Volume 33, Number 3

Fall / automne 2007


Editorial: A prelude to an educational technology octet
Michele Jacobsen


Le discours des élèves du secondaire de la région Bas Saint-Laurent face à l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans l’apprentissage / Lower St-Laurent area secondary school students’ discourse relative to the integration of ICT in learning
Bastien Sasseville

“We just disagree:” Using deliberative inquiry to seek consensus about the effects of e-learning on higher
Jennifer H. Kelland and Heather Kanuka

Introducing laptops to children: An examination of ubiquitous computing in Grade 3 reading, language, and mathematics
Robert M. Bernard, Edward Clement Bethel, Philip C. Abrami and C. Anne Wade

Animating inquiry-based teaching in grade-school classrooms
Shelley Kinash

Preservice teachers’ preparedness to integrate computer technology into the curriculum
Jelena Magliaro and Anthony N. Ezeife

Instructional Technology and Objectification
Bekir S. Gur and David A. Wiley

Online learning management systems (LMS) and sense of community: A pre-service practicum perspective
Glenn Rideout, Robert Bruinsma, John Hull and Jacob Modayil

Video-based multimedia designs: A research study testing learning effectiveness
David Reiss