
Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Can Red Meat Take the Heat?
Gary Wisby: On the Secret Trail of Trash
Randy Bish: Cartoon
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: Photos of a One-armed Nude
Dan Stefik Film Review - The Edukators
Between Sets: Marc Jordan
Jazz: Sylvain Provost & Norman Lachapelle

2006, Vol. 5, No. 1

Evelyn Lau: The Chink Word
Dan Stefik Film Review - Water
Mecca, Feminism & Modernity Irshad Manji
Diane Gordon: The Roil Over Oil
John Pahle: Tehran's USA Red Brick Wall?
Robert J. Lewis: Confessions of a Chronophobe
Ingrid Rice: Cartoon
Art of Louise Jalbert by Lydia Schrufer
Between Sets: Juana Molina by Serge Gamache
Jazz: Samina

2006, Vol. 5, No. 2

Female Genital Mutilation: by B.A. Robinson
Jim Morrison: Life and Death reviewed by Serge Gamache
Michael Whealen reviews Cormac McCarthy
David Solway on James Joyce: Reading the Encyclopedia Dementia
Karel Sloane: A View of Nature
Graeme Mackay: Cartoon
Phillip Routh: The Sea Gull
Robert J. Lewis: On the Road in Peru
Samsara: film review by Hana Benveniste
The art of Rosemary Scanlon by Lydia Schruter Between Sets: Paulo Ramos by Diane Gordon
Jazz: Kevin Breit

2006, Vol. 5, No. 3

Robert J. Lewis: Cycle Hype or Genotype
Geoff Olson: The Seven Spins
John Lavery: Yuri and the King Crab
G.L. Mind: Being Gazed Upon
Tsotsi: film reviewed by KJ Doughton
Big Sugar: documentary reviewed by Daniel Stefik
Howard Richler: Yinglish Schminglish
Andy Singer's Cartoon
The art of Ultralab by Lydia Schruter
Jazz: Sophie Milman

2006, Vol. 5, No. 4

Female Genital Mutilation Part II: with Erica Pomerance
Margeret Somerville:Against Euthanasia
Ken Eisner reviews C.R.A.Z.Y.
Noushin Ehsan: Relfections on Museum Design
Peter McMillan: Clash of Civlizations
Thomas I. Palley: Dollar Lust
Genovali & Darimont: No Chances with Wolves
Howard Richler: The Significant Other Conundrum
Robert J. Lewis: Truth & Forgery
Kristen Pauch-Nolin: Stiches, Bitches and a Few Strands of Pubic Hair
Jazz: Annie Poulain

2006, Vol. 5, No. 5

On the Passing of ORIANA FALLACI: by Robert J. Lewis
Judy Rebick:Being Woman in Iraq
Donna Nebenzahl reviews The Omnivore's Dilemma
Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Bean Food
Daniel Quinn: Schooling, The Hidden Agenda
The Gambaroff Family of Artsts by Lydia Schrufer
Geoff Olson: The 7 Deadly Spins
A Long Walk (Eiji Okuda) - film review
Bill Lleak Cartoon
Jazz: Coco Zhao

2006, Vol. 5, No. 6

Micheal Pollan: Retreat from Meat
Robert J Lewis: Fear & Trembling in the Age of Terror
Geoff Olson: The 7 Deadly Spins - Envy
Peter Christoff reviews Tim Flannery's The Weather Makers
Anita Roy: At Play in the Garbage Fields of the Lord
An Inconvenient Truth:by Chris Knight
Abbas Zaidi: Story Behind a Short Story
G. K. Chesterton: The Terror of a Toy
The Art of Francine Hébert by Lydia Schrufer
Bill Leak Cartoon
Jazz: Badi Assad
Jazz: Pat Martino

2007, Vol. 6, No. 1

Noam Chomsky: US Against Sovereign Iraq
Robert J Lewis: In Praise of Envy
Mukhtaran Mai: The Shape of Rape in Pakistan
Dweezil Zappa:Interviewed by Mr. Bonzai
Mark Goldfarb: Hurts & Alerts
Marcel Dubois: Photography of
Kent Turner reviews the film Sisters in Law
Paul Ingraham: Ten Trillion Cells Walked into a Bar
Anita Roy: Ma River Ganges
Jazz: Michel Donato & Guillaume Bouchard - Bass Duo
Classical: Jerry Gerber
Between Sets: Luis de Godoy

2007, Vol. 6, No. 2

Michael Parenti: How Wealth Creates Poverty
Robert J. Lewis: Pet Obsessions
Scott Foundas reviews the film Send in a Bullet
Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Pesticides Per Trillion
The Art of Ruben Cuckier by Lydia Schrufer
Anita Roy: Blogger Down
Howard Richler: The Oxfordization of Poutine
Abbas Zaidi: Short Fiction - The Man Who Would Be Remembered
David Sanderson reviews film Banking on Heaven
Jazz: Ingrid Jensen - Trumpet on a Storm

2007, Vol. 6, No. 3

David Solway: Unveiling the Terrorist Mind
Phyllis Chesler: Secular Islam on the Rise
Roi Ben Yehuda reviews Faith Without Fear (Irshad Manji)
Rawi Hage: Interview + Book Review
Marie Rose Williams - The Great Teflon Lie & Toxicity
Robert J. Lewis: Death Wish 7 Billion
Tracy Robinson: When Fire Reigns
The Art of Raka B. Saha by Debbie Oliver
The Art of Purvis Young by Dindy Yokel
Jazz: John Roney & Jim Doxas
Jazz: Ivanhoe & Bathyscaphe

2007, Vol. 6, No. 4

Robert J. Lewis: On Cruising
Justin Podur: Global Warming
Peter Goddard: The Sex-Art of Jesika Joy
David Solway: The Big Lie: Terror, Antisemitism & Identity
Brian Zaikowski - Cartoon
The Art of William Kinnis and Dominique Tremblay by Lydia Schrufer
Serge Gamache reviews The Chinese Botanist's Daughter
Fawaz Gerges: Seething Anger in a Broken Middle East
Jazz: Russell Malone

2007, Vol. 6, No. 5

Robert J. Lewis: The Rebuke
Robert Cockburn: The Epidemic of Counterfeit Drugs
John Kelman - The Music of Dhaser Youssef
Paula Rothenberg: Feminism Now and Then
H.L.Mencken - The Zoo
Phillip Routh reviews Philip Roth's Everyman
BEN X: reviewed by Marcel Dubois
Jazz: David Binney

2007, Vol. 6, No. 6

Noam Chomsky: The Responsibility of the Itellectual
The BITCH word = blogosphere
Mark Schapiro's Exposed: Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: Photography
Payam Akhavan: Why Iran Wants to Rumble
Phillip Routh: The Rise and Fall of Jerzy Kosinski
Film Review of Rodrigo Pla's La Zona by Marcel Dubois
Robert J. Lewis: In Defense of Martin Heidegger
Aviva Glaser: Exposed - Triclosan, the Ubiquitous Antibacterial
Film Review of Gela Babluani's The Legacy by Sylvain Richard
2007 Millennium Summit Report
Jazz: Kurt Rosenwinkel

2008, Vol. 7, No. 1

Wendy McElroy: In Defense of Pornography
Ayaan Hirst Ali interviewed by Rogier Van BAkel
Rochelle Gurstein: The Pornographic Imagination
Kristen Kosmas - On Violent Men
Film Review of Irina Palm by Philippa Hawker
Robert Jensen's GETTING OFF reviewed by Eleanor Bader
Robert J. Lewis: Prisons of the World Unite
Howard Richler: Can I Have a Word with You?
Aletheia Plankiw: Right-Through Stare
The installation art of Gudrun Vera Hjartardottir by Tamara Schullin
Dindy Yokel: the art of Quilts
Jazz: Mimi Fox

2008, Vol. 7, No. 2

Ernesto Zedillo: Betraying Free Trade
David Solway: Confronting Islam
Jim Fay: The Squaw Word
Allen Casells: Pharmaspeak
Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine by Juan Santos
Philippa Hawker reviews 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days
Kenneth Green: Plastics - Facts & Fictions
Colin Nickerson: Of Microbes and Men
Robert Lewis: Abstract art Isn't Art
Donald Dewey: Cartoon Power
Magie Dominic: The Gown of Stillness (Art)
Jazz: Kurt Elling
Jazz: Voo Doo Scat

2008, Vol. 7, No. 3

Norman Fost: Steroid Hysteria
David Solway: Global Warning
Robert J. Lewis: Fear & Trembling in the Age of Terror
Michael J. Evans: Lost Souls in Kerala
Nick Schrager reviews film XXY
Rahnuma Ahmed: Distances
Tarun Khanna: Food Games in India
Ryan McClelland (artist): The Sleep of Reason(Art)
Jazz: Coral Egan's Magnify

2008, Vol. 7, No. 4

Noam Chomsky: Perils and Alternatives in the Post 9/11 World
Graham Allison: The Dirty Bomb
Bassam M. Madany reviews Robert Spencer's Onward Muslim Soldiers
Donna Jackson Nakazawa: Autoimmune Deficiency
Peter Howell reviews Poor Boy's Game (Clement Virgo)
John Gordon: Saving the Visual Arts
Marcel Dubois: 2008 Montreal Jazz Fest Photos
Natalie Bennett reviews Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization by David Montgomery(Art)
Gilbert Seah reviews film Finn's Girl
Robert J. Lewis: The Genocide Gene
Bernard Dubé reviews photography of John R.S. Gordon
Jazz: Martin Taylor

2008, Vol. 7, No. 5

Nayan Chanda: Parallel Universe
David Solway: Into the Heart of Darkness of the United Nations
Steve Kowit: Odysseus - Sacker of Cities
Wendi Aarons - Maxi Pads Over Troubled Waters
Rosnow & Foster: The Unravelling of Rumour and Gossip
Peter Feldstein: Warm Times Need Cool Heads
Lydia Schrufer - Wrap-ture
Sylvain Richard reviews film Leaving the Fold
Robert J. Lewis: Meditation on the Life-force
William Noguera - Prison Paintings by William Noguerar
Jazz: Jordan Officer

2008, Vol. 7, No. 6

Gore Vidal: Sex, Death & Money
David Solway: Palestine - Mirage in the Desert
Arundhati Roy - India on the Rise
O. J. Simpson: Far From Heaven by Robert J. Lewis
Jugu Abraham reviews film The Mourning Forest
Do Vegetarians Live Longer - Report
Robert J. Lewis: Gruesome in Gaza
Taras Grescoe interviewed by Lesley Chesterman
Marcel Dubois reviews film Zift
Michael J. Evens: Where Have All the Flowers Gone
Manita Shine: the Art and Craft by Lydia Schrufer
Laura Archer: art out of Africa by Lydia Schrufer
Jazz: Melody Gardot by Neila Mezynski

2009, Vol. 8, No. 1

David Solway: Situating Honorcide
Mark Goldfarb: The Unconfessed
Charles Moore: Oceans Drowning in Plastic
Geoff Olson: The Seven Deadly Spins (Pride)
Sadanande Dhume: Fear & Trembling in Mumbai
Thomas Sullivan: Homeland Insecurity
Roger Collier: No Left Turn
Sylvain Richard reviews film Truffe
Sylvain Richard reviews film Beneath the Rooftops of Paris
Donald Dewey: History of Humour in Cinema
Robert J. Lewis: And the Wretched Shall Rise
Ken Matsumoto (Sculptor) by Neila Mezynski
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward (photo essay): Mexican Nostalgia
Jazz: Jean Vanasse

2009, Vol. 8, No. 2

David Solway: Reign of Mediacracy
Mark Goldfarb: Chicken Belittled
Karen Davis: Battered Hen
Jim Muirhead: Invasion of Jelly Fish
Jesika Joy: Deconstructing Sexual Art
Margaret Somerville: Apes and Ethics
Farzana Hassan: Ban the Hijab
Yahia Labadid: Notes on Silence
Miriam Cross reviews film Before Tomorrow
Sylvain Richard reviews film Assembly
Michael J. Evans: Swimming with Shiva
Robert J. Lewis: On the Origins of Opinions
David Lieber: Poetry (For My Cat)
The Art of Amy Bernays by Lydia Schrufer
Jazz: Yves Léveillé

2009, Vol. 8, No. 3

Michael Pollan: In Defense of Food
David Solway: First They Take Jerusalem, Then Everything Else
Sudanand Dhume: Slumdog Economics
Shiela Basur: Noise and your Health
Bruce Korol: Get Government out of Marriage
Yahia Lababidi: Michael Jackson - The Awe and the Aw
Sylvain Richard reviews film Paraiso Travel
Sylvain Richard reviews film Necessities of Life
Bernard Dubé: To Pommel a Tamil Tiger
Robert J. Lewis: What I Saw in the Maw of Love & Hate
Jazz: Sylvain Provost

2009, Vol. 8, No. 4

David Solway:A Huge Serving of Academia Nuts
Mafooz Kanwar: Tolerance Misplaced
Anne Michaels: Nubian Exodust
Gail Johnson reviews Slow Death by Rubber Duck
Yahia Lababidi: Belly Dancer at the Wedding
Sarah Schwab: Modern Art at the Crossroads
Sylvain Richard reviews film Moment of Freedom
Dindy Yokel: Howard Fenster's Paradise Gardens
Robert J. Lewis: Jerzy Kosinki and theImagination
Jazz: Somi

2009, Vol. 8, No. 5

Cythia Peters: 21st Century Sexuality
Shahidul Alam: Shooting Nelson Mandela
Howard Richer: As You Like It
Ramin Sadighi and Sohrab Mahdavi: The Music Does Not Remain the Same
Yahia Lababidi: Always on Susan Sontag
Michael Richardson: Mekong Delta Blues
Sylvain Richard reviews film Blood River
Robert J. Lewis: My Gypsy Wife Tonight
Sylvain Richard reviews film Cryptic
Wendy Beccaccini: The Art of Owen York
Jazz: Luciana Souza

2009, Vol. 8, No. 6

Rory Stewart - The Irrisistable Illusion
David Solway:Talking Back to Talkbackers
Howard Richler: Oh Canada, We Stand on Car and Freeze
Sunny Lewis: Poisonous Brown Cloud
Josh Freed: Pocket Revolution
Yahia Lababidi: The Art of Fasting
Donald Dewey: Being & Disconnectedness
Robert J. Lewis reviews film Cole
Sylvain Richard reviews film By the Will of Genghis Kahn
Robert J. Lewis: Making a Quilt out of Collective Guilt
James Davis: Maraton Monks
Francic diClemente: Only the Lonely
The art of RENA MEREN reviewed by Lydia Schrufer
Jazz: PATRICIA BARBER reviewed by Neila Mezysski

2010, Vol. 9, No. 1

The Doors:Robby Krieger Interview
David Solway: Sunset of American Power
Shelina Merani: Burking the Burqa
Mona Eltahaway: Threats, No Regrets and Minarets
Robert J. Lewis: Alt Zionism
Yahia Lababidi Critiques Herman Melville's Bartleby
Anti Aging is no longer science fiction: A report
Vivek Wadhwa: Brain Drain
Sylvain Richard reviews film The Concert
Aashish Kaul: The Passage (short story)
Philip Concannon reviews film Johnnie Mad Dog
Jazz: Jill Barber reviewed by Adrian Mack

2010, Vol. 9, No. 2

David Solway: A Culture of Losers
Thabiti Lewis: Perceptions of Black Masculinity
Mary Kay: Avatar Thumbed in China
Laura Barclay: Jogging Against Alzheimer's
Alan Cassels: Drug Companies Don't Care
Megan Kearns reviews Eating Animals
Bill Moyers' Polluted Body
Stephen Farber reviews film Farewell
Robert J. Lewis: The Beautiful Versus Everything Else
Darcy Paquet reviews film Weaving Girl
David Lieber: This Just In - Haitians Are Dignified (photo essay)
David Solway: Going Cold Turkey

2010, Vol. 9, No. 3

David Solway: My Name is Kahn and I am Not a Terrorist
Michael Baumann: Church Enabled Pedophilia
Jesse Bering: Female Orgasm Redux
Gavin McInnes: Hipster Porn
Jean Kazes: Raw Food, What's It Good For
Robert J. Lewis: All That Montreal Jazz
Brendan O'Neill: Weaponizing Mozart
C. Prince reviews film The Clone Returns Home
Gary L. Olson reviews The Empathetic Civilization and Wired for War
Howard Richler: The Enigmatic Palindrome
Ilaria Maria Sala: Cooking Up Islamophobia in Italy
Robert J. Lewis: We Are the Miracle

2010, Vol. 9, No. 4

David Solway: America and Her Allies
Robert J. Lewis: Hijackers, Hookers and Paradise Now
Victor Diaz Lamich: Shooting the Dead
Nancy Snipper: Latin American Cinema Comes of Age
Maywa Montenegro: Organic Farming - Facts and Fictions
John Zmirak: Fake Virtues Are Worse Than Vices
Emily St. John: Notes on Disappearance
Susan Froetschel: Soft Power and Soaps
Dindy Yokel: The Passing of Artist Purvis Young
Jazz: Chet Doxas

2010, Vol. 9, No. 5

David Solway: Liberty or Tyranny
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: iPhone Nudes
Katherine Evans: Living Dolls
Michael Pulsford: Temporal Warp, the Brain and Music
Eric Randolph: India - Revolt of the Minuses
Andrew Taggart: Philosophy, What's It Good For
Donald Dewey: It's a Kindergarten Life
Christopher Campbell reviews film Into Eternity
Robert J. Lewis: 1-800-Philosophy
Alan Cassels: Drug Bust
Dambisa Moyo: Dead Aid
Nancy Snipper: reviews film Che, Un Hombre Nuevoe
Jazz: François Bourassa

2010, Vol. 9, No. 6

Riaz Hassan: My Life As A Weapon
Alan Cassels: Selling Sickness
Donald Hilton: How Pornography Changes Your Brain
Wendy Smith: Jimi & Janis
Tatiana Bužeková and Monika Išová: Intimacy and Disgust
Kissing Up to Kashmir: Arundhati Roy
Gordon Marino: Boxing and Aristotle
David Solway: The Madness of Reactive Politics
Robert J. Lewis: Lover's Recourse
Margaret Somerville: Are Humans Special?
Farzana Hassan reviews Tarek Fatah's The Jew Is Not My Enemy
The sculpture of David Moore by Lydia Schrufer
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward: Dressed to Kill in the Age of Pornography
Laura Archer: Kidnapped in Darfur
Jazz: Sylvain Luc

2011, Vol. 10, No. 1
Thus Spake: Lewis Lapham by Christopher Graham
Thomas Chatterton Williams: Unveiling Hip-Hop
Richard Klein: Against Health
David Solway: Palin for President?
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein: The Importance of Being Cool
Jaimie Baron:The Inappropriate Woman in Film
Beverly Quesdat-film review: When We Leave
Darin M. McMahon: The History of Happiness
Nandini Nair: Standup (Comedy) for Your Rights
Donald Dewey: The Gratification Gene and Consequences
Farzana Hassan-book review: The Grand Design (Stephen Hawking)
Robert J. Lewis: Before Good and Evil
Jazz: Neil Cowley
2011, Vol. 10, No. 2

David Solway: Utopia - Good Place or No Place?
Marina Adshade: Why Black Women Are Against Interracial Marriage
Robert J. Lewis Robert Mapplethorpe: The Heterosexual Dictatorship
Yoav J. Tenembaum: Deconstructing Tolerance
Todd Simmons (book review) Holy Shit - Managing Manure
J. A. Quaytman: Suicide Bombers - The Paradox of Power
Thabiti Lewis: Academic Burdens on Black Athletes
Shawn Connor interviews Linda McQuaig
Donald. A. Collins: Apocalypse Soon
Geoff Olson: A Walk with Mother Down Memory Lame
Farzana Hassan-book review: The Islamist (Ed Husain)
Howard Richler: No Apology for Neology
Rick Poynor: Does Quality Matter in Art?
Ron Wilkinson reviews film Lola
Carol R. Scott - A Reluctant Collector

2011, Vol. 10, No. 3

Noam Chomsky: The Status of Freedom of Speech
David Solway: The Multiculti Tango
Douglas Farrow: Blurring of Sexual Boundaries
Jessi Fischer: The Vilification of Male Sexuality
Nick Crowe reviews David Bowie bio
Jujube: Why I Don't Want Biracial Children
Marcel Gleiser: Is Existence Inevitable?
Eman Al Nafjan: Child Marriage in Saudi Arabia
Donald Dewey: Writers as Ideas
Ellena Savage: The Uses and Abuses of Contempt
Women in the Dirt: Documentary reviewed by Lydia Schrufer
Farzana Hassan reviews Toby Huff's Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution
Susan Moeller: Getting Cruised by the News
Robert J. Lewis: The Unrevolted Masses Redux
Jazz: Marianne Trudel

2011, Vol. 10, No. 4

George Scialabba: Hitchens Takes on Chomsky
David Solway: Deconstructing Chomsky
Katrina Fox: Our Desires Versus Best Intentions
Hugo Schwyzer: Why Older Men Lust After Younger Women
Peter Moskos: In Defense of Flogging
Robert J. Lewis: Being and Baggage
Gary Olson reviews Masculinity, Militarism and Empathy
Chris Toensing: That Fateful Choice
Farzana Hassan reviews Islam & Democracy (Esposito & Voll)
Jazz: Florence K

2011, Vol. 10, No. 5

David Solway: When a Civilization Goes Mad
Elizabeth Abbott: Mutiny on the Bountiful (Polygamy)
Exchanging Naked Pics with Malcom Harris & Helena Fitzgerald

Imani Perry: Black Beauties
Paul Boghossian: Negotiating Moral Relativism
Jeffrey Tucker: Bad Faith Environmentalism
Maria Bustillos: The PrudeVersus the Prurient
Robert J. Lewis: Let's Get Cultured
Farzana Hassan reviews: The Confrontation: Winning the War Against Jihad (Walid Phares)
Bonnie Costello: Running Amok in Malaise-Ya
Between Sets: Sissoko (Kora) $ Segal (Cello)
Jazz: Terez Montcalm

2011, Vol. 10, No. 6

David Solway: The Weakness of the West
Navi Pillay: Corrective Rape
Scott McLemee: Humiliation and Virility
Wahajat Ali: Islamophobia in America
Louis René Beres: Disappearance of Philosopher Kings
Alexander Edmonds: Does Plastic Surgery Heal the Mind?
Alan Cassels: The Myth of the Greying Tsunami
Chris Barsanti reviews (film) A Bitter Taste of Freedom
Farzana Hassan reviews (book) Why Catholics are Right (Michael Coren)
Emily Badger: Rescuing Languages
Guy Sorman: Sharia at Loggerheads with Capitalism
Deane-Peter Baker: Just Warriors
David Solway reviews (book) A Delectable Lie (Salim Mansur)
Robert J. Lewis: Why Don't We Do It in the Road
Jazz: Cyrus Chestnut

2012, Vol. 11, No. 1

David Solway: Deconstructing the State
Gary Olson: Martin Luther King's Dream in the Balance
Transsexuality: Break on Through to the Other Side
Lisa Hickey: Chasing Beauty
QRG: Rape Culture and Other Myths
Louis René Beres: Malaise in the Age of Social Networking
Paul Wallace: Believing in Johnny Cash
Michael Ruse: Too Many Books
Robert J. Lewis: Caste the First Stone
Edward Sri; Dictatorship of Relativism
Bhupat Dudi: For the Women of India
Robert Hershorn reviews film Le Havre
Louis René Beres: What is Important
Farzana Hassan reviews The Coming Revolution (Walid Phares)
Jazz: Jill Barber

2012, Vol. 11, No. 2

David Solway: The Socialist Transfer of Wealth
Louis René Beres: Fully Human Meaning of Occupy Wall Street
Tommie Shelby: I Didn't Lose My Faith, I Just Didn't Have It
Tauriq Moose: Is Incest Wrong?
Howard Richler: The Tyranny of Linguistic Correctness Redux
Thomas Rodham: Historic Crimes and National Responsibility
John Kelman: When Is a Jazz Festival Not a Jazz Festival?
Richard Pickard book reviews Empire of the Beetle
Robert J. Lewis: Let There Be Blood
Brian Boyd: Nabokov - Giving Freud the Slip
Nancy Snipper reviews film Presumed Guilty
Farzana Hassan reviews Brit Wits: History of Brit Humour (Iain Ellis)
Lydia Schrufer reviews Hazel Bryce & Jolanta Srprawka
Betsy L. Chunko: Plastics, Toxicity & Everyone's Health

2012, Vol. 11, No. 3

David Solway: Galloping Agraphia
Louis René Beres: War, Truth and the Shadows of Meaning
Shaun Clarkson: Woody Allen and the Golden Age of Kitsch
Ian Williams: Forgetting Christopher Hitchens?
Janice Fiamengo: Saving the Humanities
Robert Weissberg: Dearth of Males on Campus
Samuel Burd filmreviews A Separation
Robert J. Lewis: Feedbackers of the World Unite
Scott McLemee: Deconstructing Disgust
Lane Wallace: Is Unhappiness Toxic?
John Butler bookreviews Warraq's Critique of Edward Said
Donald Dewey: The Overwriting Syndrome
Farzana Hassan bookreviews Unworthy Creature by Aruna Papp
Six Degrees of Jazz: Tord Gustavsen

2012, Vol. 11, No. 4

Louis René Beres: Affirming Life in the Age of Atrocity
David Solway: The Decline of Literate Thought
Robert Joe Stout: Deconstructing the War on Drugs
Susan Greene: Is Solitary Confirement a Crime?
Steven Fink: Islam, Hip-Hop & Freedom
Advaita Kala: Sexual Healing in India
Sugar: The White Death
Robert J. Lewis: Christianity's Genius
Leonard S. Spector: Will Desperate Syria Use Its Chemical Weapons?
Chantal Levesque: Photo Essay - 2012 Montreal Jazz Festival
Six Degrees of Jazz: Sarah MK

2012, Vol. 11, No. 5

Louis René Beres: Our Fractured Union
David Solway: Lefties: Gnostics of Our Time
Robert J. Lewis: God & Sex
Laura Agustin: Sex as Work and Sex Work
Pamela Haag: Muslim Women Seeking non-Monagamous Relationships
Bernard Dubé: Portrait Versus Landscape Photography
Lawrence Weschler: Ceaseless Profusion of Data
Santiago Zabala: I Am Wired, Therefor I Exist
Al Billings: An Old Canadian Sunset
Bruce Bawer reviews David Solway's Global Warning: The Trilas of an Unsettled Science
Six Degrees of Jazz: Julie Lamontagne

2012, Vol. 11, No. 6

Louis René Beres: To Fix a Broken Plant
David Solway: The Intelligence Potential Factor
Zara Stardust: Authenticity in the Sex Trade
Robert J. Lewis: Bikini Jihad in Pamukkale (Turkey)
Jessica Love: Deconstructing Swearing
Raymond Filip: For the Father I Did Not Kill
Kirstin West Savali: Who's Afraid of Being Post-Black in America?
Julie Lamontagne: Is Composed Music Superior to Improvised?
Howard Richler: A Thousand and One Word Phobias
Jonah Lehrer: Does pre-School Really Matter?
Yahia Lababidi: Prisms and Aphorisms
Betsty L. Chunko reviews Trial by Ink (Yahia Lababidi)
Samual Burd reviews Take This Waltz
Six Degrees of Jazz: Vincent Gagnon (piano)

2013, Vol. 12, No. 1

Louis René Beres: Crowds and the Slow Death of America
David Solway: Understanding the Education Mess We're In
Bryan Adams Interview (with Carl Wiser)
Gernot Wagner & Martin Weitzman:
Playing Gods with Weather
Gloria Gilbert: Arsenic In Rice
Nancy Snipper film reviews Beyond These Walls
Philip Ball: The Reign of Light
Robert J. Lewis: Have Idea Will Travel
John Edward: The Coffee Art of Saul Bolanos
Betsy L. Chunko reviews Unveiled (Farzana Hassan)
Six Degrees of Jazz: Susie Arioli & Jordan Officer

2013, Vol. 12, No. 2

David Solway: Infirmative Action
Louis René Beres: The Genocide Gene
Stephen Law: Debating Gay Sex
George Dvorsky: The Filter Theory of Natural Selection
Robert J. Lewis -
Understanding Rape
Russell D. Moore - Christian Fornication
Robert J. Lewis: Understanding Rape
Betsy L. Chunko - The Art of Roberto Romei Rotondo
John Butler - reviews The Girls of Riyadh
Terra Bosart - Hermaphroditism as a Way of Being
Michael J. Coren - Genetically Modified Food is OK
Lydia Schrufer - The Printmaking of Florin Hategan
Six Degrees of Jazz: Jean Félix Mailloux

2013, Vol. 12, No. 3

Louis René Beres: To Fix a Broken Planet
David Solway: Deconstructing David Suzuki
Messay Kebede: What's Wrong with Africa
Marcie A. Hamilton: The New Pope
David Jacobson: The Women of Timbuktu
Daniel Pratt reviews film Revolution (Rob Stewart)
Troy Jollimore: Godless but Good
Jeffrey Hartinger: Sex Behind Bars - Pros & CONS
Daniel Charchuk reviews film The Place Beyond the Pines
Scott McLemee: Unbeleiving Saints, Pious Psychopaths
Robert J. Lewis: The New Virility
Six Degrees of Jazz: Jean Félix Mailloux

2013, Vol. 12, No. 4

Louis René Beres: Facing Future Wars
David Solway: Islam's Infidels
Michele Pridmore-Brown: The Evolving Virgin
Smithsonian: Music is a Drug We Can't Refuse
Laurie Penny: Of Boys & Men
Emily Anthes: Frankenstein's Cat
Robert J. Lewis: The Root Natty Root of Music Fatigue
Nick Catalano: Da Vinci's Demons
John M. Edwards: The Return of Bruce Chatwin
Chantal Levesque: Montreal Jazz Festival (photo essay)
Nancy Snipper reviews Lemon
Gennady Stolyarov II: Don't Say 'NO' to Living Forever
Six Degrees of Jazz: Becky Noble Sextet

2013, Vol. 12, No. 5

David Solway: The Snob Factor Among Conservatives
Louis René Beres: When Science May Not Be Enough
Hazem Kandil: The End of Islamism
Diane Bruk: Beauty Standards and the Influence of the Internet
Scott McLemee: The Longevity Seekers
Howard Richer: How Happy Became Homosexual
Gary Olson: How to Start an Empathy Epidemic
Robert J. Lewis: Dispatches from the Natural Selection Front
Janice Fiamengo: Don't Be That Feminist
Nick Catalano reviews the film Salinger
Six Degrees of Jazz: Vijay Iyer

2013, Vol. 12, No. 6

David Solway: Living in the Age of Contradiction
Louis René Beres: Error, Metaphor and the American Road to War
Nick Catalano: Vermeer Nation
John M.Kang: Does Manly Courage Exist?
James Mayfield: The Rise of the Xenophobic Right
John M. Edwards: Kutna Hora and the Chapel of Bones
Oceans into Acid - The Smithsonian
Robert J. Lewis: Chat Rooms and Infidels
Henry Giroux: America's Descent into Madness
Daniel Charchuk reviews (film) The Past (Faradi)
Six Degrees of Jazz: Lionel Loueke

2014, Vol. 13, No. 1

David Solway: Praying by the Rules
Henry Giroux: The Spectacle of Illiteracy
Roberto Romei Rotondo: LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Rock Band Ever
Zack Dorfman: Assholes - A Theory
Chantal Levesque: Transylvania - Photo Essay
George Dvorsky: Why Freud Matters
Marilyn Booth: Mapping Women's Arab Movements
Ken Lane: Environmentalism as Next Religion
Santiago Zabala & Robert Sinnerbrink: In Defense of Philosophy
Elena Mariakhino reviews art of Victor Cartagena
Robert J. Lewis: The Long and Winding Jazz Solo
Nick Catalano reviews Russell Shorto's Amsterdam Documentary
John M. Edwards: Hex & Sex in Sumatra
Six Degrees of Jazz: Tia Fuller

2014, Vol. 13, No. 2

David Solway: Why I Write
Henry Giroux: Challenging Casino Capitalism
Greta Christina: Robot Sex
Neil deGrasse Tyson Interivew - Curtis Brainard
Andrew Graham-Dixon: Bob Dylan the Painter
Bruce Bawer reviews Russell Short's Amsterdam
Alan Cassels: Do We Need Vaccines?
Noah Berlastsky: Fascism & Black Metal
Robert J. Lewis: Giacometti: A Line in the Wilderness
Richard Louv: Nature Deficit Disorder
John Halle: The Last Symphony
John M. Edwards: Bulgar Isn't Vulgar in Bulgaria
Lee Fang: The Payoff
Nick Catalano: Astrophysics for Mortals
Max Weiss reviews the film Omar
Robert J. Lewis: The Perfect Crash: Flight 370

2014, Vol. 13, No. 3

Henry Giroux: The Politics of The Deep State
David Solway: Winners and Losers
John M. Edwards: The Last Tasmanian Devil Standing
Fish Oil & Brain Health
Santiago Zabala: Only Art Can Save Us
Bernd Brunner: All Is Fair in Hair
My Inner India by Ravindra
Anthony Merino: Foucault for Dummies
Nick Catalano reviews Carol Fredette (jazz singer)
Chantal Levesque: Les Demoiselles of Heavy Metal (photo essay)
Robert J. Lewis: Being and Self-Consciousness
Jazz: Cecile McLorin Salvant

2014, Vol. 13, No. 4

Henry Giroux: Protesting Youth
David Solway: Don't Apologize, Dude
Robert Joe Stout: Taking Care of Business in Oaxaca
John M. Edwards: Poland - Potent Potables
Julie McCarthy: Toilet Trouble in India
Nick Catalano:
Human Sacrifice at the Parthenon
Don Dewey: Meeting the Author
John Pahle: A Few Notes Scratched on Concrete
Robert J. Lewis: Actor on a Hot Tin Roof
Santiabo Zabala: Jacques Derrida - An Appreciation
Jazz: Emma Frank

2014, Vol. 13, No. 5

Henry Giroux: Killing Machines and the Madness of Militarism
David Solway: The Obama Bomb
Louis René Beres: Fixing the World
Katrina Forrester: Playing the Whore
Laurie Penny: Transgender Tipping Point
Sunra Lambert Baj: Photo Essay: Out of Sudan
John M. Edwards: Slovenly Slowdown in Slovakia
Robert J. Lewis: OM, The Great Escape
Anthony Merino: Nick Cave & Funkadelic
Maged Mandour: The Collapse of the Arabic Political Order
Oxana Timofeeva To the End of History and Back
Nancy Snipper reviews Da Sweet Blood of Jesus
Jazz: Shai Maestro Trio

2014, Vol. 13, No. 6

Henry Giroux: In the Shadow of the Atomic Bomb
David Solway: We Have Met the Enemy
Nick Catalano reviews Interstellar
Tara Morrissey: Ziggy Azalea: The New Real
John M. Edwards: Patrick Leigh Fermor -- Footloose and Free
Scott Appleby reviews Fields of Blood
John Danaher: Sex Robots Displacing Sex Workers
P. David Hornik reviews David Solway's Blood Guitar CD
Robert J. Lewis: The Sinking of the Friendship
Santiago Zabala: The End of Emergencies
Anthony Merino: Ego & Art: Whistler and Waterston
Darcia Labrosse (art of) by Lydia Schrufer
Jazz: Christine Jensen

2015, Vol. 14, No. 1

Henry Giroux: The Age of Disposability
David Solway: Why I Like Country Music
Riaz Hassan: Muslim Women Down But Not Out
Stella Paul: The Day I Couldn't Urinate
Robert Joe Stout: Mexican Ghosts
Nick Catalano: Stains and Blemishes in Democracy
Ali Wajahat: Islam and Sex Do Mix
Backdoor Pharmacy: How Animals Get High
Roberto Romei Rotondo: The Buoy
John H. McWhorter: Conquering Tongues
Robert J. Lewis: Hit Me with That Music
William A. Noguera: Death Row Art
Jazz: Vincent Rehel

2015, Vol. 14, No. 2

Henry Giroux: Selfie Culture
David Solway: Must a Good Song Tell the Truth?
Janice Fiamengo: Manspreading - A Portent of Things to Come
Lilly Murphy: How Does It Feel, Bob Dylan?
Lydia Schrufer reviews Michelle Marder Kamhi's Who Says That's Art
Nick Catalano: Film Treatment of Stolen Art
Santiago Zabala: Ever Crumbling Walls
Gary Olson: Can Capitalism Save Itself
John M. Edwards: The Ghost Capital of West Africa
Lydia Schrufer reviews Magie Domininc's Street Angel
Robert J. Lewis: Meditation on Love
Andrew Hlavacek reviews film Timbuktu
Azeem Abrahim: Stopping the Best of Wahhabism

2015, Vol. 14, No. 3

Louis René Beres: What Do Islamist Terrorists Seek?
Henry Giroux: Hollywood Heroism and American Sniper
David Solway: Would Life Be Better Without Facebook?
Riaz Hassan: Countering the Scourge of ISIS
Anthony Merino: Updating Walter Benjamin
Bernard Crespi: Up Your Darwinism
Robert J. Lewis: Grappling With Revenge
Nick Catalano: HD Opera - Game Changer
Jeremy Brecher reviews Nature's Trust
Vikram Mansharamani: Canada's Economy Down and Out
Andrew Hlavacek reviews Good Kill
Gary Olson: On Our Western Watch the Birth of ISIS
Six Degrees of Jazz: John Roney
Six Degrees of Jazz: Homage to B. B. King - Philip Ball

2015, Vol. 14, No. 4

Louis René Beres: Crowds, Belonging and Victory Over Death
Henry Giroux: America's Plunge into Authoritarianism
David Solway: The Hour Is Later Than We Think
John M. Edwards: Putting on Airs at Ayers Rock
Bill Gates: MEAT Global Warming
Messay Kebede: The Politics of Fear
Alan Wolfe: The Paradox of Liberation
Nick Catalano: Cuban Jazz - A Celebration and Retrospective
Anthony Merino: Out of Darkness
The Brain and the Immune System Connections
Robert J. Lewis: The New Man
Mary Evelyn Tucker: Climate Change Brings Moral Change
Six Degrees of Jazz:
Robert Glasper
Six Degrees of Jazz: Kat Edmonson

2015, Vol. 14, No. 5

Henry Giroux: From School to the Prison Pipeline
David Solway: Identity Games
Valerie Tarico: Marriage According to the Bible
Robert J. Lewis: Pedophiling Innocence
Nick Catalano reviews Black Earth
Justin Elliott: The Red Cross or Double-Crossed
Scott Beyer: Under the Havana Moon
Gary Olson: Cultivating Empathy
Mike Errico: The Song Remains the Same
Six Degrees of Jazz: Phronesis

2015, Vol. 14, No. 6

Louis René Beres: Genocide, Self-Defense and International Law
Henry A. Giroux: What Kind of Society Produces Donald Trump
David Solway & Janice Fiamengo: What About Our Sons
Alexander C. Kouts: Fear and Loathing at Burning Man
Luvell E. Anderson: Racist Humour
Cynthia Cockburn: Disarming Masculinities
Timothy Hsiao: In Defense of Eating Meat
Janice Fiamengo: Why I Am An Anti Feminist
Tammy Ruggles: Legally Blind - Through the Lens Darkly
Mike Errico: The Value of Music
Nick Catalano: What We Don't Know About Eastern Culture
Robert J. Lewis: Islam Divided by Two
Six Degrees of Jazz: Jaga Jazzist

2016, Vol. 15, No. 1

David Solway: Dining out with Terrorists
Henry A. Giroux: Trump
Robert J. Lewis: Islam is Smarter Than the West - The QED
Tina Amirtha: Dystopia and Death and Dark Tourism
George Scialabba: The Dialectic of Love and Authority
Toby Hemenway: The Myth of Self-Sufficiency
Don Dewey: Not Playing It Safe
Joseph Spuckler reviews An Arab Dawn (Bessma Momani)
Tammy Ruggles: Legally Blind - Through the Lens Darkly
Mike Errico: The Value of Music
Nick Catalano: What We Don't Know About Eastern Culture
Six Degrees of Jazz: Nels Cline & Julian Lage

2016, Vol. 15, No. 2

Henry A. Giroux: Exile as Space of Disruption in the Academy
David Solway: The Mystery of Melody
Hollis Robbins: The Literature of Lynching
Dr. Christopher Labos: It's Just a Fish -- Genetically Modified Salmon
Robb Rutledge: What Makes Us Happy?
Fariha Roisin: Soft Power
Ray Filip: The Father/Son Challenge
Rachel Nuwer: Ocean Plastic Particles in the Trillions
Maya Weeks: The Myth of the Garbage Patch
Richard Weitz: Hyvrid Power
Nick Catalano: Manon Lescaut at the Met
Robert J. Lewis: Once Were Animal

2016, Vol. 15, No. 3

Louis René Beres: Victory as Vanishing Point in the Age of Terror
David Solway: The Ideal of Perfection in Faith and Politics
Henry G. Giroux: Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
Nick Catalano reviews Miles Ahead and Born to Be Blue
Thabiti Lewis: Goodnight Sweet Prince
Gary Olson: Knots from the Underground = Zika Big Money Maker for Big Pharma
Tim Gao: Photo Essay
Robert J. Lewis: Beware the Cherry-Picker
Joshua Stacher: Egypt Running on Empty
David Booth: Fathers, Cars and Turgenev
Chris Gray: The Digital Wizard of Awes
Jalees Rehman: Water and Land Grabbing
Six Degrees of Jazz: Fred Hersch

2016, Vol. 15, No. 4

Louis René Beres: America Becomes What Its Founding Fathers Feared
Canada: A Tragically Hip Nation
David Solway: A Melancholy Calculation
Henry G. Giroux: In Dark Times Teachers Matter
Nick Catalano: The Guns of August
Mark Judge: Where Have All the Manly Journalists Gone?
Gary Olson's Knots from the Underground = CIA Seeks to Keep Fear Alive
Anthony Merino: African Art Against the State
Santiago Zabala: Philosophy Takes on the Refugee Crisis
Susan Schneider: The Problem with AI Consciousness
Ravindra: My Faith in the Time of Scandal
Gordon Marino: Ali - Couldn't Stand Him Back Then
Robert J. Lewis: The Truth Must Hurt
Six Degrees of Jazz:

2016, Vol. 15, No. 5

David Solway: Reconsidering the Female Franchise
Louis René Beres: Money & Politics: A Look Behind the News
Henry G. Giroux: Isolation and Losing in Trump's America
Nick Catalano: Demagogues: The Rhetoric of Barbarism
Joseph Heath: Rob Ford, a Mayor for All Seasons
Gary Olson's Knots from the Underground = Business School for Psychopathic Predators
Filippo Contesi: The Meaning of Disgusting Art
Tony N. Brown & Evelyn Patterson: Wounds from Incarceration That Never Heal
Robert J. Lewis: Old People
Ajit Sarma: Ceding the Territorial Imperative
Jerry Prindle: North America the Beautiful (photo essay)
Pranab Bardhan: Left and Right of the World Unite
Six Degrees of Jazz: Gregory Porter

2016, Vol. 15, No. 6

Henry A. Giroux: Violence, America's Favourite Pastime
David Solway: The Scandal of Human Rights
Gary Olson: A Satire on Unpermissible Satire
Christopher Labos: Zika = Fighting Fire with Fire
Nick Catalano: The Maw of Deregulated Capitalism
Luke Hennessey: Game of Thrones Appreciation
Dan Falk: Debate Over Origins oand Physics of Time
Frank T. McAndrew: Why Clowns Freak Us Out
Howard Richler: Wordplay - Arranged and Deranged
Robert J. Lewis: Abstract Art or Artifice II
Lesley Le Grange: Decolonizing South Africa
Jonathan Floyd: Why Political Philosophy Matters
Six Degrees of Jazz: Takuya Kuroda

2017, Vol. 16, No. 1

Henry A. Giroux:Authoritarianism in America
David Solway: The Shaping of Our Destiny
Gary Olson: Refugees Welcome with Only a Few Conditions
Nick Catalano: Aristotle - Film Critic
Ole Martin Moen: Checking People Out
Howard Richler: Let's Call the Caliphate Wannabes 'Daesh'
Report: The Alzheimer's Cure
Susan Froeschel: Turning Trash into Treasure
Frank T. McAandrew: Why Clowns Freak Us Out
Ravisant Kasana: Daring to Talk about Caste in India
Mitch Horowitz: Losing the War on Unhappiness
Richard R. Reeves: In Defense of Immigration
Robert J. Lewis: The Fuck-it List

2017, Vol. 16, No. 2

David Solway: Trump's Second Hundred Days
Henry Giroux: Democracy in Exile
Robert J. Lewis: Broken Feather's Last Stand
Nick Catalano: Inquiry into Constitutional Originalism
Gary Olson: The Chia Cartel
Alison L. Van Enneenem: Gene Editing
Ted Gioia: The Backlash Against Jazz
Tawa Art: A Mady Bourdage Initiative
Roger Highfield: Reassessing da Vinci
Health Report: Why Dementia Rates Are Down
David Booth: Roads Without Rules
H. L. Mencken: In Defense of Feminism
Michael Anft: Don't Feed Your Head
David Solway: Free Speech vs. Hate Speech

2017, Vol. 16, No. 3

Louis René Beres: The Futile Goal of Winning Wars
David Solway: The Birds and the Bees
Henry Giroux: The Culture of Cruelty
Nick Catalano: Sexual Relativity and Gender Revolution
Gary Olson: Leprosy Colony Work
The Pad Man: Menstruation & Taboo in India
Christopher Freiman: The Desire To Fit In
Per Molander: The Anatomy of Inequality
Howard Richler: The cop-opting of the word "elite" by the 'elites.'
Santiago Zabala: The Withering of Populism
Adam Tanner: Patient Medical Data = The Hidden Trade
Robert J. Lewis: Game Addiction
Anthony Merino: Black Hater Dylann Roof=The New Face of the GOP
Les Nuits d'Afrique Music Festival (Montreal)
Six Degrees of Jazz: Edmar Castaneda

2017, Vol. 16, No. 4

Louis René Beres: In the Absence of Wise Councel
David Solway: Plan to Reform Our Failing Universities
Henry A. Giroux: Thinking Dangerously in Dark Times
Nick Catalano: Polish Jewry -- What Museums Teach Us
Gary Olson: Deconstructing Obama's Legacy
Bruce Stokes: The Politics of Belonging
Cathey Reisenwitz: Towards a New Masculinity
Don Dewey: Punk Times
Mikos Legrady: Destabilizing Marcel Duchamp
Yahia Lababidi - Where Epics Fail (review of)
Andrew Hoffman: Academics Get No Respect
Messay Kebede: Time & Modernity in Ethiopa
Robert J. Lewis: Turning into Our Opposites
Six Degrees of Jazz: Donny McCaslin

2017, Vol. 16, No. 5

Louis René Beres: America First - Lawless Retreat from National Security
David Solway: Living on the Diagonal
Henry A. Giroux: Youth Must Defend Democracy
Nick Catalano: Rockers Retreading The American Songbook
Chris Barry: A Carnivore's Brave Encounter with Colonic Hydrotherapy
Brian Leiter:Sexual Harassment in Academe
Howard Richer: The OED - Magna Cum Laude of Dictionaries
Kathleen B. Jones: Rwandan Women Rising
Oslavi Linares:Django (film review)
Riaz Hassan: Deep State and Failure of Arab Spring
Robert J. Lewis: Choosing Gender
Andrew Martin: Behind the Great Firewall of China
Six Degrees of Jazz: Kurt Rosenwinkel

2017, Vol. 16, No. 6

Louis René Beres: Anti-Intellectual and Proud of It: Trump's America
David Solway: O Poetry, Where Art Thou?
Henry A. Giroux: Vital Role of Education in Authoritarian Times
Nick Catalano: A New York Singing Salon
Chris Barry: The Cannabis Cup
Robert J Lewis: Comedy - The Constant Craving
Katie Gentile: Accusation as the Real Crime in Sexual Harrassment
Edward Jiang: The Pale Philosopher
Gary Olson: Deconstructing the Obama Legacy
Shyam Saran: The China Syndrome
Michael Gavin: Why Do People Speak So Many Languages
Andrew Martin: Transit and Transitions - My Life in China
Music: Upstream Downstream by Robert J. Lewis

2018, Vol. 17, No. 1

Henry A. Giroux: Shit-holes and Trump Speak
David Solway: Is Islamic Reform Possible?
Louis René Beres: America First - Nuclear Deterence and Nuclear Conflict
Nick Catalano: Above the Drowning Sea
Chris Barry: Deconstructing The Dominican Republic
John J. Curley: Andy Warhol's Comfort Food Before the Apocalypse
Anthony Merino: Post-Truth, Artifice & Trump l'oeil
Nigel DeSouza interviews Charles Taylor
J. Mikael Olsson: The Hedonistic Case for Basic Income
Robert J. Lewis: To Party or Parting Ways with Higher Consciousness
Gary Olson: An Open Letter to White America

2018, Vol. 17, No. 2

Louis René Beres: Emptiness & Consciousness
David Solway: Getting it Right
Off Shore Tax FreeHavens - Ugly Truths
Henry A. Giroux: Guns, Trump & Warnings of History
Nick Catalano: Winning Is Everything
Chris Barry: Trapeze - Swinging Ad Extremis
Christopher Lobos: Fit & Fat
Sunil Bhatia: English Creates Second Caste system
Nigel DeSouza interviews Charles Taylor
Hill & Bagala: Staying Young by Filtering Blood
Robert J. Lewis: Why Nature Favours Sexual Predators
Beata Sirowy reviews Why Only Art Can Save Us (Santiago Zabala)
Desiree de Jesus: The Slut Walk
R. J. Andres: 2 Poems

2018, Vol. 17, No. 3

Louis René Beres: Reparing the World At Its Source
David Solway: How To Haggle with a Socialist
Henry A. Giroux: Whitewashing History in the age of Trump
Nick Catalano: #Me Too Cognizance in Ancient Greece
Chris Barry: Bust a Move
Suzannah Weiss: Problem Calling Harvey Weinstein Ugly
Howard Richler: Sexuam Harassment-Semantic Perspective
Don Dewey: Racism to the Rescue
Robert J. Lewis: Deconstructing Skin Colour
Raluca Beliu: Togo's Junk Genius
Elizabeth Anderson: Bosses Are Like Dictators
David Gonzalez: The Illicit Trade in Mercury
Sylvia Mazzini reviews Why Only Art Can Save Us (Santiago Zabala)
Jazz: Keyon Harrold

2018, Vol. 17, No. 4

Louis René Beres: In Praise of Folly
David Solway: The Power of the Phrase: Hidden Persuaders
Henry A. Giroux: Remembering Bertrand Russell
Nick Catalano: The Truth Writer
Chris Barry: Swingers' Clubs
Joseph Chamie: Is Adultery Wrong?
Camille Paglia on Sex Culture
Bernice Yeung: Domestics and Sex Abuse
Robert J. Lewis: The Big
Susan Froetchel: Data for Sale
Susan Haack: Can Philosophy Be Saved
Prashant Waikar: How the Media Distorts Islam
Ronnie Savoie: Photography Over the Rainbow
Sylvia Mazzini reviews Why Only Art Can Save Us (Santiago Zabala)
Jazz: Sonia Johnson

2018, Vol. 17, No. 5

Louis René Beres: The Crowd Is Untruth
David Solway: The Scourge of Multiculturalism
Henry A. Giroux: The Public Intellectual
Nick Catalano: Racism Debunked
Chris Barry - Beauty Pageants: The Golden Years
Camile Paglia Interview Part II
Janice Fiamengo: Men's Advocates and Journalists Who Hate Them
Christoper Labos: Dubious Link Between Coffee and Cancer
Robert J. Lewis: Oscar Wilde and the Birth of Cool
Miklos Legrady: How to Stifle Creativity in the Visual Arts
Harold McGougall: Humans, Hierarchy and Human Rights
Jazz: Theo Croker

2018, Vol. 17, No. 6

Louis René Beres: Empathy & Intelligence - Final Opportunity for Reconciliation
David Solway: The Unbearable Whiteness of Being
Henry A. Giroux: Neoliberalism and the Age of Pedagogical Terrorism
Nick Catalano: The Vagaries of Democracy
Chris Barry: Talking 12-Tone with Patti Smith
Myrna Lashley: Settling for Tolerence and It's Noxious Effects
Santiago Zabala: Why did the Pope Phone the Philosopher?
Carl Trueman: The Crowd Is Untruth
Howard Richler: The Sumum Bonum of Dictionaries
Robert J. Lewis: Breaking Bonds
Jason McDonald: Son of Hippie
Don Dewey: Knowing the Killer

2019, Vol. 18, No. 1

Louis René Beres: Trump - The Destruction of the American Mind
David Solway: What Makeks a Poem
Henry A. Giroux: Trump's Racist Language
Nick Catalano: Reviewers and Reviewing: Then and Now
Donald Dewey: Words Not to Live By
Margaret Somerville: Euthanasia - Flight from Mystery
Chris Barry: Feed Your Head
Tamar Manasseh: Broken Promises in the Promised Land
Joseph Chamie: Increasingly Indispensable Grandparents
Sarah Sloat: Effects of Climate Change on Mental Health
Howard Richler: Nuances of Black English
Robert J. Lewis: Sending Out False Sexual Signals and Consequences
R. J. Andres - Poetryd: Son of Hippie
Don Dewey: Knowing the Killer

2019, Vol. 18, No. 2

Louis René Beres: Intellect and Politics: Trumpian Opposites
David Solway: The Scourge of Multiculturalism
Henry A. Giroux: The Public Intellectual
Nick Catalano: Reviewers and Reviewing: Then and Now
Donald Dewey: Crisis in Critics
Margaret Somerville: The Great Divide in Ethics Over Human Life
Chris Barry: Loving Hard Times
Chandran Nair: Migration - Stay and Build
Lawrence Wittner: Do We Really Need Billionaires?
Robert J. Lewis: As the Corporation Feasts, the Earth Festers
Aliston Stone: Why Don't We Think More About Being Born?
R. J. Andres - Poetryd: Son of Hippie
Don Dewey: Knowing the Killer

2019, Vol. 18, No. 3

Louis René Beres: Intellect and Politics: Trumpian Opposites
David Solway: The Anti-Mary: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Feminism
Henry A. Giroux: The Normalization of Fascism in the Post Truth Era
Donald Dewey: The Expectation Media
Robert J. Lewis: Elon Musk, Brilliant but Wrong
Margaret Somerville: The Integrative Power of "Why"
Chris Barry: Like Young
Madhurima Shukla: Vaccine Hesitancy
Susan Froetschel reviews The Sustainable State (C. Nair)
Suzannah Weiss: How to Practice Good Consent
Six Degrees of Jazz: Amarante Rodrigo

2019, Vol. 18, No. 4

Louis René Beres: War, Politics and the Planet Earth
David Solway: Time to Leave Western Civ
Henry A. Giroux: The Nightmare of Neo-Liberal Fascism
Donald Dewey: Not Playing It Safe
Lawrence Wittner: What Democratic Socialism Is . . . and Isn't
Margaret Somerville: The Integrative Power of "Why
Chris Barry: Ballet Boxer - Milford Kemp
Christopher Lobos: Aspirin Issues
Joseph Chamie: Sex, Gender and the Identity Revolution
Margaret Somerville: The Power ofthe Pope
Robert J. Lewis: The Cares versus the Care-nots
Photo Portrait of a Tycoon as a Young Man
Six Degrees of Jazz: Youn Sun Na



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