Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 9.1 (2002 09 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 9.1 (2002 09 15)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
        1. Association Announcements 
                 (CAC Essay Competition)
        2. Positions Available
                 (Alberta, Brock)
        3. Calls for Papers
                 (Ohio State)
        4. Varia

Association Announcements
From: F Pownall, University of Alberta                                                                           <Back>

          Dear colleagues,
I have to date received only 1 submission for the junior-level essay
contest.  This is really not enough for me to run the junior-level
contest for this year (the senior-level contest got 11 submissions and
is viable).  If anyone had any outstanding essays submitted for a
junior-level course, please get them to me by October 1.  If a critical
mass of at least 5 is not reached, I don't think there can be a
junior-level contest this year.

Thank you for your support of the contest,
Frances Pownall
Organizer, Undergraduate Essay Contest

Positions Available
From: Frances Pownall, University of Alberta                                             <Back>

Classics Position: Hellenist

The Department of History and Classics at the University of Alberta invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the Assistant Professor level.  The candidate we are searching for will be a Hellenist, specializing in an area that complements existing faculty research interests. We are especially interested in candidates who take a broad, synthetic approach to literary and other forms of texts. Among the research areas we are particularly interested in adding to are: drama, epigraphy, numismatics, oratory, papyrology, philosophy or religion. The
ability to teach both Greek and Latin at all levels is essential and the successful candidate will also be expected to teach an introductory course in either Classical Mythology or World History as well as contribute to the graduate program. Preference will be given to applicants who have a completed Ph.D. in Classics or the equivalent.  They must show demonstrated excellence in research and teaching.

The Department of History and Classics is composed of 31 historians and 9 classicists. The normal teaching load for faculty is four half courses per year. We offer a full complement of programs in Classics at the undergraduate level, including two Honours programs (Classical Languages and Classical Studies), a Major and a Minor in Classics, and (in collaboration with the Department's historians) a Major and Minor in Ancient and Medieval History. We also have a strong graduate program, offering the M.A. and the Ph.D. in both Classics and Classical
Archaeology. The University of Alberta is a research-intensive university with an outstanding library that contains strong holdings in Classics. Other resources include a large slide library as well as the W.G. Hardy Museum of Classical Antiquities. Additional information on the Department is available on the Department's website,

The appointment will commence on 1 July 2003. The 2002-3 salary scale for this position is $45,374 to $64,238 and the benefits package is comprehensive. A letter of application, a curriculum vitae, university transcripts, teaching evaluations (where available) and representative samples of publications or other written works are required.  In addition, three referees should be asked to send confidential letters of appraisal to Ms. Louise Jenkins, Secretary to the Hiring Committee, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta T6G 2H4. Closing Date: October 31, 2002.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply.  However, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Alberta is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including persons in a visible minority, persons with disabilities, and aboriginal people.

From: Leslie Longo-Viccica, Brock University                                               <Back>

A Probationary (tenure-track) Appointment
at the Rank of Assistant Professor

The Department of Classics at Brock University invites applications for a probationary (tenure-track) appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2003.  It is subject to budgetary approval.

We seek a scholar who has research interests in Greek and/or Roman social history, which will include family and gender studies.  The successful candidate will have a commitment to teaching Greek and Latin at all levels, an interest in developing interdisciplinary courses and who will also contribute to the rest of the Classics mandate as
described below.  Candidates must have the Ph.D. or provide evidence that they will have it before the appointment begins.  Other qualifications are demonstrated high achievement in undergraduate teaching, published work and evidence of continuing research.

The new appointee will join six members currently teaching a variety of courses towards pass and honours degrees in Classical Studies, Classical Languages (Greek and Latin at all levels) and Ancient Art and Archaeology (but including the languages).  Besides these major programs, we also offer introductory courses in mythology and in
civilization to satisfy a general requirement, and first-year language courses to satisfy a language requirement.  The Department traditionally incorporates material culture in its approach to the discipline.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  Brock University is committed to a positive action policy aimed at reducing gender imbalance in faculty; qualified women candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

The closing date for applications is 30 November 2002.  Applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and any other supporting material, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent, to:
Professor Richard Parker
Chair, Department of Classics
Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2S 3A1
Fax: (905) 688-2789
More information on Brock University may be found on the University's website:

For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

Calls for Papers
From: Stratos Constantinidis, The Ohio State University                                 <Back>

The 27th Comparative Drama Conference: April 24-26, 2003
Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 11, 2002

This call for papers includes the following information: (1) The Announcement, (2) The Conference, (3) The Journal, (4) The Co-sponsors, (5) Pre-organized Panels, (6) Session Chairs, (7) Pre-registration, (8) Hotel Accommodations.

(1) The Announcement
Papers reporting on new research and developments in any aspect of drama are invited for the 27th Comparative Drama Conference that will take place at The Ohio State University, April 24-26, 2003. Papers may be comparative across disciplines, periods or nationalities; and may deal with any issue in dramatic theory, criticism, and literature, or any method of historiography, translation, or production. Papers should be 15 minutes in length and should be accessible to a multi-disciplinary audience. Scholars and artists in all languages and literatures are invited to email (but not as an attached file) a 400-word abstract (with paper title, author's name, institutional affiliation, and postal address at top left) to Dr. Stratos Constantinidis at <> by December 11, 2002. Attendance is expected of all those whose proposed papers are  accepted for presentation. Abstracts will be printed in the conference program.

(2) The Conference
The Comparative Drama Conference is an international, interdisciplinary conference. It was founded by Dr. Karelisa Hartigan at The University of Florida in 1977. Every year, about 150 scholars are invited to present and discuss their work in the field of drama. The conference draws participants from both the Humanities and the Arts. The papers delivered range over the whole field of theatre research and production. Over the past 26 years, the participants have come from 27 countries. Papers selected for presentation are assigned to a conference session which includes other papers with related themes. Sessions are established to cover all papers selected. Each year a distinguished theatre scholar or artist whose recent work is relevant to the conference is invited to address the participants in a plenary session. Past keynote speakers have included: Charles Beye, Bernard Beckerman, Peter Walcot, Edith Kern, John Peradotto, William C. Scott, Enoch Brater, Oscar Brockett, Charles Lyons, Bernd Seidensticker, Juan Villegas, Marvin Carlson and Helene Foley. The keynote speaker for 2003 will be Professor Biodun Jeyifo (Cornell University). Dr. Jeyifo will talk on the topic of modern African drama.

(3) The Journal
You are welcome to subscribe to the conference journal, TEXT & PRESENTATION. For 23 years, T&P has been publishing the best papers presented at the conference, and has helped readers understand what is happening in the field of drama internationally. Each issue consists of up to 15 articles which have undergone anonymous peer reviews to meet high standards. Throughout the journal's history, the articles have framed dramatic discourse, identified emerging trends, and challenged established views. Participants in the conference are invited to submit their papers to TEXT & PRESENTATION. The papers should have a scholarly format, including endnotes and references cited. Manuscripts can be extended beyond the delivery length at the conference, but should not exceed 18 double-spaced pages (including endnotes and bibliography). Please send four copies of each submission postmarked by May 31, 2003, to Dr. Stratos Constantinidis, Department of Theatre, The Ohio State University, 1849 Cannon Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Every issue after 1999 features up to five book reviews by noted scholars. For more information, contact Dr. Verna Foster, Department of English, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. Email: <>

(4) The Co-Sponsors
The 27th Comparative Drama Conference and the 23rd issue of its journal are funded in part by the Department of Greek and Latin, the Middle East Studies Center, the Department of East Asian Languages, the Department of English, the Division of Comparative Studies, the Department of Near Eastern Languages, the Department of French & Italian, the Department of African-American and African Studies, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Department of Germanic Languages, the Department of Slavic and East European Languages, and the Department of Theatre at The Ohio State University. Attendance at all the sessions of the Comparative Drama Conference is open and  free to the faculty and students of these departments.

(5) Pre-organized Panels
Pre-organized panels will also be considered. A pre-organized panel should include three papers. Each paper should be 15 minutes in length. Panel proposals should include (1) a copy of each panelist's  400-word abstract with paper title, author's name, institutional affiliation, postal address, and email address at top left; and (2) a succinct, 50-word rationale for the grouping of the papers (with the name, institutional affiliation, postal address, and email address of the panel organizer at top left). The panel organizer should email the abstracts and rationale to <> by December 11, 2002.

(6) Session Chairs
Submitters and non-submitters of abstracts who are interested in chairing a session at the conference are invited to send a two-paragraph resume, highlighting their areas of expertise to <>.  Last year, the 26th Comparative Drama Conference had 63 Session Chairs.

(7) Pre-registration
Submitters of abstracts will be notified by email on or before January 30, 2003 as to the board's decision regarding their abstracts. The submitters whose proposed papers are accepted for presentation, will be asked to prepare full papers (suitable for 15-minute readings) for delivery at the conference on April 24-26, 2003. Presenters will be required to pre-register. The 2003 pre-registration fees are as follows: (1) Presenter, or Presenter and Session Chair: $85 for faculty members.  (2) Presenter: $70 for graduate students. (3) Non-presenter Session Chair: $60. (4) Guest: $50. The pre-registration fee covers all conference events and services including a copy of the conference program & abstract booklet (about 100 pages), a copy of  the 23rd volume of Text & Presentation (about 200 pages), admission to  all the conference sessions, admission to the conference reception (food and soft drinks), a ticket to a two-hour show produced by The Contemporary American Theatre Company, etc. The pre-registration forms will be e-mailed out with the letter of notification in January 2003.

(8) Hotel Accommodations
Submitters of abstracts are advised to apply for travel funds from their home institutions as early as possible. Adam's Mark Hotel (a four-star hotel) on 50 N. Third Street has agreed to offer a special rate to the participants of the Comparative Drama Conference: $89 single, $89 double, $89 triple, and $89 quad. This arrangement allows two participants who prefer to share a room to pay only about $43 each plus tax; three participants will pay about $30 each plus tax, and four participants about $23 each plus tax. When contacting the hotel (1-800-444-ADAM or 614-228-5050) please mention the "Comparative Drama Conference block." The hotel web site is (FAX: 614-233-2525). Participants can also find other hotels with more suitable rates.

For more information, please call: (614) 292-5821 or (614) 292-1261. Email: <>.

From: Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens                                            <Back>

Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens/
Institut canadien d’archéologie à Athènes
The Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens proudly announces the launch of a CAIA T-shirt.  The design is adapted from an Early Christian mosaic found at Delphi.  (View the design at
Help support the Past by investing in our Future. Order your T-shirt now!

T-shirt order forms

Please send me  #______  CAIA T-shirts in size  M______ L______ XL______

All T-shirts are 100% cotton, white, and have the design on the front.

Cost of T-shirts for members $15 and non-members $20.

Mailing within Ontario $5 (1-2 shirts). Please contact <> for mailing charges outside Ontario and for more shirts.

Cheques should be made payable to: Canadian Academic Institute in Athens.

Send to: CAIA, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C4.





Please allow 28 days for delivery. Questions/comments to <>

Next regular issue 2002 10 15
Send submissions to <>